Creative telescoping is a popular method for proving combinatorial identities and the computation of parametric integrals that involve special functions. Traditional implementations of this method admit an exponential bit complexity and it is an open problem under which conditions creative telescoping can be achieved in polynomial time. More efficient reduction-based algorithms were recently introduced in order to get a better grip on such complexity issues. Initially, reduction-based algorithms only applied to special cases such as rational, algebraic, or hyperexponential functions. More recently, constructions of reductions appeared for larger classes of Fuchsian D-finite and general differentially-finite functions.
In this paper, we show how to construct reductions for mixed
differential-difference systems, where the difference operators
are either shift operators or
I.1.2 Algebraic algorithms |
The technique of creative telescoping is a powerful tool for proving and
finding combinatorial identities and the computation of parametric
integrals that involve special functions. The name was coined by van der
Poorten [77] in relation with Apéry's irrationality
proof of , but the first
systematic algorithms were only developed about one decade later by
Zeilberger and followers [90, 4, 91,
62, 85, 86]. Early precursors are
[35, 89, 42].
Let us briefly recall the main idea behind creative telescoping on an extremely simple example: assume that we wish to prove the well known identity
Setting and
the defining relation of
in Pascal's triangle
Summing this relation from until
, the right hand side becomes a telescoping
sum, and we obtain
. Since
, the recurrence relation
More generally, for the evaluation of a sum of the form , the idea is to construct a relation of the
where the left-hand side does not depend on and
the right-hand telescopes when summing over
. If we manage to construct such a relation, then
the creative telescoping process provides us with a non-trivial linear
recurrence relation for
for the operator that sends
, the
difference operator
that annihilates
in (1.1) is called a telescoper, and
the function
its corresponding
A similar idea works for integrals of the form
instead of discrete sums. In that case, we need a relation of the form
instead of (1.1). Again, is called
the telescoper and
the certificate. Several
other variants can be considered as well, such as
-difference equations, multiple sums and integrals,
After Zeilberger's initial impetus, the development of creative telescoping focussed on making implementations more efficient, while guaranteeing termination and widening the class of functions on which the theory can be applied. Whereas early implementations were particularly successful for first or low order recurrence relations (e.g. hypergeometric summation), efficient algorithms soon appeared for more general holonomic functions and D-finite ideals in Ore algebras [26, 29, 27, 63]. For a historical perspective on these advances and further references, we refer to [28].
One major application of creative telescoping is proving functional identities. In the purely differential setting, it should be noticed that alternative methods have been developed for larger classes of non-linear equations [32, 33, 83, 75, 46, 49].
Despite the above successes, the efficiency of creative telescoping remained a major issue. Part of the problem was due to the fact that the construction of relations of the form (1.1) or (1.2) often relied on brute force computations rather than a better insight into their precise shape.
The next major step was the introduction of reduction-based algorithms as a remedy to these problems. The concept of a reduction goes back to the works of Ostrogradsky and Hermite on the integration of rational functions [74, 44]. Hermite reduction is nowadays a fundamental tool in symbolic integration and generalizations for algebraic, hyperexponential and hypergeometric functions were introduced with this kind of application in mind [88, 30, 2]. It is interesting to notice that the importance of Hermite reduction for integrals that depend on parameters was understood quite early [76]; see also [39].
Hermite reduction was first related to creative telescoping in [41]; the complexity perspective appeared in [13]. Initially, only quite restricted types of functions could be treated this way and it became a major challenge to develop reduction-based algorithms for similarly general classes of functions as for the other approaches. This triggered a lot of activity in recent years [24, 14, 67, 22, 34, 23, 54, 68], culminating with an algorithm for Fuchsian differential equations [21]. This last result made it plausible that a fully general algorithm in the differential case might be quite complex, since it might involve elaborate arguments in order to deal with irregular singularities. Fortunately this concern turned out to be unwarranted: last year we constructed suitable reductions for arbitrary differential equations in a purely algebraic way [50]. Our technique has recently been further improved in [16]. In the present paper, we continue its development and extend it to mixed differential-difference equations.
Before we proceed, it is useful to recall how reductions show up in
relation with creative telescoping. Assume that we wish to find a linear
differential equation over for the function
, where
. Hermite reduction in
provides us with a unique decomposition of any
as a sum
where admits only simple poles in
. When
restricting ourselves to functions
whose poles
belong to a fixed finite set
for some fixed square-free
), it follows that
is “confined” to a finite
-vector space
. Indeed, for some algebraic
contains all roots of
, the
is always an
-linear combination of the fractions
, where
runs over the
set of roots of
In our case, we simply take
to be the
square-free part of the denominator of
Now the crucial observation is that ,
, etc. all belong to the above finite
dimensional vector space, whence there exists a non-trivial relation
with . By construction, there
exists an
. It is not hard to check that the
commutes with partial derivation with
respect to
, whence (1.4)
This new relation is of the desired form (1.2). Another advantage of this method with respect to previous ones is that the computation of certificates is possible, but only optional. Since certificates tend to be more voluminous than the telescopers themselves, this is very interesting from a complexity point of view.
In order to generalize the above reduction-based approach to functions
that satisfy higher order differential
equations, one essentially needs to define a confined reduction on a so
called narrow
that contains
. In the differential case, such
narrow modules are still of the same form
In the difference case, the set of allowed poles are translates of a
finite number of points and their orders need to be bounded in a way
that will be made precise.
The theory of creative telescoping has become very wide, with many variants that cover specific cases more or less efficiently. For the exposition in this paper, we therefore had to make several choices concerning the setup. Let us briefly comment on these choices.
Non-commutative operator algebras. It was recognized by Zeilberger that the framework of holonomic functions is particularly suitable for the development of creative telescoping [90]. The reason is that there exists a systematic elimination theory for the equations satisfied by such functions that can be regarded as a non-commutative counterpart of the theory of Gröbner bases.
Elimination methods for differential equations actually predate Buchberger's famous algorithm [19]. One line of development is due to Riquier–Janet–Thomas [79, 56, 87] and another one to Ritt–Kolchin [80, 61]. The most “effective” variant of the latter theory [81, 17] essentially covers both commutative Gröbner basis theory, its skew differential counterpart for Weyl algebras, and non-linear generalizations that specialize to triangular system type solving in the algebraic case. Yet another line of development is due to Ore, who introduced a systematic theory for non-commutative polynomials [72, 73]. A more direct inspiration for Zeilberger's work were developments in the theory of D-modules in the seventies [9, 10, 12] and the development of non-commutative Gröbner basis theory in the computer algebra community in the eighties and later [40, 84, 60, 71, 64, 26, 70].
In this paper, we have chosen to work over differential-difference
algebras generated by a finite number of coordinates , derivations
shift operators
, and
-difference operators
. All derivations
are assumed to commute pairwise. Our setting is not the
most general possible, but it has a natural geometric interpretation, as
well as a non-linear counterpart [45]. The commutation of
the derivations is not really essential, except for the main derivation
that will be eliminated. It should also be quite straightforward to
replace the algebra
in section 6.4
by more general algebras of solvable type [60, 64],
Ore algebras [26], or G-algebras [70, 43].
On the other hand, when telescoping with respect to a difference
operator it is essential that singularities are moved in a bijective
way. It is therefore natural to restrict one's attention to
homographies. Then, modulo a change of variables, homographies always
operate like shift operators or
operators: see section 5.1. Other interesting
generalizations would concern nested extensions by solutions of linear
differential-difference equations as in [78, 82].
Scalar equations versus first order systems. An eternal dilemma when dealing with linear differential or difference equations is whether one should privilege scalar higher order equations or first order systems. Thanks to the cyclic vector lemma [3], both approaches are essentially equivalent, so the choice is mainly a matter of taste. The best solution is probably to work with the representation that was used for the input, whenever possible. Our personal taste is slightly in favour of scalar equations, although we opted for first order systems in [50]. In [16], the authors preferred to work with scalar equations instead. In the present paper, we mainly consider scalar equations, but also outline how to adapt the theory to first order systems. At the end of the day, it seems that both approaches are more or less equally diligent.
Algebraic extensions versus rational counterparts. From the
early days of symbolic computation, algorithms that require computations
in algebraic extensions have acquired the reputation of being slow.
Starting with Trager's work on the integration of rational functions [88], it has therefore become common practice to develop
“rational” counterparts for reduction algorithms that avoid
explicit computations in algebraic extensions. Nevertheless, from a
complexity point of view, it is not so clear that working in algebraic
extensions is necessarily that bad: computing in an extension of degree
is roughly
times more
expensive, but typically deals with
roots in a single pass. Although the development of rational
counterparts remains an interesting topic, we therefore do not regard
such algorithms as intrinsically better. In this paper, we have chosen
to systematically work in algebraic extensions whenever appropriate,
which is somewhat simpler from a conceptual standpoint.
Characteristic zero. It will be convenient to assume that all fields considered in this paper are of characteristic zero, although most results can be generalized in a straightforward way to fields of (sufficiently large) positive characteristic.
The main purpose of this paper is to present reduction-based algorithms
for creative telescoping in the above setting of
equations and to derive complexity bounds for several of these
algorithms. In the purely differential case, our algorithms are
completely systematic. In the presence of difference operators it is
well known that indefinite summation and integration under the integral
sign do not always preserve D-finiteness. Nevertheless, we provide a
sufficient condition (explicit telescopability) for our algorithms to
work, as well as a reduction-based algorithm that is able to check
D-finiteness in a particular case. Let us briefly outline the structure
of the paper and summarize our contributions.
Abstract reductions. For a gentle introduction to reduction-based creative telescoping, we refer to [34, Section 1.2]. In section 2, we start with a more abstract presentation of the basic theory that covers all cases that occurred in the literature so far. We also introduce the notion of “local reductions” and describe various related constructions on an abstract level.
The Lagrange identity. Let be a field.
One major new idea in [16] is the consideration of
reductions with respect to general differential operators
instead of just the derivation as in (1.3).
More precisely, a reduction with respect to
is a
-linear projection
such that
for all
. Now in the case of a rational function
, ordinary Hermite reduction
provided us with a way to derive telescoping relations (1.5)
from linear dependencies (1.4). In the case of a function
that satisfies a linear differential equation
, it is shown how to do
something similar using reductions with respect to the adjoint operator
The technical tool that makes this possible is the Lagrange identity [55, section 5.3]. We recall this formula in section 3
and generalize it to difference and matrix operators.
Differential reductions. In section 4, we show how
to construct reductions for differential equations. This case was
already covered in [50], but it is instructive to present
it with the formalisms from sections 2 and 3
at hand. In sections 4.2 and 4.3, we start
with a variant of the construction from [16], whereas
section 4.5 explains the link with [50] and
also clarifies how the Lagrange identity can be used to simplify the
head/tail chopping process. We also show how new-style reductions with
respect to the adjoint operator give rise to
old-style reductions in the sense of [50] and vice
versa. In section 4.6, we finally consider mixtures of
both reduction styles. This makes it possible to extend creative
telescoping to the resolution of more general linear differential or
difference equations that involve parameters: see Remark 6.7.
Difference reductions. The analogue construction of reductions for difference operators is the subject of section 5. Whereas derivations do not introduce new singularities, but only aggravate the order of poles, difference operators move singularities, but do not increase their severity. The idea behind the construction of differential reductions is to diminish the order of the poles of the function to be reduced. Likewise, difference reductions are based on the idea to shift singularities back until they are confined in a finite set. Another difference with section 4 is that the construction is somewhat less canonical due to the absence of a privileged section of orbits of singularities (see Remark 5.7), but this is of no consequence for the application to creative telescoping. Apart from that, the theory from section 4 naturally adapts to the difference setting.
Creative telescoping. After the formal introduction of the
setting of DD-operator algebras in section 6.1, we next
consider the application to creative telescoping. For suitable
“telescopable” D-finite ideals of a
DD-operator algebra
, the
theory from sections 4 and 5 allows us to
define a computable confined reduction on a narrow submodule
. In section
6.4 we show how this can be used to construct telescopers.
The algorithm is a straightforward generalization of the technique from
section 1.2 and only relies on linear algebra. As an
end-result, it produces a finite set of generators for a D-finite ideal
of telescopers; in the favourable case when the reduction is
“normal”, these generators actually form a Gröbner
basis of the ideal of all telescopers. In the context of Gröbner
basis, the algorithm is reminiscent of the FGML algorithm [37]
and a variant of the one used in [16].
D-finiteness tests for telescoping ideals. In the purely differential case, it is a well-known fact from the theory of D-modules (reproved in section 7) that all D-finite ideals are telescopable, so the algorithm from section 6.4 systematically works. In the presence of difference operators, the telescopability of a D-finite ideals depends on the nature of its singularities. In section 7, we examine such singularities in more detail and derive sufficient conditions for the telescopability of a D-finite ideal with a given basis for the quotient module (a particular was treated before in [16, section 4.4]). Sometimes these “explicit telescopability” conditions are only met after a change of basis. For differential reductions, we present an algorithm to compute such a base change if it exists. Even when the explicit telescopability conditions do not hold, it sometimes still happens that the telescoping ideal is D-finite; in the last subsection 7.4, we present an algorithm that decides whether this is the case and that computes a Gröbner basis of the telescoping ideal if it is D-finite.
Complexity of rational function arithmetic. The last two sections are devoted to analyzing the complexity of reduction-based algorithms for creative telescoping. For this, we first recall basic complexity results for computations with rational functions in several variables, including partial fraction decomposition. When using the common dense representation, these complexity bounds are quite pessimistic, yet always polynomial if the number of variables is fixed. When allowing for probabilistic algorithms of Las Vegas type, it is more efficient to represent rational functions by the straight line programs (SLPs) [20], and fast dense univariate polynomial arithmetic can be used at every evaluation point.
Complexity of creative telescoping. In the last section we
finally turn to the cost of creative telescoping itself. For this, we
use a separate analysis for the complexity of the reduction process and
the complexity of the FGLM-type algorithm for computing linear
relations. The latter algorithm relies on standard linear algebra and
its complexity analysis is straightforward in terms of the dimension of
the vector space of reduced functions. We next
turn to the reduction process and restrict our attention to differential
reductions. In this case, we prove a polynomial complexity bound, as
well as a polynomial bound for
as a function of
the input size. Altogether, this yields a polynomial time algorithm for
creative telescoping, as promised in [50]. The complexity
exponent is again extremely bad when using dense representations, but
essentially cubic per evaluation point in the SLP model.
of small bit size that admit polynomial solutions with a large number of
terms. For instance, the operator
as a solution. For the design of polynomial time
algorithms for operators in
it is therefore
crucial to avoid the explicit computation of such solutions. For a
similar reason, telescopers of minimal order (e.g. of the
in (1.5) with minimal
) can admit very large
coefficients. The telescopers computed by our polynomial time algorithm
in section 9 are therefore not necessarily minimal. The
above phenomenon also implies that the algorithms at the end of section
7 (for base changes to reach an explicitly telescopable
form and creative telescoping for not explicitly telescopable ideals) do
not run in polynomial time, in general.
Let us briefly list a few problems that have not been tackled in the present draft by lack of time. We intend to address them in a future version or in a follow-up paper.
Base changes for explicit telescopability. The base change algorithm to remove apparent singularities from the end of section 7.3 has been presented in the differential case only. We are still looking for existing work on this topic in the literature and a similar algorithm for the difference case.
Testing D-finiteness. The general algorithm for creative telescoping from section 7.4 (in absence of explicit telescopability) has also been presented in the differential case only. The difference analogue seems to require a bit more work, but it should be feasible to work out an algorithm along similar lines.
Fast arithmetic for rational functions. Several complexity bounds from section 8 are not very sharp or a bit sketchy. We intend to improve this section in the next version.
Complexity bounds for the difference case. The final complexity
bounds in sections 9.2 and 9.3 have only been
presented in the differential case (which still allows for difference
operators among the ). If
in Proposition 7.7 do not grow too fast, then it should be possible to prove
polynomial complexity bounds in the difference case along similar lines
(this in particular covers the case when
). If
becomes large, then the defining equations of
tend to become large as well due to Proposition
7.2. The hope is that a polynomial complexity bound can
somehow be derived from this.
Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Grégoire Lecerf for a few helpful thoughts concerning section 8.
Let be a field and consider a linear map
on some
. A reduction
with respect to
is a linear map
that satisfies:
for all
for all
Such a reduction is said to be confined if
is finite;
and normal if
The condition R2 stipulates that
is a projection. It will be convenient to also introduce the
complementary projection
involved in
R1, called the remainder:
A normal reduction with respect to
can be regarded as a projection of
onto a subvector space
that is isomorphic to the cokernel of
is a bijective
-linear map, then a (normal,
confined) reduction
with respect to
is also a (normal, confined) reduction with respect to
and vice versa.
Proof. This follows from the observation that
R1 and R4 only involve .□
Remark is only defined on a
-vector space
. Our definitions
easily extend to this case module the replacement of
in the conditions R1 and
be an algebraic
extension of
and consider a reduction
with respect to the natural lift
. If
for all automorphisms
, then
for all
Proof. For any ,
we have
for all automorphisms
, which implies
Let be a projection and
. Given a reduction
respect to a linear map
, we
say that the reduction is local for the projection
for all .
is a local reduction with
respect to
is a reduction with respect to
Proof. Given ,
there exists a
, whence
, we also have
. We conclude that
is a reduction with respect to
a linear mapping
, then we define a
local reduction
with respect to
Proof. Given ,
there exists a
. Furthermore,
, whence
. We finally have
Two projections are said to be
orthogonal if
. A
of projections
said to be orthogonal if its members are pairwise orthogonal.
Such a family is said to be summable if
is finite for all
. In that
case, the sum
well defined for all
is a projection that is orthogonal to
and any
can be
decomposed canonically as
Two local reductions for
are said to be independent if
are orthogonal and for all
, we have
![]() |
(2.2) |
Such reductions necessarily commute: we have , and
in a similar way. A
of reductions for projections
is said to be independent if the
are pairwise independent and if
is summable.
be a family of
independent local reductions
with respect to
and for the projections
. Let
. Then we may define a reduction
with respect to
![]() |
This reduction is local for .
For all
, we have
where are the indices
Proof. For all and
, we get from (2.1)
, whence
. It follows that
which proves (2.4). We also have
, whence
. It follows that
. Since
, this shows that
is a
reduction with respect to
We also have
, so
is local for
Let us prove (2.5) by induction over . To simplify notations, assume that
for all
, and
, we have nothing to
prove. For
, the result
follows from (2.1). If
then let
Notice that
The induction hypothesis yields
We conclude by induction.□
pairwise commuting reductions
with respect to
is again a reduction with respect to
Proof. Let us first assume that . For each
we have
. We also have
. The general case follows using an
easy induction on
Let be two local reductions with respect to
for two orthogonal projections
. We have seen that Proposition 2.6
applies whenever (2.2) holds. If we only have
for all
, then
the following still holds:
Proof. For each ,
we again have
. Furthermore,
we have
It follows that .□
Consider a confined reduction with respect to
. Then
is a finite dimensional vector space and
finite dimensional subvector space of
that we
call the space of exceptional functions for
. Notice that
Given any projection
, let
be defined by
Proof. For any ,
we have
Secondly, for any , there
exists a
. For any
, we thus obtain
Of course, we have . Finally,
for any
, the construction
ensures that
This proposition also admits a local analogue. Assume that we are given
a local reduction with respect to
for the projection
We say that
is locally confined if
is finite dimensional, and locally normal if
. Assume that
is locally confined and decompose
. Let
a linear mapping such that
is a projection of
(such a map is easily
constructed from a basis for
Then we define
is locally normal and confined for
Proof. Given ,
. Then we have
. Letting
be such that
, we also have
, whence
, since
coincide on
, we conclude that
, whence
a reduction with respect to
The reduction is local for ,
. By construction,
. For
, we finally have
Let be a differential field for the derivation
and let
denote the skew
ring of linear differential operators over
For instance, one may take
. Recall that the adjoint of a
differential operator
is defined by
Given two indeterminates and
, we write
for the set
-linear combinations of
The following identity is due to Lagrange [66]:
of order
, there exists a
called the “bilinear concomitant”, such that
More specifically, we have
Proof. Let us first prove the existence of by induction on
, then
, and we may take
, then we write
of order
. By the induction
hypothesis, there exists a
It follows that
We conclude by taking
From this relation, it follows by induction over
which can be rewritten as (3.2).□
Assume now that is a difference field for the
and let
denote the corresponding ring of skew difference operators. For
instance, one may take
We recall that the adjoint of a difference operator
is defined by
We also define the finite difference operator
associated to
Proof. We again prove the existence of by induction on
, then
, and we may take
, then we write
of order
. By the induction
hypothesis, there exists a
It follows that
We conclude by taking
From this relation, it follows by induction over
which can be rewritten as (3.4).□
Let again be a differential field for
and consider a not necessarily commutative differential
One important example of such an algebra is the algebra of
Proposition 3.1 naturally generalizes to the case when
admits coefficients in
modulo a few precautions: in this setting, it is important to
distinguish between usual operators
that operate
on the left
and their adjoints that operate on the right:
Similarly, a bilinear operator acts via
where are the coefficients of
. Similar precautions apply to the difference
setting, and we have:
be a differential algebra over
a differential field
. For any
of order
, there exists a
such that
More specifically, we have
![]() |
□ |
be a difference algebra over a
difference field
. For any
of order
, there exists a
such that
More specifically, we have
![]() |
□ |
Let be a differential field for
and assume that
is the logarithmic derivative
of another element
In fact, we may allow
to live in some abstract
extension field
Then we have
for all
we call
the twist of
. More generally, for any
, we define the twist
. One may check that
for all
. Using twisting, it is possible to replace the
at the right hand side of (3.1)
by any first order differential operator:
Proof. Let be a formal
solution of
in some extension field
. Let
. Then
Proposition 3.1 provides us with
such that
Let be the twist of
. Then we conclude by taking
This proposition again admits a matrix generalization: for , it suffices to replace
by matrices
invertible and
We also need to assume that
commutes with each
One interesting special case occurs as follows: let , let
be monic of order
and assume that we wish to obtain a
generalization of (3.1) with
instead of
in the right hand side. Then we lift
into an operator
sending each coefficient
and take
We next apply Proposition 3.5 to obtain a
This equation can be considered as the “desired”
generalization of (3.1) with
instead of
in the right hand side.
As usual, Proposition 3.5 also admits a difference version.
Let be a differential field for
and let
be such that
. The twist of an operator
is again defined as
, so that
There are many more variants and generalizations of Lagrange's identity.
Let us describe one more variant in the differential case. Let be a possibly non-commutative
-algebra, where
is a field.
be a monic first
order operator in
and let
be a monic operator of order
Then there exist differential operators
Proof. Writing for the
derivative of a differential operator
and using the expansion
we notice that
Taking for
the result follows.□
We typically read the above identity as
![]() |
(3.5) |
where plays a similar role as
in (3.1), where
plays the role of
, and where the derivation
got replaced by a general monic operator
Let be a field with algebraic closure
. Any rational function
admits a partial fraction decomposition
where ,
and, for each ,
Given , we will write
for the projection
and we
the polar part of
. The number
stands for the order of the pole of
. We also write
for the
and call
constant part of
The decomposition (4.1) has the advantage of being
symmetric with respect to all points in .
Often, the polar part at infinity is combined with the constant part, in
which case (4.1) becomes
where . More generally, for
, it is convenient to
We also denote and write
for the projection
. Notice
forms a ring for any
The Hermite reduction of
with respect to the ordinary differentiation
with respect to
is defined by
It is not hard to check that this indeed defines a normal reduction on
with respect to
Its restriction to
determines a normal reduction
with respect to
by Proposition 2.3.
Let us now consider an arbitrary non-zero linear differential operator
instead of
For any
, it is well-known
[55] that there exists an indicial polynomial
and a shift
for all . Similarly, at
infinity there exist
Given , let us now construct
a local reduction
. Given
be such that
Setting , we define
by induction over
as follows:
![]() |
(4.3) |
In a similar way, we may construct a local reduction
at infinity. Given
, let
be such that
Setting , we define
by induction over
![]() |
(4.4) |
Notice that for any
Proof. We adopt the notations from above.
Whenever , we let
. Whenever
, we also denote
By induction on , let us
first show that there exists a
; notice
that this in particular implies ii, as well as
. If
, then we may take
then there exists a
, whence
. If
, then there exists a
, so we may take
Again by induction on , let
us next show that
. If
, then we have
. If
, then
. Consequently,
. If
, then
This completes the proof that
is a reduction
with respect to
Decomposing with
let us next show by induction on
. If
then we have
then we may decompose
, after which
. If
, then
. It follows that
. This shows i.
Now let be such that
. The projections
are clearly orthogonal and it follows from ii that
; this shows iii. The last fact iv
also follows from ii.□
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(α∈𝕂¯) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(α=∞) |
Then is included in the vector space
spanned by
We also have
Proof. Adopt the same notations as in the proof
of Proposition 4.1. Given ,
let us prove by induction on
. This is clear if
. If
, then the induction hypothesis yields
, whence
. If
, then the induction hypothesis directly yields
. This completes the proof
. If
, then we also have
. Since
admits at most
roots, the cardinality bounds
Remark is locally confined
for all
. This makes it
possible to define a locally normal reduction
using Proposition 2.10. In order to make this construction
fully effective, we still have to determine the space
. Let
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(α∈𝕂¯) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(α=∞) |
We claim that . Assume for
contradiction that there exists a function
and chose
such that
is minimal with this property. Let
as in the proof of Proposition 4.1. Since we must have
, it follows that
. Therefore
provides a counterexample with
contracting our minimality hypothesis.
Having proved our claim, one may use linear algebra to determine
elements with
and such
form a basis for
. Setting
, we define
to be the
“distinguished” projection of
such that
for all
. In order to apply Proposition 2.10, we finally construct the mapping
by sending each
then extend
Since can be arbitrarily large, we notice that
the determination of
can be very expensive. In
particular, there exists no polynomial time algorithm to compute them.
We also notice that the construction of
symmetric in the sense that
for all
From Propositions 4.1 and 2.6, it follows that
we can glue the local reductions at the finite points
together into a reduction
defined by
Notice that Proposition 2.3 implies that
. Using Propositions
4.1-iv and 2.8, we may
next define the global reduction
respect to
Notice that whenever
from Remark 4.3 instead of
we claim that we obtain a normal reduction. Indeed, given
, we get
for all
, whence
. Since
is locally normal, we conclude that
We notice that
is again symmetric in the sense
. It is also easily
checked that
is locally confined for each
It is interesting to consider the restriction of the global reduction
to certain differential subrings of
. More
precisely, given a subset
of poles, the set
forms a differential
. From Proposition 4.1-ii, it follows that
is stable under reduction. If
is the set of
zeros of a monic separable polynomial
then we observe that
coincides with
. In that case, Proposition 2.3
implies that
is stable under reduction as well.
We notice that
is finitely generated by
as a
; for this reason we call
it a narrow submodule of
be of order
and let
be the global reduction with respect
. Assume that
is the set of zeros of a monic separable polynomial
of degree
Then the restriction
is a confined reduction with respect to
such that
Proof. Given and
, we
notice that
, whence
. Given
, it follows that
. In other words,
is stable under reduction and so is
since the reduction commutes with all automorphisms of
Let us now turn to the dimension bound. Since is
-linear, it suffices to show
. Let
be defined as in Proposition 4.2 for all
. Then the proposition implies that
contains at most elements. Now let
, so that
We have
For any , we have
by Proposition 4.1-ii,
. Since
by Proposition 4.2, it follows that
, whence
Now by Proposition 4.1-ii
by Proposition 4.2. We conclude
, with
in the definitions of the local reductions
as in [16] may lead to slightly more confined reductions in Theorem
4.5. Conversely, by taking
larger, one may ensure that
for all
in Proposition 4.1-ii,
so that
commute for
in Proposition 4.1-iii.
This makes it possible to treat the singularity at infinity in a more
symmetric way and replace definition (4.6) by
Remark form Remark 4.4 is
both normal and locally confined for each projection
, its restriction to
yields a normal confined reduction.
Assume still that is a non-zero differential
operator. Let
be its order, let
be its dominant coefficient, and let
be an
arbitrary monic separable polynomial such that
is contained in
Given formal indeterminates ,
the set
admits a natural -module
structure for the derivation
By construction, is a formal solution to
Let us show how to construct a confined reduction
with respect to
We start with the confined reduction
provided by Theorem 4.5.
Now consider
with and let us define
by induction on
. If
, then we take
By construction, we have ,
whence there exists a
such that
. Using Proposition 3.1, it
follows that
Assume now that . Then we
We notice that
It follows that
In fact, an easy induction on shows that
In particular, the constructed reduction is confined with :
be of order
and let
be a monic separable polynomial of degree
such that
with respect to
and we have
![]() |
□ |
Let us now turn to first order systems and study analogues for the
theory and results from the previous subsections. This means that the
operator from section 4.4 is now a
first order operator in
and we need to adapt the
theory of sections 4.2 and 4.3 to the adjoint
; recall that
operates at the right on matrices in
. By Proposition 2.1, we also
recall that the construction of a reduction
respect to
is equivalent to the construction of
a reduction
with respect to
, for any invertible matrix
. In particular, for the construction of a
local reduction at
, it
suffices to consider operators of the form
As the analogue for the operator from sections
4.2 and 4.3, we will therefore start with an
and show how to construct the local
respect to
. It will be
convenient to first put
into an even simpler
form through multiplication by a suitable invertible matrix
. Let
In analogy with [50], we say that an invertible matrix
is a tail chopper for
if we either have
, or
, and
for some
If , then
for the matrix
formed by the first
rows of
If , then
for the matrix
formed by the last
rows of
Tail choppers can be computed using the following algorithm:
return |
Proof. At every iteration of this loop, we
notice that increases by one (as long as
) and it is easily checked that
T1 and
are loop
Given a tail chopper as above, let
be the denominator of
(so that
), and consider the operator
. We have
We consider as the “preconditioned”
version of
with respect to which we will now
construct the local reduction
From (4.9) it follows that the shift of
is simply
and its
indicial polynomial is given by
By construction, is invertible as a matrix in
, whence there exist at most
values of
. We are now in a position to
formulate a counterpart of (4.3).
Given , let
be such that
We define by induction over
, as follows:
![]() |
(4.10) |
Although this definition works, it is slightly suboptimal in the sense
that values of for which
are “skipped” altogether even though the system
might actually be solvable. Given an arbitrary scalar
, let
denote a pseudo-inverse such that
for any
. Also let
denote a matrix with
for all
. We may now replace (4.10) by
![]() |
(4.11) |
This “more confined” definition ensures that instead of
The local reduction
at infinity can be defined
in a similar fashion, via the change of variables
Given an arbitrary first order operator ,
this completes our construction of the local reductions
with respect to
. Proposition 4.1 and the theory from
section 4.3 can be adapted mutatis mutandis. In
indeed local reductions for
that can be glued together into a global reduction
with respect to
. Assuming
that the mappings
were taken to commute with all automorphisms of
, we again have
for all
The analogue of Theorem 4.5 is:
be of order one with invertible
and let
be the global
reduction with respect to
Assume that
is the set of zeros of a monic
separable polynomial
of degree
. Then the restriction
of the reduction
a confined reduction with respect to
![]() |
□ |
As to the counterpart for section 4.4, assume that with
. Let
be an arbitrary monic separable polynomial such
, where
. Given a formal column vector
with entries
, the set
admits the natural structure of a -module
for the derivation
. Given a row vector
we define the reduction on
where is the confined reduction on
with respect to
as constructed
above. By construction, there exists a
, whence
The further results from section 4.4 now adapt mutatis mutandis.
Remark for
, one may also define a
, there exists a
, and
we take
. Then there exists a
Using Lagrange's identity the other way around, we obtain
, whence
This shows that
is indeed a reduction with
respect to
We have seen how to construct reductions on with
respect to general operators and how to construct reductions on
D-modules with respect to
It is natural to ask whether we can construct reductions on D-modules
with respect to more general operators.
Let us first show how to do this in the setting of first order systems
from the previous subsection. More precisely, assume that ,
are as in the previous subsection. Given
another matrix
, our aim is
to construct a reduction on
with respect to
. The idea is to use an
explicit variant of Proposition 3.5. Given a matrix
, we notice that
Now we may reinterpret as a first order
differential operator of dimension
, for which we may construct a
confined reduction
using the theory from the
previous subsection. Given
this means that there exists a
. Setting
it follows from (4.13) and the defining equation of
This shows that (4.14) indeed defines a reduction with
respect to on
The above construction admits several variants. Let us briefly sketch
what happens if the first order matrix operator
is replaced by a monic operator
This time, we rather rely on Proposition 3.7 and more
precisely on formula (3.5). Given a row matrix
and using the fact that
we have
The idea is now to construct a confined reduction
with respect to
This can be done by generalizing the theory of sections 4.2-4.4 to allow for matrix coefficients, along the lines of
section 4.5. We next define the confined reduction on
as usual by
, there then exists a
We conclude that is a confined reduction with
respect to
Let be a field and consider a birational map
from the projective line over
into itself. Such an map
is called a
homography and is necessarily of the form
where the matrix is invertible. Given
, we will
Given a homography , the
becomes a difference field for the
that postcomposes with
Notice that
for all ,
, and
More generally, if
was already equipped with an
, then we may
into an automorphism
by taking
where acts coefficientwise on rational functions
. Inversely, we must have
for automorphisms
this kind, and we call
the homography
associated to
Two important special cases are the shift operators
and the
-difference operator
Notice that is a fixed point for
for both of these examples.
In fact, we claim that the general case can essentially be reduced to
one of these two special cases via a change of variables . Indeed, such a change of
variables transforms difference equations in
into difference equations in
. Assuming that we are
allowed to extend
with the roots of the
characteristic polynomial of
we may first put
in Jordan normal form and then
normalize it through division by
After this, we have
for some
for some
For what follows, we will always assume that has
infinite order. In the case of a shift operator
, this means that we should have
; for a
, the number
should not be a root of unity.
One particularity of automorphisms of
as above with respect to the ordinary differentiation
is that the sets
are no
longer stable under
. On the
other hand, the set
is stable under
, where
. It will be convenient to expand
somewhat more on this observation and introduce a few more notations in
addition to those from section 4.1.
Let us first introduce truncated analogues of the sets
: given
, we define
The definitions extend to the case when by
. Given
and a map
, we
also denote
Each of these vector spaces also come with projections similar to the
that were already
defined before. For example,
stands for
truncation at order
. For
it is also convenient to introduce
Given , we write
if there exists an
such that
. This clearly defines an
equivalence relation. We also write
if there
exists an
such that
. Notice that
is a partial
ordering on
by our assumption that
has infinite order. Given
we introduce the subsets
For , we understand that
, etc. We notice that
is a
-module, whereas
is a
is a fixed point for
, then we notice that
is even a
More generally, let be an increasing mapping in
the sense that
for all
. Then
is a
-module. If
then the set
is actually a
-module. We say that
symmetric if it is stable under all automorphisms of
is symmetric if
is symmetric and
commutes with all
automorphisms of
. In that case, the intersection
is a
-module and
Assume that and consider a
. It is
not hard to check that such a module is necessarily of the form
for some increasing
We say that
is narrow if it is a
finitely generated as a
More generally, a finitely generated
of the form
is said
to be narrow. Such a narrow submodule of
is always the intersection of
with a narrow
for some
Consider a narrow submodule that is finitely
generated by
. Without loss
of generality, we may replace each
by the finite
and remove any elements
such that
for some
This means that we may assume that
is finite and
for some function
Now consider the map
defined by
Then coincides with the
-module generated by
so that
Let us now move our attention to a shift operator , where
. We assume that
We took an operator with respect to
rather than
since, for the applications that we have in mind
(see Proposition 3.2), the operator
will actually be the adjoint of an operator in
Since , the action of
at infinity can be approximated to any order by a
differential operator in
. In
particular, there still exist an indicial polynomial
and a shift
(in fact,
, since
admits coefficients
) such that
Consequently, we may define the local reduction
at infinity with respect to
in a similar way as
in subsection 4.2.
Our next aim is to define a “semi-local” reduction at
. Since
admits a singularity at
and only if
admits a singularity at
for all
, we
also need to take into account the behaviour at each of these shifted
singularities. For this reason, the reduction
will only be “semi-local”.
Given , we define the
-span of
to be the largest integer
such that
. If no such integer exists, then we set
. Assuming that
, consider
If , then the orders of
and . If
, then it follows that
This allows us to define by induction on
as follows:
We call the downward semi-local
reduction with respect to
Proof. If ,
then we have already noticed that
is a reduction
with respect to
such that i
and ii are satisfied. If
, then the proof follows the same scheme as in
Proposition 4.1; for the sake of completeness, we give it
in full. Throughout the proof, we denote
By induction on , let us
first show that there exists a
; notice that this in particular implies ii and also
, then we may take
. If
, then there exists a
. If
, then there exists a
. Hence
, so we may take
Again by induction on , let
us next show that
. If
, we have
. If
, then
. It follows that
. If
, then we have
This completes the proof that
is a reduction
with respect to
Decomposing with
let us next show by induction on
. If
then we have
then we may decompose
, after which
. If
, then
. It follows that
. This shows i.
Now let be such that
. Then the projections
are clearly orthogonal and it follows from
ii that
; this shows iii. The
next fact iv also follows from ii.□
Proof. Assume the notations from the previous
proposition. Let us prove i by induction on . If
. If
, then
; since the induction hypothesis implies
, we obtain
. If
, then the induction hypothesis yields
Let us next prove ii, again by induction over
. If
, then we may take
then let
be such that
, and
. Then we have
. If
, then let
be such that
, and
. We have
, we have
. It thus suffices to
With as above, we have
, which implies iii.
yields iv.□
Let us now turn to the problem of combining the semi-local reductions
for some subset
. Given a general subset
, the set
admits the partitioning
The notion of -span can also
be generalized:
In this subsection we start with the case when
is aligned in the sense that
. In that case, we notice that
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(i=1,…,t-1) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Although the construction from the previous subsection provides us with
a local reduction for the projection
, this reduction is sometimes
suboptimal due to the fact that it may take a long time to reduce
functions for which
is small. For this reason,
we introduce an alternative semi-local reduction
We call the downward reduction with
respect to
It is “less confined” than
relies on the reduction
in order to reduce the
polar parts for the singularities in
be aligned with
Then the mapping
is a reduction with respect
that satisfies:
Proof. Let us denote and
so that
. Also let
Let us first show that is a reduction with
respect to
. We clearly have
. By Propositions 5.1-ii and 5.2-iii, we
notice that
The reduction is also local for
. The relation
shows that
The properties iii and iv
are shown in a similar way as for Proposition 5.1.□
be aligned with
We have ,
, using the
notation from
Proof. With the same notations as in the
previous proof, Proposition 5.2-i
implies for
. This proves i.
Proposition 5.2-ii implies the
existence of with
, and
, for
In particular, this yields
Now consider
, we conclude that
As to iii, we have ,
thanks to Proposition 5.2-iii.
Proposition 5.2-iv similarly implies
iv, since
Proof. Let and decompose
it as
as above. From Proposition 5.3-ii, it follows that
Notice that
if and only if
. Assuming that that
, it follows from Proposition
5.4-iv that
, whence
Remark of
This time, it follows from Proposition 5.4 that the space
is spanned by
Again the computation of a basis of
can be
expensive and there exists no general polynomial time algorithm for
doing so.
Let us now assume that is such that
is finite for every
The equivalence relation
restricted to
then leads to a natural partitioning
![]() |
(5.3) |
where each component is aligned, and
. This
allows us to define
By Propositions 5.3-i, 5.3-iii and 2.6, we get that
is a local reduction for
with respect to
. From Propositions 5.3-iv and 2.8, we deduce that
is a reduction with respect to
We call
downward reductions with respect to
is symmetric, then
, by Proposition 2.3.
Remark to contain a section of
with respect to the equivalence relation
we ensure that
Nevertheless, each
can only contain
“half” of the set
is assumed to be finite. This means that
cannot cover
cannot truly qualify as a “global
reduction”. In order to obtain a global reduction, one needs to
combine downward and “upward” reductions (constructed from
downward reductions with respect to the operator
). Even then, the obtained “global”
reduction crucially depends on the choice of
. In fact, this kind of reductions will not be
useful for our application to creative telescoping; we rather need
reductions on suitable narrow submodules.
In order to obtain a counterpart for Theorem 4.5, let us
now turn our attention to restrictions of downward reductions to
suitable narrow submodules of .
be of order
. Consider a narrow
of , where
is a symmetric finite set and
for some symmetric function
, and
Then the restriction
is a confined reduction with respect to
Given , there exists a
Proof. Let be
partitioned as in (5.3). Let us first show that the narrow
of is stable under downward reduction
. The module
is clearly stable under the projection
for any
. Since
is local for
we also have stability under the reduction
Now given
we have
by Corollary 5.5. For any
, it follows that
. Since
commutes with all automorphisms of
, we also get the stability of
Given , let us next prove the
existence of some
. For each
, Proposition 5.4-ii yields an element
for all
, whence
. At infinity, there also exists a
, and
. Taking
, it follows that
If and
coefficients in an extension field
of degree
then we may replace
, since
for every automorphism
. Notice that this shows
in particular that
is a reduction on
Let us finally show that
which also implies the bound on .
For each
, let
be as in (5.2) and notice that
Given , let
We also define ,
and . Now given
, Proposition 5.3 implies
for all
. It follows that
. We also have
, whence
, we conclude that (5.4) indeed holds.□
Remark from Remark 5.6
instead of the reductions
and similarly for the
local reduction at infinity, it can be checked that the resulting
in Theorem 5.8 is both
confined and normal.
Assume now that is a difference operator of
. Consider a narrow
, where
a symmetric finite set,
a symmetric function,
. Assume that for every
of multiplicity
, we have
where we understand that if
Given formal indeterminates ,
we claim that the set
admits the natural structure of a difference module over for the shift operator
Indeed, given , this forces
us to take
and it suffices to check that .
Now for any root
, we have
, whence
, thanks to our assumption (5.5). We
conclude that
, as desired.
Notice that
is a formal solution to the equation
Let us now show how to construct a confined reduction
with respect to
denote the restriction of the directed
reduction at
with respect to
as constructed in the previous subsection. Now consider
with and let us show how to define
by induction on
, then we take
By construction, we have ,
whence there exists a
such that
. By Theorem 5.8, we actually have
. Using Proposition 3.2,
it follows that
Assume now that . Then we
We notice that
By what precedes, it follows that
In fact, an easy induction on shows that
In particular, the constructed reduction is confined with :
be of order
and consider
as above. Let
, and
is a confined reduction such that
![]() |
□ |
Remark and map
that satisfy
our hypotheses are given by
. Assume that
are taken this way. If
, then it follows that
for all
. However, in the
other extreme case when
is aligned, we only have
for all
and the growth
can be quadratic in
. This larger growth is due to the fact that we
required functions of small span to be reducible fast in section 5.4. If we drop this requirement, then linear growth can be
restored by changing the definition (5.1) to
![]() |
where and
Compromises between both definitions are also possible, which should
ultimately make it possible to systematically gain a factor
with respect to some of the complexity bounds later in
this paper. However, the details are technical, so we reserve them for a
future work.
The theory of the previous section naturally adapts to -difference operators
is not a root of unity), except that both
zero and infinity now need to be treated apart.
So let us start with the construction of the local reductions and
. This time, the behaviour of
at zero and at infinity is given by
where and
(in fact, we
is not a root of unity, we notice that
admits at most one solution for any
Now consider . Let
be such that
Setting , we define
by induction over
![]() |
(5.9) |
Similarly, assume now that and
are such that
Setting , we define
by induction over
![]() |
(5.10) |
Notice that for any
The local reductions at other points
are constructed in a similar way as in subsection 5.3.
It is not hard to check that the
are indeed local reductions that satisfy similar
properties as in Proposition 5.1. Given a subset
, this allows us to glue them
together into a reduction
in a similar way as in
subsections 5.4 and 5.5. Mutatis
mutandis, this leads to the following analogue of Theorem 5.8:
be of order
. Consider a narrow
of , where
is a symmetric finite set and
for some symmetric function
, and
Then the restriction
is a confined reduction with respect to
The results from subsection 5.6 also naturally adapt to the
-difference setting.
Let us now outline how to adapt the theory of this section to first
order systems. We assume that for
; the case of
operators can be treated in a similar way. Concerning the analogue of
section 5.3, let us start with an operator
, where
is a monic
separable polynomial and where
is an invertible
matrix. Recall that
operates at the right on
matrices in
The local reduction at infinity is constructed
in a similar way as for differential operators. The semi-local
at other points
are somewhat easier to construct in the sense that there is no need for
any auxiliary tail choppers. Given
we define
by induction over
As in section 4.5, this definition can be further optimized through the use of pseudo-inverses:
The remainder of the theory and result from sections 5.3,
5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 can be adapted
mutatis mutandis. In particular, for every symmetric finite set
, we obtain a reduction
that satisfies the following analogue of Theorem 5.8:
be of order be of order one.
Assume that
is invertible and that
for some monic
Consider a narrow
of , where
is a symmetric finite set and
for some symmetric function
, and
Then the restriction
is a confined reduction with respect to
Let be a field that is equipped with
pairwise commuting operators
together with derivations
and automorphisms
such that for each
we have
. Given
such a field
, we will say
that the skew polynomial ring
is a DD-operator algebra. In practice, we usually have for some constant field
and each
is given by either one of the formulas
Modulo a homographic change of variables (and quadratic algebraic
extensions), we have seen in section 5.1 that we may
further reduce to the case when each is either a
shift or a
operator. DD-operator algebras of this special type will be called
A (left) ideal of
said to be D-finite if
is finite
dimensional as a vector space over
Given an
and a “function”
we say that
is D-finite if its
annihilating ideal
is D-finite. We say that an ideal of
is reflexive if for every
, we have
It is well known [40, 60, 71, 64, 26, 70] that the theory of
Gröbner bases generalizes to skew polynomial rings such as . As usual, this assumes a total
on the set of “monomials”
that refines the divisibility relation on .
denote this divisibility relation. Given a
finite subset of
, a
Gröbner basis
for the left ideal generated
by this subset can be computed using a non-commutative version of
Buchberger's algorithm. The initial segment
reduced monomials for
under the Gröbner
stairs for
admits the usual property that
forms a basis for the vector space
. Given
the reduction of
with respect to
Let be a reflexive D-finite ideal of
. Consider any basis
and let
be the column vector with entries
(it will be
convenient to call such a column vector
a basis
as well). Given an operator
, the action of
gives rise to a matrix
![]() |
In particular, for each there is a matrix
If are such that
then we may compute the
column of
by reducing
with respect to
and writing the result as a
linear combination of
is an automorphism, then
is invertible.
Proof. Assume for contradiction that there
exists a non-zero row vector with
. Then we would get
. Writing
for the column
matrix with entries
, we thus
which yields a non-trivial relation between the
Proof. If and
, then (6.2) yields
Since both derivations commute and the entries of
form a basis of
, this yields
the first relation. The two other relations are proved in a similar
Given , we say that
is a cyclic vector for
form a basis for
contains an
then it is well known that such a cyclic vector
always exists and can be computed [3, 25, 15]. These results can naturally be adapted to the case when
is a shift operator or a
-difference operator such that
contains an element
such that
is infinite. We will say that
acts non
trivially on
if we are in either one of
these situations. In the terminology of [6, section 5.3],
this implies that
is simple, whence [6,
Corollary 5.3.6] yields a way to compute cyclic vectors. Given a cyclic
, the left ideal of
of operators that annihilate
is principal and its unique monic generator has order
. In terms of matrices, these properties may be
restated as follows:
be such that
acts non trivially on
Then there exists a basis
with entries
such that
Let us now consider a reflexive D-finite ideal
of a DD-operator algebra
with one additional operator .
We abbreviate
and assume that either
where is the constant field of
. Moreover, if
then we require that
is either a shift operator
or a
-difference operator
, where
is not a root of
unity. As usual, we set
where we understand that
. We also write
Recall that a -submodule
is said to be
narrow in
if it is stable under
and finitely generated as a
-module. Given such a module
, we have shown in section 5.2 that
there exists a finite symmetric set
and a
such that
. Let
be a fixed basis of
. A
is said to be narrow in
if it is of the form
for a narrow submodule
Given a narrow submodule of
as above and
, we have seen
in sections 4.5 and 5.8 how to construct a
computable confined reduction
with respect to
the first order operator
as well as a
corresponding computable confined reduction
respect to
. Alternatively,
one may rely on the constructions of reductions with respect to scalar
linear differential and difference operators
, as we will detail now.
Let be the entries of the basis
. We say that
cyclic if
. Such a basis always exists by Proposition 6.3
and it comes with a unique monic operator
with the lcm of the denominators of
its coefficients, we obtain a new operator
Assume that and that we are given a narrow
as above
with respect to a cyclic basis
Then we have shown in sections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 how to construct a computable confined reduction
with respect to
as well as a
corresponding computable confined reduction
respect to
Assume now that and that we are given a narrow
as above
with respect to a cyclic basis
Assume also that
for all
, where
denotes the set of
fixed points of
. Then we
have shown in section 5 how to construct a computable
confined reduction
with respect to
as well as a corresponding computable confined reduction
with respect to
. For
, we notice that
-vector space
of dimension at most
, we may write
. By induction on
, we may then define a confined reduction on
We have
Assume that there exists a -submodule
that comes with a
(computable) confined reduction
with respect to
. Then we say that
is telescopable in
the chosen basis
, and we
the associated reduction. By what
precedes, this is the case whenever there exists a
that is narrow in
With the notations from the previous subsection, given a function in some
the set
of telescopers for
with respect to
is defined by
From this definition it is immediately apparent that
forms an ideal of
. Given a
, an element
such that
is called a
certificate for
Assume now that is telescopable in
, with associated reduction
. We say that a function
is primitive if for each
there exists an
. We write
for the set of
such functions. Given
and an operator
, we
notice that
implies the existence of some
In particular, given an operator
, we have
![]() |
(6.3) |
Since lives in the finite dimensional
-vector space
, this yields a way to determine telescopers
through linear algebra, simply by searching
-linear relations between the
runs over
For instance, taking
, one
obtains a telescoper in
which generalizes the introductory example (1.4). Doing
this for each
shows in particular that
is D-finite.
In our DD-algebra setting, it is also natural to perform the linear
algebra incrementally following the term order
, as in the FGLM algorithm
[37]. This leads to the following algorithm to compute a
D-finite ideal contained in
of a D-finite ideal
Moreover, if is normal, then
Proof. Throughout the algorithm, we observe that
the elements with
-linearly independent.
never exceeds
, which ensures termination of the algorithm.
By (6.3), it is also clear that we only insert telescopers
Let us now prove the bound (6.4).
Throughout the algorithm, it is easily verified that
contains only monomials that are smaller than
. It follows that the leading monomial of
, when
inserting a new element into
This in turn implies that, at the start of each iteration of the main
loop, the set
contains precisely those monomials
that cannot be reduced with respect to
. At the end of the loop,
this means that
consists exactly of those
monomials that cannot be reduced with respect to
. Consequently,
Assume finally that is a normal reduction. Then
it is straightforward to verify that (6.3) becomes an
equivalence. In particular, given a telescoper of the form
, we get that
for all
since the elements
are linearly independent. In other words,
. At the end of the
main loop, this also means that the S-polynomials of any two elements in
necessarily reduce to zero; in other words,
is already a reduced Gröbner basis, so we may
directly return it after the main loop.□
Remark is that
. If
then it follows that we may also take
instead of
, since
where and
Remark is replaced by a more general operator
that commutes with
In the differential case, it essentially suffices to replace the
confined reduction
with respect to
by a confined reduction with respect to
, as constructed in section 4.6.
In the difference case, such reductions can be constructed along similar
Adopt the same notations as in section 6.3. Let be a fixed basis of
with entries
. Given an operator
, we define its order
and with respect to the basis
and its (finite) set of singularities in
Thanks to Proposition 6.2, it turns out that is closely related to
for all
Proof. Assuming for contradiction that and
, we have
, whence Proposition 6.2
Similarly, if and
then we have
, whence
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
□ |
and let
. Let
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(θi=δi) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(θi=σi) |
Then for any with
, there exist integers
Proof. Since ,
we notice that
Assume that and
Then Proposition 6.2 implies
as well as
whence . Assuming that
, it follows by induction on
, we get that
. Since
is finite, we must have
for some
. If
, it follows similarly that
, whence the
existence of some
Let us next consider the case when and
. Then Proposition 6.2
whence and
We conclude in a similar way as above.□
Given a set of operators , we
Let be the monoid generated by the
. Similarly, let
denote the
multiplicative monoid generated by the
such that
Proof. Let be
sufficiently large such that
for all
. This
implies that
. Let
. Since
is invertible, we get
![]() |
(7.1) |
On the other hand, there are constants with
Since for
we have
in the above formula. By our choice of
, we also have
, whence
Combined with (7.1), this yields
Since , we have
and similarly
Proof. Let be
sufficiently large such that
is invertible,
we have
Since , we also have
The combination of both formulas yields
We conclude in a similar way as in the proof of Proposition 7.3.□
Proof. Assume that is
finite and let
, where
. Notice that
is stable under both
. Given
Proposition 7.1 implies that
, this means that
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(θi=∂i) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(θi=σi) |
This proves that the -module
is narrow, as required.□
Example is a standard DD-operator algebra with
, then
finite if and only if
does not depend on
for every
. In particular, we may take
in the proof.
and let
. Assume that the following
holds for every
if , then for all
, we have
if , then for all
, there exist integers
Then is telescopable in
Proof. We define the function
Since is finite, we may also define
By construction, this function is increasing. We also notice that
is finite, with , and the
. It follows that
is a narrow
. In particular, the
comes with a reduction
with respect to
We claim that is stable under
. The stability under
is clear. Let
, so that
Then for any
, we have
In other words, , which
completes the proof of our claim.
Given an iterated derivative and
, we next observe that there exist integers
where we notice that for all
. For any
it follows that
By Proposition 7.3, there are only a finite number of
points where
at these points. In other words, setting
, there exists a finite dimensional
-vector space
. We extend
to a confined reduction
respect to
by setting
for all
Notice that
is still stable under
, since
commutes with
Example is a standard DD-operator algebra with
. If
, then it follows that
the denominator of
as a rational function in
should be a power product of linear forms
If this is not the case, then one may try replacing the operator
by its inverse
for which one might have more luck. If either
is a
operator, and the other one is a shift operator, then the denominator of
should be a polynomial in
. If both
operators, then the denominator of
should be a
power product of terms
We say that is explicitly telescopable
with respect to the basis
if it satisfies the sufficient conditions from Propositions 7.5
or 7.7. These conditions present the advantage that they
are formulated exclusively in terms of the singularities of
. For a fixed basis
, they are also easy to check. It remains to
investigate how to compute a basis with respect to which
is explicitly telescopable, whenever such a basis exists.
We will restrict our attention to the case when ; an algorithm can probably be developed for the
difference case as well, but we will leave this for a future work. Given
a singularity
, let us show
how to compute a basis
whenever such a basis exists. We outline the algorithm over
, but it is not hard to adapt it to work over
. The computed basis is no
longer cyclic; with additional effort, it can be shown that there also
exist cyclic bases
We start with the computation of a basis of formal local transseries
solutions of the system at
, given in the form of a fundamental matrix
. If there exist local
solutions that are not Laurent series, then the singularity
clearly cannot be removable. Otherwise, the truncation
at a sufficiently
high order
gives rise to a basis
such that
admits no singularity at
Unfortunately, may introduce new singularities,
so this algorithm needs to be tweaked a little more. We replace
with a new approximation at a order
that can be written as a product of diagonal matrices with entries of
the form
invertible constant matrices in
and upper/lower triangular matrices of the form
. It is not hard to compute such an approximation.
By construction, its inverse admits a factorization of the same form,
whence it introduces no new singularities.
Even small equations such as may admit solutions
with a high valuation
. It
follows that the above algorithm for changing bases may be very
expensive and its cost is generally not polynomial in the input size.
If is explicitly telescopable in
with respect to the chosen basis
and associated reduction
then the telescoping ideal
is certainly D-finite
for any
. Moreover, Algorithm
6.1 allows us to efficiently compute a Gröbner basis
for a D-finite subideal of
with more computational effort, one may even compute a Gröbner
basis for
If is not explicitly telescopable in
, even after a suitable change of
basis, then telescoping ideals
are generally not
D-finite, although they exceptionally might be. In this subsection, we
will show how to modify Algorithm 6.1 in order to test
D-finiteness of
and to compute a Gröbner
basis for
if so. We will restrict our attention
to the case when
, but a
similar approach is likely to work in the difference case as well. It
will also be convenient to assume that for any
we have
for all
This is the case for standard DD-operator algebras.
Assume that we have fixed a cyclic basis of
with entries
and let
be the vanishing operator of
. Denote
, and
. Then
is a
-submodule of
, but that is not
necessarily narrow in
Let be the normal global reduction on
with respect to
as constructed in
Remark 4.7. The construction from section 4.4
still works and leads to a corresponding normal reduction
. The
these reductions to
are also normal. We call
the associated
normal reduction to
(and for the chosen
). For any subset
, we notice that
. In particular,
Proof. Let be the row
vector with entries
. Then
The result now follows from (4.8).□
be the set of all
such that there exists an
be such that
. Then the
-vector space
generated by all
has infinite dimension.
Proof. Let be such that
and let
be such that
Modulo the replacement of
, we may assume without loss of generality that
for all
Recall that
are pairwise distinct.
Consider the sequence with
for all
Let us show by induction on
for all
. These assertions hold by assumption for
, so assume that
. By Lemma 7.9, we have
For each , the assumption
therefore implies
. Assume for contradiction that
. Let
be such that
Then we have
and Lemma 7.9 implies
Since and
it follows that
. From
and the normality of
, we
also get that
. We conclude
, which contradicts the
induction hypothesis.
We claim that are
independent. Indeed, given a non-trivial relation
, we would obtain the
We conclude by noticing that .□
We are now in a position to state the adaptation of Algorithm 6.1
to the case when the ideal is not necessarily
else decompose
return |
Proof. Let us first show that
is finite. Given
, we either
for some
In the latter case, our assumption
implies the
existence of a maximal
. We claim that there also exists a maximal
Our claim clearly implies that
is finite, since
we are left with a finite number of possible
Assume for contradiction that the claim does not hold. Then , whence there exists a
. For each
, there exists an
. For some
, it follows that
. Since
, we have
acts on
. In particular, there exist minimal
and maximal
. For
we conclude that there cannot exist an
Having shown that is finite, we either hit some
in which case the correctness follows from Proposition 7.10,
or all computations take place in the narrow submodule
, and the correctness and
termination are proved in a similar way as for Theorem 6.4.□
Consider a standard DD-operator algebra with
, as in section 6.1.
We will use the algebraic complexity model: running times are measured
in terms of the required number of field operations in
and space complexity in terms of the required number of coefficients in
We use a dense representation for polynomials in . A polynomial
of total
thus requires space
. From now on, we assume that the dimension
is a fixed constant, whereas
may become large. Given
of total degrees
, it
is well known for that their product can be computed in quasi-linear
; see [53]
for a particularly efficient algorithm. Partial derivatives and
-differences can clearly be
computed in linear time
. It
is also well-known [11] that partial shifts reduce to
coefficientwise univariate multiplications, so they can be computed in
The deterministic computation of the greatest common divisor of two
polynomials is more expensive. The best
currently known algorithms first select a principal variable, say
, and reinterpret
as univariate polynomials in
. They next recursively factor out the content
and then compute the univariate gcd using a division-free algorithm for
the computation of subresultants such as Berkowitz' algorithm [8];
see also [69]. This leads to the complexity bound
. When
using randomized algorithms of Las Vegas type, one may take
instead; since
this means that gcds can be computed in quasi-linear time (more
precisely: after a generic linear change of variables, both
can be assumed to be monic in
, and using
evaluation/interpolation at
points, one reduces
to fast univariate gcds [18]).
Rational functions in are represented as
, and
monic with respect to a suitable term ordering. We write
for the degree of such a rational function. Given
we notice that
. One may
in non simplified form in quasi-linear
, whereas the
simplification of the resulting fraction requires
further operations. Of course, it is possible to delay the
simplification of fractions in many cases.
When computing with vectors of matrices with entries in , we always assume that denominators have been
factored out. In other words, a matrix
represented as a matrix
divided by a monic
such that the gcd of
and all entries of
equals one (here
is understood to be monic with respect to a suitable
monomial ordering on
). We
also define
. Simplifying a
general fraction
can be done in time
. Ignoring the cost of the final
simplification, two matrices
can be added in
and multiplied in time
. Here
denotes the “exponent of matrix multiplication”,
i.e. two matrices in
can be
multiplied using
operations in
When allowing for probabilistic algorithms (of Las Vegas type), it is
interesting to consider the alternative straight line program (SLP)
representation for polynomials and rational functions [20].
In this model, the length of the SLP that
is a natural mesure for the complexity
. Using sparse
interpolation [7, 58, 57, 51, 5], the actual coefficients of a polynomial
of degree bounded by
be retrieved from its SLP representation in expected time
. Similarly, the dense representation of a
rational function
can be retrieved in expected
; see [59].
Algorithms that rely on SLP representations and sparse interpolation are particularly interesting when intermediate expressions swell in size, but the end-result is small in comparison. It turns out that the sizes of SLPs for creative telescoping remain reasonably small, which makes this approach relevant in our context. For this reason, we will also analyze the complexity of our algorithms in this model.
Now consider a standard DD-operator algebra extension
as in section 6.3. Polynomials
and rational fractions in
can be represented in a similar way as in the previous subsection, but
for our complexity analysis, it is useful to distinguish between the
degree in
and the total degree in
. As in the case of vectors and matrices, we
also assume that the denominators of polynomials in
have been factored out.
With the above conventions, the monic gcd of two
can be computed in time
and we have
In fact, for any monic polynomial that divides
, we even have
It is also possible to compute the corresponding cofactors with
still with the same complexity. These cofactors satisfy similar degree bounds
in addition to the usual bounds and
Similarly, given two polynomials with monic
, the Euclidean division of
yields a relation
in which the quotient and the remainder
satisfy the degree bounds
Setting , the division itself
can be done in time
The computation of the local reductions in
sections 4 and 5 requires us to compute with
of the leading coefficient
of our differential or difference operator
. If the factorization of
is known, then this comes down to computations over the extension field
, where
is the monic irreducible factor of
Let us first examine the cost of arithmetic in such an extension field
and denote
represented by their pre-images
. It is
natural to define the total degree of
. Given
, it follows from (8.6)
where we recall from (8.2) that . Similarly, the inverse of a non-zero
thanks to (8.3). Since additions and subtraction do not require any Euclidean divisions, we also have
The computations of and
can respectively be performed in time
, whereas
can be computed in time
. One
may take
in the first two complexity bounds if
we only require unsimplified results.
For simplicity, we will assume that the irreducible factorization of
is known in what follows. In order to be
complete, we still have to discuss the cost of computing such a
factorization. Since this task can be rather expensive, it is actually
better to avoid it by relying on the strategy of “dynamic
evaluation” [31].
Starting with the square-free part of
, the idea is to directly work in
the extension
as if it were a field. Whenever we
hit a non-trivial zero-divisor
during the
computation of an inverse in
we simply abort all computations and resume with
in the role of
This can happen at most
times, so all complexity
bounds that will be proved in the sequel have to be multiplied by
in order to take into account the cost of the
factorization of
. In fact,
overhead can be reduced at the expense of
technical complications; since we merely want to establish polynomial
complexity bounds, we can spare ourselves this effort.
Computations with algebraic functions in are
often more efficient in the SLP model. In that case, at every evaluation
, we work in the
algebraic extension
instead of
. Here we used
angular brackets for the evaluation of
in order to avoid confusion with evaluation in
. Now SLPs over this algebraic
can be
reinterpreted as SLPs over
additions/subtractions in
translate into
additions/subtractions in
, whereas each multiplication or division in
give rise to
ring operations
. When implementing
dynamic evaluation, one also must be careful to “take the same
branch of the computation tree” at each evaluation point: whenever
we hit a non-trivial zero-divisor
, we store the corresponding SLP
, and first relaunch the
computation with
in the role of
(for all evaluation points), and then once more with
in the role of
(again for all evaluation
Consider a fraction with
. Assume that
is monic and that its factorization over
is known, say
. Let us
analyze the cost of computing the partial fraction decomposition of
The partial fraction decomposition can actually be computed over as well as over its algebraic closure. When working
, the partial fraction
decomposition can be written at choice in one of the following two forms
where and
It is well known [65] that partial fraction decompositions
of these kinds can be computed in quasi-linear time
in terms of operations over
In this paper, we have chosen to systematically work over the algebraic
closure of
Now given a root
any automorphism
, we notice that
. It therefore suffices to compute
for only one root
in each
conjugacy class. We define the partial fraction decomposition of
to consist of
and the collection of coefficients
, where
runs over
and one element in each conjugacy class among the set
of roots of
, and where
. The “tangling” and
“untangling” morphisms from [52, Section 4]
allow for conversions between partial fraction decompositions over
in quasi-linear time. It
will be convenient to write
for the maximal degree in of a coefficient in
the partial fraction decomposition of
We have the following deterministic (but rather crude) bounds for the
cost of partial fraction decomposition and the resulting degree swell in
be as above.
If the factorization of is known, then the
partial fraction decomposition of
can be computed in time
Proof. From (8.5) and the fact that
we may compute as the quotient of the Euclidean
division of
we first notice that
Given a root of
, let us next
prove that
for . Let
be the monic minimal polynomial of
We first notice that
for all
, whence
for all
and similarly for
be the power
series expansions of
It follows that
bounded by
for all
. Now consider the power
in . By what precedes, we
and we notice that
. Since
, we conclude that
The quotient of the Euclidean division of
can be computed in time
. The naive expansion of the
until order
takes time
and the
division of the results with precision
can be
performed in time
. Doing
this for one
in each conjugacy class yields the
announced complexity bound.□
Partial fraction decomposition becomes much faster when carried out
directly over . In the SLP
model, we have the following complexity bound:
be as above and
assume that the factorization
into irreducibles is known. Given a joint SLP for the
evaluation of
, and
, there exists an
SLP for the evaluation of the partial fraction decomposition of
of length at most
Proof. Direct consequence of [65] and the quasi-linear time algorithm for the “untangling” morphism from [52, Sections 4.3 and 4.4].□
Since the local reductions really operate on partial fraction
decompositions, it is also interesting to study the inverse operation
that recovers a rational function from its partial fraction
decomposition over .
be given and define
. Then
and the standard representation can be
computed in time
Proof. Let be one the
poles in the partial fraction decomposition of
and let
be its monic minimal polynomial. Denote
, and
Consider the polar part
in the partial fraction
decomposition of
. This components gives
rise to a corresponding component
in the partial fraction decomposition of over
. Now
, whence
. The traces of
can be
computed using Newton–Girard's formulas and
for all
. Since
is linear, it follows that
Summing over all poles, the bound for follows.
The time complexity bound is proved in a similar way.□
and assume that we
are given an SLP of length
for the evaluation
of the partial fraction decomposition of
at points
includes the evaluation of the roots of the denominator of
). Then there exists an SLP for
the evaluation of the numerator and the denominator of
of length at most
Proof. We first convert the partial fraction
decomposition over back into a partial fraction
decomposition over
; using
the tangling algorithm from [52, Section 4.5], this can be
done in quasi-linear time. We next recover the numerator and denominator
using traditional rational function arithmetic, again in quasi-linear
Let be a DD-algebra as in the previous section.
For all our complexity bounds, we recall that
assumed to be constant. Consider a telescopable D-finite ideal
with associated reduction
with entries
be a
basis for the finite dimensional vector space
. In Algorithm 6.1, it often occurs
that around
iterations are necessary before the
main loop terminates. In that case, it may be profitable to use the
alternative way
to compute the
and to further optimize the reduction process by precomputing
for all basis elements
For each
, this leads to a
such that
Given , we then get
. We call
the reduction matrices for
. With these optimizations,
Algorithm 6.1 becomes:
still admits the property that the set of monomials that are not
divisible by a leading monomial of an element of
is finite; for this reason we call
D-finite set of generators.
, its running time is bounded
Proof. Since each is
obtained as the product of at most
matrices of
total degree
, we have
for all
encountered in the
algorithm. The number of iterations of the main loop is always bounded
. It follows that the
computation of the
can be done in time
. The linear algebra of testing the
existence of a relation
(and computing such a
relation if it exists) reduces to the computation of the kernel of a
matrix in
of total degree
and rank
. This can be done in
through evaluation-interpolation of the
numerator at
points, using the fact that the
determinants of all minors of this numerator have total degree
. Multiplying with the maximal
number of iterations
, the
main result follows.□
Algorithm 9.1 gives rise to an SLP for the joint
evaluation of the polynomials in
whose length is bounded by
Proof. The evaluation of the input SLPs at a
point takes
and yields scalar matrices
and a scalar vector
. Applying the algorithm to
instead of
instead of
This time, each iteration amounts to one matrix-vector product of cost
and adding one row to the matrix of the
; we incrementally put this matrix
in echelon normal form in order to determine the relations
, again with cost
Since the algorithm uses at most
iterations, the
complexity bound follows.□
Remark of the linear algebra in Theorem 9.3 can
be further lowered if the matrices
are sparse or
in the case when we are using a lexicographic admissible ordering. For
details, see [38] and references therein.
It may happen that some of the basis elements are actually superfluous
for the computation, in which case it is possible to replace the
reduction matrices by smaller
“quasi-reduction” matrices. More precisely, assume that the
vector space
spanned by the basis elements
is stable under the mappings
. Then each
is a block matrix
where . If
, then we call
quasi-reduction matrices for
. Given
, it is not hard to
check that Algorithm 9.1 still applies to
instead of
, and that the
above theorems generalize to this case.
In this subsection, we assume that and that our
D-finite ideal
is explicitly telescopable for
some cyclic basis
. We write
for the associated reduction. There also exists
an operator
of order
than annihilates the first entry
. We may write
is the monic
annihilator of the zero-set of
We assume that the irreducible factors of
all known.
In order to apply Theorem 9.2, we need to bound the
dimension of the space
of reduced functions and to analyze the cost of computing the reduction
. Let us start with
the dimension bound.
Proof. We may take in
the proof of Proposition 7.5 (see Example 7.6).
It follows that
. When
applying Theorem 4.5 to
we thus have
, whence the
complexity bound, since
Given a vector with entries
, let us now analyze the cost to compute the
. By construction,
we recall that
, where
denotes the reduction
with respect to the adjoint operator
It thus suffices to analyze the cost of the reduction
Proof. Consider one of the poles with
, let
be its monic minimal polynomial, and
. Given
written as a Laurent polynomial, let
denote the
maximal degree in
of one of its coefficients.
Let us show by induction on
This is clear for .
Otherwise, consider the expansion
. If
then we get
If and
then the induction hypothesis yields
By construction, we have
Putting all these bounds together, we conclude that .
Let us now bound the quantity .
in terms of
amounts to a Taylor shift from which it is
also possible to read off the indicial polynomial
. This yields
Since divides
we also have
It follows that
For , a similar reasoning at
infinity shows that
Let us now turn our attention to a general .
Proposition 8.1 implies that
From what precedes, we have
at every pole
From Proposition 8.3, we also have
Combined with the previous bounds, this yields
The time complexity bound is proved in a similar way.□
Then there exist quasi-reduction matrices
and we may compute them in time
Proof. Denote .
For each
, let
be minimal such that
. Since
admits at most
roots and
, we notice that
. Consider the
and the
. The way we defined
ensures that we actually have
, whence
. This
means that
is stable under the mappings
. We construct
as the quasi-reduction matrices with respect to a basis
The basis elements can all be taken to be of the
is the minimal polynomial of some
. For
each basis element
, it then
follows that
. Writing
for the column vector with entries
, we also have
Similarly, we have
, and
Applying Lemma 9.6 to
it follows that
. Regrouping
the coefficients of the partial fraction decomposition of
by conjugate roots, we directly obtain the expression of
in terms of the basis elements
. Using Proposition 8.3, it
follows that
We need to compute for
, which means that we
applications of Lemma 9.6, in
view of Lemma 9.5. The complexity bound then follows from
Lemma 9.6 and Proposition 8.3.□
and that we are given
an explicitly telescopable D-finite ideal
some cyclic basis
with entries
. Then there exists a polynomial time
algorithm to compute a D-finite set of generators of a D-finite ideal
that is contained in
, as a
function of the matrices
and the operator
associated to
Proof. In view of the discussion at the end of section 8.3, this is a direct consequence of Lemmas 9.5 and 9.7, together with the straightforward generalization of Theorem 9.2 to the case of quasi-reduction matrices.□
With the same assumptions as in the previous subsection, let us now carry out the complexity analysis in the SLP model. Before stating the counterpart of Lemma 9.6, let us first show that the local reductions from section 4.2 can essentially be computed in quasi-linear time.
with monic minimal polynomial
, and
. Given a Laurent polynomial
, we may compute
arithmetic operations in .
Similarly, given a Laurent polynomial
we may compute
as in
arithmetic operations in .
Proof. The operator can
be rewritten as an operator in
using a Taylor
shift; this can be done in time
Rewritten in this way, the operator
operates on Laurent polynomials in
We may also decompose
and, for all
This decomposition can be done in linear time since both and
are of the form
for suitable sets
Now consider the linear operators
that act on monomials
Then we observe that the evaluation of (4.3) at can be rewritten as
The second equation is “recursive”, which allows us to compute its solution in quasi-linear time in terms of the size of the equation using relaxed evaluation [48, 47]. This directly implies the first complexity bound. The bound at infinity is proved in a similar way.□
, the irreducible factors
at points
, we can compute an SLP for the
evaluation of
, whose
length is bounded by
Proof. Denote and let
be an evaluation point. By Proposition 8.2,
we can compute the rational fraction decomposition of
in quasi-linear time
. For each
be a root of
Lemma 9.10 allows us to compute
. Using the fact that
it follows that all for
can be computed in time
Using Proposition 8.4, these values allow us to compute
in quasi-linear time
. Again by Lemma 9.10, we obtain
more operations in
. Given an SLP
for the joint evaluation of the coefficients of
, the irreducible factors
, and the matrices
at points
we can compute an SLP for the evaluation of quasi-reduction matrices
, whose length is bounded by
Proof. Similarly as in the proof of Lemma 9.7, we apply Lemma 9.11 to
We again have
, whence each
can be treated in time
. Since there are
values of
to consider, the conclusion
and that we are given an
explicitly telescopable D-finite ideal
some cyclic basis
with entries
. Let
Given an SLP for the joint evaluation of the coefficients of
, the irreducible factors
, and
the matrices
at points
, we can compute an SLP for the evaluation of a
D-finite set of generators of a D-finite ideal that is contained in
, whose length is bounded
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Lemmas 9.5 and 9.12, together with the straightforward generalization of Theorem 9.3 to the case of quasi-reduction matrices.□
Remark in the proof of Lemma 9.12 is
actually quite pessimistic, since it corresponds to highly unlucky
values of the roots of the indicial polynomials. In practice, the better
is likely to hold. In that case, the time
complexity per evaluation point in Theorem 9.13 drops to
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