Contributing to TeXmacs

1.Contributing to GNU TeXmacs

1.Use TeXmacs

One of the best ways to contribute to GNU TeXmacs is by using it a lot, talk about it to friends and colleagues, and to report me about bugs or other unnatural behaviour. Please mention the fact that you wrote articles using TeXmacs when submitting them. You can do this by putting the made-by-TeXmacs tag somewhere inside your title using on the Title toolbar.

Besides these general (but very important) ways to contribute, your help on the more specific subjects below would be appreciated. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to contribute to these or any other issues. In the Help menu you can find documentation about the source code of TeXmacs, its document format, how to write interfaces with other formats, and so on.

2.Making donations to the TeXmacs project

Making donations to TeXmacs through the SPI organization

One very important way to support TeXmacs is by donating money to the project. TeXmacs is currently one of the projets of SPI (Software in the Public Interest; see You may make donations of money to TeXmacs via this organization, by noting on your check or e-mail for wire transfers that your money should go to the TeXmacs project. You may also make donations of equipment or services or donations through vendors. See the SPI website for more information. The list of donators is maintained at our website.

Details on how to donate money

To make a donation, write a check or money order to:

Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

and mail it to the following address:

Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

P.O. Box 502761

Indianapolis, IN 46250-7761

United States

To make an electronic transfer (this will work for non-US too), you need to give your bank the routing number and account number as follows:

The SPI bank account is at American Express Centurion Bank.

Routing Number: 124071889

Account Number: 1296789

Don't forget to note on your check or e-mail for wire transfers that the money should be spent on the TeXmacs projet. In addition you may specify a more specific purpose on which you would like us to spend the money. You may also contact us for a more detailed discussion on this issue.

Important notes

Let the SPI Treasurer ( know if you have problems. When you have completed the electronic wire, please send a copy of the receipt to the above address so there is a copy of your donation. The copy you send to the treasurer is important. You may also want to contact the TeXmacs team in order to make sure that the money arrived on the TeXmacs account.

Note: The SPI address and account numbers may change from time to time. Please do not copy the address and account numbers, but rather point to the page to ensure that donors will always see the most current information.

Donations in Europe can be done through our partner in Germany, ffis e.V. If you are interested in using their bank account (to save international money transfer costs), please check the instructions on

3.Contribute to the GNU TeXmacs documentation

There is a high need for good documentation on TeXmacs as well as people who are willing to translate the existing documentation into other languages. The aim of this site is to provide high quality documentation. Therefore, you should carefully read the guide-lines on how to write such documentation.

3.1.Introduction on how to contribute

High quality documentation is both a matter of content and structure. The content itself has to be as pedagogic as possible for the targeted group of readers. In order to achieve this, you should not hesitate to provide enough examples and illustrative screen shots whenever adequate. Although the documentation is not necessarily meant to be complete, we do aim at providing relatively stable documentation. In particular, you should have checked your text against spelling errors.

It is also important that you give your documentation as much structure as possible, using special markup from the tmdoc style file. This structure can be used in order to automatically compile printable books from your documentation, to make it suitable for different ways of viewing, or to make it possible to efficiently search a certain type of information in the documentation. In particular, you should always provide copyright and license information, as well as indications on how to traverse your documentation, if it contains many files.

When selecting the tmdoc document style, the top level Manual menu will appear automatically, together with some additional icons. The most important tags for documentation purposes can be found in this menu.

Warning 1. Don't forget to select DocumentLanguageYour language for each translated file. This will cause some content to be translated automatically, like the menus or some names of keys. Also, we recommend to run the TeXmacs spell checker on each translated document; this also requires the prior selection of the right document language.

3.2.Using SVN

The present TeXmacs documentation is currently maintained on using SVN. In order to contribute, you should first create an account as explained on

In fact, SVN is not ideal for our documentation purpose, because it is not very dynamic. In the future, we plan to create a dedicated publication website, which will allow you to save documents directly to the web. It should also allow the automatic conversion of the documentation to other formats, the compilation of books, etc.

3.3.Conventions for the names of files

Most documentation should be organized as a function of the topic in a directory tree. The subdirectories of the top directory are the following:


Various information about the TeXmacs system (authors, changes, etc.).


Documentation for developers.


The main documentation.

Please try to keep the number of entries per directory reasonably small.

File names in the main directory should be of the form In the other directories, they are of the form Here type is a major indication for the type of documentation; it should be one of the following:


For inclusion in the TeXmacs manual.


For inclusion in the TeXmacs tutorial.

You should try to keep the documentation on the same topic together, regardless of the type. Indeed, this allows you to find more easily all existing documentation on a particular topic. Also, it may happen that you want to include some documentation which was initially meant for the tutorial in the manual. The language in which is the documentation has been written should be a two letter code like en, fr, etc. The main name of your file should be the same for the translations in other languages. For instance, should not be translated as

3.4.Specifying meta information for documentation files

Appropriate meta data for TeXmacs documentation can be entered from the ManualMeta data menu. In particular, you should specify a title for each documentation file using ManualMeta dataTitle, or by directly clicking on the Title button on the focus bar after creating a new document with the tmdoc style.

All TeXmacs documentation falls under the GNU Free Documentation License. If you want your documentation to be included in TeXmacs, then you have to agree that it will be distributed under this license too. The license information

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

should be specified at the end of each file. This can be done by clicking on ManualMeta dataGNU FDL.

In a similar manner, you may add a copyright notice by clicking on ManualMeta dataCopyright. You keep (part of) the copyright of any documentation that you will write for TeXmacs. When you or others make additions to (or modifications in, or translations of) the document, then you should add your own name (at an appropriate place, usually at the end) to the existing copyright information. The first argument of the tmdoc-copyright macro contains a year or a period of years. Each remaining argument indicates one of the copyright holders. When combining (pieces of) several documents into another one, you should merge the copyright holders. For cover information (on a printed book for instance), you are allowed to list only the principal authors, but a complete list should be given at a clearly indicated place.

3.5.Traversing the TeXmacs documentation

As a general rule, you should avoid the use of sectioning commands inside the TeXmacs documentation and try to write small help pages on well identified topics. At a second stage, you should write recursive “meta help files” which indicate how to traverse the documentation in an automatic way. This allows the reuse of a help page for different purposes (a printed manual, a web-oriented tutorial, etc.).

The tmdoc style provides three markup macros for indicating how to traverse documentation. The traverse macro is used to encapsulate regions with traversal information. It can be inserted using the Traverse entry in the ManualTraversal or menu. The branch and extra-branch macros indicate help pages which should be considered as a subsection and an appendix respectively, whereas the continue macro indicates a follow-up page. Each of these macros should be used inside a traverse environment and each of these macros takes two arguments. The first argument describes the link and the second argument gives the physical relative address of the linked file.

Typically, at the end of a meta help file you will find several branch or continue macros, inside one traverse macro. At the top of the document, you should also specify a title for your document using the tmdoc-title macro, as described before. When generating a printed manual from the documentation, a chapter-section-subsection structure will automatically be generated from this information and the document titles. Alternatively, one might automatically generate additional buttons for navigating inside the documentation using a browser.

3.6.Using the tmdoc style

Besides the copyright information macros and traversal macros, which have been documented before, the tmdoc style comes with a certain number of other macros and functions, which you should use whenever appropriate.

Notice that the tmdoc style inherits from the generic style, so you should use macros like em, verbatim, itemize, etc. from this style whenever appropriate. In particular, when documenting program code, you should use InsertProgramInline code and InsertProgramBlock of code in order to mark such pieces of code.

3.6.1.Explanations of macros, environment variables, and so on

The main environment which is used for explanations of macros, environment variables, Scheme functions, etc. is inserted using the Explanatory item entry of the ManualExplain and menus. The environment comes with two arguments: the first argument consists of the concept or concepts to be explained, and the second one contains the actual explanation. A typical example would be the following:


(short and long versions of a demo tag)

The demo-tag is used for demonstration purposes and decorates the body argument. An optional argument extras can be given with details on the way to decorate the body.

In this example, we used ManualExplainTeXmacs macros twice in order to insert the macros to be described. We also used ManualExplainSynopsis in order to give a short description of the tags (in grey). In a similar way, one may use ManualExplainEnvironment variable in order to describe an environment variable. Another example is:

(foo-bar K x)

The function foo-bar computes the foo-bar transform of the operator K and applies it to x.

In this example, we notice that all Scheme code was encapsulated into scm tags (see InsertProgramInline codeScheme) and arguments were tagged using scm-arg.

3.6.2.Graphical user interface related markup

The following markup elements can be used in order to describe various graphical user interface elements, such as keyboard shortcuts, menus or icons.


This macro is used to indicate a keyboard shortcut for a Scheme command. For instance, the shortcut for (new-buffer) is ?.


This unary macro is used for explicit keyboard input. For instance, when giving A C-b return as argument, the result is Shift+ACtrl+BReturn.


This function with an arbitrary number of arguments indicates a menu like File or DocumentLanguage. Menu entries are automatically translated by this function.


Consider the following sentence:

“You may use the Load and Save entries of the File menu in order to load and save files.”

In this example, the menu entries Load and Save were marked using the submenu tag, which takes the implicit File menu as its first invisible argument. This invisible argument is still taken into account when building the index (for instance). In a similar way, we provide subsubmenu and subsubsubmenu tags.


Can be used in order to specify one of the TeXmacs icons, such as and . The macro takes one argument with the file name of the icon (the full path is not needed).


Similar to the icon tag, but for screenshots.


This macro can be used to indicate a cursor position, as in .

small-focus, small-envbox

This macro can be used for indicating the visual aids around the current focus and the further outer context (e.g. ), in the case of inline elements.

big-focus, big-envbox

Block versions of small-focus and small-envbox.

Notice that the contents of none of the above tags should be translated into foreign languages. Indeed, for menu tags, the translations are done automatically, so as to keep the translations synchronized with the translations of the actual TeXmacs menus. In the cases of markup, styles, packages and d.t.d.s, it is important to keep the original name, because it often corresponds to a file name.

3.6.3.Common annotations

The ManualAnnotate and menus contain the following useful macros for common annotations. You should use them whenever appropriate.


This macro is used in order to indicate a macro or a function like section.


This macro should be used in order to indicate macro arguments such as body.


This macro is used for the indication of environment variables such as font-size.


This macro is used in order to indicate a length such as 12em.


This macro indicates the name of a TeXmacs style file or package like article.


This macro indicates the name of a TeXmacs package like std-markup.


This macro indicates the name of a TeXmacs d.t.d. like number-env.

3.6.4.Miscellaneous markup

Some other potentially useful macros are the following:


For indicating some TeXmacs document fragment. This macro is especially useful for TeXmacs source code, as in


In this example, we used the keyboard shortcut Meta+- in order to deactivate the source code inside an active outer document.


For descriptive tables; such tables can be used to document lists of keyboard shortcuts, different types of markup, etc.


The support of a maximal number of foreign languages is another major challenge in which your help would be appreciated. Making the translations to support a new language usually requires several days of work. We therefore recommend you to find some friends or colleagues who are willing to help you.

The procedure for adding a new language is as follows

Of course, the support for languages get out of date each time that new features are added to TeXmacs. For this reason, we also maintain a file miss-english-yourlanguage.dic with all missing translation for your language, once that it has been added. Please do not hesitate to send inclomplete versions of english-yourlanguage.dic or miss-english-yourlanguage.dic; someone else may be willing to complete them.

5.Writing data converters

If you are familiar with TeX, LaTeX, Html, Xml, Sgml, Markdown, Mathml, Pdf, Rtf, or any other frequently used data format, please consider contributing to writing good converters for one or more of these formats. In HelpSource codeData format you will find details about the TeXmacs data format and in HelpSource codeData conversion we give some suggestions which might be helpful for these projects.

6.Porting TeXmacs to other platforms

Currently, TeXmacs is supported on most major Unix/X-Window platforms and a Windows port should be ready soon. Nevertheless, your help is appreciated in order to keep the existing ports working. Some remaining challenges for porting TeXmacs are:

7.Interfacing TeXmacs with other systems

It is quite easy to write interfaces between TeXmacs and computer algebra systems or other scientific programs with structured output. Please consider writing interfaces between TeXmacs and your favorite system(s). TeXmacs has already been interfaced with several other free systems, like Giac, Macaulay 2, Maxima, GNU Octave, Pari, Qcl, gTybalt, Yacas. Detailed documentation on how to add new interfaces is available in the HelpInterfacing menu.

8.TeXmacs over the network and over the web

It should be quite easy to write a plug-in for TeXmacs for doing instant messenging or live-conferencing. We are very interested in people who would like to help with this. The same techniques might be used for collaborative authoring and educational purposes.

Besides live conferencing, we are also interested by people who are willing to program better integration of TeXmacs with the web. As a first step, this would require an internal C++ plug-in based on Wget or Curl for accessing web-pages, which supports cookies, security, etc. At a second stage, these features should be exploited by the Html converters. At the last stage, one might develop more general web-based services.

9.Become a TeXmacs developer

Apart from the kind of contributions which have been described in more detail above, there are many more issues where your help would be appreciated. Please take a look at our plans for the future for more details. Of course, you should feel free to come up with your own ideas and share them with us on the mailing list!