1.Links and automatically
generated content
1.Creating labels, links and
You may create a new inactive label using Meta+!
or →→ and a reference to this label
using Meta+?Tab or →→. After typing the name of
the label or reference, remember to hit Return in
order to activate it. You may also type the first
characters of the name of a reference and use the Tab
key in order to automatically complete it.
You should be careful to put the label at a point where its number
will be correct. When labeling sections, the recommended place is just
after the sectional tag. When labeling single equations (created using
→→), the recommended place is
at the start inside the equation. When labeling multiple equations
(created using →→), you must put the labels just behind the equation numbers.
Recall that you may use Ctrl+# in order to
transform an unnumbered environment or equation into a numbered one,
and vice versa.
It is possible to create hyperlinks to other documents using Meta+I> or →→. The first field of the hyperlink is the associated text,
which is displayed in blue when activated. The second field contains
the name of a document, which may be on the web. As is usual for
hyperlinks, a link of the form #label points to
a label in the same document and a link of the form url#label
points to a label in the document located at url.
In a similar fashion, an action may be associated to a piece of text
or graphics using Meta+I* or
→→. The second field now contains
a Guile/Scheme script command, which is executed whenever you double
click on the text, after its activation. For security reasons, such
scripts are not always accepted. By default, you are prompted for
acceptation; this default behaviour may be changed in →. Notice that the Guile/Scheme command
(system "shell-command")
evaluates shell-command as a shell command.
Finally, you may directly include other documents inside a given
document using Meta+II or
→→. This allows you for instance
to include the listing of a program in your text in such a way that
your modifications in your program are automatically reflected in your
2.Inserting images
You can include images in the text using the menu → or using drag-and-drop.
Currently, TeXmacs recognizes the ps, eps,
tif, pdf, svg, png, pdm, gif, ppm,
xpm and fig file formats.
By default, images are displayed at their design sizes and aligned at
their bottom lines. Alternative widths, heights and alignment offsets
may be specified in the image chooser dialogue window, using TeXmacs
notation for lengths.
When specifying a new width, but no height at the prompt (or vice
versa), the image is resized so as to preserve the aspect ratio.
For instance, entering a width of 1par will make
the image span over the entire paragraph width and adjust the
height proportionally.
You may use w and h as special
lengths for the default width and height of the image. For
instance, specifying 2w and 2h for
the width and the height, the image will be displayed at twice its
default size.
When specifying an alternative alignment, you may use the w and h lengths for the displayed
width and height (i.e. w and h no longer stand for the default width and height).
For instance, using -0.5h for the -offset
will vertically align the image at its center.
We also included a script to convert Xfig
pictures, with optional LaTeX formulas in it, into encapsulated
postscript. In order to include a LaTeX formula in an xfig
picture, we recall you should enter the formula as text, while
selecting a LaTeX font and setting the special flag in the text flags.
Remark 1. For the support
of certain formats, TeXmacs may rely on external converters to more
standard formats such as Ghostscript, ImageMagick, Inkscape, or rsvg-convert. If necessary, then you may consider
installing these tools or ask your system administrator.
3.Generating a table of
It is very easy to generate a table of contents for your document.
Just put your cursor at the place where you want your table of
contents and click on →→.
In order to generate the table of contents, you should be in a mode
where page breaks are visible (select paper for the Screen rendering
option of the Format tab in →), so that the
appropriate references to page numbers can be computed. Next, use
→→ or →→ to generate the table of
contents. You may have to do this several times, until the document
does not change anymore. Indeed, the page numbers may change as a
result of modifications in the table of contents!
4.Compiling a bibliography
Editing files with bibliographic entries
TeXmacs uses the BibTEX model for its bibliographies. Manuals about BibTEX
can easily be found at various places on the web. BibTEX files can either be entered
and edited using TeXmacs itself or using an external tool. Some
external tools offer possibilities to search and retrieve
bibliographic entries on the web, which can be a reason to prefer such
tools from time to time. TeXmacs implements good converters for BibTEX
files, so several editors can easily be used in conjunction.
The built-in editor for BibTEX files is automatically used for files with the .bib extension. New items can easily be added using →. When creating a new entry, required fields
appear in dark blue, alternative fields in dark green and optional
fields in light blue. The special field inside the header of your
entry is the name of your entry, which will be used later for
references to this entry. When editing a field, you may use Return to confirm it and jump to the next one (blank
optional fields will automatically be removed when doing this). When
the cursor is inside a bibliographic entry, additional fields may also
be added using → and →.
contains a few unnatural conventions for entering names of authors and
managing capitalization inside titles. When editing BibTEX files using TeXmacs, these
conventions are replaced by the following more user friendly
When entering authors (inside “Author” or
“Editor” fields), use the name
tag for specifying last names (using → or Shift+F6)
For instance, “Albert Einstein” should be entered as
“Albert Einstein” or as
“A. Einstein”. Special particles
such as “von” can be entered using →. Title suffices such as “Jr.” can be entered
similarly using →.
When entering titles, do not capitalize, except for the first
character and names or concepts that always must be. For instance,
use “Riemannian geometry” instead of “Riemannian
Geometry” and “Differential Galois theory”
instead of “Differential Galois Theory”.
Inserting citations and compiling bibliographies
Assuming that you have created a .bib file with your
bibliographic references, the mechanism to automatically compile a
bibliography is the following:
Use →→ and →→ to insert citations, which correspond
to entries in your .bib file.
At the place where your bibliography should be compiled, click on
→→. At the prompt, you
should enter a bibtex style (such as plain,
alpha, abbrv, etc.) and your .bib file.
Use →→ in order to compile your bibliography.
Notice that additional BiBTeX styles should be put in the directory
5.Generating an index
For the generation of an index, you first have to put index entries in
your document using →→. At a second stage, you must put your cursor
at the place where you want your index to be generated and click on
→→. The index is than generated in
a similar way as the table of contents.
In the →→ menu, you find several
types of index entries. The simplest are “main”,
“sub”, “subsub”, which are macros with one,
two and three arguments respectively. Entries of the form
“sub” and “subsub” may be used to subordinate
index entries with respect to other ones.
A complex index entry takes four arguments. The first one is a key how
the entry has to be sorted and it must be a “tuple”
(created using Meta+I<)
whose first component is the main category, the second a subcategory,
etc. The second argument of a complex index entry is either blank or
“strong”, in which case the page number of your entry will
appear in a bold typeface. The third argument is usually blank, but if
you create two index entries with the same non-blank third argument,
then this will create a “range” of page numbers. The
fourth argument, which is again a tuple, is the entry itself.
It is also possible to create an index line without a page number
using “interject” in →→. The first argument of this macro is a key
for how to sort the index line. The second argument contains the
actual text. This construct may be useful for creating different
sections “A”, “B”, etc. in your index.
6.Compiling a glossary
Glossaries are compiled in a similar way as indexes, but the entries
are not sorted. A “regular” glossary entry just contains
some text and a page number will be generated for it. An
“explained” glossary entry contains a second argument,
which explains the notation. A “duplicate” entry may be
used to create a page number for the second occurrence of an entry. A
glossary line creates an entry without a page number.
7.Multiple extractions
TeXmacs allows users to create multiple bibliographies, tables of
contents, indexes, etc. inside the same document. Let us
explain how to do this for bibliographies; the procedure is similar
for other types of automatically generated content.
First of all, every separate bibliography is identified by a
“name”. The default name of the bibliography is bib.
Using →→→, it is possible to specify a different bibliography (than the
default one) for a certain region of text.
For instance, to specify that a given citation should appear in a
second bibliography with name bib2, you should proceed
as follows:
Click on →→→ and enter bib2
on the prompt. This will insert an empty with-bib tag into your document, with the
cursor inside.
Inside this with-bib
tag, enter your citation, using →→.
If needed, the with-bib tag
can be made to span over a large portion of text. All citations inside
this span will be be put into the bibliography with name bib2.
The bibliography bib2 itself should be created in a
similar way: first click on →→→ and enter bib2
on the prompt. Next insert the bibliography as usual, via
→→. Now do →→ as many times as need in order to
generate the bibliography and get all links right.
8.Books and multifile
When a document gets really large, you may want to subdivide it into
smaller pieces. This both makes the individual pieces more easily
reusable in other works and it improves the editor's responsiveness.
An entire file can be inserted into another one using →→. In order to speed up the
treatment of included documents, they are being buffered. In order to
update all included documents, you should use →→.
When writing a book, one usually puts the individual chapters in files
c1.tm, c2.tm until cn.tm.
One next creates one file book.tm for the whole book,
in which the files c1.tm, c2.tm until
cn.tm are included using the above mechanism. The
table of contents, bibliography, etc. are usually put into book.tm.
In order to see cross references to other chapters when editing a
particular chapter ci.tm, one may specify book.tm
as a “master file” for the files c1.tm to
cn.tm using →→. Currently, the chapter numbers themselves
are not dealt with by this mechanism, so you may want to manually
assign the environment variable chapter-nr
at the start of each chapter file in order to get the numbering right
when editing.
© 1999–2003 by Joris van der Hoeven