Nowadays, asymptotically fast algorithms are widely used in computer algebra for computations in towers of algebraic field extensions of small height. Yet it is still unknown how to reach softly linear time for products and inversions in towers of arbitrary height. In this paper we design the first algorithm for general ground fields with a complexity exponent that can be made arbitrarily close to one from the asymptotic point of view. We deduce new faster algorithms for changes of tower representations, including the computation of primitive element representations in subquadratic time.
Let be an effective commutative ring with unity.
Here effective means that elements of
can be represented by concrete data structures and that we have
algorithms for the ring operations, including the zero test. Effective
fields are defined in a similar way.
Given a monic polynomial of degree
, the quotient ring
an effective ring and fast algorithms exist for the arithmetic
operations in
. More
precisely, counting in terms of operations in
, additions in
additions in
whereas multiplications can be done [15] in almost linear
. Here
is a standard notation for the cost of multiplying two univariate
polynomials of degree
: see
section 2.2.
Given another monic polynomial ,
we may build the effective ring
and fast
arithmetic operations in
are available for the
same reason. Doing so inductively, we obtain a tower
of extensions of
Such a tower is written
and we call
its height. Throughout this paper, we write
for the class of
, we let
, and
are called the defining polynomials
of the tower and
its degree. Elements
are naturally represented by univariate
polynomials in
. If all
are fields, then we write
instead of
, for convenience.
Towers of this type naturally arise in several contexts of applied algebra, including cryptography (for instance in [2, 3, 18]), error correcting codes (for instance in [26]), and the resolution of differentially algebraic systems in the more general setting of triangular sets (for instance in [1, 12]).
By induction over , basic
arithmetic operations in
can be naively
performed in time
, for some
. But it is well
known that, for a sufficiently large constant
, these operations can actually be carried out in
by means of Kronecker substitution (see for
instance [27, Chapter 8]). However, if many of the
individual degrees
are small, then
can become as large as
which leads to an overall complexity bound of the form
. The main aim of this paper is to prove the
sharper bound
in the case when
is a field and the
are irreducible and
separable. The top level complexity result is stated in Corollary 4.11.
In order to simplify the presentation of complexity bounds, we often use
the soft-Oh notation: means that
; see [27, Chapter 25,
section 7] for technical details. The least integer larger or equal to
is written
the largest one smaller or equal to
is written
. The
-module of polynomials of degree
is written
One essential tool for our new algorithms is modular composition. Before returning to our main problem, let us recall several useful existing results on this problem and various related topics.
Let be as above and assume that
, whence
the computation of the remainder
of the Euclidean division of
is called the problem of modular
composition. It is equivalent to the problem of evaluating
at a point
Currently, the best known solution to this problem is due to Brent and
Kung [13, 56] and requires
operations in
. Here the
, with
, denotes an exponent such that a rectangular
matrix can be multiplied with a square
matrix with
operations in
. Huang and Pan showed in [40]
that one may take
. Brent and
Kung's algorithm is based on the baby-step giant-step technique [50]; we will recall and generalize it in our section 3.
For a fixed point , the
evaluation map
is linear. The dual or transposed map is given by
and sends an -linear
to the vector
. The computation of this transposed map is called
the problem of modular power projection. Using the
transposition principle (see [10] and historical references
therein), the cost of power projection and modular composition are
essentially the same. In particular, the computation of the traces
corresponds to one modular power projection.
Given an element , the
characteristic polynomial of
is the
characteristic polynomial of the multiplication endomorphism by
. If
is a field, then this polynomial can be computed
in softly quadratic time by means of a resultant (see for instance [45, Corollary 29]). Shoup has also designed a practical
randomized algorithm to compute minimal polynomials for the case when
has sufficiently many elements, with an expected
complexity of
The fastest known method to compute the characteristic polynomial of an element
proceeds as follows: first compute the traces
of the powers of
for all
using modular power projection, and then recover
by integrating the differential equation
![]() |
(1.1) |
where represents the reverse polynomial
. This integration
requires to have the inverses of
at our disposal. Historically, this method goes back to Le
Verrier [43], and formula (1.1), often called
the Newton–Girard formula, expresses the relationship between
symmetric and power sum polynomials. The integration step takes softly
linear time: the seminal contributions are due to Brent and Kung [13], generalizations can be found in [8], the
first efficient extension to finite fields has been designed in [9], and we refer the reader to [29, section 2]
for a concise proof of it.
Recall that an element is said to be
primitive over
. The primitive element theorem states that
such an element
always exists: if
contains sufficiently many elements, then it suffices to
take a sufficiently generic
combination of the
. In this
light, it may seem odd at first sight to work with towers
of height
since an isomorphic tower of height one always exists. The problem is
that both the computation of primitive elements and conversions between
representations are usually expensive.
Concerning primitive elements, it is currently not known how to
efficiently find one, together with its minimal polynomial and polynomials
such that
. In
fact, naive algorithms mostly boil down to linear algebra in dimension
, and thus feature at least
quadratic costs. One may for instance appeal to the FGLM algorithm to
change orderings of Gröbner bases [21, 22].
If a modular composition algorithm (technically, for the multivariate version of section 3.2) of softly linear complexity were known over any field, then primitive element representations of towers would be computable in softly linear expected time by a randomized algorithm; conversions between towers and their primitive element representations would also become possible in softly linear time. These aspects have been studied by Poteaux and Schost in [51, 52], where subquadratic costs are achieved for multivariate modular composition and its transpose, as well as for computing primitive representations of towers.
Let represent a fixed positive rational value.
is the finite field with
elements, then a major result by Kedlaya and Umans [42]
states that modular composition and power projection are possible in
. Whenever
, then this in particular implies that
characteristic polynomials can be obtained with expected bit complexity
: see [29,
sections 2.3–2.5] for details. Based on these results, Poteaux and
Schost have derived [51] fast algorithms for
multiplication, division, traces and primitive element representations
for separable towers over finite fields. Unfortunately, very large
constant factors are hidden in the complexities of all these algorithms,
which currently prevent them from being of any practical relevance.
For some other particular cases of interest, fast algorithms also exist
for modular composition and related problems. For fixed irreducible
moduli of sufficiently smooth degree
, practically faster algorithms for
modular composition have been proposed in [39]. When
, we have also shown in [38]
that modular composition can be achieved in quasi-linear time when
computing with a sufficiently high numeric precision.
More direct approaches for algebraic tower arithmetic are usually based
on computations modulo so-called “triangular sets”. We may
see the preimage of over
as a multivariate polynomial
such that
is monic in
has degree
, degrees
for all
, and
The sequence
forms a special case of a
triangular set. Triangular sets and decompositions have a long
history that goes back to Ritt's contributions in differential algebra
In this context of triangular sets, it was shown in [46]
that two elements in can be multiplied in time
. In [44,
Proposition 2], Lebreton has proved the stronger bound
. This result even applies if the ideal (
) is not radical, under the
condition that
form a regular chain (in
the sense of Kalkbrener [41], see also [1] for
generalities about triangular sets). For triangular sets of certain
quite special types, we notice that even faster multiplication
algorithms have been designed in [7]. When working over
finite fields, practically efficient algorithms have also been proposed
in [17], based on fast embeddings into towers of a specific
Another major occurrence of algebraic towers in the literature concerns
“dynamic evaluation”. This technique was introduced by Della
Dora, Dicrescenzo and Duval [19, 20] as a way
to compute with algebraic numbers without requiring algorithms for
polynomial factorization. Basically, the idea is to compute in as if it were a field, and cases are distinguished
whenever a zero test of an element
is requested:
the “current tower” is then explicitly decomposed into a
“direct product of two towers” such that the projections of
in these two towers are respectively zero and
invertible. The computations finally resume non-deterministically with
each of the two new towers in the role of the current tower. For recent
complexity results on this technique we refer the reader to [16].
The efficient computation with polynomials modulo zero-dimensional ideals defined by triangular sets is an important topic in applied algebra. Obtaining softly linear complexity bounds when working over a general field is an open problem. The previous best known bound due to Lebreton [44, section 3.2] is recalled in section 2.4.
Then, one first technical contribution of us concerns multivariate
modular composition: in section 3.2 we design a new
baby-step giant-step algorithm to evaluate with
the same kind of complexity as the Brent–Kung algorithm for the
univariate case. It slightly improves upon the incremental method
described in [52], that actually relies on the bivariate
case. In fact, our method applies the baby-step giant-step paradigm over
the whole representation of
Compared to [52, Lemma 4] used with
, the complexity bound given in Proposition 3.3
does not have restrictions on the characteristic, and is asymptotically
smaller by a factor of
The main contribution of this paper is section 4, which is
devoted to a new deterministic algorithm to multiply in towers of
separable field extensions (all the are thus
irreducible and separable). For the first time we achieve an asymptotic
with an exponent that becomes
arbitrarily close to one. From the asymptotically complexity point of
view, and in the specific case of towers of separable field extensions,
this improves upon [44, 52], and also upon the
randomized algorithms for finite fields from [51]. For
specific towers over finite fields, some of the algorithms from [17] remain more efficient both in practice and in theory.
The main idea behind our algorithms is as follows: we use the primitive
element theorem to replace a general tower of height
by a new “accelerated” tower for which we can control the
. There is a tradeoff
between the cost of tower arithmetic (more expensive for larger
) and primitive element
computations (more expensive for small
By making a suitable compromise, we obtain our main complexity bound.
One shortcoming of our main result is that it only applies to towers of
fields. Now if an algorithm is available for factoring
polynomials in into irreducibles, then our
results generalize to towers of separable integral extensions over
, by “factoring” them
into towers of separable field extensions. This reduction and the
corresponding conversion algorithms (that generalize Chinese
remaindering) are detailed in section 5. Some particular
cases when the cost of factorization is often affordable are discussed
in section 5.5.
Our final section 6 contains a general subquadratic Las
Vegas complexity bound for computing primitive element representations
of towers of separable field extensions, along with the related data for
conversions: our algorithms directly benefit from the fast product, and
they rely on power projections as in [11, 42,
51]. Compared to [52, Lemma 4] used with , section 6 gains a factor of
asymptotically, without restrictions on the
characteristic. When working over a finite field, section 6 does not
improve upon the asymptotic complexity bounds from [51].
Nevertheless, [51] relies on the Kedlaya–Umans
algorithm for modular composition, so we expect our approach to behave
better in practice.
Let us finally stress once more that we regard our contribution as a
uniform way to prove almost optimal complexity bounds for tower
arithmetic in the algebraic complexity model. It is well known
that this model is reasonably close to bit complexity models when
working over finite fields. Over other fields such as , coefficient growth needs to be taken into
account, which leads us beyond the scope of this paper. From a practical
perspective, we also recall that efficient tower arithmetic has been
developed over various specific kinds of base fields such as finite
fields and subfields of
: see
[17, 38, 39] and section 5.5.
It is true however that actual implementations of our own algorithms
have fallen somewhat behind. We intend to address such implementation
issues in the near future.
This section gathers basic prerequisites on complexity models and polynomial arithmetic. In particular we recall Lebreton's results on multiplication in towers [44]. Then we examine the costs of divisions.
Let be an effective ring. Our complexity
analyses concern the algebraic complexity model [14,
Chapter 4] over
, and more
precisely straight-line programs and computation trees. In other words,
running times of algorithms are measured in terms of the required number
of ring operations in
, and
constants are thought to be freely at our disposal.
It is convenient to introduce the notations and
as abstractions for the respective costs of
multiplication and division in
defined). For simplicity we always assume that multiplication is at
least as expensive as addition, subtraction, and zero testing.
For randomized algorithms over a finite effective ring , we assume a special instruction that
uniformly generates random elements in
with constant cost. For a given input, the cost of a randomized
algorithm is thus a random variable. The expected cost for
input size
is defined as the maximum of the
averages of these random variables over all possible inputs of size
Remark or
, it is
common to use Turing or RAM machines to count the total number of
“bit operations”. The translation of our results in terms of
bit complexity is mostly straightforward, although some care is needed
for the manipulation of multivariate polynomials on Turing machines. We
refer to [36, 37] for more technical details.
Let be an effective commutative ring with unity.
We denote by
a cost function for multiplying two
. For general
, it has been shown in [15] that one may take
![]() |
(2.1) |
For rings of positive characteristic, one has
by [30]. We make the following assumptions:
is a non-decreasing function in
is sufficiently close to linear, in the
sense that
![]() |
(2.2) |
holds whenever .
These assumptions hold for as in (2.1).
Notice that (2.2) is also equivalent to
. Applying equation (2.2) a finite
number of times, it follows that
for any fixed
positive integer
If is an effective
that is also a finite dimensional free
then we denote by
a cost function for
multiplying two polynomials in
in terms of the number of operations in
and we make the same assumptions as for
Notice that we may always take
In particular, if is a monic polynomial in
of degree
is such an
of dimension
; elements in
are represented by polynomials in
. In this case, we have
by means of Kronecker substitution [27,
Chapter 8].
If is a finitely generated
-algebra, an element
said to be primitive if
In this case, we write
the monic minimal
polynomial of
, so the
following isomorphism holds:
Notice that such a primitive element representation does not necessarily
exist: consider and
consists of the
following data:
A primitive element of
, for
The minimal polynomial of
such that
These data induce the following isomorphisms for :
The polynomials are called
parametrizations of the
in terms of the
With the triangular set as defined in the
introduction, an element
is represented by a
. So the conversion of
into an element of
down to evaluating
. The backward conversion consists in evaluating a
univariate polynomial
. Such conversions are the topic of section 3
Remark and
. In the present paper, we only rely on
conversions between
, the natural identity isomorphism
, and combinations of these conversions.
Under the assumptions of section 2.2, recall that there
exists a constant such that
, and where
represents a cost function for multiplying two polynomials
, in terms of the number
of operations in
. When using
this bound in an iterated fashion, we obtain
By taking care of the cost of polynomial divisions in terms of multiplications, one may prove the following sharper bounds:
Proof. Taking ,
Lebreton proved that
; see
[44, section 3.2]. His proof was done for the particular
cost function
. For
completeness, we briefly repeat this proof, for a general cost function
such that
non-decreasing. We recall that two polynomials
of partial degrees
in the
can be multiplied in time
using Kronecker
substitution recursively; see [27, Chapter 8] and [44,
section 3.2].
We let represent the triangular set associated
to the tower, as defined in section 1.3. We identify
elements in the tower with their canonical representatives in
. Let
represent the reverse polynomial of
. Assume for now that we
precomputed polynomials
, of partial degrees
, such that
Let represent a cost function for reducing
polynomials in
of degrees
. The reduction of such a
done recursively, as follows:
Let . If
, then we reduce
and we are done.
Otherwise, let be the reverse of
Reduce modulo
, in time
Compute , in time
Reduce modulo
, in time
Let , compute
, and then reduce
. It
turns out that
; see for instance
[27, Chapter 9, section 1].
Altogether, the cost of this algorithm is
therefore bounded by
for some universal constant .
We deduce that
Now let and
be the
respective representatives of two elements
to be multiplied in the tower. The product
is then reduced modulo
, whence
For the second bound of the proposition, we may multiply two polynomials
in as in
operations in
and then reduce their product coefficientwise modulo
with cost
, whence
It remains to observe that once are known, the
precomputation of
using Newton's method takes
operations in
see [27, section 9.1], for instance. Therefore, the
complexity bounds obtained so far remain valid up to a constant factor
when taking the cost for obtaining the
account. Finally, our assumption
, so
(2.2) leads to the claimed bounds.
Remark does not play a critical role in the design of
the forthcoming algorithms. Of course any improvement of
remains relevant; the dependence on
will be made apparent in Corollary 4.11.
Remark for all
is convenient for proving several complexity bounds. For
, we
notice that
does not occur in the representation
of elements in
, so
extensions of degree one can be suppressed from the tower without loss
of generality. The cost of the corresponding rewritings does not
intervene in the algebraic complexity model. On a Turing or RAM machine
this cost would actually depend on the way how multivariate polynomials
are represented, but it is typically at most linear in the size of the
In the remainder of this section, we assume that we work in a tower of
fields over
such that
monic, it is well known [27, Chapter 9] that the quotient
and the remainder
of the
Euclidean division of
can be computed in time
It is important for us that the gcd algorithm with input returns the monic polynomial
such that
In this way, if
the inverse of
is the inverse of
. It is well known [27, Chapter 11, Algorithm 11.6] that this extended gcd can be
performed in time
In fact, when replacing all polynomial divisions by pseudo-divisions in
[27, Chapter 11], we avoid all divisions in , but the computed gcd
is not necessarily monic. Multiplying
with the inverse of
the leading coefficient of
we do obtain a monic gcd, at the expense of a single division in
. Summarizing, this shows that the
extended monic gcd can actually be computed in time
Now consider an extension of
, where
is a monic
irreducible polynomial of degree
Then the above bounds for division and gcd computations yield
When using the univariate algorithm for inverting non-zero elements in
in a recursive manner, we obtain the following
complexity bound:
and assume that
With the above assumptions and notations, and with
as in Proposition 2.4, we have
Proof. Let and
be universal constants with
for all
previously considered. Then we have
and we conclude by induction.
Let us mention that inversion modulo a general triangular set (that does not determine a prime ideal) is more subtle; see various approaches in [16, 49].
Throughout this section represents an effective
ring and
is an effective
-algebra with a given basis
. Given a polynomial
and a
, we study how to
efficiently. We first recall the well
known baby-step giant-step algorithm in the case when
. In section 4 below, these
evaluation algorithms will be used for conversions between triangular
and primitive representations of the same algebra.
Given a polynomial and
, how to evaluate
efficiently at
? Horner's
method uses time
. For
convenience of the reader, we now recall a well known faster algorithm
from [50] that relies on the baby-step giant-step
Output: .
Proof. By construction, we have
, whence
. This proves the correctness of the algorithm.
Step 2a requires
multiplications in
, when
computing the powers using
Step 2b takes
assignments in
, which come
for free in our complexity model. The matrix multiplication in step 3 can be done in time
Step 5 involves
multiplications and
additions in
, when using
Horner's method. Altogether, this leads to the claimed running
Remark and if a monic annihilator
is known, then it is possible to compute
operations in
. Indeed, we have
, and
is computed in
Let us now study the evaluation of a multivariate polynomial of partial degree
in each
at a point
and writing
the coefficient of the monomial
, we have the following generalization of
Algorithm 3.1 to multivariate polynomials.
Output: .
Proof. This time, for all , we have
Plugging this expression into the formula of step 6 shows that the algorithm indeed returns the desired evaluation.
From we always have
. If
then we obtain
and then
The lower bound on also implies
Otherwise straightforwardly implies
. In all
are in
. Consequently the complexity
analysis is the same as for Algorithm 3.1. Of course, one
has to carefully evaluate the power products in step 3b and the sum in step 6, in order to use only
multiplications in
Remark in step 2 of Algorithm 3.2
may be replaced by any other positive value strictly less than
Let be a tower of separable algebraic extensions
of an effective base field
Throughout this section, we assume that the extension degrees
for all
(which is usually not restrictive as explained in Remark 2.6),
and that
is as in Proposition 2.4.
Our main objective is to design a fast algorithm for multiplying
elements in the tower.
The basic idea is as follows. Let be an
arbitrarily small positive constant. If at least half of the
are “sufficiently large”, then
automatically becomes “small enough” to ensure
. Otherwise, there exist
consecutive small degrees
, and we replace the corresponding subtower of
by a primitive one
. We keep repeating these replacements until
the height of the tower becomes “small enough”. Some careful
balancing is required here, since the computation of a primitive element
can become
expensive if
gets “too large”. The
precise tradeoff will be made explicit at the end of the section.
In this section, given two effective rings and
along with a natural way to convert elements in
to elements in
we denote by
the cost of such conversions. If we
also have an algorithm for conversions in the opposite direction, then
we write
Assuming that contains sufficiently many
elements, the aim of this subsection is to construct a primitive element
representation in the sense of Definition 2.2. We thus have
to compute primitive elements
such that
together with the minimal polynomials of
. We also show how to convert efficiently
between each of the two representations of
such that
for some
. Then we have
Proof. The bound on the cost of conversions from
is a direct
consequence of Proposition 3.3 by taking the assumption
into account. For
the minimal polynomial of
may thus be converted into a minimal polynomial
in time
The computation of
extra operations since
for all
For conversions from to
, we consider a polynomial
. We evaluate
seen as
with cost
by Proposition 3.1. We
thus obtain a polynomial
such that
We next need to convert the coefficients of
. Using a straightforward induction this leads
to the following cost:
Here we again use of the assumptions that and
for all
is “sufficiently small”. More precisely, modulo suitable
precomputations, we have shown that conversions between elements of
can be done in time
. In various special cases, the
can be further reduced.
The next proposition provides us with complexity bounds for computing
primitive tower representations by induction. We denote the cardinality
of by
and that a
primitive tower representation of
has already
been computed. Then
We can compute of the form
in time
Given and
we can compute
in time
In addition, if then the computations in
part a can be achieved with expected cost
means of a randomized Las Vegas algorithm.
Proof. Thanks to Proposition 4.1,
modulo conversions of cost between
, we
such that
. We
thus have
Now let be a parameter that will be specified
later, and consider
. The
characteristic polynomial of
equals to
Consequently the characteristic polynomial
-proportional to
The polynomial can be obtained as the preimage
whose computation costs
by a standard “divide and conquer” approach; see [5,
Lemma 7], for instance. Then the resultant may be computed in time
by [45, Corollary 26].
Regarding as an indeterminate, the polynomial
has degree
may be interpolated from
values of
. The
total cost to obtain
is thus
Geometrically speaking, the system admits the
pairwise distinct solutions
, where
denotes the algebraic closure of
The polynomial
is separable if, and only if, its
are pairwise distinct. There are at most
values of
for which this
is not the case, so we simply need to try
distinct values of
becomes separable. Testing the separability of
is achieved as follows.
We first evaluate for
. Using fast multi-point evaluation, this takes time
. We next test whether the
discriminant of
vanishes, for
; this can be
done in time
. Doing this for
packets of
values, the
overall computation can be done in time
This completes the proof of part a.
As to part b, for any root of
the gcd of
has degree
, so the
specialization property of subresultants ensures that the subresultant
of degree
has the form
coprime to
. This subresultant can be computed in time
again by [45, Corollary 26]. Since
have degrees
, we obtain the polynomial
with additional cost
. Then
we deduce that
. For
we then take
. Proposition 3.1 implies that the cost of these modular compositions is
bounded by
. This completes
the proof of part b.
If , then we use a Las Vegas
algorithm for part a: we pick
at random
in a set of size
is separable. Each pick is successful with probability at least
, so the expected cost is
Then a primitive tower representation of
be computed in time
. Using
a randomized Las Vegas algorithm, the computation can even be done
with expected cost
Proof. This directly follows from the latter
proposition, using that for all
The main problem with the complexity bounds of Proposition 2.4
is that the height of the tower may get as large
. Now if
indeed gets large, then many of the
necessarily small. Furthermore, as long as a product of the form
is reasonably small, the results from the previous
subsection allow us to change the given representation of
into a more efficient primitive element representation
. Repeating this operation as
many times as necessary, we reduce the height of the tower and guarantee
that all defining polynomials have sufficiently large degrees. This
process is detailed in the next paragraphs.
be a positive
integer. We define a
tower representation of
to consist of
the following data:
A sequence of integers .
A tower such that
, represented by
a sequence of defining polynomials
For , a primitive
tower representation of
seen as a tower
and ending with
Denote . If
. If
, then
. There exists
-accelerated tower
representation of height
Proof. The construction of the sequence is done by induction. For
, assume that we have
completed the construction up to height
We distinguish the following cases:
If then we set
Otherwise, we take maximal such that
. So either
Whenever we must have either
. Consequently the number
of such indices
constrained by
. It follows
. On the other hand the
number of indices
is necessarily
. It follows
. Once the indices
are known, the existence of a
-accelerated tower representation follows from
Corollary 4.4.
Output. A -accelerated
tower representation of
In order to bound the execution time of Algorithm 4.1, we
need to carefully analyze the cost of conversions between and
such that for
, we have
Proof. By Proposition 2.4, there
exists a universal constant with
By Proposition 4.1, there also exists a universal constant
such that conversions between
can be performed in time
for , and where we used the
assumption that
is non-decreasing in
. If
such conversions are actually for free. Otherwise we have
, whence
Now take and let us prove the lemma by induction
. For
we have nothing to do, so we assume that
Using the induction hypothesis, conversions between
are performed in time
The lemma follows by induction.
Then Algorithm 4.1 is correct and runs in time
In addition, if , then a
randomized Las Vegas version of Algorithm 4.1 has
expected cost
Proof. The correctness of Algorithm 4.1
is ensured by Lemma 4.7. Let us analyze the cost of step 2a for a given .
The necessary conversions for rewriting the defining polynomials of
can be done in time
by Lemma 4.8. If ,
then there is nothing to be done since
So assume that
, whence
. Then Proposition 2.7
Consequently, in view of Corollary 4.4 and using assumption (2.2), the remainder of step 2a takes time
which dominates the cost of conversions since . The total cost for all
Finally, if , then the
randomized variant from Corollary 4.4 leads to the claimed
expected cost.
In addition, if a -accelerated
tower representation of
is known, then we
Proof. The cost to obtain a -accelerated tower representation of
is given in Proposition 4.9, namely
Then, in order to multiply two elements in ,
we convert them into the accelerated representation, and multiply them
with cost
by Proposition 2.4. We finally convert the product back
into . By Lemma 4.8,
each of these conversions can be done in time
Proof. It is important to notice that constants
hidden in the “”
of Theorem 4.10 are independent of the value for
, so we may freely set
in terms of
Now taking
balances the contributions of
Indeed, since
by Lemma 4.7, we have
. We conclude by the latter
Remark can actually be
Up to now we have focused on towers of field extensions. In this
section, we turn our attention to more general towers of separable
integral ring extensions. Each extension ring is still assumed to be a
product of separable field extensions over a common ground field , which will allow us to apply the
theory from the previous sections.
We start with a description of the precise types of towers of rings that
we will be able to handle. We next explain how such towers of rings can
be “factored” into towers of fields and we analyze the cost
of the corresponding conversions. Finally, we give a complexity bound
for the computation of “tower factorizations”. We do not
claim that our approach is efficient in all cases. Nevertheless it is
expected to be so whenever the factorization process behaves as a
pretreatment with negligible cost (or when factoring polynomials over
is reasonably affordable; see section 5.5).
See the conclusion of this paper for a discussion of alternative
Throughout this section, we still assume that the ground ring is a field, written
and we consider a tower
of integral ring
extensions of
. For
, we still let
denote the defining polynomial of
, define
etc. as before, and assume that
. We say that
is a tower of
separable integral ring extensions, or just separable in short,
is the field
There exist polynomials and
such that
for all
, where
denotes the derivative of
By induction over , one may
check that each
is isomorphic to a direct
of separable algebraic extensions of
. The projection
separable in the usual sense, which means that
are coprime for all
In terms of the triangular set defined in the
introduction, a separable tower corresponds to the situation where the
is radical over the algebraic closure
. In
particular, this means that
and therefore
are uniquely determined by the variety
For each , we notice that
is the projection of
onto the first
From a geometric point of view, one may regard computations with
elements in as computations with all zeros
in parallel.
Alternatively, we may regard them as computations with parameters
subject to the polynomial constraints
Consider two separable towers and
of the same height
and over the
same base field
. Let
denote the respective
defining polynomials for
. We say that
is a
factor of
. This is the case if and only if there exist
natural projections
(that naturally extend to
in a coefficientwise manner) such
sends an element
represented by
, for
We say that is irreducible if the
are all fields or, equivalently, if the
are all irreducible.
The notation “()” stands for the empty tuple. Let be index sets of
of integers with
for suitable integers and
. Consider a family
factor towers of
with the property that
only depends on
for all
, and write
. We say that such a family of factors forms a
tree factorization of
if the variety
is partitioned into
. We say that the factorization is
irreducible, if all its factor towers are irreducible. If
, then
we also write
for the defining polynomial of
It is convenient to represent such a factorization by a labeled tree
(see Figure
): the nodes are identified with the index set
and each node
is labeled with the algebraic extension
The parent of the node
is simply the node
Each individual factor
corresponds to a path from the root to a leaf.
Given and
Projecting the equality
on the first coordinates, we observe that the
projection of
, for given
, is the same for all
, and equals
, whence
forms a tree factorization of the
. From an algebraic
point of view, this means that we have a natural isomorphism
For any , we denote by
the natural projection of
. Dually, the family
forms a tree factorization of the tower
, where
for . In particular, if
, then this relation becomes
This corresponds to the factorization
where we recall that stands for the defining
polynomial of
is the defining polynomial of
If , then (5.1)
reduces into the well known isomorphism
from the Chinese remainder theorem. We may thus view the isomorphism (5.1) as a generalized Chinese remainder theorem. The
multi-modular representation of an element in
is simply its image under this isomorphism. The aim of this section is
to present efficient algorithms for conversions between the usual and
the multi-modular representations.
For the usual Chinese remainder theorem, efficient algorithms are well
known for carrying out the corresponding conversions [6, 23, 48]. These algorithms are based on the
technique of so-called remainder trees, for which recent
improvements can be found in [4, 10, 35].
In particular, if then the conversions from (5.4) can be carried out in time
see for instance [27, Chapter 10]. These fast algorithms
actually work in our context. This means that the isomorphism
from (5.2) and (5.3) can be computed with
complexity , whenever
are precomputed for
. In fact, if
are elements of
with natural
then the natural preimage of
can be computed as
![]() |
(5.5) |
using fast “linear combination for linear moduli” [27, Algorithm 10.9].
The idea is to combine these “isomorphisms at nodes ” in order to compute the global
isomorphism from (5.1). For the complexity analysis, it is
convenient to introduce the following maximal normalized cost of
multiplication in any of the factors of the tree factorization:
For the time being, we may use Proposition 2.4 as a
complexity bound for . The
conversion of elements in
into elements in
is called multi-modular reduction and we may
use the following algorithm for this operation:
Output: .
Proof. The correctness is straightforward from
the definitions. We perform step 4b using fast
univariate multi-modular reduction. Let be a
universal constant such that multi-modular reduction of a polynomial of
over an arbitrary effective ring
can be performed in time
Let us show by induction over that the algorithm
runs in time
. For
, the result is obvious, so assume
. By the induction
hypothesis, step 3 runs in time
. By the definition of
the contribution of step 4b to the complexity
is bounded by
Adding up, it follows that the algorithm runs in time .
The opposite conversion of elements in into
elements in
is called Chinese
remaindering; we may use the following algorithm for this
Output: such that
for all
Assumption: modulo
are precomputed for all
, and
Proof. The proof is very similar to the one of
Proposition 5.1. The polynomials
are actually used in the Chinese
remaindering of step 2 via formula (5.5).
Factoring univariate polynomials over an arbitrary effective field is generally expensive or even impossible [24,
25]. Still, if an algorithm for this task is given, then it
is interesting to study how to exploit it for the computation of an
irreducible tree factorization
of a given
separable tower
. Once such
an irreducible tree factorization is known, arithmetic and other
operations can potentially be sped up by switching to the multi-modular
representation thanks to Algorithms 5.1 and 5.2.
For the complexity analysis, the function
represents the time necessary to factor a polynomial in
, and it is again convenient to introduce the
following maximal normalized cost of factoring univariate polynomials
over any of the fields in the factor towers:
Here we notice that each of the irreducible factors
is a tower of separable fields, so we may directly use the accelerated
arithmetic from section 4 for computations over any of the
Output: the irreducible tree factorization of
If , then return
Recursively compute the irreducible tree factorization of
Compute using Algorithm 5.1.
Return , where
Proof. The cost of all factorizations in step 4a is bounded by
Together with recursive calls, the total cost of all factorizations is bounded by
Step 3 takes time ,
by Proposition 5.1, and the same step for the recursive
calls amounts to a similar complexity. We conclude by adding up these
We are now ready to present a major corollary of this result; in combination with Algorithms 5.1 and 5.2, it reduces arithmetic in general separable towers to arithmetic in accelerated towers of fields.
can be computed in time
Proof. This follows from Proposition 5.3
combined to Corollary 4.11, which yields .
For certain specific fields of coefficients , factorization of univariate polynomials over
can be reasonably cheap. Let us briefly study two
particular such cases.
Even if or if
is an
algebraic number field, then it may be useful to temporarily convert
coefficients in
complex floating point numbers and convert the results of computations
back using rational reconstruction techniques [27, Chapter
A convenient framework for analyzing the “ultimate
complexity” of numeric algorithms was introduced in [38].
Concerning the factorization of complex polynomials of degree , it was shown therein that all
roots could be computed at precision
in time
for “sufficiently large precisions”
. The actual precision from
which this bound becomes relevant highly depends on the location of the
roots. As a rule of thumb, a precision
is often
required and sufficient, but we refer the reader to the seminal works of
Schönhage, Pan and others for details [47, 54].
Since is algebraically closed, towers of
separable algebraic extensions can be factored into towers of degree
one. From the “ultimate bit complexity” point of view from
[38], it follows that the ultimate bit complexity of the
conversions in Propositions 5.1 and 5.2
and so does the cost of factoring itself
in Proposition 5.3. Using our rule of thumb, we expect that
a precision
of the order of
should be sufficient in practice in order to observe these complexity
bounds. Small values of
are thus expected to be
favourable for this type of coefficients (notice that this was the least
favourable case for general coefficients!). A refined comparison between
the bit complexities of this approach and the building of accelerated
towers would require efforts that are beyond the scope of the present
This section revisits the computation of traces and characteristic
polynomials in towers of field extensions over a general field by using
fast products. Our algorithms are rather different from those of [52]: we compute traces faster, but for characteristic
polynomials and primitive elements the bottleneck lies in the baby-step
giant-step method, so the complexity exponents in terms of turn out to be the same as in [52] (notice
that we gain a logarithmic factor
Until the end of this section,
is a tower of
separable field extensions of degrees
is as in Proposition 2.4.
Let us recall how to compute traces in a tower
of separable field extensions. We let
the reverse polynomial of
Its constant coefficient is
and the trace
may be computed as the first
terms of the power series
In other words, the trace map can be regarded as
a vector in
that can be computed in time
: indeed this vector represents the
matrix of
with respect
to the basis
. Given such a
vector representation, the individual evaluation of
at an element in
takes time
More generally, is a
-algebra for all
and the relative trace function satisfies
are performed
by linear algorithms over
in the sense of [10] (and as is always the case in this paper). Then the
vector representation of the trace map
can be
computed in time
Proof. First we compute , as a vector in
. This computation takes
. We regard each
as a
, whose evaluation takes time
. Regarding
as a vector
, we apply the transpose of
in order to obtain a
new vector
that represents
. This computation takes time
thanks to the transposition principle (as explained in [10]).
We next apply the transpose of
and obtain a vector
. Continuing this
way, we obtain
as a vector
in time
We may take advantage of accelerated towers to compute a primitive
element over
together with its minimal polynomial
and the
. We first consider the
computation of characteristic polynomials.
is given,
, and that the
inverses of
are available in
. Then the characteristic polynomial of
can be computed in
Proof. Lemma 6.1 and Proposition 2.4 allow us to compute the representation of
as a vector in
in time
Using Lemma 4.8, we convert into an
in time
. By using the transposed product
the vector representation of the linear form
can be computed in time
. Then, as
in section 1.2, the computation of
is achieved by transposing Algorithm 3.1, so Proposition 3.1 yields the cost
We finally use the Newton–Girard identity (1.1) to
recover the characteristic polynomial of with
further cost
; see for
instance [29, section 2.4]. The conclusion follows.
By taking as in Corollary 4.11, the
expected cost of Theorem 6.2 simplifies to
, thanks to the assumption
We are now in a position to design a randomized algorithm with
subquadratic expected cost for computing a primitive element
representation of over
, that
the inverses of
are available in
, and that a
is given,
. Then a primitive
element representation
can be computed by a randomized Las Vegas
algorithm with expected cost
Taking as in Corollary 4.11,
this cost further simplifies into
Proof. The characteristic polynomial of
has total degree
. So its
discriminant is a polynomial in
of total degree
. By the
Schwartz–Zippel lemma [55, 57], picking
at random with the
in a
set of size
leads to a primitive element with
. Computing the
characteristic polynomial of
takes time
by Theorem 6.2. We can verify that
is a primitive element by checking that its
characteristic polynomial is separable with further cost
. Consequently the expected time to find a
primitive element is
Now assume that a primitive element has been
found, and let us consider the computation of polynomials
such that
. We follow Kronecker's classical deformation
technique of the primitive element; see for instance [28,
section 3.3]. For this purpose, we first introduce a new formal
so that
is the ring of tangent numbers over
. We aim at computing the
characteristic polynomial of
. Then
Notice that is already available at this point.
The computation of the vector representation of the linear form
can be done in time
by the
transposition principle. Therefore
is obtained
by transposing Algorithm 3.1. In view of Proposition 3.1, this computation takes time
At this point, we have computed the traces for
. We deduce the
characteristic polynomial
using Newton–Girard's formula (1.1), so that
It follows that . The total
cost to obtain all the
Now let be an element of
. It can be converted into an element
in time O(
) by Lemma 4.8, where
has partial degree
. The
expression of
in terms of
is obtained as
in time
by Proposition 3.3. By successively taking
, the polynomials
can all be obtained in time
Finally, thanks to , the
implies the simplified complexity
We have proved nearly optimal complexity bounds for basic arithmetic operations in towers of fields of arbitrary height. Our results are based on the newly introduced concept of “accelerated” towers. Two major problems remain open:
Do there exist algorithms of quasi-linear complexity instead of
It is well known that this is indeed the case for towers of bounded
height : see Propositions
2.4 and 2.7. In section 5.5,
we have singled out a few other situations when quasi-linear
algorithms do exist. We refer to [7] for yet a few
other examples.
Can one efficiently construct accelerated towers for general separable towers, without relying on univariate polynomial factorization as in section 5?
One obvious strategy is to use the dynamic evaluation paradigm [19, 20] that we already discussed in the introduction, while controlling complexity issues using techniques from [16]. We do not see any serious obstacle to a positive answer, but the technical details are beyond the scope of this paper. We intend to come back to this problem in a future work.
Another major challenge concerns efficient implementations.
Asymptotically fast algorithms based on Proposition 2.4
obviously only become interesting when is in the
range where evaluation-interpolation style algorithms are used for
univariate arithmetic. For instance, FFT-based algorithms are typically
used for
For such sufficiently large ,
we expect our acceleration techniques to be useful. For instance, assume
are both small,
. Then conversions
and an equivalent primitive
can be done very fast.
Conversions between
can be done coefficientwise, so they are also fast. Without much cost,
this allows us to diminish the height
by one and
gain a constant factor
when applying Proposition
This discussion indicates that our techniques should be of practical
interest for sufficiently large and generic base
. For specific base
and specific types of towers, various
alternative approaches have been proposed [17, 38,
39], and it would require a more significant implementation
effort to figure out which approaches are best; we intend to address to
this issue in the near future.
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