. This paper is
part of a project that has received funding from the French
“Agence de l'innovation de défense”.
. This article has
been written using GNU TeXmacs [22].
In this paper, we present a probabilistic algorithm to multiply two sparse polynomials almost as efficiently as two dense univariate polynomials with a result of approximately the same size. The algorithm depends on unproven heuristics that will be made precise. |
Let be polynomials that are represented in the
usual way as linear combinations of power products. The problem of
sparse polynomial multiplication is to compute the product
in a way that is as efficient as possible in terms of
the total bitsize of
, and
where we use a similar sparse representation for
as for
For pedagogical reasons, we mainly restrict our attention to polynomials with integer coefficients. Together with polynomials with rational coefficients, this is indeed the most important case for practical implementations inside computer algebra systems. Nevertheless, it is not hard to adapt our techniques to coefficients in more general rings (some indications to that effect are given in section 5.2). Still for pedagogical reasons, we will carry out our complexity analysis in the RAM model [11]. We expect our algorithms to adapt to the Turing model [13], but more work will be needed to prove this and some of the constant factors might deteriorate.
For polynomials of modest size, naive algorithms are often most efficient. We refer to [3, 6, 10, 19, 28, 32, 33, 37] for implementation techniques that are efficient in practice. Various types of faster algorithms have been proposed for polynomials with special supports [16, 18, 23, 35].
Asymptotically fast methods for polynomials of large sizes usually rely
on sparse interpolation. The seminal paper by Ben Or and Tiwari [4] triggered the development of many fast algorithms for the
sparse interpolation of polynomial blackbox functions [1,
5, 9, 20, 24-27, 29, 34]. In this framework, the
unknown polynomial is given through a blackbox
functions that can be evaluated at points in suitable extensions of the
coefficient ring. We refer to [36] for a nice survey on
sparse interpolation and other algorithms to compute with sparse
polynomials. The present paper grew out of our recent preprint [21]
with Grégoire Lecerf on this topic; the idea to “exploit
colliding terms” in section 6.6 forms the starting point of our
The most efficient algorithms for sparse interpolation are mostly probabilistic. Here we note that it is usually easy to check that the result is correct with high probability: just evaluate both the blackbox function and its supposed interpolation at a random point and verify that both evaluations coincide. In this paper, all algorithms will be probabilistic, which is suitable for the practical purposes that we are interested in. The running times of our algorithms also rely on suitable heuristics that we will make precise.
Although the multiplication problem for sparse polynomials does not
directly fit into the usual blackbox model, it does benefit from the
techniques that have been developed for sparse interpolation. Practical
algorithms along these lines have appeared in [8, 12,
19, 31]. Most algorithms operate in two
phases: we first need to determine the exponents of the product and then its coefficients. The first phase is
typically more expensive when the coefficients of
are small, but it becomes cheap for large coefficients, due to the fact
that we may first reduce
modulo a suitable
prime. It is also customary to distinguish between the supersparse case
in which the total degree of
is allowed to
become huge and the normally sparse case in which the total degree
remains small. In this paper, we mainly focus on the second problem,
which is most important for practical applications.
In order to describe the complexity results, let us introduce some
notations. Given a polynomial ,
we will write
for its total degree,
for its number of terms,
for the
number of powers
that occur in its
representation, and
for the maximal absolute of
a coefficient. For instance, if
then we have
. For our multiplication
, the degree
of the result is easily determined, but we usually
only assume a bound
for its number of terms.
It is interesting to keep track of the dependency of our running times on logarithmic factors in certain parameters, but it is also convenient to ignore less important logarithmic and sublogarithmic factors. We do this by introducing the notation
We also wish to compare the cost of our algorithms with the cost of
multiplying dense univariate polynomials of approximately the same size.
Given integers , we therefore
also introduce the following two complexities:
stands for the cost of multiplying two
non-zero polynomials in
under the assumption
that the product
stands for the cost of multiplying two
polynomials in
We make the customary assumption that and
are non-decreasing as functions in
. By [14], one may take
. If
then one also has
, using
Kronecker substitution [11].
One traditional approach for sparse polynomial multiplication is to
evaluate ,
, and
points in a geometric progression
modulo a sufficiently large prime number
stands for the
-th prime number. In combination with the tangent
Graeffe method [21, sections 5 and 7.2], this approach
allows the exponents of
to be computed in time
![]() |
(1) |
The coefficients can be recovered using fast Vandermonde system solving, in time
![]() |
(2) |
where . In our case when
is small, we usually have
, in which case (1) simplifies into
. The dependence of the
complexity on
can be reduced using techniques
from [26], among others.
The main results of this paper are two faster probabilistic algorithms.
The shorter running times rely on two heuristics HE and
HC that will be detailed in section 4. For
any , we show (Theorem 6) that the exponents of
can be
computed in time
![]() |
(3) |
where and
is prime. This
algorithm is probabilistic of Monte Carlo type. Based on numerical
evidence in section 3, we conjecture that
. We also show (Theorem 4) that
the coefficients may be computed in expected time
![]() |
(4) |
using a probabilistic algorithm of Las Vegas type. In practice, when
is small and
not too
large with respect to
, the
corrective terms in (3) are negligible and the cost reduces
. Similarly, the cost (4) usually simplifies to
If we also have
, then this
means that the cost of the entire sparse multiplication becomes
. Here we note that
also corresponds to the time needed to multiply two dense
polynomials in
, provided
that the product
The proof of these bounds relies on the evaluation of
at three points of the form
in algebras of the
, where
. If
is sufficiently
large (namely
for some critical value) and we
already know the exponents of
then we show how to recover the coefficients with high probability. One
interesting feature of our algorithm is that three evaluations are
sufficient with high probability. A logarithmic number of evaluations is
necessary when using the more obvious iterative approach for which every
additional evaluation allows us to compute a constant fraction of the
unknown coefficients (with high probability). Our algorithm is first
explained with an example in section 2 and then in general
in section 4.1. The probabilistic analysis is done in
section 3. In section 4.2, we extend our
approach to the computation of the exponents, using three additional
evaluations. The last section 5 is devoted to variants and
extensions of our approach, and further remarks.
The present paper works out an idea that was first mentioned in [21, section 6.6], in the context of general sparse interpolation. The application to polynomial multiplication is particularly suitable because of the low amortized cost of blackbox evaluations. The idea of using evaluations in (small) cyclic algebras has been used before in [2, 9, 31], but with a less optimal complexity. This approach also seems close to binning techniques that have recently been applied to compute sparse Fourier transforms [15, 30]; we plan to investigate this parallel in future work.
Consider two sparse polynomials
Their product is given by
Assume that the monomials of
are known, but not the corresponding coefficients. Our aim is to
through its evaluations at
“points” of the form
for suitable
and lengths
. These evaluations are obtained by
at the
same points and multiplying the results in
In what follows, we will use three evaluation points.
For each ball, say , the
corresponding “mystery coefficient”
needs to be determined (it might be hidden inside the ball), whereas the
corresponding exponents
are known (and stored in
a table or painted on the ball). In fact, our game has three identical
sets of balls, one for each of the three evaluation points. For each of
these evaluation points, we also have a set of
boxes, labeled by
Now consider the evaluation of at a point as
above, say at
in the ring
. Then each term
to a term
In our game, we throw the corresponding ball into the box that is
labeled by
. For instance,
our first ball
evaluates to
and goes into the box labeled by
Our second ball
evaluates to
and goes into the box labeled by
Continuing this way, we obtain the upper left distribution in Figure 1. Now the complete evaluation of
For each box, this means that we also know the sum of all coefficients
hidden in the balls in that box. Indeed, in our example, the first box
contains three balls
, , and
with coefficients
, and
sum up to
. In Figure 1, we indicated these sums below the boxes. In round one of
our game, we actually took our chances three times, by using the three
evaluation points
, and
, and throwing our balls
accordingly. This corresponds to the top row in Figure 1.
Now we play our game as follows. If, in a certain round, a ball ends up
alone in its box (we will also say that the ball has a private box),
then the number below it coincides with the secret coefficient inside.
At that point, we may remove the ball, as well as its copies from the
two other throws, and update the numbers below accordingly. In round one
of our running example, ball ends up in a box of
its own for our first throw. Similarly, the balls
both have private boxes for the second
throw. Ball
also has a private box for the third
throw. Removing the balls
, and
from the game, we obtain the second row in Figure 1. We
also updated the numbers below the boxes: for every box, the number
below it still coincides with the sum of the mystery coefficients inside
the balls inside that box. Now that the balls
, and
have been removed, we observe that balls
have private boxes in
their turn. We may thus determine their mystery coefficients and remove
them from the game as well. This brings us to round three of our game
and the third row in Figure 1. Going on like this, we win
our game when all balls eventually get removed. We lose whenever there
exists a round in which there are still some balls left, but all
non-empty boxes contain at least two balls. In our example, we win after
five rounds.
Remark does
not get removed in our modified game and choose
in such a way that the round
in which it gets
removed in the original game is minimal. Then we observe that all balls
that were removed before round
in the original
game also get removed in the modified version, eventually. When this
is in a private box for one of the
throws: a contradiction.
Have we been lucky in our example with throws of
balls in
boxes? For the
probabilistic analysis in this section, we will assume that our throws
are random and independent. We will do our analysis for three throws,
because this is best, although a similar analysis could be carried out
for other numbers of throws. From now on, we will assume that we have
balls and
The experiment of throwing balls in
boxes has widely been studied in the literature about hash
tables [7, Chapter 9]. For a fixed ball, the probability
that all other
balls end up in another box is
given by
More generally, for any fixed ,
the probability that
other balls end up in the
same box and all the others in other boxes is given by
Stated otherwise, we may expect with high probability that approximately
balls end up in a private box, approximately
balls inside a box with one other ball, and so
This shows how we can expect our balls to be distributed in the first
round of our game and at the limit when gets
large. Assume more generally that we know the distribution
in round
and let us show how to
determine the distribution
for the next round.
More precisely, assume that
is the expected
number of balls in a box with
balls in round
, where we start with
we notice that , where
stands for the expected number of balls that are
removed during round
Now let us focus on the first throw in round
(the two other throws behave similarly, since they follow the same
probability distribution). There are
balls that
are in a private box for this throw. For each of the remaining balls,
the probability
that it ended up in a private
box for at least one of the two other throws is
The probability that a box with balls becomes
one with
balls in the next round is therefore
given by
For all , this yields
If tends to zero for large
gets large, then we win our game with high
probability. If
tends to a limit
, then we will probably lose and end up with
balls that can't be removed (for
each of the three throws).
We have not yet been able to fully describe the asymptotic behavior of
the distribution
which follows a non-linear dynamics. Nevertheless, it is easy to
compute reliable approximations for the coefficients
using interval or ball arithmetic [
]; for this purpose, it suffices to replace each coefficient
in the tail of the distribution (
for large
by the interval
, and
show some numerical data that we computed in this way (the error in the
numbers being at most
Our numerical experiments indicate that the “phase change”
between winning and losing occurs at a critical value
shows what happens for
until the seventh round, a bit less than half of the balls get removed
at every round. After round eight, the remaining balls are removed at an
accelerated rate. For
the distributions
numerically tend to a non-zero limit distribution
In Table
, we show some of the distributions in round ten, for
near the critical point
We also computed an approximation of the limit distribution at the
critical point itself.
For , we note that reliable
numerical computations can be turned into an actual proof that we lose
with high probability. Indeed, assume that
very small for some
, whereas
remains bounded (for instance, in Table 2,
we have
). Then
also gets very small and
If happens to be
smaller than
for some fixed
(for instance, in Table 2, we actually have
), then a
standard contracting ball type argument can be used to prove that
decreases to zero with geometric speed for
, while
remains bounded away from zero.
Conversely, given , it seems
harder to prove in a similar way that we win. Nevertheless, for any
, reliable computations
easily allow us to determine some round
. For instance, for
, we may
. This is good enough
for practical purposes: for
it means that we indeed win with high probability. Here we also note
that a large number of rounds are generally necessary to win when
approaches the critical value
. For instance, for
we need to wait until round
to get
. Nevertheless, after a certain number of
rounds, it seems that
always converges to zero
with superlinear speed.
In Table
, we conclude with the result of a computer simulation in which we
played our game with
As one can see, the results are close to the theoretically expected
ones from Table
Let us now turn to the general problem of multiplying sparse
polynomials. We will focus on the multiplication
of integer polynomials
in at least two
variables. We define
to be the total degree of
and assume that we have a bound
for the number of terms of
As explained in the introduction, we proceed in two phases: we first
determine the exponents of the unknown product . This part is probabilistic of Monte Carlo type,
where we tolerate a rate of failure
that is
fixed in advance. In the second phase, we determine the unknown
coefficients, using a probabilistic algorithm of Las Vegas type. In this
section, we start with the second phase, which has already been
explained on an example in section 2.
Assume that our product has
terms, so that
for certain
, where
. It is obvious how to
generalize the algorithm from section 2 to this case: for
some fixed
, we distribute
balls” over
boxes, through the evaluation of
at three points
. The vectors
are essentially chosen at random, but it is convenient to
take them pairwise non-collinear modulo
so as to avoid any “useless throws”. We assume the following
For random vectors as above each of the
three throws randomly distributes the balls over the boxes, and
the three distributions are independent.
We then play our game of mystery balls as usual, which yields the
if we win and only a subset of these coefficients if we lose. In view
of Remark
, this leads to Algorithm
Output: the product
Assume: |
Proof. The correctness of the algorithm has been
explained in section 2. As to the running time, we first
note that none of the integer coefficients encountered during our
computation exceeds in absolute value. Now steps
1 and 2 have negligible cost and the running
time for the remaining steps is as follows:
In step 3, for every term in
and every
, we first have to compute
Since we only have to accumulate
, this can be done in time
. We next have to add the
coefficients of all terms that end up in the same box, which amounts
additions of cost
In step 4, we do three multiplications of cost each. Since
non-decreasing, the cost of these multiplications is bounded by
In steps 5 and 6, we play our game of
mystery balls, where stands for the set of
ball that are still in play. Whenever ball
ends up in a private box for throw number
, we have to determine where this ball landed
for the other throws, by computing
We then have to update the numbers below the corresponding boxes,
which corresponds to setting
in step 6b. Since this eventually has to be done for
each of the
balls, step 6 takes
bit-operations, using a similar analysis as
for step 3.
Let us finally investigate bookkeeping costs that are implicit in our description of the algorithm. Above all, we have to maintain the linked lists with balls inside each box (see Remark 1). This can be done in time
The other implicit costs to maintain various tables are also bounded by
In [21], we surveyed several strategies for computing the
exponents of the product .
Most of the approaches from sections 4, 6, and 7 of that paper can be
adapted to the present setting. We will focus on a probabilistic
strategy that we expect to be one of the most efficient ones for
practical purposes (a few variants will be discussed in section 5).
For , let
be the
-th prime number and
. We let
be a fixed prime number with
(for practical
implementations, we may also take
to be a
product of prime numbers that fit into machine words, and use
multi-modular arithmetic to compute modulo
For some fixed
, we again use
boxes, and evaluate
the ring
. This time, we use
six evaluation points of the form
, where the
are chosen at random and pairwise non-collinear
Now consider a term of
. Its evaluation at
, where
. Meanwhile, its
evaluation at
. If there is no other term
that evaluates to an expression of the form
, then the same holds for the
evaluation at
. Consequently,
the unique representative
of the quotient
coincides with
(the quotient is well defined with high probability). From
this, we can determine the exponents
. As additional
safeguards, we also check that
that all prime factors of
are in
, and that
Conversely, assume that there are at least two terms of
that evaluate to an expression of the form
. Let
now be the coefficients of
Then the quotient
is essentially a random
element in
(see the heuristic
HC below for more details), so its unique
representative in
is higher than
with probability
This allows our algorithm to detect that we are dealing with colliding
terms; for the
quotients that we need to
consider the probability of failure becomes
Using the above technique, the three additional evaluations at , allow us to determine which balls
end up in a private box in our game of mystery balls. Moreover, since we
can determine the corresponding exponents, we can also find where these
balls landed for the two other throws. This allows us to play our game
modulo minor modifications. Besides maintaining the numbers below the
boxes for the first three throws, we also maintain the corresponding
numbers for the evaluations at
For every round of the game, the same technique then allows us to
determine which balls have private boxes, and iterate.
In our probabilistic analysis, it is important that the quotients are essentially random elements in
in case of collisions. This assumption might fail when the coefficients
are special
(e.g. either zero or one). Nevertheless, it becomes
plausible after a change of variables
, where
are random invertible elements in
Let us formulate this as our second heuristic:
For random vectors and after a random
change of variables
), the quotients
as above are uniformly distributed over
, and the distributions for different
quotients are independent.
Algorithm 2 summarizes our method, while incorporating the random change of variables.
Output: the exponents of the product
Assume: |
with distinct prime factors, it
bit operations to determine the existence of a prime factorization
and to compute it in case there is.
Proof. We first determine the indices with
using a divide and conquer
technique. At the top level, we start with the remainder
of the division of
. We next compute
. If
, then we go on with the computation of
, and
similarly for
. We repeat
this dichotomic process until we have found all prime factors of
. For each of the
prime factors
we next compute
. The total running time of this algorithm is
bounded by
, and
Then Algorithm 2 is correct and runs in time
Proof. We have already explained why our
algorithm returns the correct answer with probability . The complexity analysis for steps 5,
6 and 8b is similar as the one
for Algorithm 1. The running time for the other steps is as
The reductions of and
can be computed in time
, in step 3.
In step 4, we have to compute
for every power
occurring in the representation of
. Using binary powering, such a
power can be computed in time
The total cost of this step is therefore bounded by
In steps 7 and 8c, we have
already shown that one factorization can be done in time . Altogether, the cost of these
steps is therefore bounded by
In section 4.2, we have described an efficient algorithm
for the case when the total degree is small.
This indeed holds for most practical applications, but it attractive to
also study the case when our polynomials are “truly sparse”
with potentially large exponents. This is already interesting for
univariate polynomials, a case that we also did not consider so far.
Modulo the technique of Kronecker substitution [21, Section
7.1], it actually suffices to consider the univariate case. For
simplicity, let us restrict ourselves to this case. When
gets moderately large, it can also be interesting to
consider the incremental approach from [20] and [21,
Section 7.3].
One first observation in the univariate case is that we can no longer
take the same number of boxes for our three
throws. Next best is to take
boxes for our
-th throw, where
. By construction this ensures that
are pairwise coprime. If the exponents of
are large, then it is also reasonable to assume
that our heuristic HE still holds.
For the efficient determination of the exponents, let . As before, we may take
to be prime or a product of prime numbers that fit into machine words.
Following Huang [26], we now evaluate both
. Any term
then gives rise to a
, so we can directly read off
from the quotient
Modulo the above changes, this allows us to proceed as in Algorithm 2. One may prove in a similar way as before that the bit
complexity of determining the exponents in this way is bounded by
The computation of the coefficients can be done in time
Instead of taking our three additional evaluation points of the form
, we may for instance take
them of the form
, where
is a primitive root of unity of large smooth order
(this may force us to work over an extension field; alternatively, one
may use the aforementioned incremental technique and roots
of lower orders). Thanks to the smoothness assumption,
discrete logarithms of powers of
can be computed
efficiently using Pohlig–Hellman's algorithm. This allows us to
recover exponents
from quotients of the form
The techniques from this paper can also be used for general purpose
sparse interpolation. In that case the polynomial
is given through an arbitrary blackbox function that can be evaluated at
points in
-algebras over some
. This problem was
studied in detail in [21]. In section 6, we investigated in
particular how to replace expensive evaluations in cyclic
-algebras of the form
by cheaper evaluations at suitable
roots of unity in
or a small extension of
. The main new techniques from this
paper were also anticipated in section 6.6.
The algorithms from this paper become competitive with the geometric
sequence approach if the blackbox function is particularly cheap to
evaluate. Typically, the cost of one evaluation
should be
depending on the specific variant of the geometric sequence approach
that we use.
Technically speaking, it is interesting to note that the problem from
this paper actually does not fit into this framework. Indeed,
if and
are sparse
polynomial that are represented in their standard expanded form, then
the evaluation of
at a single point requires
operations in
and we typically have
. This
is due to the fact that the standard blackbox model does not take into
account possible speed-ups if we evaluate our function at many points in
geometric progression or at
in a cyclic algebra
Both in theory and for practical applications, it would be better to
extend the blackbox model by allowing for polynomials
of the form
where is a blackbox function and
are sparse polynomials in their usual expanded
representation. Within this model, the techniques from this paper should
become efficient for many other useful operations on sparse polynomials,
such as the computation of gcds or determinants of matrices whose
entries are large sparse polynomials.
The heuristic HE plays an important role in our
complexity analysis. It is an interesting question whether it is
satisfied for polynomials whose support is
highly regular and not random at all. A particularly important case is
are dense
polynomials in
variables of total degrees
. Such polynomials are often
considered to be sparse, due to the fact that
contains about
times less terms than a fully
dense polynomial of degree
in each variable.
If is bivariate or trivariate and of very high
degree, then it has been shown in [16] that
can be computed in approximately the same time as the
product of two dense univariate polynomials which has the same number of
terms as
. An algorithm for
arbitrary dimensions
has been presented in [23], whose cost is approximately
larger than the cost of a univariate product of the same size. The
problem has also been studied in [18, 19] and
it is often used as a benchmark [12, 32].
What about the techniques from this paper? We first note that the
exponents of are known, so we can directly focus
on the computation of the coefficients. In case that we need to do
several product computations for the same
, we can also spend some time
on computing a small
and vectors
for which we know beforehand that we will win our game of
mystery balls. For our simulations, we found it useful to chose each
among a dozen random vectors in a way that
minimizes the sum of the squares of the number of balls in the boxes
(this sum equals
for the first throw in Figure
For various ,
, and
we played our game several times for different triples of vectors
. The critical value for
for this specific type of support seems to be close to
. In Table 5
below, we report several cases for which we managed to win for this
value of
. This
proves that optimal polynomial multiplication algorithms for
supports of this type are almost as efficient as dense univariate
polynomial products of the same size.
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