Fundamental structures |
The texmacs concrete syntax, used to save documents to disk, is designed to make these operators implicit, so they do not get in the way of reading the document content, that is one import reason why this concrete syntax is inappropriate for hand-editing.
This primitive is used for sequences of logical paragraphs. A simple, plain text, document is made of a simple sequence of paragraphs (i.e. logical lines).
A simple document.
Made of several paragraphs.
Such a document is represented a simple
Actually, the root of the edit tree is always a
The document operators are also found in inner subtrees wherever a multi-paragraph structure is needed, for example in list structures and multi-paragraph table cells.
Some primitives (e.g.
This primitive is used for sequences of line items. Since the interpretation of an operator is done according to the count and position its operands, we need an operator to glue compound operands into individual trees without introducing additional logical structure.
Some emphasized text.
This fragment is made of several line items. The
Multiple paragraphs.
Some emphasized text.
We absolutely need