Miscellaneous features

Several other features are supported in order to write interfaces between TeXmacs and extern applications. Some of these are very hairy or quite specific. Let us briefly describe a few miscellaneous features:


The “stop” icon can be used in order to interrupt the evaluation of some input. When pressing this button, TeXmacs will just send a SIGINT signal to your application. It expects your application to finish the output as usual. In particular, you should close all open DATA_BEGIN-blocks.

Testing whether the input is complete

Some systems start a multiline input mode as soon as you start to define a function or when you enter an opening bracket without a matching closing bracket. TeXmacs allows your application to implement a special predicate for testing whether the input is complete. First of all, this requires you to specify the configuration option

(:test-input-done #t)

As soon as you will press return in your input, TeXmacs will then send the command

DATA_COMMAND(input-done? input-string)return

Your application should reply with a message of the form


where done is either #t or #f. The multiline plug-in provides an example of this mechanism (see in particular the file multiline/src/multiline.cpp).

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