. This work was
partially supported by the ANR Gecko and ANR-09-JCJC-0098-01
Consider an infinite sequence of complex
numbers. If
are the coefficients of a formal
power series
, then it is
well-known [Pól37, Wil94, FS96]
that the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence
closely related to the behaviour of the generating function
near its dominant singularity. Now, if
is the solution to some complicated equation, then it can be hard to
compute the asymptotic behaviour using formal methods. On the other
hand, the coefficients
of such a solution
can often be computed numerically up to a high order.
With this numerical evidence at hand, it is natural to raise the
following questions:
Can we guess the asymptotic behaviour of ?
Can we guess the behaviour of near its
dominant singularity?
These questions can be regarded as part of the construction of a more general toolbox for the “experimental mathematician” [BBKW06, BD09]. More specifically, we advocate the systematic integration of “guessing tools” into symbolic computation packages. Indeed, current systems can be quite good at all kinds of formal manipulations. However, in the daily practice of scientific discovery, it would be helpful if these systems could also detect hidden properties, which may not be directly apparent or expected. Furthermore, the guessing tool is allowed to be heuristic, so that it only suggests hidden properties; at a second stage, one may then search for full proofs using other techniques.
One well-known tool in this direction is the LLL-algorithm [LLL82].
Given numbers
it can be used in order to guess relations of the form
![]() |
(1) |
Given formal power series
, algorithms for the computation of
Padé-Hermite forms [BL94, Der94] can be
used in order to guess linear relations
![]() |
(2) |
A well-known implementation is provided by the , the
or a linear differential equation
with coefficients in
satisfied by
. Indeed, it suffices to take
in (2) in order search for small linear differential
equations satisfied by
Unfortunately, many interesting formal power series
do not admit closed form formulas and do not satisfy linear differential
equations with polynomial coefficients. In that case, we can still use
asymptotic extrapolation [Hoe09] in order to guess the
asymptotic behaviour of the coefficients. However, this only provides us
some rough idea about the behaviour of
at its
dominant singularity. In practice, it often happens that
locally satisfies an algebraic or differential equation
with analytic coefficients, even though these coefficients fail to be
polynomials. For instance, combinatorics [Pól37, FS96] is full with examples of generating functions which are
not algebraic, but whose dominant singularities are algebraic.
In this paper, we will describe two approaches to detect analytic
dependencies on a compact disk: the first one assumes that we have an
algorithm for the analytic continuation of and
relies on the monodromy of
at its singularities.
The second approach is purely numerical and makes no special assumptions
. On our way, we will
encounter various interesting related problems, such as the
determination of the radius of convergence or the singularities of
. We will also propose heuristic
solutions to these problems, thereby extending the basic toolbox for
experimenting with analytic functions.
Since all algorithms in this paper are directly or indirectly based on heuristics, it is important to investigate how much confidence we can attach to the computed results. In section 2, we will present a survey of different kinds of heuristic algorithms which are used in symbolic computation. Some of these heuristics are relatively benign when compared to others, so it will be useful to have some general insights on the reliability of different types of heuristic algorithms.
The remainder of the paper is divided into two main parts. In the first
part (sections 3, 4 and 5), we
will develop some basic tools for later use. In the second part, we turn
to the main topic of this paper: the disclosure of local analytic
relations between analytic functions. Two main types of analytic input
functions will be considered:
Functions for which we can merely compute a large number of the
Taylor coefficients at the origin.
Functions for which we have a reasonably efficient algorithm for
their analytic continuation, so that we can also compute the
Taylor coefficients of at other points
besides the origin.
The second situation typically arises when is
the solution of a differential or more general functional equation; see
section 4.1 for a further discussion on analytic
One of the most basic problems concerning an analytic function which is only known by its Taylor coefficients, is to
determine its radius of convergence. In section 3, we will
present two methods. The first one is related Cauchy-Hadamard's formula
and provides rough approximations under mild assumptions on
. The second method provides much better
approximations, but only works if
admits a
single dominant singularity of a simple type.
Building on the algorithm for approximating the radius of convergence of
, we next turn our attention
to the problem of locating its singularities. In section 4.2,
we first restrict ourselves to the dominant singularities of
(i.e. the singularities of minimal norm).
Assuming AN2, we next present algorithms for the
exploration of the Riemann surface of
beyond its
dominant singularities.
In the special case when is meromorphic on a
compact disk
, section 5 contains a special purpose algorithm for the determination
of a polynomial
such that
is analytic on
. This
algorithm works under the hypothesis AN1 and induces
better algorithms for the problems in sections 3 and 4 in this special case.
In the second part of this paper, we turn to the detection of
dependencies between analytic functions on a compact disk . More precisely, assume that
are fixed convergent power series. We are interested in the
determination of linear dependencies of the form
![]() |
(3) |
where are analytic on
. Modulo a scaling
we may assume without loss of generality that
In section 6, we assume AN2 and first
consider the two special cases of algebraic and Fuchsian dependencies.
In the case of algebraic dependencies, we take
for a fixed function
, and
also require that
. In the
case of Fuchsian dependencies, we take
for a
fixed function
, and again
require that
. The second
algorithm only succeeds in the case when all singularities of
on the disk are of Fuchsian type (see sections 3.2
and 6.2 for detailed definitions). The main idea behind the
method is to compute the set of of functions generated by
and its analytic continuation around its singularities in
. If there exists an
algebraic dependency, then this set is finite and we may use it to find
the dependency. If there exists a Fuchsian dependency, then the set is
contained in finite dimensional vector space, and we may construct the
dependency from a basis of this vector space.
In section 7, we only assume AN1 and consider the general problem of determining dependencies of the form (3). We will describe a purely numerical algorithm based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization for finding such relations. The idea is to simply truncate the power series expansions and then apply the numerical method. We will prove that an asymptotic convergence theorem which shows that this approach is at least correct “at the limit”.
In the last section 8, we will present some numerical
experiments with the algorithm from section 7. In section
8.1, we first consider some examples of relations which
were recognized by the algorithm. In section 8.2, we will
also examine the behaviour of the algorithm in the case when are analytically independent. In fact, the algorithm from
section 7 still requires some human cooperation for
deciding whether we really found a relation. Based on the numerical
experiments, we conclude with some perspectives for the design of a
fully automatic algorithm.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the three referees for their detailed and valuable comments on a first version of this paper.
As soon as we enter the area of heuristic and non mathematically proven algorithms, it is natural to ask how much confidence can be attached to the output. In fact, there is a large spectrum of situations which can occur, depending on the precise nature of the heuristics. There may also be a trade-off between computational complexity and correctness: is it better to rely on a slow deterministic algorithm for polynomial factorisation over a finite field, or on a fast probabilistic algorithm?
Without striving for exhaustion, section 2.1 a catalogue of different kinds of heuristic algorithms which occur in the area of symbolic computation. Each of the heuristic algorithms considered in this paper will fit into one of these categories. We will also describe some standard strategies in order to increase the level of confidence and examine typical examples for which heuristic algorithms may fail.
For example, consider the class of exp-log constants, built up
from the rationals using the operations
, exp and log. The following
conjecture [Lan71] is a major open problem in number
be complex numbers which are linearly
independent over the rational numbers
Then the transcendence degree of
is at least .
From the computer algebra point of view, the conjecture implies [CP78] that all numerical relations between exp-log constants
can be deduced from the usual rules and
. Based on this fact, Richardson
has given a zero test for exp-log constants [Ric97, Ric07] with the following properties: (1) if the algorithm
terminates on a given input, then the result is correct; (2) if the
conjecture holds, then the algorithm always terminates; (3) if the
algorithm does not terminate on a given input, then a counterexample to
the conjecture can be constructed from this input.
Similar situations occur in algorithmic number theory, depending on the correctness of Riemann's hypothesis [Bel11]. In this paper, the algorithms in sections 4.3 and 6 rely on zero tests for analytic functions. If we know that our analytic functions lie in special classes (such as the class of exp-log functions, or the class of differentially algebraic functions), then these zero tests might be reduced to suitable conjectures [Hoe01].
For instance, in section 3, we will give heuristic algorithms for the computation of the radius of convergence of an analytic function. This will be a basic building block for many of the other algorithms in this paper. Nevertheless, the correctness of several of these other algorithms reduces to the correctness of this basic building block.
If, for input functions in a more restricted class, we may determine their convergence radii with larger accuracy, then this will immediately make all the other algorithms more reliable. For instance, if we consider a class (e.g. rational or algebraic functions) for which convergence radii can be computed exactly, then the algorithms in section 4.2 are no longer heuristic.
We also recall that there are two classical types of probabilistic
algorithms. The examples mentioned above are only correct with high
probability and fall into the class of so-called Monte Carlo algorithms.
The second kind of Las Vegas algorithms are always correct, but only
fast with high probability. For instance, all known fast algorithms for
factoring polynomials over a finite field are
probabilistic Las Vegas type algorithms [GG02].
This does not withstand that experts in this area have a great sense of how accurate and trustworthy various methods are. Ideally speaking, any numerical algorithm comes with a detailed error analysis. Most textbooks on numerical analysis start with a section on the various sources of error and how to take into account the machine accuracy [PTVF07, section 1.1]. For more statistical algorithms, there is also a tradition of trying to quantify the level of trust that can be attached to the computed results. Finally, for many algorithms, it is possible to automate the error analysis by using interval arithmetic [Moo66].
However, there are many situation in which we have no means for
controlling the distance ,
even though our algorithm is ultimately correct. For instance, the
computation of the radius of convergence
of a
differentially algebraic function is undecidable [DL89],
even though there exists an algorithm [Hoe05, Hoe07]
for the computation of a sequence
. Similarly, for a large class of
functions, the formula (4) below gives an approximation for
the radius of convergence of a series (when computing with a precision
bits), but the formula is only ultimately
correct (5).
For instance, in numerical analysis, a frequent trick is to rerun the same algorithm for different working precisions and compare the results. Similarly, probabilistic algorithms of Monte Carlo type can be rerun several times in order to increase our confidence that we obtained the correct result.
We also mentioned the fact that equality testing of exp-log constants is quite asymmetric in the sense that proving equalities is usually much harder than proving inequalities. This suggests the use of a mixed strategy for this problem, which combines a heuristic equality test with a deterministic, interval arithmetic based, inequality prover. In case of equality, we may optionally run Richardson's more expensive algorithm and try to prove the equality.
In applications, we notice that heuristic algorithms are often used in a similar way: to speed up the main algorithm, which can be perfectly deterministic. A nice example is the computation of a Gröbner basis over the rationals using modular arithmetic. In Faugère's software, modular arithmetic is used in order to get a precise idea about those S-polynomials that reduce to zero, thereby avoiding many unnecessary reductions when performing the actual computations over the rationals [Fau94].
In the particular case of a heuristic algorithm whose purpose is to guess dependencies, we finally notice that we may always build in the trivial safeguard to check all proposed relations a posteriori; see also remark 10 in section 6.1.
One particular angle of attack concerns the computational complexity or the numerical stability. This means that we search for examples for which the heuristic algorithm is very slow or numerically unstable. This line of thought underlies much of the numerical experiments which are presented in section 8.
Instead of attacking the heuristic algorithms, it is also possible to look for interesting classes of examples on which the heuristic provably works (or works better). In this paper, some interesting special classes of analytic functions are meromorphic, algebraic and so-called Fuchsian functions on a compact disk (see section 6.2). Typical classes which have to be considered for counterexamples are lacunary series, functions with a natural boundary, or holonomic functions that are not Fuchsian.
Let be an analytic function which is given by
its power series
at the origin. A natural
problem is to compute the radius of convergence
. For sufficiently large
classes of analytic functions, such as solutions to algebraic
differential equations over the rationals, this problem is generally
undecidable [DL89, Hoe07], although efficient
and high quality algorithms for the computation of lower bounds for
do exist in this case [Hoe07]. In this
section, we will consider heuristic algorithms, and only assume that a
large number of coefficients
are known numerically.
The first idea which comes into our mind is to apply Cauchy-Hadamard's
formula for the radius of convergence :
Given coefficients
, we may for instance use the
![]() |
(4) |
For most convergent power series ,
this formula is ultimately exact in the sense that
![]() |
(5) |
This is in particular the case when is
ultimately convex or ultimately concave (this follows from the fact that
the sequence
converges in an ultimately monotone
way to
, in this case). The
set of
for which (5) holds is also
stable under the transformation
for any
. Of course, we may replace
in (5) for
. Notice however that the
lacunary power series
does not satisfy (5).
The formula (4) has the disadvantage that it has not been
scaled appropriately: when replacing by
, where
such that
, we obtain
different approximations for
. This drawback can be removed by replacing
for some appropriate
coefficient index
. In fact, one can even do better, and compute
using the formula
appropriate indices
. Let us now show how to
read off such indices from the numerical Newton diagram of
Let , where we understand
. Then the Newton
diagram of
is the convex hull of the half
For a fixed , say
, let
and consider the Newton diagram of
There exists a minimal subset
, such that the Newton diagram is also the
convex hull of the half lines
. Graphically speaking, the
are the vertices of the Newton diagram (see figure 1).
For a fixed , say
, we may now determine the unique
of the Newton diagram such that
, and replace the formula (4)
![]() |
(6) |
For a large class of convergent power series , the formula (6) is again ultimately
exact. The indices
can be computed from the
using a linear traversal in time
. This yields an efficient
algorithm for the approximation of
which turns
out to be more accurate than (4) in practice. The formula
(6) has been implemented in the
the computed radius is usually correct up to one decimal digit in the
relative error.
![]() |
The formula (6) usually yields a reasonable estimate for
, even in very degenerate
cases when there are several singularities at distance
or close to
. However, if
admits a single isolated singularity
at distance
of the origin, with no
other singularities at distance close to
then it is often possible to read off much more information about this
singularity from the coefficients
For instance, it frequently (always?) occurs that the quotients simply tend to
. Moreover, as we will show below,
if the singularity at
has a known type, then the
can be further improved. If
nothing is known about the singularity at
then we may still try and see what happens if we apply such specialized
algorithms for various frequent types of singularities: with a bit of
luck, we will both obtain useful information about the type of
singularity and the numerical value of
We say that is algebraic at
, if
satisfies a polynomial equation
where are analytic functions at
. In that case, we have
with and ramification index
, whence
![]() |
(7) |
Using the E-algorithm [Wen01, BZ91], we may
now compute simultaneous approximations for the first
coefficients ,
, etc. of the
expansion (7). It turns out that this strategy greatly
improves the accuracy of the approximation of
(see also [Hoe09]).
Similarly, we say that is Fuchsian at
, if
satisfies a linear differential equation
where and
are analytic
functions at
In that case, the Taylor coefficients
the asymptotic expansion
where ,
and the
are polynomials in
of degrees
[Fab85, Poi86,
Bir13, Was67]. Again, the E-algorithm or more
general algorithms for asymptotic extrapolation [Hoe09] can
be used to compute
with a high accuracy. Notice
that these algorithms also provide estimates for the accuracies of the
computed approximations.
In cases where nothing particular is known about the behaviour of at its dominant singularity, the strategy of
asymptotic extrapolation [Hoe09] still may work and both
provide useful information about the nature of the singularity and the
numerical value of
In order to explore the analytic function
determined by the coefficients
more closely, and
in particular determine its singularities in a given region, it is
useful to have a means for performing the analytic continuation of
The way is given sometimes provides us with such
a means. For instance, if
is the solution to an
initial value problem
then the continuation of
at any sufficiently small
is again the solution
of an initial value problem
In [Hoe05, Hoe07] it is shown in detail how to
turn this into an algorithm for the analytic continuation of . Notice also that the power series
solutions to an initial value problem can be computed efficiently using
the algorithms from [BK78, Hoe02].
In general, it is always possible to compute the continuation numerically. However, this kind of “poor
man's” analytic continuation induces a big loss of accuracy. Let
us illustrate this on the fundamental example
In order to compute with a precision of
bits using the formula
we need to truncate this expansion at an order
for which
Putting and using Stirling's formula, this
For instance, in order to expand at order
with precision
we get
and we need an expansion of at the origin at
. In general, for every
analytic continuation step, we need to multiply the expansion order by a
constant factor which depends on the desired precision and the ratio
between the step size and the radius of convergence.
An experimentally better strategy for poor man's analytic continuation
is to postcompose with a suitable analytic
instead of
. If
admits a dominant
singularity at
, then
should be chosen in such a way that
as its only singularity in the unit disk,
and such that
is as small as possible. One may
typically take
to be a composition of rational
functions of the form
. Yet
another strategy would be to consider a Padé-Hermite
then to expand
(instead of
) at
Assuming that we have a means for analytic continuation (whether this
means is efficient and accurate or only a “poor man's”
solution), a natural question is to gather information about the
singularities of . First of
all, we may want to locate the dominant singularity (or singularities)
with a good precision.
Let us first assume that admits a unique
dominant singularity at
and no other
singularities of norm
Section 3 provides us with heuristic algorithms for the
computation of
. More
generally, for any
, the point
is also the
dominant singularity of
, so
we may compute
using the same heuristic
algorithms. Computing
for two such points, the singularity
is now
uniquely determined by its distances
(see figure 2).
Even if we do not know beforehand, then we apply
the above method for
, for some
In order to check the correctness of the computed value of
a posteriori, we also compute the radius of
is a dominant singularity of
if and only if
If this check fails, then we simply divide
two and repeat the same procedure until the right value of
is found.
In practice, the convergence radii can only be approximated, so all
equality tests have to be replaced by approximate equality tests, for
which the tolerance in relative precision is slightly larger than the
estimated relative precision with which the convergence radii are
computed. In particular, the above method computes
with approximately the same accuracy as the radius of convergence
Furthermore, if our procedure for analytic continuation is accurate
enough, then we may “zoom in” on a singularity, and
determine its location with higher precision. More precisely, assume
that we have a rough approximation of the
dominant singularity
. For
some small
, we then compute
an approximation
of the dominant singularity of
This yields the improved approximation
Assume now that admits more than one dominant
singularity (or other singularities of norms close to
), but still a finite number of them. On the
one hand, by computing the radii of convergence of
for a sufficiently large number of points
, we may determine all
dominant singularities. On the other hand, for any two adjacent dominant
, we may check the absence of
other singularities in between by looking at the radii of convergence of
for some
. This yields a criterion for
deciding whether we took a “sufficiently large number of points
From the numerical point of view, rough initial rough approximations can be further improved by zooming in. In figure 3 we have shown an example where we zoomed in on one among eight singularities. After zooming in, we see that all other singularities are far away, so they do not pollute the computation of the radius of convergence.
The generalized algorithm is particularly useful in the special case when there are two dominant singularities which are complex conjugates. This annoying situation prevents us from using the technique of asymptotic extrapolation in a direct way. Nevertheless, we may use it after zooming in on one of the two singularities.
In the case when our method for analytic continuation allows us to turn
around singularities, it is natural to ask whether we can explore the
Riemann surface of beyond the dominant
singularities. In general, it is always possible to approximate the
Riemann surface of
by an organically growing
sequence of more and more precise Riemann surfaces of a special form; we
refer to [Hoe07] for details. In this section, we will
restrict ourselves to a more particular situation: given the closed disk
of center
and radius
, we will assume that there
exist a finite number of points
in its interior
such that
is defined above
. Our task is to find the points
One complication is that some of the singularities
may not directly be visible from the origin by following a straight
line, but only after turning around one or more other singularities. In
principle, more and more singularities might therefore be disclosed by
making successive turns around the singularities which were already
found. In order to ensure our algorithm to terminate, we will make the
additional assumption
There exists a finite dimensional vector space of analytic
functions above , which
and all its analytic
This is in particular the case if
The Riemann surface of admits a finite
number of sheets above
In sections 6.1 and 6.2, we will encounter two natural situations in which the assumptions A resp. H are satisfied.
Consider a finite number of points together with
a graph
which admits
its vertices. We will say that
admissible if
is connected and for
every edge
, the straightline
segment between
. Assume that
is known at one of the points
. For each
we may then define
to be the vector space
spanned by all analytic continuations of
following edges of
. We may
compute the collection
of these vector spaces
using the following algorithm:
Algorithm continue
and an admissible graph
a basis
Step 1. [Initialize]
Set and
for all
Step 2. [Saturate]
For any ,
If , then
Set and repeat step 2
Step 3. [Terminate]
Remark requires an equality test for analytic
functions. From the heuristic point of view, we may simply fix two
and test whether the first
Taylor coefficients coincide up to a relative error
Assume now that singularities in
are known, say
We need a test in order to check whether
as well as a way to find at least one of the remaining singularities in
Let be such that
for all
We now consider a graph
in the form of a
hexagonal honeycomb, which fills up the disk
such that each edge
has length
(see also figure 4 below). Picking
sufficiently at random, the graph
is also
admissible, so we may apply the algorithm continue. For
each vertex
, we also compute
the minimum
of the convergence radii of the
elements in
. We claim that
if and only if
for all . Indeed, if
, then the equality clearly holds.
Assume for contradiction that the equality holds for all
, even though
For each of the outermost vertices
of the
honeycomb with
, we have
. This implies that
, whence
lies in the interior of one of the cells of the honeycomb. Let
be such that
is minimal. Now consider a vertex
of the cell of
the honeycomb which contains
such that
(see figure 4). Then
. Now
also implies that
. Consequently,
. This contradiction completes the proof of our
Whenever (9) does not hold for some , then this indicates the presence of a
singularity in
. It thus suffices to determine the dominant
singularities of the elements in
in order to
find at least one of these missing singularities.
Remark . Therefore, and as in the previous subsection,
the test (9) should really be replaced by an approximate
equality test.
Remark edges and not
(at least in the case when
the solution to a differentially algebraic equation).
![]() |
Figure 4. Illustration of the proof
of our claim that |
In the case when is meromorphic on the compact
of radius
then there exists an alternative for the algorithms from section 4: we may directly search for a polynomial
such that the radius of convergence of
strictly larger than
. If
such a polynomial
exists, then we may select
to be monic and of minimal degree; this
particular polynomial
will be called the
denominator of
. If
is not meromorphic
, then we define
. Given
, we also define the guarded denominator
Guarded denominators may be computed using simple linear algebra, as
Algorithm denom
coefficients of
, a radius
and a degree bound
chosen of minimal degree ,
Step 1. [Initialize]
Step 2. [Determine ]
Solve the linear system
![]() |
(10) |
Step 3. [Terminate or loop]
Heuristically determine ,
based on the first
coefficients of
If then return
If then return
Set and go to step 2
In order to study the reliability of this algorithm, let us first
introduce some more notations. First of all, given integers and
, we will
The approximate correctness of the algorithm relies on the following technical lemma which will be proved in the next section.
admits exactly
in the closed unit disk, when counted with multiplicities, then the
matrix norm of
and assume that the test
in the algorithm always returns true if and only if
. Then
if and only if
. Moreover,
, then
for and any
Proof. Modulo a scaling , we may assume without loss of generality that
. Furthermore, the proof is
clear if
, so we will assume
The test
returns false as long as
(or if
Assume now that
in the algorithm. Then the computed
Now let . Given
, we have
Using lemma 5, it follows that
Remark -step
search for finding a polynomial of minimal degree
. Using a binary search
at each step at a first stage, and
using a dichotomic search at a second stage), the number of steps can be
reduced to
Proof. Let us first consider the case when is a rational function with
, and
such that
only admits roots in the closed unit
disk. We denote
. Using partial fraction
decomposition, there exist numbers
such that
In particular, we may factor
where is a matrix with entries in
is a diagonal matrix with
(and such that each
times). The functions
being linearly independent, the matrix
is invertible in
This completes the proof of the lemma in the special case.
In general, we may write ,
as above and where
is an analytic function on the closed unit disk. Then
for some . This completes the
proof in the general case.
Keeping the same spirit as in section 5, we will now turn
our attention to two larger classes of algebraic and Fuchsian analytic
functions on the compact disk of radius
. Given a function
in one of these classes, we will show how to find the defining equation
, under the assumption
that we have a high accuracy algorithm for its analytic continuation. As
in remark 2, we will also assume the existence of a
heuristic equality test for analytic functions.
Let be an analytic function which is given by
its power series
at the origin. Assume that
can be continued analytically on a Riemann surface
above the closed disk
minus a finite set of points
. Let
be the set of
analytic functions on
. We
say that
is algebraic on
if there exists a polynomial relation
![]() |
(11) |
with . In that case, we may
normalize the relation such that
has minimal
degree and such that
is a monic polynomial of
minimal degree. In particular, all roots of
inside the disk
Given a function which is algebraic on
, this function clearly satisfies
the assumption A in section 4.3, whence we
may compute the singularities
using the
algorithm described there. Conversely, the example
shows that there are functions which satisfy the assumption
A, but which are not algebraic on the disk .
Assume that is algebraic on
. For each singularity
, consider a path
from the
origin to a point near
which avoids the other
singularities, and let
be the operator which
performs an analytic continuation along
one turn around
, followed by
an analytic continuation along
With these operators, we may use the following algorithm for the
detection of algebraic dependencies:
Algorithm alg_dep
and bounds
, or
Step 1. [Initialize]
Step 2. [Saturate]
If then return
If for all
then go to step 3
Repeat step 2
Step 3. [Terminate]
For each , compute
If for some
then return
If then return
Proof. Assume that
satisfies a normalized relation (11), with
. Since
only contains distinct roots of
we have
the algorithm. In particular
and we ultimately obtain stabilization
At this point, analytic continuation around any of the points leaves the polynomial
so the coefficients of
are analytic and
single-valued on
. On the
other hand, given a singularity
each solution
is also given by a convergent
Puiseux series near
, whence
so are the coefficients of
Since the only Puiseux series without monodromy around
are Laurent series, it follows that the coefficients of
are meromorphic on
By the minimality assumption on ,
it follows that
. Since each coefficient
meromorphic on
, we may use
the algorithm denom from the previous section in order
to compute a polynomial
of minimal degree
such that
The monic least common multiple
is nothing but
the monic polynomial
of minimal degree such that
Remark and
return the right answer, then we will reach the line
whenever the desired relation exists. For the final normalization step,
we need a numerical algorithm for the computation of least common
multiples which allows for small errors in the input coefficients. This
is similar to the computation of approximate g.c.d.s for
which there exists an extensive literature; see for example [CGTW95,
KL96], or [Zen04] and references therein.
Remark and check whether they are indeed
superior to
We say that is Fuchsian on
, if
satisfies a linear
differential equation
![]() |
(12) |
where , and
is Fuchsian at each point in
Again, we may normalize (12) such that
has minimal order
and such that
is a monic polynomial of minimal degree.
Given a function which is Fuchsian on
, the function now satisfies the
assumption H in section 4.3, so we may
again compute the singularities
using the
algorithm described there. With
as in the
previous section, we may detect Fuchsian dependencies as follows:
Algorithm fuch_dep
and bounds
, or
Step 1. [Initialize]
Step 2. [Saturate]
If then return
Let denote the vector space generated by a
finite set of vectors
If for all
then go to step 3
Repeat step 2
Step 3. [Terminate]
in the skew polynomial ring ,
For each , compute
If for some
then return
If then return
Proof. Assume that
satisfies a normalized Fuchsian relation (12), with
Throughout the algorithm, the set
only contains
linearly independent solutions to
Therefore, the smallest operator
which vanishes
on the right. In particular
and we ultimately obtain stabilization
Consider one of the singularities .
is Fuchsian at
, the equation
admits a
fundamental system of solutions of the form
where and
are convergent
power series. The coefficients of
lie in the
generated by all generalized power series
of this form. Again, the only elements of
with a
trivial monodromy around
are convergent Laurent
series at
. Since analytic
continuation around
leaves the operator
unchanged, it follows that the coefficients of
are meromorphic on
We conclude in a similar way as in the proof of theorem 8.
Remark admits at worse a Fuchsian singularity at
is essential for the algorithm to work. For
instance, in the case of the function
the monodromy around is trivial, whence applying
the algorithm for
would simply result in having
at step 3. Even though
has no monodromy around
this function is no longer a Laurent series. In fact, the desired
vanishing operator has second order in this case, but it cannot be read
off directly from
In the case when we have no algorithm or no efficient algorithm for the
analytic continuation of ,
the algorithms of section 6 can no longer be used. In this
section, we will describe a purely numerical approach for the detection
of analytic relations on a closed disk of radius
. Modulo the change of variables
, it suffices to consider the case when
Given an order , we will
denote by
the set of power series
for all
. When truncating the usual multiplication on
at order
we give
a ring structure, which is isomorphic to
. We will denote by
the Hilbert space of all power series
with finite
Notice that any power series that converges on the closed unit disk has
finite norm, but a power series with finite norm is only guaranteed to
converge on the open unit disk. More generally, the norm of a vector
is given by
The spaces can be considered as an increasing
sequence of Hilbert spaces, for the restrictions of the norm on
to the
Let and assume that
power series with radii of convergence at least
(notice that we do not assume the
to be
of finite norm). We want to solve the equation
![]() |
(13) |
We will denote the vector space of all such relations
. Since the equation (13) involves an infinite number of coefficients, we need to
consider its truncated version at a finite order
. Replacing
by their
truncations in
, we will
search for non-trivial solutions of the equation
![]() |
(14) |
In a way which will be made more precise below, we will require the
norms of and
to remain
of the same orders of magnitude as the vector
. We will denote by
vector space of all
which satisfy (14).
If the norms of the solutions to the truncated problems tend to a limit
, then we will prove that
these solutions tend to a solution of the original problem (13).
Let us reformulate the truncated problem in terms of linear algebra. The
series give rise to an
The unknown series give rise to a row vector
Setting , we then have
Putting the first entries on the right hand side
and grouping by packets of
entries, it follows
encodes the relation
. This reduces the problem to finding those vectors
for which
is of the same
order of magnitude as the vector
We start with the computation of a thin LQ decomposition of . This can for instance be done using the
Gram-Schmidt process: starting with the first row, we orthogonally
project each row on the vector space spanned by the previous rows. This
results in a decomposition
where is a lower triangular
matrix with ones on the diagonal and
is an
matrix, whose rows are mutually orthogonal
). Now
consider the matrix
formed by the
last rows of
Then each row
gives rise to a relation (14),
encoded by
. Moreover, this
relation is normal or
in the sense that
for all
. Since
is the shortest vector in
the relation is also minimal in norm, among all
-normal relations. Choosing the row
for which
is minimal, our algorithm simply
returns the corresponding relation. Then our algorithm has the following
fundamental property:
for which
is minimal.
Let us now return to the case when are no longer
truncated, but all have a radius of convergence
. A relation (13) is again said to be
normal or
for all
. Under the limit
, we claim that our algorithm finds a minimal
normal relation, if there exists a relation of the form (13):
Assume that . Then
contains a minimal normal relation. For
contains at most one minimal
-normal relation.
Assume that is a minimal
-normal relation. For each
, let
be the
truncation of
at order
and consider the corresponding minimal
-normal relation
. Then the relations
converge to
If , then the norms
, with
as in
Proof. A non trivial relation
is easily normalized: we first divide
, where
. We next divide by
is largest with
. Now the set of all
relations is a closed affine subspace of
The orthogonal projection of
on this subspace
yields a unique
relation of minimal norm. This proves (a).
Assume that there exists an -normal
be the minimal such relation. Given an order
, consider the minimal
-normal relation
at this
order. Truncation of this relation at a smaller order
yields an
-normal relation
at order
, whence
![]() |
(15) |
Moreover, since is the projection of
on the affine space of
relations at order
, we have
![]() |
(16) |
Similarly, truncation of the relation at finite
yields an
which satisfies
In particular, , so that
For , it follows that
, whence
In other words, is a Cauchy sequence, which
converges to a limit
. Now for each
we may write
and denote by
the truncation of the vector
at order
. By assumption, the inner products
vanish. Since
for all
, we also have
, whence
. Consequently,
is an
-normal relation in
. By the minimality hypothesis on
, we conclude that
, which proves (b).
In general, the existence of a bound with
still ensures to be a Cauchy sequence, and its
limit yields an
relation (13). This proves the last assertion
Remark with an isolated smallest singularity
of the form
where and
are analytic
. Then the asymptotic
extrapolation of
yields an asymptotic expansion
of the form
Using singularity analysis [FS96], we may then recover the
function from the coefficients
. However, this technique only works in special
cases, since the first
terms of the asymptotic
expansion may hide other terms, which need to be taken into account when
searching for exact dependencies.
A first implementation of the guessing algorithm from section 7
has been made in the .
We have tested the orthogonalization algorithm on three examples of increasing difficulty, for which linear dependencies are known to exist. In order to avoid problems due to numerical instability, we have used a large working precision, of 1024 or 2048 bits.
Here follow the values for at different orders
The clearly converge to a limit
with radius of convergence
It should be noticed that we do not have
In other words, the “best” numeric relation (from the point
of view of
-norms) does not
coincide with the “best” algebraic relation (as found by
using Padé-Hermite approximation). A closer examination of the
result shows that
In particular, decreases if
We obtain:
The convergence only becomes apparent at higher orders. Contrary to the
previous example, it seems that the series in the computed relation all
have a radius of convergence .
The norms of the computed results are given by
The asymptotic behaviour of the coefficients is
determined by the asymptotic behaviour of
at its
singularity of smallest norm. Since
for all
, this so-called dominant
singularity necessarily lies on the positive real axis, and coincides
with the radius of convergence
. Using asymptotic extrapolation [Hoe09],
we find that
. In order to
close to
, we apply our algorithm to
The translation is done using power series
evaluation until stabilization at the working precision. Although this
was most straightforward to implement for this particular example, there
exist better strategies for zooming in, as mentioned at the end of
section 4.1. At different orders, we obtain:
The corresponding norms are given by ,
. Again, the convergence is
rather slow, and the computed series all seem to have radius of
. Since
, this means that we indeed guessed
an analytic relation between
on the unit disk.
Remark ,
if such a relation indeed exists. Larger radii of convergence
can be obtained simply by running the algorithm on
and scaling back the result.
It is also instructive to run the algorithm on examples where the are known to be analytically independent. In that
case, it is important to examine the behaviour of the norms
and find more precise criteria
which will enable us to discard the existence of a nice dependency with
a reasonable degree of certainty.
where . Running our algorithm
directly on this function yields the following results for
The results indeed do not converge and the corresponding sequence of
norms ,
diverges at moderate exponential speed.
The series is a series whose coefficients are
chosen according to a random uniform distribution on
. The results are shown in table 1
below. For
, it seems that the norm
does not much depend on the precise type of singularity, but only on
and the truncation order
. For the last series
the dependencies on
approximately seem to follow the law
![]() |
(17) |
This idealized law needs to be adjusted for functions ,
with more common types of singularities.
Although (17) remains asymptotically valid for large values
, the factor
needs to be replaced by a smaller number for moderate
values. For
, this factor
rather seems to be of the form
where the constant
depends on the nature of the
singularity. Also, the linear dependency of
is only reached for large values of
![]() |
(18) |
It also seems that the law can be adapted to functions with more common
types of singularities, along similar lines as before. It would be
interesting to have a theoretical explanation for the empirical laws (17) and (18). The division by
in (18) is probably due to the fact that there are
unknowns in the equation (13).
Of course, in the case that we are considering functions with several singularities
on our
disk of interest, only the singularities
is smallest are “numerically
visible” (except when there exist relations which not involve
these dominant singularities
In order to design a blackbox algorithm for the detection of dependencies (13), we need to make a final decision on whether we declare the input functions to be dependent or not. In view of the empirical law (18), and whatever decision criterion we implement, the outcome can only be trusted if the following two conditions are satisfied:
The number should not be too large.
There exists a large constant for which all
singularities of
are concentrated inside the
disk of radius
or outside the disk of radius
As usual, if we are interested in dependencies near an isolated singularity, then the second condition can often be achieved by zooming in on the singularity.
Our empirical observations in the previous section suggest that we
should base the final decision on the empirical law (18).
First of all, in the case of independence, we should observe a more or
less geometric increase of the norm when running
the algorithm for different orders
only admits an isolated singularity in
, then we may also compute its norm
and compare the computed values of
with the expected values, as given by the law (18),
or a suitable adaptation of this law when
becomes small. This method is most effective when
is large, so it is usually recommended to zoom in on the singularity
before doing this comparison. In fact, if the law (18) is
satisfied for different zooming factors, then this may further
increase our confidence that the input functions are independent.
For any numerical checks based on the law (18) or a
refinement of it, we also recommend to precondition the input series
. In particular, we recommend
to multiply each
by a suitable constant,
ensuring that
whenever we apply our algorithm at order .
is computed using one of the algorithms
from section 3.
In fact, there is a trade-off between zooming in on the dominant
singularity (thereby ensuring a large value of ) and using the original input coefficients (which
are given with a higher accuracy and order). In order to get more
insight in how far we should zoom in, we need to analyze the cost of the
algorithm from section 7.
The current working precision should in general
be taken larger than
in order to keep the method
numerically stable. Denoting by
the cost for
multiplying two
-bit numbers,
a naive implementation of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure
yields a total cost of
Denoting by
the cost of multiplying two
matrices with
bit entries,
and using a blockwise Gram-Schmidt procedure (similar to the procedure
for matrix inversion in [Str69]), we obtain the better
. However, the matrix
from section 7 has a very special
form. With more work, it might therefore be possible to save an
additional factor
, but we
have not actively tried to do so yet.
Taking into account the effect of a possible zoom, we may next evaluate
the computational cost in terms of the desired “output
quality”. As a definition of the output quality, we may take the
expected value of
in the
case when
are independent. In order to obtain
accurate results, we need to compute with a bit precision larger than
. In terms of
, the time complexity thus becomes
where is the exponent of matrix multiplication
[Str69, Pan84, CW87, Vas12].
The complexity bound makes it clear that we should put a lot of effort
into keeping
large. If
satisfies a differential equation, then zooming in can be done with low
computational cost (see section 4.1). Otherwise, the
required expansion order grows quickly with the inverse of the distance
to the singularity. Indeed, for
the formula (8) becomes
where we recall that, in order to apply the orthogonalization process
after zooming in, we need to expand at an order
which is
times larger than before.
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