TeXmacs in 60 minutes

This document will enable you to quickly understand what you can do with TeXmacs, how you can install it under Windows, and how to get started using it. For the official source of information see texmacs.org.

Step 1:
Stable features and current issues
Step 2:
Download and install
Step 3:
Hands-on tutorial

1. Stable Features and Current Issues

To know about features and issues of a software plays a key role in deciding whether is is sensible to start working with it: Are the bugs small and the workarounds painless enough to justify the benefits?


The following is an incomplete list of features, just to give an idea what you can do with TeXmacs.

Issues (mostly Windows specific)

Although most of the core functionality works fine out of the box, there are some known issues with current versions. Most of them are restricted to the Windows setting.

2. Download and Installation (Windows)

  1. Get Cygwin. If you don't have Cygwin installed already, download setup.exe from cygwin.com and make a default installation. Otherwise and in case you manually compiled and installed TeXmacs from source, uninstall it by saying "make uninstall" in the same directory you once said "make install".  In case you want to start afresh, you can uninstall Cygwin by removing its directory (usually C:\cygwin) and by running regedit, serarching for "cygnus" in the registry, and deleting the appropriate key. (The usual warnings for editing the registry apply!) Read Cygwin FAQ#19 as well.
  2. Install TeXmacs by running setup.exe again, but add http://alice.fmi.uni-passau.de/~seidl/cygwin to the server list and select this location for download. Select under category "Math" or "Editors"  the newest available TeXmacs version. Optional but recommended: manually deselect the ghostscript package (see issue above, can be done later). Finish the installation now.
  3. Start and test your X by typing into a Cygwin shell:
    An additional window should appear. In order not to set the DISPLAY variable again and again, you should set it as a user's variable  under Start->Control_Panel->System->Advanced->Environment_variables
  4. Start TeXmacs by typing
    into a Cygwin shell.
  5. Report problems to the texmacs-users mailing list, not to the cygwin list. Please include the following information: (a) the TeXmacs version you have installed (type "texmacs --version" in a shell) and/or the Cygwin package version you have installed (type "cygcheck -s | grep TeXmacs" in a shell), (b) The Windows version you are using and the file system (fat/ntfs) (c) Do or did you have a non-Cygwin TeX-installation? (d) Have you installed StarNet's XWin-32?

3. Hands-on Tutorial

Part 1: Title, Author, Abstract, Section and the Style of a Document

This finishes the first part of the hands-on tutorial.

Part 2: Tables and Figures

This finishes the second part of the hands-on tutorial.

Part 3: Mathematical Content

Part 4: References

This finishes fourth part of the hands-on tutorial.

More Tutorial Information

  © Andreas Seidl 2003-2004