Expired since october 1, 2009


The ANR/Digiteo MaGiX project aims the development of a free software for “computer analysis” called Mathemagix (http://www.mathemagix.org). The idea is to generalize the exact and certified spirit of symbolic computation to areas closer to mathematical analysis, and simultaneously ensure high performance. We also pay special care to the development of a high quality user interface, based on GNU TeXmacs (http://www.texmacs.org). The applicant will be integrated in a small team lead by Joris van der Hoeven and Grégoire Lecerf, who both have a strong background in the area of symbolic computation and software development.

Job description

The job will start with the installation of new servers for the project. Using virtualization, all major operating systems (Linux, MacOS, Windows) will be made available for developers, and maintained during the whole project. The engineer will design and implement a mechanism for automatic daily buildings and testing of our software on all supported architectures. He will also participate in the creation of suitable test suits, benchmarks, and their publication of the web using TeXmacs. The engineer will contribute to the documentation on compiling, installing and basic usage of Mathemagix and TeXmacs. He will provide user support through our mailing lists and participate in the organization of workshops and other means of dissemination of our software.


Application and appointment

In order to apply for the job, please send a detailed CV to Joris van der Hoeven by email (see below). The job will be at the École polytechnique (Palaiseau, France). The duration can be negotiated, but will not exceed two and a half years. The salary will be established by the CNRS according to the rules described at www.sg.cnrs.fr.

Contact information