Modular integer arithmetic occurs in many algorithms for computer
algebra, cryptography, and error correcting codes. Although recent
microprocessors typically offer a wide range of highly optimized
arithmetic functions, modular integer operations still require
dedicated implementations. In this article, we survey existing
algorithms for modular integer arithmetic, and present detailed
vectorized counterparts. We also present several applications,
such as fast modular Fourier transforms and multiplication of
integer polynomials and matrices. The vectorized algorithms have
been implemented in C++ inside the free computer algebra and
analysis system |
Categories and Subject Descriptors: G.4 [Mathematical Software]: Parallel and vector implementations
General Terms: Algorithms, Performance
Additional Key Words and Phrases: modular integer arithmetic, fast Fourier transform, integer product, polynomial product, matrix product, Mathemagix
During the past decade, major manufacturers of microprocessors have
changed their focus from ever increasing clock speeds to putting as many
cores as possible on one chip and to lower power consumption. One
approach followed by leading constructors such as
As powerful as multicore architectures may be, this technology also comes with its drawbacks. Besides the increased development cost of parallel algorithms, the main disadvantage is that the high degree of concurrency allowed by multicore architecture often constitutes an overkill. Indeed, many computationally intensive tasks ultimately boil down to classical mathematical building blocks such as matrix multiplication or fast Fourier transforms (FFTs).
In many cases, the implementation of such building blocks is better
served by simpler parallel architectures, and more particularly by the
Single Instruction, Multiple Data (
More specifically, this paper concerns the efficiency of the
One important mathematical building block for
The aim of this paper is twofold. First of all, we adapt known
algorithms for modular integer arithmetic to the
The descriptions of the algorithms are self-contained and we provide
implementation details for the
There is large literature on modular integer arithmetic. The main operation to be optimized is multiplication modulo a fixed integer . This requires an efficient reduction of the product modulo . The naive way of doing this reduction would be to compute the remainder of the division of the product by . However, divisions tend to be more expensive than multiplications in current hardware. The classical solution to this problem is to pre-compute the inverse so that all divisions by can be transformed into multiplications.
In order to compute the product of and modulo , it suffices to compute the integer floor part of the rational number and to
deduce . The most obvious
algorithm is to compute using floating point
arithmetic. However, this approach suffers from a few drawbacks. First,
in order to ensure portability, the processor should comply to the
Barrett's algorithm [7] provides an alternative to the floating point approach. The idea is to rescale the floating point inverse of and to truncate it into an integer type. For some early comparisons between integer and floating point operations and a branch-free variant, we refer to [32]. This approach is also discussed in [23, Section 16.9] for particular processors. For multiple precision integers, algorithms were given in [6, 39].
Another alternative approach is to precompute the inverse of the modulus as a -adic integer. This technique, which is essentially equivalent to Montgomery's algorithm [52], only uses integer operations, but requires to be odd. Furthermore, modular integers need to be encoded and decoded (with a cost similar to one modular product), which is not always convenient. Implementations have been discussed in [49]. A generalization to even moduli was proposed in [48]. It relies on computing separately modulo and (such that is odd, and ) via Chinese remaindering. Unfortunately, this leads to a significant overhead for small moduli. Comparisons between Barrett's and Montgomery's product were given in [15] for values of corresponding to a few machine words. A recent survey can be found in [54] with a view towards hardware implementation.
Modular arithmetic and several basic mathematical operations on
polynomials and matrices have been implemented before on several types
of parallel hardware (multicore architectures and
Our applications to matrix product over large polynomials or integers are central tasks to many algorithms in computer algebra [2, 12, 26, 50]. For a sample of recent targeted implementations, the reader might consult [30, 38, 53].
One difficulty with modular arithmetic is that the most efficient
algorithms are strongly dependent on the bit-size of the modulus , as well as the availability and
efficiency of specific instructions in the hardware. This is especially
so in the case of
The fast sequential algorithms for modular reduction from the previous
section all involve some branching in order to counterbalance the effect
of rounding. Our first contribution is to eliminate all branching so as
to make vectorization possible and efficient. Our second contribution is
a complete implementation of the various approaches as a function of the
High performance libraries such as
A third contribution of this article is the application of our modular
arithmetic to an
Besides low level software design considerations, our main research
goals concern algorithms for solving polynomial systems, for effective
complex analysis, and error correcting codes.
Throughout this article, timings are measured on a platform equipped
with an
For completeness, we conclude this introduction with recalling basic
facts on
The scalar data types which are supported;
The total bit-size of vector registers;
The number of vector registers;
For each scalar data type , the instruction set for vector operations over ;
The instruction set for other operations on
Currently, the most common
In this paper, our
The types __m128i and __m128d
correspond to packed 128-bit integer and floating point vectors.
They are supported by
The instruction _mm_add_epi64 corresponds to the addition of two vectors of 64-bit signed integers of type __m128i (so the vectors are of length ).
The predicate _mm_cmpgt_epi64 corresponds to a component-wise test on two vectors of 64-bit signed integers of type __m128i. The boolean results true and false are encoded by the signed integers -1 and 0.
The instruction _mm_mul_pd corresponds to the multiplication of two vectors of double precision floating point numbers of type __m128d (so the vectors are of length ).
We notice that all floating point arithmetic conforms to the IEEE-754 standard. In particular, results of floating point operations are obtained through correct rounding of their exact mathematical counterparts, where the global rounding mode can be set by the user. Some processors also provide fused multiply add (FMA) and subtract instructions _mm_fmadd_pd and _mm_fmsub_pd which are useful in Section 3. Another less obvious but useful instruction that is provided by some processors is:
_mm_blendv_pd (, , ) returns a vector with whenever the most significant bit of is set and otherwise (for each ). For floating point numbers, it should be noticed that the most significant bit of corresponds to the sign bit.
For more details about
Let us mention that a standard way to benefit from
If and are nonnegative integers, then and represent the quotient and the remainder in the long division of by respectively. We let U denote an unsigned integer type of bit-size assumed to be at least for convenience. This means that all the integers in the range from to can be represented in U by their binary expansion. The corresponding type for signed integers of bit-size is written I: all integers from to can be represented in I. The type represents unsigned integers of size at least . Let be a nonnegative integer of bit-size at most with . For efficiency reasons we consider that and are quantities known at compilation time, whereas the actual value of is only known at execution time. In fact, deciding which elementary modular arithmetic algorithm to use at runtime according to the bit-size of is of course too expensive. For convenience we identify the case to computing modulo . Modulo integers are stored as their representative in .
Although modular sum seems rather easy at first look, we quickly summarize the known techniques and pitfalls.
Given and modulo , in order to compute , we can first compute in U and subtract when an overflow occurs or when , as detailed in the following function:
Output. .
U add_mod (U , U ) {
U = + ;
if ( < ) return - ;
return ( >= ) ? - : ; }
Of course, when , no overflow occurs in the sum of line 1, and line 2 is useless. If branching is more expensive than shifting and if , then one can compute I = + - and return + (( >> (-1)) & ), where we recall that implements the right arithmetic shift. It is important to program both versions and determine which approach is the fastest for a given processor. Negation and subtraction can be easily implemented in a similar manner.
Arithmetic operations on packed integers are rather well supported by
Output. .
__m128i add_mod_1_epu32 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_add_epi32 (, );
return _mm_min_epu32 (, _mm_sub_epi32 (, )); }
Since the min operation does not exist on packed 64-bit integers, we use the following function, where represents the packed -bit integer of type __m128i filled with :
Output. .
__m128i add_mod_1_epu64 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_sub_epi64 (_mm_add_epi64 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_cmpgt_epi64 (, );
return _mm_add_epi64 (, _mm_and_si128 (, )); }
If , we can proceed as follows: equals if, and only if, . In the latter case can be obtained as , and otherwise as . If , an overflow only occurs when . Nevertheless, max (, - ) equals when computed in U and - ( - ) is the correct value. These calculations can be vectorized for packed integers of bit-size , 16, and as follows:
Output. .
__m128i add_mod_epu32 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_sub_epi32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (_mm_max_epu32 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_andnot_si128 (, );
return _mm_add_epi32 (_mm_sub_epi32 (, ), ); }
The minimum operator and comparisons do not exist for packed 64-bit integers so we declare the function _mm_cmpgt_epu64 (__m128i , __m128i ) as:
_mm_cmpgt_epi64 (_mm_sub_epi64 (, ), _mm_sub_epi64 (, ))
where represents the packed 64-bit integer filled with . The modular addition can be realized as follows:
Output. .
__m128i add_mod_epu64 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_add_epi64 (, );
__m128i = _mm_or_si128 (_mm_cmpgt_epu64 (, ),
_mm_cmpgt_epu64 (, - ));
return _mm_sub_epi64 (, _mm_and_si128 (, )); }
It is straightforward to adapt these functions to the
Table 1 displays timings for arithmetic operations over
integer types of all possible bit-sizes
supported by the compiler. Timings are the average number of clock
cycles when applying the addition on two vectors of byte-size 4096
aligned in memory, and writing the result into the first vector. In
particular, timings include load and store instructions. The row
Scalar corresponds to disabling vectorization extensions with
the command line option -fno-tree-vectorize of the
compiler. For better performance, loops are unrolled and the
optimization option -O3 of the compiler is used. For
conciseness, we restrict tables to addition; subtraction and negation
behave in a similar way. Operations which are not supported are
indicated by
Table 2 shows timings for modular sums. In absence of vectorization, 8-bit and 16-bit arithmetic operations are in fact performed by 32-bit operations. Indeed, 8-bit and 16-bit arithmetic is handled in a suboptimal way by current processors and compilers. For the vectorized implementations, we observe significant speedups when . Nevertheless, when , the lack of performance is not dramatic enough to justify the use of larger integers and double memory space.
The first modular product we describe is the one classically attributed to Barrett. It has the advantage to operate on integer types with no assumption on the modulus. For any nonnegative real number , we write for the largest integer less or equal to , and for the smallest integer greater or equal to . We use the following auxiliary quantities:
the nonnegative integer of with ;
nonnegative integers and such that and ;
the integer represents an approximation of a rescaled numerical inverse of .
Since , the integer fits in U. We call the pre-inverse of . Since , the computation of just requires one division in . In this subsection both integers and are assumed to be of type U. We describe below how to set suitable values for and in terms of (see Table 3).
Let be one more auxiliary quantity with . If is an integer such that , Barrett's algorithm computes as follows:
Output. .
U reduce_barrett (L ) {
L = >> ;
L = ( * ) >> ;
L = - * ;
while ( >= ) = - ;
return ; }
Proof. From , it follows that . Therefore, has bit-size at most , and . Since the product fits in L. From
we obtain . If , then , so that , whence the conclusion follows. If , then , and we still have .
If is an integer modulo , and and are sequences of integers modulo , computing is a central task to matrix and polynomial products. In order to minimize the number of reductions to be done, we wish to take as large as possible. In general, in Barrett's algorithm, we can always take , and , which leads to . When , we can achieve if we restrict to with and . When , it is even better to take and so that when . When , then we let and when to get . These possible settings are summarized in Table 3.
We could consider taking instead of . From and we obtain . Therefore the inequalities imply that fits in U. Using instead of in Function 6 leads to the following inequalities:
If , then the term disappears. If is sufficiently small, then can be bounded by . Therefore line 4 of Function 6 can be discarded. More precisely, if we assume that and letting , , and , then we have the following faster function:
Output. .
U reduce_barrett_half (U ) {
U = ( * ((L) )) >> ;
return - * ; }
Proof. Letting , the proof follows from and .
Assume that we wish to compte several modular products, where one of the
multiplicands is a fixed modular integer .
A typical application is the computation of
Output. .
U mul_mod_barrett (U , U y, U ) {
U = ( * ((L) )) >> ;
L = ((L) ) * - ((L) ) * ;
return ( >= ) ? - : ; }
Proof. From we obtain , whence the correctness.
Notice that Function 8 does not depend on , , or . If , then line 2 can be replaced by U = * - * . If , then fits in U since , and Function 8 can be improved along the same lines as Function 7:
Output. .
U mul_mod_barrett_half (U , U y, U ) {
U = ( * ((L) )) >> ;
return * - * ; }
Proof. Similarly to previous proofs, we have , whence the correctness.
Function 6 could be easily vectorized if all the necessary
elementary operations were available within the
Output. .
__m128i mul_mod_2_epu16 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_mullo_epi32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_mullo_epi32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi32 (_mm_mullo_epi32 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi32 (_mm_mullo_epi32 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_packus_epi32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_sub_epi16 (_mm_mullo_epi16 (, ),
_mm_mullo_epi16 (, );
return _mm_min_epu16 (, _mm_sub_epi16 (, ));
If , then the computations up to line 10 are the same but the lines after are replaced by:
Under the only assumption that , ones needs to duplicate latter lines 13 and 14.
For packed 8-bit integers since no packed product is natively available, we simply perform most of the computations over packed 16-bit integers as follows:
Output. .
__m128i muladd_mod_2_epu8 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (, );
__m128i = _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (, );
__m128i = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (, );
__m128i = _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (, );
__m128i = _mm_mullo_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_mullo_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi16 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi16 (_mm_mullo_epi16 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi16 (_mm_mullo_epi16 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_sub_epi16 (, _mm_mullo_epi16 (, ));
__m128i = _mm_sub_epi16 (, _mm_mullo_epi16 (, ));
__m128i = _mm_packus_epi16 (, );
return _mm_min_epu16 (, _mm_sub_epi8 (, ));
If does not hold, then the same modifications as with packed 16-bit integers are applied.
For packed -bit integers, a similar extension using packing and unpacking instructions is not possible. We take advantage of the _mm_mul_epu32 instruction. If , then we use the following code:
Output. .
__m128i mul_mod_2_epu32 (__m128i , __m128i ) {
__m128i = _mm_mul_epu32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi64 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi64 (_mm_mullo_epi32 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_srli_si128 (, 4);
__m128i = _mm_srli_si128 (, 4);
__m128i = _mm_mul_epu32 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi64 (, );
__m128i = _mm_srli_epi64 (_mm_mullo_epi32 (, ), );
__m128i = _mm_blend_epi16 (, _mm_slli_si128 (, 4),4+8+64+128);
__m128i = _mm_or_si128 (, _mm_slli_si128 (, 4));
__m128i = _mm_sub_epi32 (, _mm_mullo_epi32 (, ));
return _mm_min_epu32 (, _mm_sub_epi32 (, ));
When , the same kind of modifications as before have to be done: must be computed with vectors of unsigned 64-bit integers. Since these vectors do not support the computation of the minimum, one has to use _mm_cmpgt_epi64.
In Table 4 we display timings for multiplying machine integers, using the same conventions as in Table 1. Recall that packed -bit integers have no dedicated instruction for multiplication: it is thus done through the 16-bit multiplication via unpacking/packing.
Table 5 shows the performance of the above algorithms. The
row “Naive” corresponds to the scalar approach using the
In the scalar approach, compiler optimizations and hardware operations are not always well supported for small sizes, so it makes sense to perform computations on a larger size. On our test platform, 32-bit integers typically provide the best performance. The resulting timings are given in the row “padded Barrett”. For 8-bit integers, the best strategy is in fact to use lookup tables yielding cycles in average, but this strategy cannot be vectorized. Finally the last two rows correspond to the vectorized versions of Barrett's approach.
For larger integers, the performance is shown in Table 6. Let us mention that in the row “Barrett” with we actually make use of __int128 integer arithmetic.
Table 7 shows the average cost of one product with a fixed multiplicand. In comparison with Table 5, we notice a significant speedup, especially for the vectorial algorithms.
For Montgomery's algorithm [52], one needs to assume that is odd. Let be such that and let . We need the auxiliary quantities and defined by , , and . They can be classically computed with the extended Euclidean algorithm [26, Chapter 3].
For convenience we introduce . The core of Montgomery's algorithm is the following reduction function:
Output. .
U reduce_montgomery (U ) {
U = ( * ) & ;
L = + * ;
U = >> m;
if ( < ) return - ;
return ( >= ) ? - : ; }
Proof. First one verifies that . Therefore is a multiple of . If , then no overflow occurs in the sum of line 2, and the division in line is exact. We then have , and the correctness follows from and thus . If , then the casual overflow in line 2 is tested in line 4, and is the value in U of .
Let be a modulo integer. We say that is in Montgomery's representation if stored as . The product of two modular integers and , of respective Montgomery's representations and , can be obtained in Montgomery's representation by applying Function 13 to since .
If , then the mask in line 1 can be avoided, and the shift in line 3 might be more favorable than a general shift, according to the compiler. In total, if or , Montgomery's approach is expected to be faster than Barrett's one. Otherwise costs should be rather similar. Of course these cost considerations are rather informal and the real cost very much depends on the processor and the compiler.
Table 8 contains timings measured in the same manner as in the previous subsection. Compared to Tables 5 and 6 we observe that Montgomery's product is not interesting in the scalar case for 8 and 16-bit integers but it outperforms Barrett's approach in larger sizes, especially when . Compared to Table 7, Montgomery's product is only faster for when and .
Instead of integer types, we can use numeric types such as float or double to perform modular operations. Let us write F such a type, and let represent the size of the mantissa of F minus one, i.e. 23 bits for float and 52 bits for double. This number of bits corresponds to the size of the so called trailing significant field of F, which is explicitly stored. The modular product of and begins with the computation of an integer approximation of . Then is an approximation of at distance . The constant hidden behind the latter depends on rounding modes. In this section we conform to IEEE-754 standard. We first analyze the case when fills less than half of the mantissa. We next propose a general algorithm using the fused multiply-add operation.
The following notations are used until the end of the present section. We write for the value of computed in F by applying the division operator on 1.0 and (F) . Still following IEEE-754, the trailing significant field of is written and its exponent . These quantities precisely depend on the active rounding mode used to compute . But for all rounding modes, they satisfy the following properties:
(1) |
From the latter inequality we obtain
and thus
(2) |
Let be a real number of type F, and let F = * be the approximation of computed in F. Again, independently of the rounding mode, there exist integers and , for the trailing significant field and the exponent of , such that
(3) |
From we deduce
(4) |
We also use the approximation of 1.0 / ((F) ) computed in F with rounding mode set towards infinity, so that holds.
When fills no more than half of the mantissa,
that is when , it is possible
to perform modular products in F easily. Let the floor function return the largest integral value less than
or equal to its argument, as defined in
Output. .
F reduce_numeric_half (F ) {
F = * ;
F = floor ();
F = - * ;
if ( >= ) return - ;
if ( < 0) return + ;
return ; }
Proof. Using (1) and (2) we obtain , hence the floor function actually returns in . From the decomposition
(5) |
we deduce
From (2), we have , and from (4) we deduce . It follows that hence that .
If using instead of , and if the rounding mode is set towards infinity, then , and then , which allows us to discard line 4.
In the same way we did for Barrett's product, and under mild assumptions, we can improve the latter function whenever .
Hypothesis. The current rounding mode rounds towards infinity.
Output. .
F reduce_numeric_half_1 (F ) {
F = * ;
F = floor ();
return - * ; }
Proof. We claim that
(6) |
By (2) and (4), the claim is satisfied as soon as , which is itself implied by , that is correct since it rewrites into by expanding the product.
From and (5) we deduce that
which proves the correctness.
Inequality (6) finally implies .
Until now we have not exploited the whole mantissa of F. To
release the assumption in Function 14,
the value for could be computed over a
sufficiently large integer type. Over double one can use
-bit integers, as implemented
for instance in [58]. The drawbacks of this approach are
the extra conversions between numeric and integer types, and the fact
that the vectorization is compromised since -bit integer products are not natively available in
Output. .
F mul_mod_fma (F , F ) {
F = * ;
F = fma (, , );
F = * ;
F = floor ();
F = fma (, , );
F = + ;
if ( >= ) return - ;
if ( < 0) return + ;
return ; }
Proof. Let . We have , so that . We also verify that , which implies that . Using (5) again, the following inequalities hold:
From (2) we have , and from (4) we deduce . It follows that . In particular this implies , whence . This proves that and therefore , which finally implies the correctness of Function 16.
Now suppose that is used and that the rounding mode is set towards infinity. Then , and so that , and therefore .
For efficiency, we assume that
Output. .
__m128d add_mod_1 (__m128d , __m128d ) {
__m128d = _mm_add_pd (, );
__m128d = _mm_sub_pd (, );
return _mm_blendv_pd (, , ); }
Assuming that
Output. .
__m128d mul_mod_1 (__m128d , __m128d ) {
__m128d = _mm_mul_pd (, );
__m128d = _mm_fmsub_pd (, , );
__m128d = _mm_mul_pd (, );
__m128d = _mm_floor ();
__m128d = _mm_fnmadd_pd (, , );
__m128d = _mm_add_pd (, );
__m128d = _mm_sub_pd (, );
= _mm_blendv_pd (, , );
= _mm_add_pd (, );
return _mm_blendv_pd (, , ); }
Table 9 is obtained under similar conditions as Tables 1 and 4, but for the types float
and double. The row “Scalar” corresponds to
the unvectorized implementation with unrolled loops, and preventing the
compiler from using auto-vectorization. The next rows concern timings
In Table 10 we have shown timings for the modular sum and
product functions from this section. The row “Scalar”
excludes auto-vectorization and does not use the processor built-in
We notice that the timings in Table 10 are interesting when compared to those in Table 5. However, for multiplications with a fixed multiplicand, the approach from Table 7 becomes more attractive, and this will indeed be used in Section 5 below.
We also notice that efficient hardware quadruple precision arithmetic
would allow us to consider moduli with larger bit sizes. An alternative
to hardware quadruple precision arithmetic would be to provide an
efficient “three-sum” instruction
with correct
Consider a typical template class in
For example, the class vector<C,V> (defined in basix/vector.hpp) corresponds to dense vectors with entries in C, stored in a contiguous segment of memory. A vector of this type consists of a pointer of type C* to the first element of the vector, the size of the vector, and the size of the allocated memory. For the sake of simplicity we omit that our vectors are endowed with reference counters. At the top level user interface, for instance, the sum of two vectors is defined as follows:
template<typename C, typename V> vector<C,V> operator + (const vector<C,V>& v, const vector<C,V>& w) { typedef implementation<vector_linear, V> Vec; nat n= N(v); nat l= aligned_size<C,V> (n); C* t= mmx_new<C> (l); Vec::add (t, seg (v), seg (w), n); return vector<C,V> (t, n, l); }
In this piece of code N(v) represents the size of , aligned_size<C,V>
(n) computes the length to be allocated in order to store vectors
of size n over C in memory. According to
the values of C and V, we can force the
allocated memory segment to start at an address multiple of a given
value, such as 16 bytes when using
The classes containing the implementations are specializations of the following class:
template<typename F, typename V, typename W=V> struct implementation;
The first template argument F is usually an empty class which names a set of functionalities. In the latter example we introduced vector_linear, which stands for the usual entry-wise vector operations, including addition, subtraction, component-wise product, etc. The value of the argument V for naive implementations of vector operations is vector_naive. The role of the third argument W will be explained later. The naive implementation of the addition of two vectors is then declared as a static member of implementation<vector_linear, vector_naive> as follows:
template<typename V> struct implementation<vector_linear, V, vector_naive> { static inline void add (C* dest, const C* s1, const C* s2, nat n) { for (nat i= 0; i < n; i++) dest[i]= s1[i] + s2[i]; } ../..
Four by four loop unrolling can for instance be implemented within another variant, say vector_unrolled_4, as follows:
template<typename V> struct implementation<vector_linear, V, vector_unrolled_4> { static inline void add (C* dest, const C* s1, const C* s2, nat n) { nat i= 0; for (; i + 4 < n; i += 4) { dest[i ]= s1[i ] + s2[i ]; dest[i+1]= s1[i+1] + s2[i+1]; dest[i+2]= s1[i+2] + s2[i+2]; dest[i+3]= s1[i+3] + s2[i+3]; } for (; i < n; i++) dest[i]= s1[i] + s2[i]; } ../..
When defining a new variant we hardly ever want to redefine the whole set of functionalities of other variants. Instead we wish to introduce new algorithms for a subset of functionalities, and to have the remaining implementations inherit from other variants. We say that a variant V inherits from W when the following partial specialization is active:
template<typename F, typename U> struct implementation<F,U,V>: implementation<F,U,W> {};
For instance, if the variant V inherits from vector_naive, then the add function from implementation<vector_linear,V> is inherited from implementation<vector_linear, vector_naive>, unless the following partial template specialization is implemented: template<typename U> implementation<vector_linear,U,V>.
It remains to explain the role of the three parameters of implementation. In fact the second parameter keeps track of the top level variant from which V inherits. Therefore, in a static member of implementation<F,U,V>, when one needs to call a function related to another set of functionalities G, then it is fetched in implementation<G,U>. In order to illustrate the interest of this method, let us consider polynomials in the next paragraphs.
Our class polynomial<C,V> (defined in algebramix/polynomial.hpp) represents polynomials with coefficients in C using implementation variant V. Each instance of a polynomial is represented by a vector, that is a pointer with a reference counter to a structure containing a pointer to the array of coefficients of type C* with its allocated size, and an integer for the length of the considered polynomial (defined as the degree plus one). The set of functionalities includes linear operations, mainly inherited from those of the vectors (since the internal representations are the same), multiplication, division, composition, Euclidean sequences, subresultants, evaluations, Chinese remaindering, etc. All these operations are implemented for the variant polynomial_naive (in the file algebramix/polynomial_naive.hpp) with the most general but naive algorithms (with quadratic cost for multiplication and division).
The variant polynomial_dicho<W> inherits from the parameter variant W and contains implementations of classical divide and conquer algorithms: Karatsuba for the product, Sieveking's polynomial division, half-gcd, divide and conquer evaluation and interpolations [26, Chapters 8–11]. Polynomial product functions belong to the set of functionalities polynomial_multiply, and division functions to the set polynomial_divide. The division functions of polynomial_dicho<W> are implemented as static members of
template<typename U, typename W> struct implementation<polynomial_divide,U,polynomial_dicho<W> >
They make use of the product functions of implementation<polynomial_multiply,U>.
Let us now consider polynomials with modular integer coefficients and let us describe how the Kronecker substitution product is plugged in. In a nutshell, the coefficients of the polynomials are first lifted into integers. The lifted integer polynomials are next evaluated at a sufficiently large power of two, and we compute the product of the resulting integers. The polynomial product is retrieved by splitting the integer product into chunks and reducing them by the modulus. For details we refer the reader for instance to [26, Chapter 8]. As to our implementation, we first create the new variant polynomial_kronecker<W> on top of another variant W (see file algebramix/polynomial_kronecker.hpp), which inherits from W, but which only redefines the implementation of the product in
template<typename U, typename W> struct implementation<polynomial_multiply,U,polynomial_kronecker<W> >
When using the variant K defined by
typedef polynomial_dicho<polynomial_kronecker<polynomiam_naive> > > K;
the product functions in implementation<polynomial_multiply, K> correspond to the Kronecker substitution. The functions in implementation<polynomial_division, K> are inherited from
implementation<polynomial_division, K, polynomial_dicho<polynomial_naive> >
and thus use Sieveking's division algorithm. The divisions rely in their turn on the multiplication from implementation<polynomial_multiply, K>, which benefits from Kronecker substitution. In this way, it is very easy for a user to redefine a new variant and override given functions a posteriori, without modifying existing code.
Finally, for a given mathematical template type, we define a default variant as a function of the remaining template parameters. For instance, the default variant of the parameter V in vector<C,V> is typename vector_variant<C>::type which is intended to provide users with reasonable performance. This default value is set to vector_naive, but can be overwritten for special coefficients. The default variant is also the default value of the variant parameter in the declaration of vector. Users can thus simply write vector<C>. The same mechanism applies to polynomials, series, matrices, etc.
Operations on vectors of integer and numeric types are implemented in a hierarchy of variants. One major variant controls the way loops are unrolled. Another important variant is dedicated to memory alignement.
In order to benefit from vectorized modular arithmetic within the fast Fourier transform, we implemented a vectorized variant of the classical in-place algorithm. In this section, we describe this variant and its applications to polynomial and matrix multiplication.
Let be a commutative field, let with , and let be a primitive -th root of unity, which means that , and for all . Let be a -vector space. The fast Fourier transform (with respect to ) of an -tuple is the -tuple with
In other words, , where denotes the element .
If has binary expansion , then we write for the
bitwise mirror of in length . Following the terminology of [40], the truncated Fourrier transform (
The classical FFT and
For convenience we consider that for all .
Let for all .
Compute .
Let for all .
Compute .
Return .
Proof. Let for , so that we have and for all . Let and . A straightforward calculation leads to
By [40, Theorem 1] step 1 can be done with operations in . Step 2 involves operations and step 3 takes more operations.
Inverting Algorithm 1 is straightforward: it suffices to
invert steps from 4 to 1 and use the inverse of the
A critical point in large sizes becomes the matrix transposition,
necessary to reorganize data in steps 1 and 4 of Algorithm 1.
We designed ad hoc cache-friendly
Table 12 concerns
For the sake of comparison, we also report on the performance of the
One major application of the
If is a field with sufficiently many primitive
roots of unity of order a power of two, then two
matrices and with
coefficients in of degrees
can be multiplied by performing
Another important application of fast Fourier transforms is integer
multiplication. The method that we have implemented is based on
Kronecker segmentation and the three-prime FFT (see
[55] and [26, Section 8.3]). Let , and
be three prime numbers. The two integers and
of at most bits to be
multiplied are split into chunks of a suitable bit-size
and converted into polynomials and of of degrees , with ,
and .
The maximum bit-size of the coefficients of the product
is at most . The parameter
is taken such that is
minimal under the constraint that .
The polynomial can then be recovered from its
values computed modulo , and using
Similarly to polynomial matrices, small matrices over large integers can
be multiplied efficiently using modular
The use of
As a final comment we would like to emphasize that
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