1.Customizing TeXmacs
One major feature of TeXmacs is that it can be highly customized.
First of all, the most important aspects of the program can be configured in →. Most other parts of
TeXmacs can be entirely adapted or reprogrammed using the Guile/Scheme extension language.
In the sequel, we give a short overview of how this works in simple
1.Introduction to the Guile extension language
Like Emacs, TeXmacs comes with a Lisp-like
extension language, namely the Guile Scheme
dialect from the GNU project. For documentation
about Guile Scheme, we refer to
Scheme has the advantage that it may be extended
with extern C and C++ types and routines. In our case, we have
extended Scheme with routines which you can use
to create your own menus and key-combinations, and even to write your
own extensions to TeXmacs.
If you have downloaded the source files of TeXmacs, then it may be
interesting for you to take a look at the files
These three “glue” files contain the C++ routines, which
are visible within Scheme. In what follows, we
will discuss some of the most important routines. We plan to write a
more complete reference guide later. You may also take a look at the
scheme .scm files in the directory $TEXMACS_PATH/progs.
2.Writing your own initialization
When starting up, TeXmacs executes the file
as well as your personal initialization file
if it exists. By default, the path $TEXMACS_HOME_PATH
equals %appdata%\TeXmacs on Windows
or $HOME/.TeXmacs on GNU/Linux and macOS. Similarly, each
time you create a new buffer (either by creating a new file or opening
an already existing one), the file
is executed, as well as
if it exists.
Example 1. Suppose you
want to add a style package CustomStyle.ts of your own
to every new document you create. You can add the following lines to
(when (buffer-newly-created? (current-buffer))
(set-style-list (append (get-style-list) '("CustomStyle")))
(buffer-pretend-saved (current-buffer)))
First we check whether the current-buffer
has been newly created in order not to apply the style to existing
files when we open them. Then we add the new package (instead of
changing it with init-style)
using set-style-list
and finally we call buffer-pretend-saved
to prevent TeXmacs from thinking the buffer has been modified by the
change of style, or it would always prompt asking for confirmation
before closing an empty buffer.
3.Creating your own dynamic
You may define a menu with name name
either using
Here def is a program
which represents the entries of the menu. In particular, you may take
a look at the files in the directory
in order to see how the standard TeXmacs menus are defined. In the
case of tm-menu, it is
possible to specify additional arguments, which makes it possible to
dynamically construct more complex menus which depend on parameters.
More precisely, the program def in menu-bind or tm-menu
is a list of entries of one of the following forms:
(=> "pulldown menu name" menu-definition)
(-> "pullright menu name" menu-definition)
("entry" action)
(if condition menu-definition)
(when condition menu-definition)
(link variable)
The constructors =>
and -> are used to
create pulldown or pullright menus and menu-definition should contain a program
which creates the submenu. In the main (or system) menu bar all root
items are pulldown menus and all submenus of these are pullright. Both
pulldown and pullright may be used in toolbars or other widgets.
The constructor ("entry" action)
creates an ordinary entry, where action
will be compiled and executed when you click on entry. Items of a menu may be separated
using –-. The constructor if is used for inserting menu items only
if a certain condition
is satisfied (for instance, if we are in math mode), whereas while always inserts the
item but deactivates (e.g. greying it out) it condition
is not met.
If you declared a menu name,
then you may use this menu indirectly using the link constructor, thus one may link any
such “indirect” submenu to as many menus as desired.
Finally, new items may be added to any given menu a posteriori
using former, as in the
following example:
(tm-menu (tools-menu)
("New item" (noop)))
The main TeXmacs menus are:
contains the root entries of the main menu bar at the top of the
window (or desktop under MacOS). It uses link to display file-menu, edit-menu, insert-menu,
text-menu, paragraph-menu, document-menu and help-menu among others.
contains the main toolbar, which typically features buttons to
open and save files, copy and paste text, etc.
contains the icons which depend on the current editing mode, that
is: mathematics, text, code, etc.
these icons change with the cursor. One should install here any
icons that are specific to a particular tag or context.
custom icons for user extensions.
the menu which pops up when the user right-clicks on a TeXmacs
document. Extending or replacing this menu is useful for instance
for plugin writers: you may want to display some extra actions
while removing others when the user in inside a session for your
4.Creating your own keyboard
Keymaps are specified using the command
Optionally, you may specify conditions which must be satisfied for the
keymap to be valid using the :mode
option. For instance, the command
(kbd-map (:mode in-math?) . keymaps)
specifies a list of keyboard shortcuts which will only be valid in
math-mode. Each item in keymaps
is of one of the following forms:
(key-combination action_1 … action_n)
(key-combination result)
(key-combination result help-message)
In the first case, the action_i
are Scheme commands associated to the string key-combination. In the
second and third case, result
is a string which is to be inserted in the text when the key-combination has been completed. An
optional help-message
may be displayed when the key-combination
is finished.
5.Other interesting files
Some other files may also be worth looking at:
$TEXMACS_PATH/fonts/enc contains encodings for
different TeX fonts.
$TEXMACS_PATH/fonts/virtual contains definitions
of virtual characters.
$TEXMACS_PATH/langs/natural/dic contains the
current dictionaries used by TeXmacs.
$TEXMACS_PATH/langs/natural/hyphen contains
hyphenation patterns for various languages.
$TEXMACS_PATH/progs/fonts contains Scheme
programs for setting up the fonts.
© 1999–2003 by Joris van der Hoeven