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The boxes produced by the typesetter | ![]() |
The TeXmacs typesetter essentially translates a document represented by a tree into a graphical box, which can either be displayed on the screen or on a printer. Contrary to a system like LaTeX, the graphical box actually contains much more information than is necessary for a graphical rendering. Roughly speaking, this information can be subdivided into the following categories:
The logical bounding box is used by the typesetter to position the box with respect to other boxes. A certain amount of other information, such as the slant of the box, is also stored for the typesetter. The physical bounding box encloses the graphical representation of the box. This knowledge is needed when partially redrawing a box in an efficient way.
In order to position the cursor or when making a selection, it is necessary to have a correspondence between logical positions in the source tree and physical positions in the typesetted boxes. More precisely, boxes and their subboxes are logically organized as a tree. Boxes provide routines to translate between paths in the box tree and the source tree and to find the path which is associated to a graphical point.
In order to implement the correspondence between paths in the source tree and the box tree, one has to face several simultaneous difficulties:
The first difficulty forces us to store a path in the source tree along with any box. In order to save storage, this path is stored in a reversed manner, so that common heads can be shared. This common head sharing is also necessary to quickly change the source locations when modifying the source tree, for instance by inserting a new paragraph.
In order to cope with the third difficulty, the inverse path may start with a negative number, which indicates that the box can not directly be edited (we also say that the box is a decoration). In this case, the tail of the inverse path corresponds to a location in the source tree, where the cursor should be positioned when clicking on the box. The negative number influences the way in which this is done.
More precisely, we have to deal with three kinds of paths:
In order to implement the conversion between the three kinds of paths, every box comes with a reference inverse path ip in the source tree. Composite boxes also come with a left and a right inverse path lip resp. rip, which correspond to the left-most and right-most accessible paths in its subboxes (if there are such subboxes).
The routine:
virtual path box_rep::find_tree_path (path bp)
transforms a box path into a tree path. This routine (which only uses ip) is fast and has a linear time complexity as a function of the lengths of the paths. The routine:
virtual path box_rep::find_box_path (path p)
does the inverse conversion. Unfortunately, in the worst case, it may be necessary to search for the matching tree path in all subboxes. Nevertheless, in the best case, a dichotomic algorithm (which uses lip and rip), finds the right branch how to descend in a logarithmic time. This algorithm also has a quadratic time complexity as a function of the lengths of the paths, because we frequently need to revert paths.
In order to fulfill the requirement of being a “structured editor”, TeXmacs needs to provide a (reasonably) complete correspondence between logical tree paths and physical cursor positions. This yields an additional difficulty in the case of “environment changes”, such as a change in font or color. Indeed, when you are on the border of such a change, it is not clear a priori which environment you are in.
In TeXmacs, the cursor position therefore contains an x and a y coordinate, as well as an additional infinitesimal x-coordinate, called δ. A change in environment is then represented by a box with an infinitesimal width. Although the δ-position of the cursor is always zero when you select using the mouse, it may be non zero when moving around using the cursor keys. The linear time routine:
virtual path box_rep::find_box_path (SI x, SI y, SI delta)
as a function of the length of the path searches the box path which corresponds to a cursor position. Inversely, the routine:
virtual cursor box_rep::find_cursor (box bp)
yields a graphical representation for the cursor at a certain box path. The cursor is given by its x, y and δ coordinates and a line segment relative to this origin, given by its extremities (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
In a similar way, the routine:
virtual selection box_rep::find_selection (box lbp, box rbp)
computes the selection between two given box paths. This selection comprises two delimiting tree paths and a graphical representation in the form of a list of rectangles.