Fast interpolation of multivariate polynomials
with sparse exponents

Joris van der Hoevena, Grégoire Lecerfb

Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique (LIX, UMR 7161)

CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Bâtiment Alan Turing, CS35003

1, rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves

91120 Palaiseau, France

a. Email:

b. Email:

Preliminary version of January 2, 2025

. This work has been partly supported by the French ANR-22-CE48-0016 NODE project.

. This article has been written using GNU TeXmacs [24].

Consider a sparse multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. Assume that is represented as a “modular black box polynomial”, e.g. via an algorithm to evaluate at arbitrary integer points, modulo arbitrary positive integers. The problem of sparse interpolation is to recover in its usual sparse representation, as a sum of coefficients times monomials. For the first time we present a quasi-optimal algorithm for this task in term of the product of the number of terms of by the maximum of the bit-size of the terms of .


Consider a multivariate integer polynomial . Then can uniquely be written as a sum


where and are pairwise distinct. Here we understand that for any . We call (1.1) the sparse representation of .

In this paper, we assume that is not explicitly given through its sparse representation and that we only have a program for evaluating . The goal of sparse interpolation is to recover the sparse representation of .

Theoretically speaking, we could simply evaluate at a single point with for some sufficiently large positive integer . Then the sparse representation of can directly be read off from the binary digits of . However, the bit-complexity of this method is terrible, since the bit-size of typically becomes huge.

In order to get a better grip on the bit-complexity to evaluate and then interpolate , we will assume that we actually have a program to evaluate modulo for any positive integer modulus . We denote by the cost to evaluate for a modulus with and we assume that the average cost per bit is a non-decreasing function that grows not too fast as a function of . Roughly speaking, when using fast integer arithmetic, is essentially the number of arithmetic operations needed to evaluate , up to logarithmic factors in . More generally, this notation is useful for practice in order to distinguish the cost of the evaluation of from the cost of the actual interpolation, independently of the underlying integer arithmetic.

As in [15], for complexity estimates we use a random memory access (RAM) machine over a finite alphabet along with the soft-Oh notation: means that . The machine is expected to have an instruction for generating a random bit in constant time (see section 2 for the precise computational model and hypotheses that we use). Assuming that we are given a bound for the number of terms of and a number such that each term of has bit-size , the main result of this paper is the following:

Theorem 1.1. There is a Monte Carlo algorithm that takes a modular blackbox representation of a sparse polynomial of terms, each of bit-size , as input and that interpolates in time with a probability of success at least .

If the variables all appear in the sparse representation of , then and , so the bound further simplifies into . When using fast integer arithmetic to evaluate , the latter bound simplifies to , where stands for the number of arithmetic operations needed to evaluate . In addition, detecting useless variables can be done fast, e.g. using the heuristic method from [28, section 7.4].

The problem of sparse interpolation has a long history and goes back to work by Prony in the 18th century [41]. The first modern fast algorithm is due to Ben-Or and Tiwari [6]. Their work spawned a new area of research in computer algebra together with early implementations [11, 13, 20, 31, 34, 35, 38, 45]. We refer to [42] and [40, section 3] for nice surveys.

Modern research on sparse interpolation has developed in two directions. The first theoretical line of research has focused on rigorous and general complexity bounds [2, 3, 4, 14, 17, 32]. The second direction concerns implementations, practical efficiency, and applications of sparse interpolation [5, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 33, 36, 37].

The present paper mainly falls in the first line of research, although we will briefly discuss practical aspects in section 5. The proof of our main theorem relies on some number theoretical facts about prime numbers that will be recalled in section 2.3. There is actually a big discrepancy between empirical observations about prime numbers and hard theorems that one is able to prove. Because of this, our algorithms involve constant factors that are far more pessimistic than the ones that can be used in practice. Our algorithms also involve a few technical complications in order to cover all possible cases, including very large exponents that are unlikely to occur in practice.

Our paper borrows many techniques from [17, 40] that deal with the particular case when is a univariate polynomial, and that achieves a quasi-optimal complexity bound for when the bit-sizes of the terms of are well-balanced. In principle, the multivariate case can be reduced to the univariate case: setting for a sufficiently large , the interpolation of reduces to the interpolation of . However, this reduction is optimal only if the entries of the vector exponents are all approximately of the same bit-size. One interesting case that is not well covered by this reduction is when the number of variables is large and when the exponent vectors are themselves sparse in the sense that only a few entries are non-zero. The main contribution of the present paper is the introduction of a quasi-optimal technique to address this problem.

Another case that is not well covered by [17, 40] is when the bit-sizes of the coefficients or exponents vary wildly. Recent progress on this issue has been made in [18] and it is plausible that these improvements can be extended to our multivariate setting (see also Remark 4.11). Theorem 4.9 also provides a quasi-optimal solution for an approximation of the sparse interpolation problem: for a fixed constant , we only require the determination of at least correct terms of (1.1).

In order to cover sparse exponent vectors in a more efficient way, we will introduce a new technique in section 3. The idea is to compress such exponent vectors using random projections. With high probability, it will be possible to reconstruct the actual exponent vectors from their projections. We regard this section as the central technical contribution of our paper. Let us further mention that random projections of the exponents were previously implemented in [4] in order to reduce the multivariate case to the univariate one: monomial collisions were avoided in this way but the reconstruction of the exponents needed linear algebra and could not really catch sparse or unbalanced exponents. The proof of Theorem 1.1 will be completed at the end of section 4. Section 5 will address the practical aspects of our new method. An important inspiration behind the techniques from section 3 and its practical variants is the mystery ball game from [23]; this connection will also be discussed in section 5.

Our paper focuses on the case when has integer coefficients, but our algorithm can be easily adapted to rational coefficients as well, essentially by appealing to rational reconstruction [15, Chapter 5, section 5.10] during the proof of Lemma 4.8. However when has rational coefficients, its blackbox might include divisions and therefore raise “division by zero” errors occasionally. This makes the probability analysis and the worst case complexity bounds more difficult to analyze, so we preferred to postpone this study to another paper.

Our algorithm should also be applicable to various other coefficient rings of characteristic zero. However it remains an open challenge to develop similar algorithms for coefficient rings of small positive characteristic.

Throughout this paper, we will use the following notation:

For any , we also define

We may use both and as sets of canonical representatives modulo . Given and depending on the context, we write for the unique or with .


This section presents sparse data structures, computational models, and quantitative results about prime distributions. At the end, an elementary fast algorithm is presented for testing the divisibility of several integers by several prime numbers.

2.1.Sparse polynomials

We order lexicographically by . Given formal indeterminates and an exponent , we define . We define the bit-size of an integer as . In particular, , , , etc. We define the bit-size of an exponent tuple by . We extend these definitions to the cases when and by setting and , where .

Now consider a multivariate polynomial . Then can uniquely be written as a sum

where and are such that . We call this the sparse representation of . We call the exponents of and the corresponding coefficients. We also say that are the terms of and we call the support of . Any non-zero with and is called an individual exponent of . We define to be the bit-size of .

Remark 2.1. For the complexity model we could have chosen a multi-tape Turing machine, but this would have led to more tedious cost analyses. In fact on a Turing tape, we would actually need to indicate the ends of numbers using adequate markers. Using a liberal notion of “bit”, which allows for the storage of such markers in a single bit, the Turing bit-size of an integer then becomes . For , we also define . Exponents can be stored by appending the representations of , but this is suboptimal in the case when only a few entries of are non-zero. For such “sparse exponents”, one prefers to store the pairs for which , again using suitable markers. For this reason, the Turing bit-size of becomes .

2.2.Modular blackbox polynomials

Throughout this paper, we will analyze bit complexities in the RAM model as in [15]. In this model, it is known [22] that two -bit integers can be multiplied in time . As a consequence, given an -bit modulus , the ring operations in can be done with the same complexity [9, 15]. Inverses can be computed in time , whenever they exist [9, 15]. For randomized algorithms, we assume that we have an instruction for generating a random bit in constant time.

Consider a polynomial . A modular blackbox representation for is a program that takes a modulus and integers as input, and that returns . A modular blackbox polynomial is a polynomial that is represented in this way. The cost (or, better, a cost function) of such a polynomial is a function such that yields an upper bound for the running time if has bit-size . It will be convenient to always assume that the average cost per bit of the modulus is non-decreasing and that for any . Since should at least read its input values, we will freely assume that .

Remark 2.2. A popular type of modular blackboxes are straight-line programs (SLPs) [10]. For an SLP of length that only uses ring operations, the above average cost function usually becomes , for some fixed constant that does not depend on .

If the SLP also allows for divisions, then we rather obtain , but this is out of the scope of this paper, due to the “division by zero” issue. In fact, computation trees [10] are more suitable than SLPs in this context. For instance, the computation of determinants using Gaussian elimination naturally fits in this setting, since the chosen computation path may then depend on the modulus .

However, although these bounds “usually” hold (i.e. for all common algebraic algorithms that we are aware of, including the RAM model), they may fail in pathological cases when the SLP randomly accesses data that are stored at very distant locations on the Turing tape. For this reason, the blackbox cost model may be preferred in order to study bit complexities. In this model, a suitable replacement for the length of an SLP is the average cost function , which typically involves only a logarithmic overhead in the bit-length .

2.3.Number theoretic reminders

All along this paper (resp. ) will bound the bit-size (resp. number of terms) of the polynomial to be interpolated, and and will denote random prime numbers that satisfy:

The construction of and will rely on the following number theoretic theorems, where stands for the natural logarithm, that is . We will also use .

Theorem 2.3. [43, Equation (3.8)] For , there exist at least distinct prime numbers in the open interval .

Theorem 2.4. Let if and otherwise. For all , the number of prime divisors of is bounded by .

Proof. The function is increasing for and . So it is always non-decreasing and continuous. The number of prime divisor of any it at most . Let and respectively be the number of divisors and prime divisors of . Then clearly . Now for all we know from [39] that

We will need the following slightly modified version of [16, Theorem 2.1], which is itself based on a result from [44].

Theorem 2.5. There exists a Monte Carlo algorithm which, given and , produces a triple that has the following properties with probability at least , and returns fail otherwise:

  1. is uniformly distributed amongst the primes of ;

  2. there are at least primes in and is uniformly distributed amongst them;

  3. is a primitive -th root of unity in .

Its worst-case bit complexity is .

Proof. In [16, Theorem 2.1] the statement (b) is replaced by the simpler condition that . But by looking at step 2 of the algorithm on page 4 of [44], we observe that is actually uniformly distributed amongst the primes of and that there are at least such primes with high probability .

Lemma 2.6. Let be a real number in and let be such that . There exists a Monte Carlo algorithm that computes distinct random prime numbers in in time

with a probability of success of at least .

Proof. Theorem 2.3 asserts that there are at least primes in the interval . The probability to fetch a prime number in while avoiding at most fixed numbers is at least

The probability of failure after trials is at most . By using the AKS algorithm [1] each primality test takes time . The probability of success for picking distinct prime numbers in this way is at least

In order to guarantee this probability of success to be at least , it suffices to take

The concavity of the function yields for , whence

and consequently,

On the other hand we have . It therefore suffices to take

2.4.Amortized determination of prime divisors in a fixed set

Let be prime numbers and let be strictly positive integers. The aim of this subsection is to show that the set of pairs can be computed in quasi-linear time using the following algorithm named .

Algorithm divisors

Input: non empty subsets and .

Output: the set .

  1. If , then return .

  2. Let , let be a subset of of cardinality , and let .

  3. Compute and .

  4. Compute and .

  5. Return .

Lemma 2.7. The algorithm is correct and runs in time , where .

Proof. Let and . Step 1 costs by using fast multi-remaindering [15, Chapter 10]. Using fast sub-product trees [15, Chapter 10], step 3 takes . By means of fast multi-remaindering again, step 4 takes operations.

Since the are distinct prime numbers, when entering step 5 we have

Let denote the cost of the inner recursive calls occurring during the execution of the algorithm. Inside the recursive calls, holds, so we have shown that

Unrolling this inequality and taking into account that the depth of the recursion is , we deduce that . Finally, the total cost of the algorithm is obtained by adding the cost of the top-level call, which is

Note that does not necessarily hold for this top-level call.

3.Probabilistic codes for exponents

Consider a sparse polynomial that we wish to interpolate. In the next section, we will describe a method that allows us to efficiently compute most of the exponents in an encoded form . The simplest codes are of the form


When , the most common such encoding is the Kronecker encoding, with for all . However, this encoding may incur large bit-size with respect to the bit-size of .

The aim of this section is to introduce more compact codes . These codes will be “probabilistic” in the sense that we will only be able to recover from with high probability, under suitable assumptions on . Moreover, the recovery algorithm is only efficient if we wish to simultaneously “bulk recover” exponents from their codes.

3.1.The exponent encoding

Throughout this section, the number of variables and the target number of exponents are assumed to be given. We allow exponents to be vectors of arbitrary integers in . Actual computations on exponents will be done modulo for a fixed odd base and a flexible -adic precision . We also fix a constant such that


and we note that this assumption implies




We finally assume to be a parameter that will be specified in section 4. The exponent encoding will depend on one more parameter

that will be fixed in section 3.2 and flexible in section 3.3. We define

Our encoding also depends on the following random parameters:

Now consider an exponent . We encode as

We will sometimes write and instead of and in order to make the dependence on , and explicit.

Example 3.1. Let us take , , , , , and . Then and possible random choices for and are

Now consider the sparse exponent vectors

Their encodings are given by

3.2.Guessing individual exponents of prescribed size

Given an exponent of , our first aim is to determine the individual exponents of small size. More precisely, assuming that

we wish to determine all with .

We say that is transparent if for each with , there exists a such that . This property does only depend on the random choices of the .

Lemma 3.2. Assume that . Then, for random choices of , the probability that is transparent is at least .

Proof. Let and . Given and , the probability that is

The probability that for some is therefore at least

We conclude that the probability that this holds for all is at least .

Example 3.3. In Example 3.1, we observe that is transparent, by taking for . However, is not transparent, since no suitable index can be found for . For our parameters, the probability from Lemma 3.2 becomes . For random with , it turns out that this bound is a bit pessimistic.

We say that is faithful if for every and such that and , we have .

Lemma 3.4. For random choices of , the code is faithful with probability at least

Proof. Let be the set of all primes strictly between and . Let be the set of all such that are pairwise distinct. Let be the subset of of all choices of for which is not faithful.

Consider , , and be such that , and . Let . For each , let

and , so that . For each , using , we observe that

necessarily holds with .

Now consider the set of such that is divisible by . Any such is a divisor of either , , or . Since is odd we have

and therefore

It follows that . Hence divides the non-zero integer . Since we deduce that

(by (3.2))

Now let

so that . By what precedes, we have


From we deduce that

From Theorem 2.3 we know that . This yields , as well as , thanks to (3.3). We conclude that

Example 3.5. Following up on the Example 3.1, consider the matrix


whose rows are the reductions of modulo . By investigating the zero coefficients of this matrix, we verify that is faithful. Again, for our choice of parameters, the probability estimate from Lemma 3.4 turns out to be somewhat pessimistic.

Given and , let be the smallest index such that and . If no such exists, then we let . We define .

Assume that is transparent and faithful for some . Given , let if and otherwise. Then the condition implies that always holds. Moreover, if , then the definitions of “transparent” and “faithful” imply that . In other words, these can efficiently be recovered from and .

Example 3.6. Following up on our running Example 3.1, recall that is both transparent and faithful. We claim that we can reconstruct from . Indeed, by looking at the matrix (3.5), we observe that . Consequently, , , and .

In what follows, we will need a procedure to efficiently compute for a large number of different encodings , corresponding to the terms of a sparse polynomial.

Lemma 3.7. Let , where . Then we can compute in time .

Proof. Note that the hypotheses and imply that . Using Lemma 2.7, we can compute all triples with in time

thanks to (3.2). Using further operations we can filter out the triples for which . We next sort the resulting triples for the lexicographical ordering, which can again be done in time . For each pair , we finally only retain the first triple of the form . This can once more be done in time . Then the remaining triples are precisely those with .

The following combination of the preceding lemmas will be used in the sequel:

Lemma 3.8. Let and let be the corresponding values as above. Let be the set of indices such that and . Then there exists an algorithm that takes as input and that computes such that for all and for all with . The algorithm runs in time and succeeds with probability at least

Proof. Lemmas 3.2 and 3.4 bound the probability of failure for the transparency and the faithfulness of the random choices for each of the terms. The complexity bound follows from Lemma 3.7.

3.3.Guessing exponents of prescribed size

Our next aim is to determine all exponents with , for some fixed threshold . For this, we will apply Lemma 3.8 several times, for different choices of . Let

For , let

We also choose and independently at random as explained in section 3.1, with , , and in the roles of , , and . So is a set of pairwise distinct random prime numbers in and is a tuple of subsets of of cardinality . We finally define

for .

Note that the above definitions imply


and . The inequality implies


If , then , so, in general,


By (3.6) we have , whence


Lemma 3.9. For , we have .

Proof. From , we get



(by (3.10))
(by (3.6))

which concludes the proof.

Theorem 3.10. Let and let for be as above. Assume that . Let be the set of indices such that and for all . Then there exists an algorithm that takes as input and that computes such that for all and for all . The algorithm runs in time and succeeds with probability at least

Proof. We compute successive approximations of as follows. We start with . Assuming that is known, we compute

for all , and then apply the algorithm underlying Lemma 3.8 to and . Note that for all the equality implies

Our choice of and , the inequality (3.6), and the assumption successively ensure that

so we can actually apply Lemma 3.8.

Let be the set of indices such that and . Lemma 3.8 provides us with such that for all . In addition holds whenever and with probability at least

Now we set


At the end, we return as our guess for . For the analysis of this algorithm, we first assume that all applications of Lemma 3.8 succeed. Let us show by induction (and with the above definitions of and ) that, for all , , and , we have:

  1. ;

  2. ;

  3. whenever .

If and then (i) clearly holds. If and , then (3.6) and (3.7) imply . Since we have . Now we clearly have and , so (i) holds.

If , then let be such that , so we have . The induction hypothesis (iii) and (3.4) yield

whence . Consequently,

(since )
(by (3.2))
(since )
(by (3.4))
(by (3.8))

Hence the total bit-size of all such that is at least and at most by definition of . This concludes the proof of (i). Now if , then , so Lemma 3.8 and (i) imply that . In other words, we obtain an approximation of such that for all , and holds whenever .

Let us prove (ii). If , then . If , then (3.11) yields

(by induction hypothesis (ii))
(since )
(by (3.9))
(by (3.2))

As to (iii), assume that . If , then is immediate. If , then the induction hypothesis (ii) yields , whence

(by (3.9))

We deduce that holds, hence (3.11) implies (iii). This completes our induction.

At the end of the induction, we have and, for all ,

(since )
(by (3.2))
(by (3.4))
(by (3.4))
(since )

By (iii) and (3.4), this implies the correctness of the overall algorithm.

As to the complexity bound, Lemma 3.9 shows that , when applying Lemma 3.8. Consequently, the cost of all these applications for is bounded by

since . The cost of the evaluations of and all further additions, subtractions, and modular reductions is not more expensive.

The bound for the probability of success follows by induction from Lemmas 3.8 and 3.9, while using the fact that all and are chosen independently.

4.Sparse interpolation

Throughout this section, we assume that is a modular blackbox polynomial in with at most terms and of bit-size at most . In order to simplify the cost analyses, it will be convenient to assume that

Our main goal is to interpolate . From now on will stand for the actual number of non-zero terms in the sparse representation of .

Our strategy is based on the computation of increasingly good approximations of the interpolation of , as in [3], for instance. The idea is to determine an approximation of , such that contains roughly half the number of terms as , and then to recursively re-run the same algorithm for instead of . Our first approximation will only contain terms of small bit-size. During later iterations, we will include terms of larger and larger bit-sizes.

Throughout this section, we set


so that at most of the terms of have size . Our main technical aim will be to determine at least terms of of size , with high probability.

4.1.Cyclic modular projections

Our interpolation algorithm is based on an extension of the univariate approach from [17]. One first key ingredient is to homomorphically project the polynomial to an element of for a suitable cycle length and a suitable modulus (of the form , where is as in the previous section and ).

More precisely, we fix


and compute as in Theorem 2.5. Now let be random elements of , and consider the map

We call a cyclic projection.

Lemma 4.1. The bit-size of the product of the non-zero coefficients of is at most .

Proof. Given , let and . Note that and for any . The first inequality yields , whereas the second one implies .

Given a modulus , we also define

and call a cyclic modular projection.

If , then we say that a term of and the corresponding exponent are -faithful if there is no other term of such that . If , then we define -faithfulness in the same way, while requiring in addition that be invertible modulo . For any , we note that is -faithful if and only if is -faithful. We say that is -faithful if all its terms are -faithful. In a similar way, we say that is -faithful if is invertible for any non-zero term of .

The first step of our interpolation algorithm is similar to the one from [17] and consists of determining the exponents of . Let be a prime number. If is -faithful, then the exponents of are precisely those of .

Lemma 4.2. We can compute in time

Proof. We first precompute in time . We compute by evaluating for . This takes bit-operations. We next retrieve from these values using an inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of order . This takes further operations in , using Bluestein's method [7].

Assuming that is -faithful and that we know , consider the computation of for higher precisions . Now is also -faithful, so the exponents of and coincide. One crucial idea from [17] is to compute using only instead of evaluations of modulo . This is the purpose of the next lemma.

Lemma 4.3. Assume that is -faithful and that is known. Let and let , where is such that for all . Then we may compute in time

Proof. We first Hensel lift the primitive -th root of unity in to a principal -th root of unity in in time , as detailed in [17, section 2.2]. We next compute in time , using binary powering. We pursue with the evaluations for . This can be done in time

Now the exponents of are known, since they coincide with those of , and we have the relation

where denotes the coefficient of in , for . It is well known that this linear system can be solved in quasi-linear time : in fact this problem reduces to the usual interpolation problem thanks to the transposition principle [8, 35]; see for instance [25, section 5.1].

4.2.Probability of faithfulness

The next lemma is devoted to bounding the probability of picking up random prime moduli that yield -faithful projections.

Lemma 4.4. Let (resp. ) be the number of terms (resp. -faithful terms) of of size . Let the cycle length and the modulus be given as described in Theorem 2.5. If the are uniformly and independently taken at random , then, with probability , the projection is -faithful and

Proof. We let and as in (4.2), which allows us to apply Theorem 2.5. Let and . For any , let

Given , consider and note that . We say that is admissible if and for all . This is the case if and only if is not divisible by . Now is divisible by at most distinct prime numbers, by Theorem 2.4. Since there are at least

prime numbers in , by Theorem 2.3, the probability that is divisible by is at most

From (4.1) we obtain , whence . It follows that

(since )

since from (4.1). Now consider two admissible exponents in and let with . For fixed values of with , there is a single choice of with . Hence the probability that this happens with random is . Consequently, for fixed , the probability that for some is at most


thanks to (4.1).

Assuming now that is fixed, let us examine the probability that is -faithful. Let be the product of all non-zero coefficients of . Then is faithful if and only if does not divide . Now the bit-size of the product is bounded by , by Lemma 4.1. Hence is divisible by at most prime numbers, by Theorem 2.4 and our assumption that . With probability at least


there are at least prime numbers amongst which is chosen at random, by Theorem 2.5(b). Assuming this, is not -faithful with probability at most


since , by (4.2).

Let be the set of such that and for all . Altogether, the bounds (4.3), (4.4), (4.5), and (4.6) imply that the probability that a given belongs to is at least . It follows that the expectation of is at least . For

this further implies that the probability that cannot exceed : otherwise the expectation of would be .

We finally observe that is -faithful whenever for all such that . Now for every with , there is at most one with : if for , then , whence . By (4.1), there are at most exponents with . We conclude that , whenever .

4.3.Computing probabilistic codes for the exponents

Lemma 4.3 allows us to compute the coefficients of with good complexity. In the univariate case, it turns out that the exponents of -faithful terms of can be recovered as quotients of matching terms of and by taking sufficiently large.

In the multivariate case, this idea still works, for a suitable Kronecker-style choice of . However, we only reach a suboptimal complexity when the exponents of are themselves sparse and/or of unequal magnitudes. The remedy is to generalize the “quotient trick” from the univariate case, by combining it with the algorithms from section 3: the quotients will now yield the exponents in encoded form.

Let us now specify the remaining parameters from section 3. First of all, we take , where



We also take and . Since is odd, the inequalities (3.2) hold. We compute and for as in section 3.3.

For , , and , let

For any term with and , note that


Whenever , it follows that can be read off modulo from the quotient of and .

Lemma 4.5. Let , , , , be as in (4.1), (4.2) and let be as in Theorem 2.5. Then we can compute the random parameters , (for and ) and in time and with a probability of success .

Proof. The cost to generate random elements in is

since we assumed . The generation of can be done in time

For , we compute using Lemma 2.6 with . The computation of a single takes time

and succeeds with probability at least . The probability of success for all is at least , because

We conclude with the observation that .

Lemma 4.6. Assume that is -faithful and that is known. Let . Then we can compute and for all and in time

Proof. For a fixed , we can compute and for all in time

by Lemma 4.3. From Lemma 3.9 and


we get

By definition of and , we have . By (4.1) we also have . Hence the cost for computing and simplifies to

(by (4.1) and (4.8))
(since )

Since , the total computation time for is also bounded by .

Consider a family of numbers , where , , and . We say that the family is a faithful exponent encoding for if we have whenever is a -faithful exponent of with . We require nothing for the remaining numbers , which should be considered as garbage.

Corollary 4.7. Assume that is -faithful and that is known. Then we may compute a faithful exponent encoding for in time .

Proof. We compute all and using Lemma 4.6. Let and be the coefficients of in and . Then we take if is divisible by and if not. For a fixed all these divisions take bit-operations, using a similar reasoning as in the proof of Lemma 4.6. Since , the result follows.

4.4.Approximate sparse interpolation

Let . We say that is a -approximation of if and .

Lemma 4.8. Let be as in Theorem 2.5, with as in (4.2). There is a Monte Carlo algorithm that computes a -approximation of in time and which succeeds with probability at least .

Proof. We first compute the required random parameters as in Lemma 4.5. This takes time and succeeds with probability at least . We next compute using Lemma 4.2, which can be done in time

We next apply Corollary 4.7 and compute a faithful exponent encoding for , in time . By Lemma 4.4, this computation fails with probability at most . Moreover, in case of success, we have , still with the notation of Lemma 4.4.

From (4.1) and , we get . This allows us to apply Theorem 3.10 to the faithful exponent encoding for . Let be the exponents of . Consider such that there exists a -faithful term of with and . Theorem 3.10 produces a guess for for every such . With probability at least

these guesses are all correct. The running time of this step is bounded by

since , , and (4.7) imply .

Below we will show that


Let be the smallest integer such that . We finally compute using Lemma 4.3, which can be done in time

Let be such that

For every -faithful term of with and , we have

so we can recover from .

With a probability at least , all the above steps succeed. In that case, we clearly have . Let , where (resp. ) is the sum of the terms of bit-size (resp. ), so that . Then the definition of implies that and



which means that is a -approximation of .

In order to conclude, it remains to prove the claimed inequality (4.9). Using the definition of and the inequalities , , , we have


From (4.7) we have and therefore . So the inequality yields


Let us analyze the right-hand side of (4.12). Without further mention, we will frequently use that . First of all, we have

It follows that


Now the function is decreasing for . Consequently,

Similarly, . Hence,

(by (4.7))

This yields


Combining (4.13), (4.14), and (4.7), we deduce that


The inequalities (4.11), (4.12), and (4.15) finally yield the claimed bound:

Instead of just half of the coefficients, it is possible to compute any constant portion of the terms with the same complexity. More precisely, given , we say that is a -approximation of if and .

Theorem 4.9. Let be as in Theorem 2.5, with as in (4.2). Given , there is a Monte Carlo algorithm that computes a -approximation of in time and which succeeds with probability at least .

Proof. When we have , so (4.10) becomes . In addition, we have , whenever . In other words, if is sufficiently large, then the proof of Lemma 4.8 actually yields a -approximation of . We finally note that .

4.5.Sparse interpolation

Once an approximation of the sparse interpolation of is known, we wish to obtain better approximations by applying the same algorithm with in the role of . This requires an efficient algorithm to evaluate . In fact, we only need to compute projections of as in Lemma 4.2 and to evaluate at geometric sequences as in Lemma 4.3. Building a blackbox for turns out to be suboptimal for these tasks. Instead, it is better to use the following lemma.

Lemma 4.10. Let be written

where and , let , let be as in Theorem 2.5, and let be in .

  1. We can compute in time

  2. Given , , an element of order , and , we can compute for in time

Proof. Given , the projections can be computed in time . The projections can be obtained using further operations. Adding up these projections for takes operations. Altogether, this yields (i).

As for part (ii) we follow the proof of Lemma 4.3. We first compute with by binary powering. The reductions of exponents are obtained in time . Then, the powers and can be deduced in time .

Let . Then we have

By the transposition principle, this matrix-vector product can be computed with the same cost as multi-point evaluation of a univariate polynomial. We conclude that can be computed in time .

We are now ready to complete the proof of our main result.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. We set and take , as in (4.2). Thanks to Theorem 2.5, we may compute a suitable triple in time , with probability of success at least , where .

Let . Let and for . Starting with , we compute a sequence of successive approximations of as follows. Assuming that is known for some , we apply Lemma 4.8 with and in the roles of and . With high probability, this yields a -approximation of and we set . Taking into account in Lemma 4.8 requires the following changes in the complexity analysis:

It follows that the complexity bounds of Lemmas 4.6, 4.8, and Corollary 4.7 remain unchanged when replacing by . The total running time for computing the sequence is therefore bounded by

Using the inequalities and , the probability of failure is bounded by

If none of the steps fail, then for , by induction. In particular, , so .

Remark 4.11. As interesting open problem is whether the complexity bound in Theorem 1.1 can be replaced by , where is a given bound on the bit-size of . This was erroneously asserted in a prior version of this paper [27] and such a bound would be more efficient in cases where the sizes of the coefficients and exponents of vary widely. Here, the first difficulty appears when a first approximation of has terms with small coefficients and has just a few terms but huge coefficients of bit-size : the evaluation cost of in part (ii) of Lemma 4.10 would need to remain in . Recent advances in this problem can be found in [18] for the univariate case. Note that the bound is still achieved in the approximate version (Theorem 4.9) of our main theorem.

5.Practical variants

For practical purposes, the choice of is not realistic. The high constant is due to the fact that we rely on [44] for unconditional proofs for the existence of prime numbers with the desirable properties from Theorem 2.5. Such unconditional number theoretic proofs are typically very hard and lead to pessimistic constants. Numerical evidence shows that a much smaller constant would do in practice: see [16, section 4] and [40, section 2.2.2]. For the univariate case the complexity of the sparse interpolation algorithm in [40] is made precise in term of the logarithmic factors.

The exposition so far has also been optimized for simplicity of presentation rather than practical efficiency: some of the other constant factors might be sharpened further and some of the logarithmic factors in the complexity bounds might be removed. In practical implementations, one may simply squeeze all thresholds until the error rate becomes unacceptably high. Here one may exploit the “auto-correcting” properties of the algorithm. For instance, although the -approximation from the proof of Theorem 1.1 may contain incorrect terms, most of these terms will be removed at the next iteration.

Our exposition so far has also been optimized for full generality. For applications, a high number of, say , variables may be useful, but the bit-size of individual exponents rarely exceeds the machine precision. In fact, most multivariate polynomials of practical interest are of low or moderately large total degree. A lot of the technical difficulties from the previous sections disappear in that case. In this section we will describe some practical variants of our sparse interpolation algorithm, with a main focus on this special case.

5.1.Conducting most computations in double precision

In practice, the evaluation of our modular blackbox polynomial is typically an order of magnitude faster if the modulus fits into a double precision number (e.g. bits if we rely on floating point arithmetic and bits when using integer arithmetic). In this subsection, we describe some techniques that can be used to minimize the use of multiple precision arithmetic.

Chinese remaindering.
If the individual exponents of are small, but its coefficients are allowed to be large, then it is classical to proceed in two phases. We first determine the exponents using double precision arithmetic only. Knowing these exponents, we next determine the coefficients using modular arithmetic and the Chinese remainder theorem: modulo any small prime , we may efficiently compute using only evaluations of modulo on a geometric progression, followed by [25, section 5.1]. Doing this for enough small primes, we may then reconstruct the coefficients of using Chinese remaindering. Only the Chinese remaindering step involves a limited but unavoidable amount of multi-precision arithmetic. By determining only the coefficients of size , where is repeatedly doubled until we reach , the whole second phase can be accomplished in time .

Tangent numbers.
One important trick that was used in section 4.3 was to encode inside an integer modulo of doubled precision instead of . In practice, this often leads us to exceed the machine precision. An alternative approach (which is reminiscent of the ones from [19, 32]) is to work with tangent numbers: let us now take

where is extended to and where . Then, for any term , we have

so we may again obtain from and using one division. Of course, this requires our ability to evaluate at elements of , which is indeed the case if is given by an SLP. Note that arithmetic in is about three times as expensive as arithmetic in .

Small prime divisors.
Although the algorithm from section 2.4 is asymptotically efficient, it relies heavily on multiple precision arithmetic. If all and fit within machine numbers and is not too large, then we expect it to be more efficient to simply compute all remainders . After the computation of pre-inverses for , such remainders can be computed using only a few hardware instructions, and these computations can easily be vectorized [29]. As a consequence, we only expect the asymptotically faster algorithm to become interesting for very large sizes like . Of course, we may easily modify to fall back on the naive algorithm below a certain threshold (recursive calls included); vectorization can still be beneficial even for moderate sizes [12].

Chinese remaindering, bis.
As explained above, if has only small exponents, then multiple precision arithmetic is only needed during the Chinese remaindering step that recovers the coefficients from modular projections. If actually does contain some exponents that exceed machine precision, is it still possible to avoid most of the multiple precision arithmetic?

Let be a triple as in Theorem 2.5. In order to avoid evaluations of modulo large integers of the form , we wish to use Chinese remaindering. Let be triples as in Theorem 2.5 with , the pairwise distinct, and where is shared by all triples. Since there are many primes for which contains at least primes, such triples can still be found with high probability. In practice, already contains enough prime numbers.

Evaluations of modulo are now replaced by separate evaluations modulo after which we can reconstruct evaluations modulo using Chinese remaindering. However, one crucial additional idea that we used in Lemma 4.3 is that is automatically -faithful as soon as it is -faithful. In the multi-modular setting, if is -faithful, then it is still true that the exponents of are contained in the exponents of for . This is sufficient for Lemma 4.3 to generalize.

5.2.The mystery exponent game

Let be bounds for the degree of in , let be a bound for the maximal number of variables that can occur in a term of , and let the prime numbers from section 3.1.

Assume that our polynomial has only nonnegative “moderately large exponents” in the sense that fits into a machine number. Then we may simplify the setup from section 3.1 by taking

where and are small constants and where we forget about and . For any , let . In this simplified setup, one may use the following algorithm to retrieve from :

Algorithm 5.1

Input: .

Output: with or .

Let , , and .

While there exist and with and do:

Let .

Let .

If for some or , then let .

Otherwise, update , , and .

If , then return .

Otherwise, return .

The probability of success is non-trivial to analyze due to the interplay of the choices of and the updates of . For this reason, we consider the algorithm to be heuristic. Nevertheless, returned values are always correct:

Proposition 5.1. Algorithm 5.1 is correct.

Proof. By construction, we have the loop invariant that , so the answer is clearly correct in case of success. The set of “problematic pairs” was introduced in order to guarantee progress and avoid infinite loops. Indeed, strictly decreases at every update of . For definiteness, we also ensured that remains in throughout the algorithm. (One may actually release this restriction, since incorrect decisions may be corrected later during the execution.)

Remark 5.2. Algorithm 5.1 has one interesting advantage with respect to the method from section 3: the correct determination of some of the leads to a simplification of , which diminishes the number of collisions (i.e. entries such that the sum contains at least two non-zero terms). This allows the algorithm to discover more coefficients that might have been missed without the updates of . As a result, the algorithm may succeed for lower values of and , e.g. for a more compressed encoding of .

Remark 5.3. From a complexity perspective, some adaptations are needed to make Algorithm 5.1 run in quasi-linear time. Firstly, one carefully has to represent the sets so as to make the updates efficient. Secondly, from a theoretical point of view, it is better to collect pairs with in one big pass (thereby benefiting from Lemma 2.7) and perform the updates during a second pass. However, this second “optimization” is only useful in practice when becomes very large (i.e. ), as explained in the previous subsection.

Algorithm 5.1 is very similar to the mystery ball game algorithm from [23]. This analogy suggests to choose the random sets in a slightly different way: let be random maps, where and , and take

Assuming for simplicity that whenever in our algorithm, the probability of success was analyzed in [23]. It turns out that there is a phase change around (and ). For any and , numeric evidence suggests that the probability of success exceeds for sufficiently large .

This should be compared with our original choice of the , for which the mere probability that a given index belongs to none of the is roughly . We clearly will not be able to determine whenever this happens. Moreover, the probability that this does not happen for any is roughly . In order to ensure that , say, this requires us to take .

5.3.The Ben-Or–Tiwari encoding

Ben-Or and Tiwari's seminal algorithm for sparse interpolation [6] contained another way to encode multivariate exponents, based on the prime factorization of integers: given pairwise distinct prime numbers , we encode an exponent as . Ben-Or and Tiwari simply chose to be the -th prime number. For our purposes, it is better to pick pairwise distinct small random primes with . Using (a further extension of) Lemma 2.7, we may efficiently bulk retrieve from for large sets of exponents .

The Ben-Or–Tiwari encoding can also be used in combination with the ideas from section 4.3. The idea is to compute both and with . For monomials , we have

so we can again compute as the quotient of and .

If the total degree of is bounded by a small number , then the Ben-Or–Tiwari encoding is very compact. In that case, all exponents of indeed satisfy , whence . However, if is a bit larger (say and ), then might not fit into a machine integer and there is no obvious way to break the encoding up in smaller parts that would fit into machine integers.

By contrast, the encoding from the previous subsection uses a vector of numbers that do fit into machine integers, under mild conditions. Another difference is that only grows linearly with instead of , and only logarithmically with . As soon as is large and not very small, this encoding should therefore be more efficient for practical purposes.

We wish to thank the authors of [18] who pointed out a mistake in our original version of Theorem 1.1: see Remark 4.11. We also thank the reviewers for their helpful comments.



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