The support of a maximal number of foreign languages is another major challenge in which your help would be appreciated. Making the translations to support a new language usually requires several days of work. We therefore recommend you to find some friends or colleagues who are willing to help you.
The procedure for adding a new language is as follows
You copy the file english-new.scm to english-yourlanguage.dic in langs/natural/dic and fill out the corresponding translations. You may want to use Andrey Grozin's dictionary tool at
In order to use it, may sure that Python is installed on your system, download the file, gunzip it, make it executable and run it.
You tell me about any special typographical rules in your language and handy keystrokes for producing special characters.
I take care of the hyphenation and typographical issues, but you test them.
If you have enough time, you may also consider the translation of (part of) the existing documentation.
Of course, the support for languages get out of date each time that new features are added to TeXmacs. For this reason, we also maintain a file miss-english-yourlanguage.dic with all missing translation for your language, once that it has been added. Please do not hesitate to send inclomplete versions of english-yourlanguage.dic or miss-english-yourlanguage.dic; someone else may be willing to complete them.