Darcy Shen is a Scala enthusiast working as a Data Engineer.
He started to translate the TeXmacs documents into Chinese in 2013 and began his TeXmacs hacking since then.
Maintain the CMake build definition for better IDE integration and maintainability.
A directory-level synchronization from SVN to Git. Currently, we accepts pull requests from Github. Developers who are only interested in plugins can contribute to the plugins sub-project directly. Translators are also welcomed to contribute to the doc sub-project.
Introduce GTest for C++ and aggregates Scheme unit tests
Re-implement existing plugins (Asymptote/DraTex/Gnuplot/Graphviz/Xy-pic) using Python, and add several new plugins (Mermaid/PlantUML/TikZ). Implemented in Python, these plugins should work on GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows.
Started to maintain the Octave plugin since 2020. Improve plotting based on Lorenzo Lunelli's work and add support for tab completion.
With the help of Joris, add partial support for
see ammonite. Full-featured Scala REPL Session based on Ammonite REPL.
Translations of the built-in documents and the english2chinese dictionary
Use Tab to type accented pinyin quickly
Tune default fonts for TeXmacs on macOS and Windows
Use Tab to type special characters quickly
Java/Scala/JavaScript/Octave/Graphviz/JSON support
TODO: Rust, Julia, Go, Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Swift, Groovy, Lua, Objective-C, Elixir, Kotlin, Ruby support
TODO: SQL support
TODO: Markdown/reStructuredText support
Make GNU TeXmacs faster