Customizing the global rendering of titles

Depending on the kind of attributes, complex titles often use several rendering styles in a simultaneous version. More precisely, a title usually consists of the following parts:

Similarly, individual authors may also contain a main part, which is rendered as part of the title, and an additional part, which is rendered as a footnote. Moreover, the layout often changes if the paper has more than one author.

The TeXmacs mechanism for rendering titles therefore relies on several macros which extract the information corresponding to each of the above parts. This process may also involve some sorting, like putting the authors before the date or vice versa. At a second stage, each extracted part of the title is passed to the appropriate rendering macro. The following macros are used for extracting title information:



This macro only keeps and sorts the data which should be displayed in the main title. The doc-data-main* variant is used in the case when the document has more than one author.


This macro only keeps and sorts the data which should be displayed as a footnote.


This macro only keeps and sorts the data which should be displayed in the abstract.


This macro only keeps and sorts the data which might or should not be displayed at all.

In a similar fashion, the following macros are used for extracting author information:


This macro only keeps and sorts the data which should be displayed inside the main title.


This macro only keeps and sorts the data which should be displayed as a footnote.

It should be noticed that each of the above macros should return a document tag with the selected data as its children. For instance,


<author-address|Somewhere in Africa>


<author-name|The big GNU>


<author-note|Very hairy indeed!>


should typically return


<author-address|Somewhere in Africa>


<author-name|The big GNU>


The only exception to this rule is doc-data-hidden which should return a concat tag instead.

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