. This work has
been partly supported by the French
Current implementations of In the similar context of formal power series, another so called lazy technique is also frequently implemented. In this context, a power series is essentially a stream of coefficients, with an effective promise to obtain the next coefficient at every stage. This technique makes it easier to solve implicit equations and also removes the burden of determining appropriate precisions from the user. Unfortunately, naive lazy algorithms are not competitive from the asymptotic complexity point of view. For this reason, a new relaxed approach was proposed by van der Hoeven in the 90's, which combines the advantages of the lazy approach with the asymptotic efficiency of the zealous approach.
In this paper, we show how to adapt the lazy and relaxed
approaches to the context of
Let be an effective commutative ring,
which means that algorithms are available for all the ring operations.
be a proper principal ideal of
. Any element
of the
for the
-adic valuation can be
written, in a non unique way, as a power series
with coefficients in
. For
example, the completion of
for the ideal
is the classical ring of power series
, and the completion of
for any prime integer
is the ring of
-adic integers written
In general, elements in give rise to infinite
sequences of coefficients, which cannot be directly stored in a
computer. Nevertheless, we can compute with finite but arbitrarily long
expansions of
-adic numbers.
In the so called zealous approach, the precision
of the computations must be known in advance, and fast
arithmetic can be used for computations in
In the lazy framework,
numbers are really promises, which take a precision
on input, and provide an
order expansion on output.
In [Hoe97] appeared the idea that the lazy model actually
allows for asymptotically fast algorithms as well. Subsequently [Hoe02], this compromise between the zealous and the naive lazy
approaches has been called the relaxed model. The main aim of
this paper is the design of relaxed algorithms for computing in
the completion . We will show
that the known complexity results for power series extend to this
setting. For more details on the power series setting, we refer the
reader to the introduction of [Hoe02].
Completion and deformation techniques come up in many areas of symbolic
and analytic computations: polynomial factorization, polynomial or
differential system solving, analytic continuation, etc. They make an
intensive use of power series and -adic
The major motivation for the relaxed approach is the resolution of algebraic or functional equations. Most of the time, such equations can be rewritten in the form
where the indeterminate is a vector in
some algebraic or more
complicated expression with the special property that
for all and
In that case, the sequence
converges to a
of (1), and we call (1) a recursive equation.
Using zealous techniques, the resolution of recursive equations can
often be done using a Newton iteration, which doubles the precision at
every step [BK78]. Although this leads to good asymptotic
time complexities in , such
Newton iterations require the computation and inversion of the Jacobian
, leading to a non trivial
dependence of the asymptotic complexity on the size of
as an expression. For instance, at higher dimensions
, the inversion of the Jacobian usually
involves a factor
, whereas
may be of size
We shall report on such examples in Section 5.
The main rationale behind relaxed algorithms is that the
resolution of recursive equations just corresponds to a relaxed
evaluation of at the solution itself. In
particular, the asymptotic time complexity to compute a solution has a
linear dependence on the size of
Of course, the technique does require relaxed implementations for all
operations involved in the expression
The essential requirement for a relaxed operation
is that
should be available as soon as
are known.
A typical implementation of the relaxed approach consists of a library of basic relaxed operations and a function to solve arbitrary recursive equations built up from these operations. The basic operations typically consist of linear operations (such as addition, shifting, derivation, etc.), multiplication and composition. Other elementary operations (such as division, square roots, higher order roots, exponentiation) are easily implemented by solving recursive equations. In several cases, the relaxed approach is not only elegant, but also gives rise to more efficient algorithms for basic operations.
Multiplication is the key operation and Sections 2, 3 and 4 are devoted to it. In situations were
relaxed multiplication is as efficient as naive multiplication
(e.g. in the naive and Karatsuba models), the relaxed
strategy is optimal in the sense that solving a recursive equation is as
efficient as verifying the validity of the solution. In the worst case,
as we will see in Proposition 6, relaxed multiplication is
times more expensive than zealous multiplication
. If
contains many
-th roots of
unity, then this overhead can be further reduced to
using similar techniques as in [Hoe07a]. In practice, the
overhead of relaxed multiplication behaves as a small constant, even
though the most efficient algorithms are hard to implement.
In the zealous approach, the division and the square root usually rely
on Newton iteration. In small and medium precisions the cost of this
iteration turns out to be higher than a direct call to one relaxed
multiplication or squaring. This will be illustrated in Section 6:
if is sufficiently large, then our relaxed
division outperforms zealous division.
An important advantage of the relaxed approach is its user-friendliness.
Indeed, the relaxed approach automatically takes care of the precision
control during all intermediate computations. A central example is the
Hensel lifting algorithm used in the factorization of polynomials in
: one first chooses a
suitable prime number
, then
computes the factorization in
lifts this factorization into
and finally one needs to discover how these
-adic factors recombine into the ones over
(for details see for instance [GG03, Chapter
15]). Theoretically speaking, Mignotte's bound [GG03,
Chapter 6] provides us with the maximum size of the coefficients of the
irreducible factors, which yields a bound on the precision needed in
. Although this bound is
sharp in the worst case, it is pessimistic in several particular
situations. For instance, if the polynomial is made of small factors,
then the factorization can usually be discovered at a small precision.
Here the relaxed approach offers a convenient and efficient way to
implement adaptive strategies. In fact we have already implemented the
polynomial factorization in the relaxed model with success, as we intend
to show in detail in a forthcoming paper.
The relaxed computational model was first introduced in [Hoe97]
for formal power series, and further improved in [Hoe02, Hoe07a]. In this article, we extend the model to more general
completions . Although our
algorithms will be represented for arbitrary rings
, we will mainly focus on the case
when studying their complexities. In Section 2
we first present the relaxed model, and illustrate it on a few easy
algorithms: addition, subtraction, and naive multiplications.
In Section 3, we adapt the relaxed product of [Hoe02,
Section 4] to -adic numbers.
We first present a direct generalization, which relies on products of
-expansions. Such
products can be implemented in various ways but essentially boil down to
multiplying polynomials over
We next focus on the case
and how to take
advantage of fast hardware arithmetic on small integers, or efficient
libraries for computations with multiple precision integers, such as
-adic numbers in an
efficient way. We will show that the performance of
-adic arithmetic is similar to power series
arithmetic over
For large precisions, such conversions between -adic and
expansions involve an important overhead. In Section 4 we
present yet another blockwise relaxed multiplication algorithm, based on
the fact that
for all
. This variant even outperforms power series
arithmetic over
. For large
block sizes
, the performance
actually gets very close to the performance of zealous multiplication.
In Section 5, we recall how to use the relaxed approach for
the resolution of recursive equations. For small dimensions , it turns out that the relaxed approach is
already competitive with more classical algorithm based on Newton
iteration. For larger numbers of variables, we observe important
Section 6 is devoted to division. For power series, relaxed
division essentially reduces to one relaxed product [Hoe02,
Section 3.2.2]. We propose an extension of this result to -adic numbers. For medium precisions, our
algorithm turns out to be competitive with Newton's method.
In Section 7, we focus on the extraction of -th roots. We cover the case of power series in
small characteristic, and all the situations within
. Common transcendental operations such as
exponentiation and logarithm are more problematic in the
-adic setting than in the power series case,
since the formal derivation of
numbers has no nice algebraic properties. In this respect,
-adic numbers rather behave like floating point
numbers. Nevertheless, it is likely that holonomic functions can still
be evaluated fast in the relaxed setting, following [Bre76,
CC90, Hoe99, Hoe01, Hoe07b].
We also refer to [Kob84, Kat07] for more
results about exponentiation and logarithms in
Algorithms for -adic numbers
have been implemented in several libraries and computer algebra systems:
Most of the algorithms presented in this paper have been implemented in
the C++ open source library algebramix
of -adic
integers, our code provides support for general effective Euclidean
In this section we present the data structures specific to the relaxed
approach, and the naive implementations of the ring operations in .
As stated in the introduction, any element of
the completion
-adic valuation can be
written, in a non unique way, as a power series
with coefficients in
. Now
assume that
is a subset of
, such that the restriction of the projection
is a bijection
Then each element
admits a unique power series
In the case when
, we will always take
For our algorithmic purposes, we assume that we are given quotient and
remainder functions by
so that we have
for all .
Polynomials will also be called finite
-adic expansions at order
. In fact, finite
-adic expansions can be represented
in two ways. On the one hand, they correspond to unique elements in
, so we may simply represent
them by elements of
However, this representation does not give us direct access to the
. By default, we
will therefore represent finite
expansions by polynomials in
Of course, polynomial arithmetic in
is not
completely standard due to the presence of carries.
In order to analyze the costs of our algorithms, we denote by the cost for multiplying two univariate polynomials of
over an arbitrary ring
with unity, in terms of the number of arithmetic operations in
. Similarly, we denote by
the time needed to multiply two integers of bit-size at
in the classical binary
representation. It is classical [SS71, CK91,
Für07] that
, where
represents the
iterated logarithm of
Throughout the paper, we will assume that
are increasing. We also assume that
In addition to the above complexities, which are classical, it is
natural to introduce as the time needed to
multiply two
-adic expansions
at order
coefficients in the usual binary representation. When using Kronecker
substitution for multiplying two finite
expansions, we have
Corollary 8.27]. We will assume that
increasing and that
It is classical that the above operations can all be performed using linear space. Throughout this paper, we will make this assumption.
For the description of our relaxed algorithms, we will follow [Hoe02]
and use a
The main class Padic for
-adic numbers really consists
of a pointer (with reference counting) to the corresponding
“abstract representation class”
. On the one
hand, this representation class contains the computed coefficients
of the number
up till a given
. On the other hand, it
contains a “purely virtual method”
, which returns the next coefficient
class Padic_rep
Following . For instance, to construct a
-adic number from an element in
, we introduce the type
inherits from Padic_rep
in this way:
class Constant_Padic_rep
constructor (:
then return
else return 0
In this piece of code represents the current
precision inherited from Padic_rep
The user visible constructor is given by
padic (:
new Constant_Padic_rep
This constructor creates a new object of type
Constant_Padic_rep to
, after which it
address can be casted to the abstract type Padic
numbers. From now on, for the sake of conciseness, we no longer describe
such essentially trivial user level functions anymore, but only the
concrete representation classes.
It is convenient to define one more public top-level function for the
extraction of the coefficient ,
given an instance
of Padic
and a positive integer
. This function first checks whether
is smaller than the order
. If so, then
is already available. Otherwise, we keep increasing
while calling
will eventually be computed. For more details, we refer to [Hoe02,
Section 2]. We will now illustrate our computational model on the basic
operations of addition and subtraction.
The representation class for sums of -adic
numbers, written Sum_Padic_rep
is implemented as follows:
class Sum_Padic_rep
: Padic
constructor (:
: Padic
In the case when , we notice
by induction over
that we have
, each time that we enter
. In that case, it is
actually more efficient to avoid the calls to
if then
the sum
can be computed up till precision
Proof. Each of the additions
and subsequent reductions modulo
In general, the subtraction is the same as the addition, but for the
special case when , we may
use the classical school book method. In our framework, this yields the
following implementation:
class Sub_Padic_rep
: Padic
constructor (:
: Padic
if then
the difference
can be computed up till
Proof. Each call to the function bit-operations.
Here we consider the school book algorithm: each coefficient is obtained from the sum of all products of the form
plus the carry involved by the products of the
preceding terms. Carries are larger than for addition, so we have to
take them into account carefully. The naive method is implemented in the
following way:
class Naive_Mul_Padic_rep
: Padic
: a vector with entries
, with indices
starting at
constructor (:
: Padic
Initialize with the empty vector
Append a zero at the end of
for from 0
to n do
the product
can be computed up till precision
Proof. We show by induction that, when entering
in , the vector
has size
and entries in
This clearly holds for
Assume that the hypothesis is satisfied until a certain value
. When entering
is increased by
, so that it will be
the end. Then, at step
of the loop we have
. Since
follows that
, whence
on exit. Each of the
within the loop takes
bit-operations, which
concludes the proof.
Since hardware divisions are more expensive than multiplications,
performing one division at each step of the above loop turns out to be
inefficient in practice. Especially when working with hardware integers,
it is therefore recommended to accumulate as many terms
as possible in
before a division. For instance,
fits 30 bits and if we use 64 bits hardware
integers then we can do a division every 16 terms.
In this subsection we assume that we are given an implementation of
relaxed power series over ,
as described in [Hoe02, Hoe07a]. The
representation class is written Series_rep
and the user level class is denoted by
, in the same way
as for
-adic numbers. Another
way to multiply
-adic numbers
relies on the relaxed product in
This mainly requires a lifting algorithm of
and a projection algorithm of
, The lifting procedure
is trivial:
class Lift_Series_rep
constructor (:
Let lift denote the resulting function that converts a
-adic number
into a series in Series
The reverse operation, project, is implemented as follows:
class Project_Padic_rep
constructor (:
Finally the product is obtained as
the product
can be computed up till precision
Proof. The relaxed product of two power series
in size can be done with
operations in
by [Hoe02, Theorem
4.1]. In our situation the size of the integers in the product are in
. Then, by induction, one can
easily verify that the size of the carry
not exceed
during the final projection step. We
are done with the first bound.
The second bound is a consequence of the classical Kronecker
substitution: we can multiply two polynomials in
of size
and coefficients of bit-size
bit operations [GG03,
Corollary 8.27].
This strategy applies in full generality and gives a “softly
optimal algorithm”. It immediately benefits from any improvements
in the power series product. Nevertheless, when
is not much larger than
practical implementations of this method involve a large constant
overhead. In the next sections, we will therefore turn our attention to
“native” counterparts of the relaxed power series products
from [vdH02, Hoe07b].
We conclude this section with some timings for our ,
did their product via the function evalp, and then asked
for the coefficient of order
Notice that timings for small precisions are not very relevant for
In this section, we extend the relaxed product of [Hoe02,
Section 4.3.1] to more general -adic
numbers. We also present a special version for
, which uses internal base conversions between base
and base
and takes better advantage of the fast arithmetic in
Let and
denote the two
-adic numbers that we want to
multiply, and let
be their product. Let us
briefly explain the basic idea behind the speed-up of the new algorithm
with respect to naive lazy multiplication.
The first coefficient is simply obtained as the
remainder of
in the division by
. The corresponding quotient is stored as a
carry in a variable
similar to the one used in
. We
next obtain
by computing
and taking the remainder modulo
the quotient is again stored in
At the next stage, which basically requires the computation of
, we do a little bit more than
necessary: instead of
, we
rather compute
. For
, it then suffices to compute
has already been computed as part of
Similarly, in order to obtain
we only need to compute
, since
is already
known. In order to anticipate more future computations, instead of
, we compute
In Figure 1 below, the contribution of each to the product
corresponds to a small square with coordinates
. Each such square is part of a larger square which
corresponds to a product
The number inside the big square indicates the stage
at which this product is computed. For instance the products
correspond to the two squares marked with
Given a -adic number
, it will be convenient to denote
For any integer , we also
to be the largest integer such that
is not a power of
Otherwise, if
, we let
. For instance,
We can now describe our fast relaxed product. Recall that is the finite
inherited from Padic_rep
that stores the coefficients known to order
. In the present situation we also use
for storing the anticipated products.
class Relaxed_Mul_Padic_rep
: Padic
: vectors of vectors over
, with indices starting
constructor (:
: Padic
Initialize and
the empty vector
On entry, and
; resize them to
Initialize and
the zero vector of size
Initialize and
with the zero vector of size
for from 0
if then
Replace by
Replace by
if then
Example with
Computation of .
, the entries
set to
. In the
for loop,
takes the single
, which gives
. Then we deduce
, and we set
. In
return we have
Computation of . We
, so that
are initialized with
, while
are initialized with
. In the for loop,
takes again the single value
is set to
We obtain
It follows that
, and then
. Finally we set
, and we return
Computation of . We
, so that
are initialized with
. During the first step
of the for loop we have
. In the second step we have
, and we add
, its value becomes
. Then we get
and then
. Finally we set
, and return
Computation of . We
, hence
are set to
. In the for loop,
takes the single value
We have
. Then we deduce
which yields
and then
. In return we thus
the product
can be computed up till precision
For this computation, the total amount of space needed to store the
does not
Proof. The proof is essentially the same as for
[Hoe02, Theorem 4.1], but the carries require additional
attention. We shall prove by induction that all the entries of and
are always in
when entering
. This holds for
. Assume now that it holds for a certain
. After the first step of the loop,
namely for
, we have
. After the second step, when
, we have
. By induction, it follows that
, at the end of the
-th step.
At the end of the for loop, we thus get . This implies
. The same holds for
instead of
. Notice that if
, hence
. This implies that
are well defined.
If , then
, since
are bounded by
On the other hand, the map
is injective, so that
each entry of
can be
set to
at most once. It thus follows that all
the carries are carefully stored in the vectors
If , with
, then
. This implies that,
when we arrive at order
then the value
is at least
. Therefore all the carries are effectively
taken into account. This proves the correctness of the algorithm.
The cost of the algorithm at order is
using our assumption that is increasing.
provides enough space for storing all the carries.
In practice, instead of increasing the sizes of carry vectors by one, we
double these sizes, so that the cost of the related memory allocations
and copies becomes negligible. The same remark holds for the
coefficients stored in .
When multiplying finite -adic
expansions using Kronecker substitution, we obtain a cost similar to the
one of Proposition 4. Implementing a good product for
-adic expansions
requires some effort, since we cannot directly use binary arithmetic
available in the hardware. In the next subsection, we show that minor
modifications of our relaxed product allow us to convert back and forth
between the binary representation in an efficient manner. Finally,
notice that in the case when
, the carries
are useless.
In this subsection, we assume that and we adapt
the above relaxed product in order to benefit from fast binary
arithmetic in available in the processor or
and 2 in a relaxed manner.
class Binary_Mul_Padic_rep
: Padic
: vectors over
, with indices
starting from 0.
constructor (:
: Padic
Initialize with empty vectors
If is a power of
, then
Resize , and
Fill the new entries with zeros
for from 0
if then
if then
if then
for from
down to
the computation of the product
up till
can be done using
bit-operations and
Proof. When computing , the vectors
are resized to
is the largest integer such that
. From
, we deduce that
which means that the read and write operations in these vectors are
For any integers and
such that
, we write
for the largest integer less than
such that
. We shall prove by
induction that, when entering
, the following properties
hold for all
such that
These properties trivially hold for when .
Let us assume that they hold for a certain
Now we claim that, at the end of step of the
first loop, the value of
. This clearly holds for
. Now assume that this claim holds
until step
for some
. When entering step
we have that
, and part (a)
of the induction hypothesis gives us that
From these quantities, we deduce:
with , which concludes the
claim by induction. If
is not a power of 2 then
part (a) is clearly ensured at the end of the computation
. Otherwise
, and
is set to
, and part (a) is
again satisfied when entering the computation of
When is set to
the value of
. This ensures that part (b) holds when entering the computation of
As to (c), during step of the first
loop, the value of
is incremented by at most
At the end of this loop, we thus have
It follows that . If
then it is clear that
. If
. We deduce that
holds for all integer
Before exiting the function we therefore have that
etc, which completes the induction.
Since , with
, we have
, for any
. All the carries stored in
are therefore properly taken into account. This proves the correctness
of the algorithm.
At precision , summing the
costs of all the calls to
provides a bound for the total bit-size of the auxiliary vectors , and
Again, in practice, one should double the allocated sizes of the
auxiliary vectors each time needed so that the cost of the related
memory allocations and copies becomes negligible. In addition, for
efficiency, one should precompute the powers of .
In following Table 2, we compare timings for power series
over , and for
-adic integers via
Section 2.7, and via
Proposition 7. In
internal series product is the relaxed one reported in the first line.
For convenience, we recall the timings for the naive algorithm of
Section 2.6 in the last line of Table 2. We
see that our Binary_Mul_Padic_rep
is faster from size 512 on. Since handling small numbers with
. Notice finally that the lifting strategy
described in Section 2.7, is easy to implement, but not
As detailed in Section 4.1 below for , the relaxed arithmetic is slower than direct
computations modulo
in binary representation. In
[Hoe07a], an alternative approach for relaxed power series
multiplication was proposed, which relies on grouping blocks of
coefficients and reducing a relaxed multiplication at
to a relaxed multiplication at order
, with FFT-ed coefficients in
Unfortunately, we expect that direct application of this strategy to our
case gives rise to a large overhead. Instead, we will now introduce a
variant, where the blocks of size are rather
rewritten into an integer modulo
This aims at decreasing the overhead involved by the control
instructions when handling objects of small sizes, and also improving
the performance in terms of memory management by choosing blocks well
suited to the sizes of the successive cache levels of the platform being
We shall start with comparisons between the relaxed and zealous approaches. Then we develop a supplementary strategy for a continuous transition between the zealous and the relaxed models.
The first line of Table 3 below displays the time needed
for the product modulo of two integers taken at
random in the range
. The
next line concerns the performance of our function binary
that converts a finite
of size
into its binary representation. The
reverse function, reported in the last line, and written
expansion, takes an integer in
and returns its
-adic expansion.
Let us briefly recall that binary can be computed fast by applying the classical divide and conquer paradigm as follows:
which yields a cost in .
Likewise, the same complexity bound holds for expansion.
Within our implementation we have observed that these asymptotically
fast algorithms outperform the naive ones whenever
is more than around
machine words.
Compared to Tables 1 and 2, these timings
confirm the theoretical bounds: the relaxed product does not compete
with a direct modular computation in binary representation. This is
partly due to the extra factor for large sizes.
But another reason is the overhead involved by the use of
. Now we see that our naive product becomes of
the same order of efficiency as the zealous approach up to precision
. The relaxed approach starts
to win when the precision reaches
in base
If one wants to compute the product of two
-adic numbers
, then: one can start by
converting both of them into
respectively, multiply
-adic numbers, and finally
back into a
-adic number. The transformations between
-adic and
-adic numbers can be easily implemented:
class To_Blocks
constructor (:
return binary
class From_Blocks
-expansion of size
constructor (:
if =0
If to_blocks and from_blocks represent the top
level functions then the product of
can be simply obtained as
. We call this way of
computing products the monoblock strategy.
Notice that choosing very large is similar to
zealous computations. This monoblock strategy can thus be seen as a mix
of the zealous and the relaxed approaches. However, it is only relaxed
-expansions, not for
-expansions. Indeed, let
still denote the
representations of
, so that
. Then the computation of
requires the knowledge of
, whence it depends on the coefficients
We are now to present a relaxed -adic
blockwise product. This product depends on two integer parameters
. The
latter still stands for the size of the blocks to be used, while the
former is a threshold: below precision
one calls
a given product on
while in large precision an other product is used on
If and
are the two
numbers in
that we want to multiply as a
-expansions, then we first rewrite
Now multiplying and
where the product can be computed in base
, as it is detailed in the
following implementation:
class Blocks_Mul_Padic_rep
: Padic
: Padic
constructor (:
: Padic
In Figure 2 below, we illustrate the contribution of each
to the product
with the present blockwise version. In both bases
the naive product is used, and the numbers
inside the squares indicate the degrees at which the corresponding
product is actually computed.
, then
is relaxed for base
Proof. It is sufficient to show that the
computation of only involves terms in
of degree at most
. In fact
requires the
knowledge of the coefficients of
to degree at most
hence the knowledge of the coefficients of
to degree
which concludes the proof thanks to the assumption on
. Notice that the latter inequality is an
equality whenever
is a multiple of
. Therefore
necessary to ensure the product to be relaxed.
In the following table, we use blocks of size , and compare the blockwise versions of the naive
product of Section 2.6 to the relaxed one of Section 3.2. The first line concerns the monoblock strategy: below
we directly use the naive
-adic product; for larger precisions we use the
-adic product. The
second line is the same as the first one except that we use a relaxed
-adic product. In the third
line the relaxed blockwise version is used with
: we use the naive product for both
- and
expansions. The fourth line is similar except that the fast relaxed
product is used beyond precision 32.
When compared to Table 4, we can see that most of the time within the monoblock strategy is actually spent on base conversions. In fact, the strategy does not bring a significant speed-up for a single product, but for more complex computations, the base conversions can often be factored.
For instance, assume that and
are two
matrices with entries in
. Then the multiplication
involves only
base conversions and
-adic products.
For large
, the conversions
thus become inexpensive. In Section 7, we will encounter a
similar application to multiple root extraction.
A major motivation behind the relaxed computational model is the
efficient expansion of -adic
numbers that are solutions to recursive equations. This section is an
extension of [Hoe02, Section 4.5] to
-adic numbers.
Let us slightly generalize the notion of a recursive equation, which was first defined in the introduction, so as to accommodate for initial conditions. Consider a functional equation
where is a vector of
unknowns in
. Assume that
there exist a
and initial conditions
, such that for all
, we have
Stated otherwise, this condition means that each coefficient with
only depends on previous
. Therefore,
, the sequence
converges to a unique solution
of (2) with
. We
will call (2) a recursive equation and the entries
of the solution
-adic numbers.
Since induces an element
and an isomorphism
, we may reinterpret a solution
as a
-adic number over
. Using this trick, we may assume
without loss of generality that
In our implementation, recursive numbers are instances of the following
class that stores the initial conditions
and the
class Recursive_Padic_rep Padic_rep
: function from
: initial conditions in
constructor (:
If then
In the last line, the expression means the
evaluation of
at the concrete instance of the
being currently defined.
Example , with one initial condition
. It is clear that
is recursive, since the
first terms of
can be computed from the only
first terms of
. We have
. In fact,
If is an expression built from
constants, sums, differences, and products (all of arity two), then the
computation of
simply consists in performing
operations in the relaxed model. For
instance, when using the relaxed product of Proposition 6,
this amounts to
operations to obtain the
first terms of
This complexity bound is to be compared to the classical approach
via the Newton operator. In fact, one can compute with fixed-point
arithmetic by evaluating the following operator
. There are several cases where the relaxed approach
is faster than the Newton operator:
The constant hidden behind the “”
of the Newton iteration is higher than the one with the relaxed
approach. For instance, if
is really a
vector in
, then the
Newton operator involves the inversion of a
matrix at precision
which gives rise to a factor
in the
complexity (assuming the naive matrix product is used). The total
cost of the Newton operator to precision
is thus in
bounds the number of operations needed
to evaluate the Jacobian matrix. In this situation, if
, and unless
very large, the relaxed approach is faster. This will be actually
illustrated in the next subsection.
Even in the case , the
” hides a
non trivial constant factor due to a certain amount of
“recomputations”. For moderate sizes, when polynomial
multiplication uses Karatsuba's algorithm, or the Toom-Cook method,
the cost of relaxed multiplication also drops to a constant times
the cost of zealous multiplication [Hoe02, Hoe07b].
In such cases, the relaxed method often becomes more efficient. This
will be illustrated in Section 6 for the division.
When using the blockwise method from Section 4 or [Hoe07b] for power series, the overhead of relaxed multiplication can often be further reduced. In practice, we could observe that this makes it possible to outperform Newton's method even for very large sizes.
For more general functional equations, where
involves non-algebraic operations, it should also be noticed that
suitable Newton operators
are not necessarily
available. For instance, if the mere definition of
-expansions, then
the Newton operator may be not defined anymore, or one needs to
explicitly compute with
This occurs for instance for
involves the “symbolic
In order to illustrate the performance of the relaxed model with respect
to Newton iteration, we consider the following family of systems of
-adic integers:
The number of -adic products
grows linearly with
. Yet,
the total number of operations grows with
In Table 6, we compute the 256 first terms of the solution
with the initial condition
. We use the naive product of Section 2.6
and compare to the Newton iteration directly implemented on the top of
the routines of
matrices with integers modulo
. These two operations necessarily occurs for
inverting the Jacobian matrix to precision
using the classical algorithm as described in [GG03,
Algorithm 9.2]. This can be seen as a lower bound for any implementation
of the Newton method. However the line “Newton
implementation” corresponds to our implementation of this method,
hence this is an upper bound.
Although Newton iteration is faster for tiny dimensions , its cost growths as
for larger
, whereas the
relaxed approach only grows as
, we notice that the
is computed with essentially one relaxed
product. In the next table we report of the same computations but with
the relaxed product of Section 3.2 at precision
; the conclusions are essentially
the same:
We are now to present relaxed algorithms to compute the quotient of two
-adic numbers. The technique
is similar to power series, as treated in [Hoe02], but with
The division of a power series in by an element
is immediate, but it does not extend to
-adic numbers, because of the
propagation of the carries. We shall introduce two new operations. Let
play the role of a “scalar”. The
first new operation, written mul_rem (
: Padic
), returns the
with coefficients
. The second operation, written mul_quo
: Padic
), returns the corresponding
carry, so that
These operations are easy to implement, as follows:
class Mul_Rem_Padic_rep
constructor (:
return rem
class Mul_Quo_Padic_rep
constructor (:
return quo
be a relaxed
-adic number and let
. If
is invertible
, with given inverse
, then the quotient c=
is recursive and
the equation
If , then
can be computed up till precision
Proof. It is clear from the definitions that the
proposed formula actually defines a recursive number. Then, from , we deduce that
, hence
The functions mul_rem and mul_quo both take
bit-operations if
which concludes the proof.
Once the division by a “scalar” is available, we can apply a similar formula as for the division of power series of [Hoe02].
be two relaxed
numbers such that
is invertible of given
. The quotient
is recursive and satisfies the following
If , then
can be computed up till precision
Proof. The last assertion on the cost follows
from Proposition 7.
Remark is not assumed to be prime, so that we can
and thus benefit of the monoblock strategy of Section 4.2.
This does not involve a large amount of work: it suffices to write
from_blocks (to_blocks
). Notice that this involves inverting
In following Table 8 we display the computation time for our division algorithm. We compare several methods:
The first line “Newton” corresponds to the classical Newton iteration [GG03, Algorithm 9.2] used in the zealous model.
The second line corresponds to one call of
The next two lines Naive_Mul_Padic
and Binary_Mul_Padic
correspond to the naive product of Section 2.6, and the
relaxed one of Section 3.2.
Then the next lines “mono
and “mono Naive_Mul_Padic
correspond to the monoblock strategy from Section 4.2
with blocks of size
Similarly the lines “blocks
and “blocks Naive_Mul_Padic
correspond to the relaxed block strategy from Section 4.3
with blocks of size
Finally the last line corresponds to direct computations in base
(with no conversions from/to base
When compared to Tables 1 and 2, we observe
that the cost of one division algorithm is merely that of one
multiplication whenever the size becomes sufficiently large, as
expected. We also observe that our “monoblock division” is
faster than the zealous one for large sizes; this is even more true if
we directly compute in base .
For power series in characteristic ,
-th root
is recursive, with equation
and initial condition
(see [Hoe02,
Section 3.2.5] for details). This expression neither holds in small
positive characteristic, nor for
integers. In this section we propose new formulas for these two cases,
which are compatible with the monoblock strategy of Section 4.2.
In this subsection we treat the case when is
invertible modulo
invertible modulo
, and let
be a relaxed invertible
-adic number in
such that
is an
power modulo
. Then any
-th root
can be
uniquely lifted into an
is a recursive number for the
![]() |
(4) |
The first terms of
can be computed using
operations in
, if
, or
bit-operations, if
Proof. Since is
invertible modulo
, the
is separable modulo
. Any of its roots modulo
can be uniquely lifted into a root in
by means
of the classical Newton operator [Lan02, Proposition 7.2].
Since is invertible, so is
. It is therefore clear that Equation (4)
uniquely defines
, but it is
not immediately clear how to evaluate it so that it defines a recursive
number. For this purpose we rewrite
, with
valuation at least 1:
Since is invertible modulo
, we now see that it does suffice to know the
terms to degree
order to deduce
The latter expanded formula is suitable for an implementation but
unfortunately the number of products to be performed grows linearly with
. Instead we modify the
classical binary powering algorithm to compute the expression needed
products only, as follows. In fact we aim
at computing
in a way to preserve the
recursiveness. We proceed by induction on
If , then
. If
. Assume that
and that
is available by induction. From
we deduce that
Since and
have positive
valuation, the recursiveness is well preserved through this intermediate
On the other hand, if is odd then we can write
, with
even, and assume that
is available by induction.
Then we have that:
Again the recursiveness is well preserved through this intermediate
expression. The equation of can finally be
evaluated using
products and one division. By
[Hoe02, Theorem 4.1], this concludes the proof for power
series. By Propositions 7 and 11, we also
obtain the desired result for
For the computation of the -th
root in
, we have implemented
the algorithms of [GG03, Theorems 14.4 and 14.9]: each
extraction can be done with
bit-operations in
average, with a randomized algorithm. This is not the bottleneck for our
purpose, so we will not discuss this aspect longer in this paper.
Remark is not assumed to be prime in Proposition 13. Therefore, if we actually have an
-th root
, then
can be seen as a
number, still using Equation (4). Hence, one can directly
apply the monoblock strategy of Section 4.2 to perform
internal computations modulo
If is a field of characteristic
, then
is a
-th power if, and only if,
. If it exists, the
-th root of a power series is unique. Here,
represents the sub-field of the
-th powers of
By the way, let us mention that, for a general effective field
, Fröhlich and Shepherdson
have shown that testing if an element is a
power is not decidable [FS56, Section 7] (see also the
example in [Gat84, Remark 5.10]).
In general, for -adic
numbers, an
-th root
extraction can be almost as complicated as the factorization of a
general polynomial in
. For
instance, with
have that
has valuation
. We will not cover such a
general situation. We will only consider the case of the
-adic integers, that is for when
is prime.
From now on, let denote a
-adic integer in
from which
we want to extract the
root (if it exists). If the valuation of
is not
a multiple of
, then
is not a
power. If it is a multiple of
then we can factor out
and assume that
has valuation
The following lemma is based on classical techniques, we briefly recall
its proof for completeness:
is prime, and let
be invertible.
If , then
is a
power if, and only if,
. In this case there exists
only one
-th root.
If , then
is a
power if, and only if,
In this case there exist exactly two square roots.
Proof. If in
. After
the translation
we focus on the equation
which expands to
![]() |
(5) |
For any , the coefficient
has valuation at least one because
is prime. Reducing the latter equation modulo
, it is thus necessary that
Assume now that holds modulo
. After the change of variables
and division by
, we obtain
![]() |
(6) |
We distinguish two cases: and
If , then any root of
must be congruent to
. Since
has valuation
, the Newton
operator again ensures that
has exactly one root
[Lan02, Proposition 7.2].
If , then
rewrites into
. Since
, any root of
can be lifted into a unique root of
. The
possible roots being
, this gives the extra condition
In the following proposition we show that the square root of a -adic integer can be expressed into
a recursive number that can be computed with essentially one relaxed
be a relaxed
-adic integer in
be a square root of a, with
, and let
, and
Then c is a recursive number with initial condition
and equation
![]() |
(7) |
The first terms of
can be computed using
Proof. Equation (7) simply follows from
The cost is a consequence of Propositions 7 and 11.
Remark as a
-recursive number as soon as
is known modulo
In fact letting
, with
, Equation (7)
rewrites into
which gives
The latter equation implies that is
-recursive, so that we can naturally benefit of
the monoblock strategy from Section 4.2.
In this subsection we assume that is an odd
prime integer. We will show that the
root is recursive and can be computed using similar but slightly more
complicated formulas than in the regular case.
be an invertible
-adic integer in
such that
denote the
root of
, with
, let
and let
. Then
is a recursive number with initial condition
and equation
![]() |
(8) |
The first terms of
can be computed with
Proof. As a shorthand we let
. Equation (8)
simply follows from
and since has positive valuation, Equation (8) actually defines
as a recursive
As in the regular case, we need to provide an efficient way to compute
. We proceed by induction on
. If
, then
, then
, which preserves the recursiveness. Assume now
and that
available by induction. From
we deduce that
Since and
have positive
valuation, the recursiveness is well preserved through this intermediate
On the other hand, if is odd, then we can write
, with
even, and assume that
is available by induction.
Then we have that:
which again preserves the recursiveness. Finally the equation of can be evaluated with
products and one division, which concludes the proof by Propositions 7 and 11.
Remark as a
-recursive number as soon as
is known modulo
. In fact,
, with
, Equation (8) rewrites into
where , and
Notice that division by in base
, with
is equivalent to multiplication by
and division
, which corresponds to a
simple shift. Then
can be computed by recurrence
with the same formula as
mutatis mutandis. In this way
-recursive, so that we can
naturally benefit of the monoblock strategy of Section 4.2.
In the following table, we give the computation time of the square root
using our fast relaxed product of Section 4.3 that has been
reported in Table 5. Since, in terms of performances, the
situation is very similar to the division, we only compare to the
zealous implementation in
From more than a decade a major stream in complexity theory for computer algebra has spread the idea that high level algorithms must be parameterized in terms of a small number of elementary operations (essentially integer, polynomial and matrix multiplication), so that the main goal in algorithm design consists in reducing as fast as possible to these operations. Although many asymptotically efficient algorithms have been developed along these lines, an overly doctrinaire application of this philosophy tends to be counterproductive.
For example, when it comes to computations in completions, we have seen that there are two general approaches: Newton's method and the relaxed (or lazy) approach. It is often believed that Newton's method is simply the best, because it asymptotically leads to the same complexity as integer or polynomial multiplication. However, this “reduction” does not take into account possible sparsity in the data, non asymptotic input sizes, more involved types of equations (such as partial differential equations), etc. In the literature, these difficulties are often evacuated by picking problems, not according to their practical relevance, but rather to their aptitude to fit in an idealized world where standard complexity arguments can be applied.
In this paper, we have demonstrated that, in the area of computations
with -adic numbers, the
relaxed approach is often more efficient than methods based on Newton
iteration. The gains are sometimes spectacular: in Tables 6
and 7, we have shown that Hensel lifting in high dimensions
can become more than
times faster, when using
the relaxed approach. At other moments, we were ourselves surprised: in
Table 8, we see that, even for the division of
-adic numbers, a naive implementation of the
relaxed product yields better performances than a straightforward use of
sufficiently large.
Of course, the detailed analysis of the mutual benefits of both approaches remains an interesting subject. On the one hand, Newton iteration can be improved using blockwise techniques [Ber00, Hoe10]. On the other hand, the relaxed implementation can be improved for small sizes by ensuring a better transition between hardware and long integers, and massive inlining. At huge precisions, the recursive blockwise technique from [Hoe07a] should also become useful. Finally, “FFT-caching” could still be used in a more systematic way, and in particular for the computation of squares.
To conclude our comparison between Newton iteration and the relaxed
approach, we would like to stress that, under most favourable
circumstances, Newton iteration can only be hoped to be a small constant
times faster than the relaxed approach, since the overhead of relaxed multiplication should really be read as
or less. In other extreme cases, Newton iteration is
several hundreds times slower, or even does not apply at all
(e.g. for the resolution of partial differential
Let us finally mention that the relaxed resolution of recursive systems
of equations has been extended to more general systems of implicit
equations [Hoe09]. The computation of such local solutions
is the central task of the polynomial system solver called
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