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Let be a linear differential
operator, where
is the field
of algebraic numbers. A holonomic function over
is a solution
to the equation
. We will
also assume that
initial conditions in
at a
non-singular point
Given a broken-line path
, which avoids the singularities of
and with vertices in
, we have shown in a previous
paper how to compute
digits of the analytic continuation of
in time
. In a second paper, this result
was generalized to the case when
is allowed to be a regular singularity, in which case we compute the
limit of
when we approach
the singularity along
In the present paper, we treat the remaining case when the end-point of
is an irregular singularity.
In fact, we will solve the more general problem to compute
“singular transition matrices” between non standard points
above a singularity and regular points in
near the singularity. These non standard points correspond to the choice
of “non-singular directions” in Écalle's
accelero-summation process.
We will show that the entries of the singular transition matrices may be
approximated up to decimal
digits in time
. As a
consequence, the entries of the Stokes matrices for
at each singularity may be approximated with
the same time complexity.
Keywords: algorithm, holonomic function, accelero-summation, Stokes matrix
A.M.S. subject classification: 33-04, 30-04, 40-04, 33F05, 33E30, 40G10, 30B40
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February 2021: Errata, Corrected version