We are working on the Qt5 version of TeXmacs (as well as a Qt6 one). Various modifications had to be made to make the interface look good on different operating systems; some of these modifications also impact the Qt4 version, which is also provided for testing and reference. Please post feedback on the texmacs-dev mailing list.
A standard “light” appearance that is approximately the same on all operating systems. This is the default theme under GNU/Linux and Windows.
The “dark” counterpart for the previous theme.
A theme that attempts to adopt as much as possible the native look and feel of graphical interfaces for your operating system. This is the default theme under MacOS.
Close to the implementation that we had before the introduction of themes. We hope to remove this theme as soon as the new themes are sufficiently stable.
Under MacOS, when using the native menu bars (
There is an annoying issue with “QComboBoxes”. For
instance, in the font browser (
Contrary to Qt4, the vertical scrollbar is regarded as part of the canvas during size computations, which leads to incorrect behaviour when the width of the document is close to the width of yhe canvas.