HomepagePublicationsTalksTeXmacsMathemagix |
Below follows the list of my talks, for which a
2024 |
Fast multiple precision with
precomputations, ARITH 2024 conference, Malaga, Spain, June 11
Computing with D-algebraic power series, DART XII conference, Kassel, Germany, April 11
2023 |
Complexity and energy efficiency, Working group on sustainable development, Palaiseau, December 7
Integer multiplication in time ,
RTCA 2023, RTCA, IHP, Paris, September 20
Model theory of asymptotic differential algebra, IMS Graduate Summer School in Logic, Singapore, July 10–14
Fast multiplication of sparse polynomials, RTCA workshop, Lyon, June 27
Presentation of the ANR NODE project, ANR project presentation day, On-line meeting, January 6
2022 |
Sparse polynomial interpolation, LIX pole-wide seminar, Palaiseau, December 12
Integer multiplication in time ,
LIX general seminar, Palaiseau, September 22
Integer multiplication in time ,
ARITH 2022, online conference, September 14
On the complexity of symbolic computation, ISSAC 2022, Villeneuve–d'Ascq, July 5
Toward a unification of infinities, Mini-workshop on Transseries and Dynamical Systems, Fields Institute, Toronto, June 1
Integer multiplication in time ,
Nederlands Mathematisch Congres, Utrecht, April 19
Computing with D-algebraic power series, Groupe de travail « transcendence et combinatoire », IHP, Paris, April 8
Multiplication rapide, JNCF 2022, Luminy, 28 février, 1 mars
2021 |
Amortized bivariate multi-point evaluation, ISSAC 2021, hybrid on-site/online conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 21, 2021
2020 |
Ordering infinities, ALGOS 2020: ALgebras, Graphs and Ordered Sets, Nancy, August 27
Integer multiplication in time ,
math colloquium, UCLA, Los Angeles, February 13
Integer multiplication in time ,
PIMS distinguished lecture, SFU, Burnaby, Canada, January 28
Historical algorithms for integer multiplication, discrete math seminar, SFU, Burnaby, Canada, January 21
Towards faster practical sparse polynomial interpolation (Part II), computer algebra seminar, SFU, Burnaby, Canada, January 14
2019 |
Towards faster practical sparse polynomial interpolation (Part I), computer algebra seminar, SFU, Burnaby, Canada, December 2
Creative telescoping via reductions, Combinatorial Potlatch Conference 2019, Billingham (USA), November 23
Résolution certifiée d'équations
différentielles, Journée
Autour du calcul numérique de groupes de Galois différentiels, séminaire différentiel, Paris-Saclay, March 2
GNU TeXmacs, Free Computational Mathematics, CIRM, Luminy, February 11
2018 |
Hyperséries et nombres surréels, Séminaire « Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique», Orsay, November 27
Multiplication rapide de polynômes sur les corps finis, RAIM days, Gif-sur-Yvette, November 13
Transserial Hardy fields, Conference on Mathematical Logic 2018, Niterói, Brasil, August 11
On Numbers, Germs, and Transseries, Invited talk at ICM 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, August 7
2017 |
Fast Chinese remaindering in practice, MACIS 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 16
Efficient certification of numeric solutions to eigenproblems, MACIS 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 15
The Frobenius FFT, ISSAC 2017, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 27
Multiple precision floating point arithmetic on SIMD processors, ARITH 24, London, UK, July 24
Évaluation uniformément rapide de fonctions holonomes, Seminaire Specfun, Palaiseau, February 20
2016 |
Multiplication rapide de nombres entiers, séminaire LIX, Palaiseau, December 12
TeXmacs as a CAS front-end, CADGME 2016, Targu Mures, September 10
Tutorial on “Asymptotic differential algebra and model theory of transseries”, 60-th birthday conference of Lou van den Dries, Fields institute, Toronto, August 2–6
Mathematical Font Art, ICMS 2016, Berlin, July 14
2015 |
On the complexity of polynomial reduction, ACA 2015, Kalamata, July 23
Preserving syntactic correctness while editing mathematical formulas, ACA 2015, Kalamata, July 20
Faster FFTs in medium precision, ARITH 2015, Lyon, June 23
Towards a model theory for transseries, Workshop “Real Analytic Geometry and Trajectory of Vector Fields”, CIRM, Luminy, June 8
Fast integer multiplication, Journées GDR-IM, Bordeaux, February 2
2014 |
Multiplication rapide d'entiers et de polynômes, JNCF 2014, Luminy, November 3
Sparse polynomial interpolation in practice, ISSAC 2014, Kobe, July 23
Faster relaxed multiplication, ISSAC 2014, Kobe, July 23
Développements logiciels au sein du LIX, Évaluation AERES, LIX, Palaiseau, January 8
2013 |
On the practical complexity of computations with real numbers, CIE 2013, Milano, July 2
2012 |
The Mathemagix type system, ASCM 2012, Beijing, October 27
Quasi-optimal multiplication of linear differential operators, FOCS 2012, New Brunswick, October 23
Complexité de l'arithméthique tordue, INRIA, Rocquencourt, March 26; LIX, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2011
2011 |
Multi-precision computations & high performance; a delicate marriage, ICTS-TIFR Discussion Meeting, Bangalore, December 13
Calcul analytique, JNCF 2011, Luminy, November 14–18
Semantic editing with GNU TeXmacs, MaGiX@Lix, Palaiseau, September 23
Transserial Hardy fields, Valuations 2011, Segovia, July 21–22
2010 |
Ball arithmetic, ACA 2010, Vlora, Albania, June
Relaxed power series solutions of differentially algebraic equations, ACA 2010, Vlora, Albania, June
Arithmétique de boules, JNCF 2010, Luminy, France, May 7
Mathemagix : langage, fonctionnalités et performances, JNCF 2010, Luminy, France, May 5
Introduction to Mathemagix, SAGA winter school, Auron, France, March 15
2009 |
Hardy field solutions of algebraic differential equations, Fields institute, February, Toronto
Machine computations with transseries, Fields institute, June 24, Toronto
Calcul rapide et fiable avec les séries formelles, seminar at É.N.S. Lyon
Résolution d'équations différentielles algébriques dans les transséries, seminar at Strasbourg, April 14
2008 |
The art of guessing, Gecko-Tera meeting, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, November 24; Fields institute, Toronto, October 21, 2009
Mathemagix — introduction and language, Gecko-Tera meeting, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, November 27
Transséries et analyse complexe effective, Habilitatation defence talk, Orsay, April 29
Mathemagix, JNCF 2008, Luminy, October 22
Meta-expansion of transseries, Rogics meeting, Mahdia, May 13
2007 |
Vers un compilateur pour Mathemagix, ANR Gecko meeting, Sophia Antibes, November 19
Test de nullité pour des séries définies en termes de solutions à des é.d.p.s, ANR Gecko meeting, Sophia Antibes, November 20
GNU TeXmacs: a scientific editing platform, LIX seminar, École polytechnique, Palaiseau
Algorithmes rapides pour calculer avec les séries formelles, seminar at Univ. Lyon; seminar at Observatoire Nice
Hardy field solutions to algebraic differential equations, workshop “Local holomorphic dynamics”, Pisa, January 22
Mathemagix, seminar at INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Zero-tests for transcendental functions, Zero 2007, workshop, July 19, Seoul
2006 |
Effective real numbers, Schloss Dagstuhl, January 10
GNU TeXmacs: a scientific editing platform, ICM 2006, Madrid, August; Schloss Dagstuhl, July
Effective real numbers in Mmxlib, ISSAC 2006, Genova, July 10
Asymptotic differential equations, Differential equations and singularities, Tordesillas, September 6
On differential Galois groups, ANR Gecko meeting, Toulouse
2005 |
GNU TeXmacs, ASCM 2005, Seoul, December 8
2004 |
La transformée de Fourier tronquée, ALGO seminar, INRIA Rocquencourt, May 17
The Truncated Fourier Transform and applications, ISSAC 2004, Santander, July 5
2003 |
Complex transseries, ISSAC 2003, Philadelphia, August 6
Calcul effectif avec des séries formelles, JNCF, Luminy, January 21
Effective analytic functions, MEGA 2003, Kaiserslautern, June 14
2002 |
Complex transseries, workshop on analyzable functions and applications, Edinburgh, June 19
Équations différentielles algébriques à coefficients dans les transséries, ALGO Seminar, INRIA Rocqencourt, May 27
A new zero-test for formal power series, ISSAC 2002, Lille, July 10
Un théorème de valeurs intermédiaires différentiel, seminar at Lille, March 11; seminar at Rennes, March 17
Complex transseries and an application, Luminy, November 21
Détendez-vous ! mais… Ne soyez pas trop paresseux, Sophia Antibes, December 13
2001 |
A differential intermediate value theorem, Stokes Workshop, Groningen, May 29
2000 |
Détendez-vous ! mais… Ne soyez pas trop paresseux, ALGO seminar, INRIA Rocquencourt, January 24
1999 |
Asymptotique automatique, Encre Workshop, Autrans, May 29
1998 |
On a conjecture of Hardy, ICM 1998, Berlin, August 24
Évaluation rapide de fonctions holonomes, seminar at École polytechnique, March 17; seminar at INRIA Lorraine, March 8
Computation of the monodromy of generalized polylogarithms, ISSAC 1998, Rostock, August 20
Introduction to automatic asymptotics, MSRI, Berkeley, October 16
Undecidability versus undecidability, Logic Colloquium, Prague, August 10
1997 |
Introduction aux transséries, seminar at La Rochelle, July 21; seminar at Jussieu, December 19
On systems of multivariate power series equations, 15-th Days of Weak Arithmetics at Mons, Belgium, December 14; seminar at Jussieu, June 2
Introduction à l'asymptotique automatique, seminar at Caen, December 9; seminar at Strasbourg, May 22
Lazy multiplication of formal power series, ISSAC '97, Maui, Hawaii, July 21
Asymptotique automatique, PhD. defence at École polytechnique, Palaiseau, January 9
1996 |
On the computation of limsups, MEGA '96, Eindhoven, June 6