E-mail address: d.harvey@unsw.edu.au
E-mail address: vdhoeven@lix.polytechnique.fr
denote the bit complexity of
-bit integers,
be an exponent for matrix multiplication,
and let
be the iterated logarithm. Assuming
and that
increasing, we prove that
matrices with
-bit integer entries may be
multiplied in
bit operations. In particular, if
is large compared to
, say
, then the complexity is
In this paper we study the complexity of multiplying
matrices whose entries are integers with at most
bits. We are particularly interested in the case that
is very large compared to
. All complexity bounds
refer to deterministic bit complexity, in the sense of the multi-tape
Turing model [Pap94].
Matrices with large integer coefficients appear naturally in several
areas. One first application is to the efficient high precision
evaluation of so-called holonomic functions (such as exp, log, sin,
Bessel functions, and hypergeometric functions) using a divide and
conquer technique [CC90, HP97, Hoe99,
Hoe01, Hoe07]. Another application concerns
recent algorithms for computing the -series
of algebraic curves [Har14, HS14]. The
practical running time in these applications is dominated by the
multiplication of matrices with large integer entries, and it is vital
to have a highly efficient implementation of this fundamental operation.
Typical parameters for these applications are
bits, and
In this paper, we focus mainly on theoretical bounds. We write for the cost of the
multiplication, and
for the cost of multiplying
-bit integers. We will also
for the algebraic complexity of
matrices whose entries are
polynomials of degrees
over an abstract
effective ring
, and
Schönhage and Strassen [SS71] used fast Fourier
transforms (FFTs) to prove that for large
. Fürer [Für09]
improved this to
is the iterated logarithm, i.e.,
and this was recently sharpened to [HHL14a].
The best currently known bound [CK91] for
; if
is a ring of finite characteristic this may be improved to
The algebraic complexity of matrix
multiplication is usually assumed to be of the form
, where
is a so-called
exponent of matrix multiplication [vzGG03, Ch. 12].
Classical matrix multiplication yields
and Strassen's algorithm [Str69] achieves
. The best currently known exponent
was found by Le Gall [Gal14, CW87].
When working over the integers and taking into account the growth of coefficients, the general bound for matrix multiplication specialises to
Throughout this paper we will enforce the very mild restriction that
. Under this assumption the
above bound simplifies to
The main result of this paper is the following improvement.
Theorem is increasing. Let
be a constant. Then
![]() |
uniformly for all ,
In particular, if is large compared to
, say
then (1) simplifies to
![]() |
This bound is essentially optimal (up to constant factors), in the sense
that we cannot expect to do better for ,
and the bound grows proportionally to the input and output size as a
function of
The new algorithm has its roots in studies of analogous problems in the
algebraic complexity setting. When working over an arbitrary effective
ring , a classical technique
for multiplying polynomial matrices is to use an
evaluation-interpolation scheme. There are many different
evaluation-interpolation strategies [Hoe10, Sections
2.1–2.3] such as Karatsuba, Toom–Cook, FFT,
Schönhage–Strassen and general multi-point. The efficiency of
a particular evaluation-interpolation strategy can be expressed in terms
of two quantities: the complexity
evaluation/interpolation and the number
evaluation points. In terms of these quantities, we have
![]() |
(3) |
If admits many primitive
-th roots of unity, then the FFT provides an
efficient evaluation-interpolation strategy that achieves
. Moreover,
when using the TFT [Hoe04], one may take
, which is optimal. If
is a field of characteristic zero, or a finite field with sufficiently
many elements, then Bostan and Schost proved [BS05, Thm. 4]
that one may achieve
by evaluating at geometric sequences. Thus, in this situation they
![]() |
(4) |
In the setting of integer coefficients, a popular
evaluation-interpolation strategy is Chinese remaindering with respect
to many small primes of bit length .
Still assuming that
, this
yields the bound (see [Sto00, Lemma 1.7], for instance)
and recursive application of this bound yields
Comparing with the algebraic bound (4), we notice an extra
factor of in the first term. This factor arises
from the cost of computing a certain product tree (and remainder tree)
in the Chinese remaindering algorithm.
A well-known method that attempts to avoid the spurious
factor is to use FFTs. For example, suppose that we are using the
Schönhage–Strassen integer multiplication algorithm. This
works by cutting up the integers into into chunks of about
bits, and then performs FFTs over a ring of the form
. We
can multiply integer matrices the same way, by cutting up each entry
into chunks of about
bits, performing FFTs over
, and then multiplying the
matrices of Fourier coefficients. When
much larger than
, the latter
step takes negligible time, and the bulk of the time is spent performing
FFTs. Since each matrix entry is only transformed once, this leads to a
bound of the type
, without
the extraneous
factor. This method is very
efficient in practice; both [HS14] and
However, the theoretical question remains as to whether the overhead can be removed unconditionally, independently of
the “internal structure” of the currently fastest algorithm
for integer multiplication. Our Theorem 1 shows that this
is indeed the case. More precisely, we reduce integer matrix
multiplication to the multiplication of matrix polynomials over
for a suitable prime power
. The multiplication of such polynomials is done
using FFTs. However, instead of using a classical algorithm for
computing the FFT of an individual polynomial, we reduce this problem
back to integer multiplication using Bluestein's trick [Blu70]
and Kronecker substitution [vzGG03, Ch. 8]. This central
idea of the paper will be explained in section 2. In
section 3, we prove our main complexity bound (1).
We stress that Theorem 1 is a theoretical result, and we do
not recommend our algorithm for practical computations. For any given
FFT-based integer multiplication algorithm, it should always be better,
by a constant factor, to apply the same FFT scheme to the matrix entries
directly, as outlined above. See Remark 6 for further
discussion about the implied big- constant.
We begin with a lemma that converts a certain polynomial evaluation problem to integer multiplication.
Lemma is increasing. Let
be an odd prime, let
be an integer, and let
be an element of order
Given as input
, with
, we may compute
in time
Proof. Let and let
. We first use Bluestein's trick [Blu70]
to convert the evaluation problem to a polynomial multiplication
problem. Namely, from the identity
we obtain
![]() |
(5) |
Since and
we may easily compute
ring operations in
Similarly we may obtain the
from the
ring operations. The sum
in (5) may be interpreted as the
coefficient of
in the product of the (Laurent)
Thus it suffices to compute the product in
. To compute this product, we lift
the problem to
, and use
Kronecker substitution [vzGG03, Ch. 8] to convert to an
integer multiplication problem. The coefficients of
are bounded by
and their degrees by
, so the
coefficients of their product in
have at most
bits. Therefore the integers being multiplied
have at most
bits, leading to the desired
bound. The remaining work consists of
ring operations in
contributing a further
bit operations since
is increasing.
Proposition is increasing. Let
be a constant. Then
uniformly for all ,
Proof. The input consists of matrices and
, where
. We
wish to compute the product
Let and
Note that
since we assumed that
. We split the entries
into chunks of
bits, choosing
so that
and such that the coefficients of
are bounded in
absolute value by
. Similarly
be the
matrices of polynomials. The
coefficients of the entries of
are bounded in
absolute value by
, and thus
have bit size bounded by
The product
may be deduced from
in time
. Thus we have
reduced to the problem of computing
The degrees of the entries of are less than
. Let
be the least odd prime such that
By [BHP01] we have
We may find
by testing candidates successively;
the cost is
, since each
candidate requires
bit operations [AKS04].
To compute , it suffices to
is the least positive integer for which
. Since
we have
. Our plan is to
by means of
an evaluation-interpolation scheme, using Lemma 3 for the
evaluations. The lemma requires a precomputed element
of order
. To find
, we first compute a generator of
in (deterministic) time
[Shp96], and then lift it to a suitable
in time
[vzGG03, Ch. 15]. This last
bound lies in
(one may check the cases
Having selected ,
, we now
apply Lemma 3 to each matrix entry to evaluate
. This step takes time
Next we perform the pointwise multiplications
. These are achieved by first lifting to
integer matrix products, and then reducing the results modulo
. The integer products cost
. The bit size of the entries
of the products are bounded by
so the reduction step costs
Since the evaluation is really a discrete Fourier transform over
, the interpolation step is
algebraically the same, with
replaced by
. Thus we may recover
using Lemma 3 again, with cost
. There is also a final division (scaling) by
, whose cost is subsumed into
the above.
In the Turing model, we must also take into account the cost of data
rearrangement. Specifically, in the above algorithm we switch between
“matrix of vectors” and “vector of matrices”
representations of the data. Using the algorithm in the Appendix to [BGS07], this needs only bit
operations, since we assumed that
by a “ring” of finite-precision approximations to complex
numbers, and obtain results of the same strength. The latter approach
has the disadvantage that it introduces a tedious floating-point error
Now we may prove the main theorem announced in the introduction.
Proof of Theorem 1. First consider the region . Proposition 4 yields
and for such we have
, so the desired bound holds in this region.
Now consider the case . Let
, and let
, so that
By Proposition 4
there is a constant
(depending only on
) such that
for any . Starting with
and iterating
times yields
By the argument in the first paragraph, we may apply Proposition 4 once more (and increase if
necessary) to obtain
The second term lies in .
is increasing, the first term is bounded
Remark constant
in Theorem 1. For simplicity, consider the case where
is much larger than
and define
Theorem 1 shows that .
After some optimisations, it is possible to achieve . (We omit the details. The idea is to increase
the chunk size
, say from
and use the fact that Bluestein's trick actually produces a negacyclic
We can do even better if we change the basic problem slightly. Define
to be the cost of an
-bit cyclic integer convolution, i.e.,
multiplication modulo
. This
kind of multiplication problem is of interest because all of the fastest
known multiplication algorithms, i.e., based on FFTs, actually compute
convolutions. (In this brief sketch we ignore the difficulty that such
algorithms typically only work for
belonging to
some sparse set.) Let
be the cost of the
matrix multiplication
(convolution) problem, and let
be the
corresponding constant defined as above. Then by mapping the Bluestein
convolution directly to integer convolution, one saves a factor of two,
We conjecture that in fact one can achieve .
This conjecture can be proved for all integer multiplication algorithms
known to the authors, and it is also consistent with measurements of the
performance of the implementation described in [HS14, HLQ14]. The point is that the implementation transforms each
matrix entry exactly once, and the time spent on the small-coefficient
matrix multiplications is negligible if
where stands for the precision at our evaluation
points and
. In terms of
for some small fixed
, we have
Reformulated in this way, our new evaluation-interpolation strategy achieves
and it can be applied to several other problems, such as the multiplication of multivariate polynomials or power series with large integer coefficients.
The authors thank Arne Storjohann for helpful conversations. The first author was supported by the Australian Research Council, DECRA Grant DE120101293.
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