Videos |
Create some vidéos to present TeXmacs
We should realize two versions of each video, one in french and one in
Please tell me if you agree ; if yes, help me prepare the general
scenario of wht you are going to say.
The idea is not to oblige you to prepare a 15 minutes speech. Just
find some things to tell about the subject i give you, and eventually
something to do on the screen when you speak. I just have to found a
means to come to Paris before September and i will record you on my
computer with Screenflow, that let record in the same time the screen
and the isight webcam (if you have a more professional camera in the
École Polytechnique we should swithc it on my computer for this
work). After that, i will make something with the rushes i have.
I have to know exactly which plugins/other program you need to prepare
them on my mac. Or we can use your Mac if you have one, installing
Screenflow on your mac for his work.
I suggest that Joris prepare a little speach about the following
subjects : why having created TeXmacs. Why having choosen the
concept of free software. Why having choosen Gnu among this concept.
What are the general lines for the future.
I will also film Joris showing the general principles of TeXmacs :
creating new file
yping maths
inserting maxima session (or other CAS you prefer)
inserting a GeoGebra picture (when we are ready !)
inserting something with professor
opening a wikipedia file.
Just something quick. I will complete this sequence by giving more
details about the use of TeXmacs, filming myself on all these
aspects (equations, pictures, CAS, professor etc). But it would be
fine that the creator of the software present the software. You'll
just have to do in fact a cuple of minuts of what you showed is in
i would like to follow my idea and aks Grégoire something on
the thematics : « TeXmacs is the tool for the ingenior and the
scientific searcher » and « TeXmacs is now being
developped to become encore davantage this tool ».
Grégoire, you don't have to make a full video but just some
minuts ; i found very impressing what you showed us in Faro.
i would ask François to speak about TeXmacs and LaTeX.
François could show some examples of conversion that work
perfectly ; some examples of impossible conversions because of the
new features of TeXmacs (CAS sessions etc) ; some examples of the
infinite complication of the LaTeX code that the LaTeX user have to
deal with ; something that gives a positive impression about the
very structured way TeXmacs is written, being clear that the user
absolutely doesnt need to deal with the code. The idea is to
convince the person whatching the video that LaTeX is not human, and
TeXmacs is.
i would be very interested in having a sequence with Massimiliano.
On which topic would you like to speak ?
i know you wont like but Bill, i would be very interested in filming
you speaking generalities about informatics. You should present a
panorama of current programming languages (functional/object) and of
the current CAS. And we should illustrate what you say with sessions
of programming inserted in TeXmacs of course. I have this idea in my
mind that TeXmacs can help teaching informatics. Informatic teachers
could be very interested with your video and i think you are the
ideal person for that.
Julien would present something about his experience using TeXmacs in
teaching, with a few documents for Collège, a few for
Lycée, a few for Prépas. Not really the technical
side, but surtout the Témoignage. Teachers will see a teacher
that use TeXmacs...
I suggest that Adrian makes also a video on the topic you want.
Lots of people are not mentionned in previous section but there
could be a lot of other ideas to which i may have not thought.
Please tell me if you are interested to record something too about
an aspect of TeXmacs which interests you. Don't hesitate : the more
contributions we have, the better it is. Also, some people don't
live in Paris but if you are interested we can find an arrangement
to let you make a part of a video.
© 2012 Vincent Douce