Fast multivariate multi-point evaluation revisited

Joris van der Hoevena, Grégoire Lecerfb

CNRS (UMR 7161, LIX)

Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique

Campus de l'École polytechnique

1, rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves

Bâtiment Alan Turing, CS35003

91120 Palaiseau, France

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Final version of February 2020

In 2008, Kedlaya and Umans designed the first multivariate multi-point evaluation algorithm over finite fields with an asymptotic complexity that can be made arbitrarily close to linear. However, it remains a major challenge to make their algorithm efficient for practical input sizes. In this paper, we revisit and improve their algorithm, while keeping this ultimate goal in mind. In addition we sharpen the known complexity bounds for modular composition of univariate polynomials over finite fields.


Let be a commutative ring with unity, and let be a multivariate polynomial. The multi-point evaluation problem consists in evaluating at several given points in . Let be polynomials in of degrees and let be a monic polynomial in of degree . The modular composition problem consists in computing modulo . This is equivalent to the computation of the remainder of the Euclidean division of by . It turns out that these two problems are related and that they form important building blocks in computer algebra. Theoretically speaking, Kedlaya and Umans have given efficient solutions to both problems when is a finite ring of the form where is a monic polynomial [34]. The design of practically efficient algorithms remains an important challenge. The purpose of this paper is to revisit the algorithms by Kedlaya and Umans in detail, to sharpen their theoretical complexity bounds, and get some insight into the required data size for which this approach outperforms asymptotically slower algorithms.

1.1.Related work

Let denote a complexity function that bounds the number of operations in required to multiply two polynomials of degree in . We will often use the soft-Oh notation: means that ; see [13, chapter 25, section 7] for technical details. The least integer larger or equal to is written . The largest integer smaller or equal to is written . The -module of polynomials of degree is denoted by .

Multi-point evaluation

In the univariate case when , the evaluation of at points in can be achieved with operations in . We refer the reader to [13, chapter 10] for the description of the well known algorithm based on remainder trees. Algorithms with the smallest constant hidden in the “ may be found in [6]. By allowing precomputations that only depend on the set of points, this evaluation complexity even drops to as shown in [23]. For specific sets of points, such as geometric progressions or TFT points, multi-point evaluation requires only operations in ; see [4, 7, 21].

The univariate situation does not extend to several variables, unless the set of evaluation points has good properties. For instance if has the form with , then fast univariate evaluations may be applied coordinate by coordinate. Fast algorithms also exist for suitable initial segments of such Cartesian products [29]. Other specific families of sets of points are used for fast evaluation and interpolation of multivariate polynomials in sparse representation; see [1, 24] for some recent results.

In the bivariate case when , a smart use of the univariate case leads to a cost , where bounds the partial degrees of [36, Theorem 3]. In 2004, Nüsken and Ziegler improved this bound to [36, Result 4]—here the constant is such that a matrix over may be multiplied with another rectangular matrix with operations in . When is a field the best currently known bound is due to Huang and Pan [30, Theorem 10.1].

In 2008, Kedlaya and Umans achieved a major breakthrough for the general case [33]. In [34, Corollary 4.3] they showed the following statement (simplified here for conciseness): let be a fixed rational value, given in with partial degrees in any at most , and evaluation points in , then can be computed with bit operations, provided that and where is a constant independent of . This result was stated for random access memory machines. In fact, some of the underlying arguments (such as the use of lookup tables) need to be adapted to make them work properly on Turing machines. This is one of our contributions in this paper. In a nutshell the Kedlaya–Umans algorithm proceeds as follows (see section 3.1):

  1. If is “sufficiently small”, then we exhaustively evaluate at all points in , using fast univariate multi-point evaluation with respect to each coordinate.

  2. Otherwise, the evaluation of at is reduced to the evaluation of the preimage of in at the preimages of in . Through the Chinese remaindering theorem, the latter evaluation over further reduces to several independent multi-point evaluation problems modulo “many” prime numbers that are “much smaller” than . These evaluations of mod at are handled recursively, for .

Modular composition

Let us first discuss the standard modular composition problem when . Let and be polynomials in of respective degrees , and , with monic. The naive modular composition algorithm takes operations in . In 1978, Brent and Kung [9] gave an algorithm with cost , which uses the baby-step giant-step technique [39]. Their algorithm even yields a sub-quadratic cost when using fast linear algebra; see [32, p. 185].

The major breakthrough for this problem is again due to Kedlaya and Umans [33, 34] in the case when is a finite field (and even more generally a finite ring of the form for any integer and monic). For any fixed real value , they have shown that the composition could be computed modulo using bit operations.

The special case of power series composition corresponds to . The best known complexity bound in the algebraic model when is a field, written for convenience, is still due to Brent and Kung: in [9], they achieved operations in , under the condition that is invertible and that the characteristic of is at least , where . The variant proposed by van der Hoeven [20, section 3.4.3] raises the condition on . For fields with small characteristic , Bernstein [3] proposed an algorithm that is softly linear in but linear in . These algorithms have been generalized to moduli of the form in [25]; it is shown therein that such a composition reduces to one power series composition at order over , plus compositions modulo , and one characteristic polynomial computation modulo . Let us finally mention that an optimized variant, in terms of the constant hidden in the “”, of the Brent–Kung algorithm has been proposed recently by Johansson in [31], and that series with integer, rational or floating point coefficients can often be composed in quasi-linear time in suitable bit complexity models, as shown by Ritzmann [40]; see also [22].

Relationship between multi-point evaluation and modular composition

Multi-point evaluation and modular composition are instances of evaluation problems at points lying in different extensions of . The former case involves several points with coordinates in . The latter case implies one point in the extension . In the next paragraphs we summarize known conversions between evaluation problems.

When , several algorithms are known for converting evaluations at any set of points to specific sets of points. For instance evaluating at roots of unity can be done fast thanks to the seminal FFT algorithm, so we usually build fast algorithms upon FFTs. Typically fast polynomial products are reduced to FFTs over synthetic roots of unity lying in suitable extensions of by means of the Schönhage–Strassen algorithm. And since fast multi-point evaluation reduces to polynomial products, they thus reduce to FFTs. Such reductions to FFTs are omnipresent in computer algebra.

Let us still assume that . Let , let be given evaluation points in a field , and let be pairwise distinct evaluation points in . Let and let be such that for . Setting we have . So the evaluations of at reduce to evaluations and interpolations in degree at the chosen points plus one modular composition. Conversely given a modulus , one may benefit from factorizations of to compose modulo . We have studied this approach when has factors with large multiplicities in [25], when it splits into linear factors over in [26], and also when it factors over an algebraic extension of in [27].

The key idea of Nüsken and Ziegler to speed up multi-point evaluation is a reduction to modular composition; then their aforementioned complexity bound follows from a variant of the Brent–Kung algorithm. Assume . In order to evaluate at points they first compute and interpolate such that for (assuming the being pairwise distinct, which is not restrictive). Then they compute and deduce as .

Over finite fields, Kedlaya and Umans showed an equivalence between multi-point evaluation and modular composition. Using Kronecker segmentation, Theorem 3.1 from [34] reduces such a composition to multi-point evaluation for an increased number of variables. Kedlaya and Umans' reduction in the opposite direction is close to the one of Nüsken and Ziegler. Let be pairwise distinct points in . For each , they interpolate such that for . Then they compute , so that .


On machines with random access memory, arbitrary memory accesses admit a constant cost. This does not reflect the actual behavior of real computers, on which memory is organized into different levels, with efficient hardware support for copying contiguous blocks of memory from one level to another. In this paper, we opted for the standard Turing machine model with a finite number of tapes [38], which charges a “maximal penalty” for non contiguous memory accesses. This means in particular that complexity bounds established for this model are likely to hold for any more or less realistic alternative model. Our first contribution in the present paper is to show that Kedlaya and Umans' complexity bounds hold in the Turing machine model.

Our second contribution concerns sharper and more precise bit complexity bounds. For multi-point evaluation over , we achieve softly linear time in the bit size of and obtain more general explicit bounds in terms of , , the partial and total degrees of , without the assumption as in [34, Corollary 4.3]. We also put into evidence the advantage of taking much larger than the dense size of the support of . In particular, we analyze the threshold for which the average cost per evaluation point stabilizes. Our algorithm closely follows the main ideas of Kedlaya and Umans, but with two notable changes. On the one hand, using precise estimates for the first Chebyshev function, we obtain sharper bounds for the prime numbers to be used during the multi-modular stage of the algorithm; see section 3.3. On the other hand, when becomes very large, we fall back to the naive evaluation algorithm, and thereby achieve a softly linear dependence in .

Let us now turn to multi-point evaluation over an extension ring of the form , where is monic of degree . Kedlaya and Umans proposed a reduction to multi-point evaluation over , with large, based on Kronecker substitution. In section 4, we propose an alternative approach, based on univariate polynomial evaluation, interpolation, and Chinese remaindering, to directly reduce to several compositions over suitable finite prime fields.

Our detailed analysis of multi-point evaluation is used in section 6 in order to obtain refined bounds for univariate modular composition. In [34, Corollary 7.2] it is shown that univariate modular composition in degree over a finite field can be done in time . Making use of the same reduction to multi-point evaluation, the exponent in can be made more explicit: in Theorem 6.2 we prove the bound

The new complexity bounds for multi-point evaluation are also crucial for our new bit complexity bounds for multivariate modular composition and the application to polynomial system solving in [28].

Section 7 addresses the special case when is a field of small positive characteristic . We closely revisit the method proposed in [34, section 6], and again make the complexity bound more explicit. Again we quantify the number of evaluation points from which the average cost per point stabilizes, and we deduce a sharpened complexity bound for modular composition.

2.Complexity model and basic operations

We consider Turing machines with sufficiently many tapes. In fact seven tapes are usually sufficient to implement all useful complexity bounds for the elementary operations on polynomials, series and matrices involved in the present paper (standard algorithms may be found in [42]). The number of symbols used by the machine is not of the utmost importance, since it only impacts complexity bounds by constant factors. In the sequel, Turing machines will always have two symbols “ and “”, as well as a few specific additional ones dedicated to data representation.

Some algebraic structures involve a natural bit size for representing their elements (e.g. modular integers, finite fields); others involve a variable size (e.g. arbitrarily large integers, arrays, polynomials). In both cases, elements are seen as sequences of symbols on tapes ended by a specific symbol, written “ in the sequel. Because heads of the machine can just move one cell left or right at time, algorithms must take care of consuming data in the most contiguous way as possible. In particular, we notice that loop counters must be used with care: for instance, the naive implementation of a loop “for from 1 to involves a non-constant number of bit operations at each iteration: to increment by and to test whether is less than . In this section we gather standard data types and elementary operations needed in the next sections. We freely use well known complexity bounds for polynomials and matrices from [13] and refer to [42] for more details on Turing machine implementations.


We use binary representation for integers, so that has bit size . A modular integer in is represented by its natural representative in . Integers may be added in linear time. The expression will represent a nondecreasing cost function for multiplying two integers of bit sizes , which satisfies for all . At present time the best known complexity bound is , where ; see [16-18] and historical references therein. The integer division in bit sizes takes time (see Lemma 2.15 below for instance), and the extended gcd costs by [41]. Overall, all arithmetic operations in take softly linear time.


One dimensional arrays are sequences of elements ended with the symbol “”.

Example 2.1. The vector is stored as .

For bidimensional arrays we use column-major representation. Precisely an array of size ( rows and columns), is stored as the vector of its columns, that is . Such arrays are allowed to contain elements of different types and sizes.

Example 2.2. The matrix over is stored as .

In the Turing machine model, it is not known how to perform transpositions of bidimensional arrays in linear time. The following lemma shows how to do transpositions with a logarithmic overhead. The special case when all entries have the same bit size was treated before in [5, appendix]. Notice that transpositions do not preserve the total bit size for non square matrices, due to changes in the number of “#” symbols.

Lemma 2.3. Let be an matrix. Let denote the size of for all , and define . Then can be transposed in time .

Proof. We first handle the case using the following “divide and conquer” algorithm. If , then the array is encoded as and we write its transpose on the output tape using one linear traversal. Otherwise, we split into two matrices and on separate tapes, where is made of the first rows of , and of the remaining ones. We recursively transpose and and glue the results together on the output tape.

Clearly, the case when can be handled in time , as well as the algorithm for splitting into and , and the algorithm for gluing the transposes of and together into the transpose of . Let be a constant such that each of these algorithms takes time at most . Let and . Let us show by induction over that the transposition algorithm takes time . This is clear for . For , the computation time is bounded by

The case when is handled in an essentially similar way, by reverting the steps of the algorithm: if , then is rewritten into using one linear pass. If , then we recursively apply the algorithm on the first and the last columns, and merge the results in a linear pass. The entire computation can be done in time , by a similar complexity analysis as above.

Univariate polynomials

For univariate polynomials we use dense representation, which means that a polynomial of degree is stored as the vector of its coefficients from degrees to . Additions and subtractions take linear time in . Let denote a cost function that yields an upper bound for the number of operations in needed to multiply two polynomials in . For a general ring one may take thanks to [10]. For finite fields better bounds exist, and we write for the time taken by a Turing machine to multiply two polynomials in .

In what follows, any finite field with and prime is always assumed to be given as with monic and irreducible of degree . Elements of are stored as their natural representatives in . Additions and subtractions in take linear time, one product takes time and one inversion : see [13, part II], for instance. In [15, 19], it was shown that .

Multivariate polynomials

For a polynomial in a given number of variables , we use the recursive dense representation, by viewing as an element of . In particular, admits the same representation as its expansion as a univariate polynomial in . In our algorithms, the number of variables is not part of the representation of , so it must be supplied as a separate parameter.

Example 2.4. The univariate polynomial of degree is represented by . The bivariate polynomial is represented by .

The support of is defined as the set of monomials with nonzero coefficients and we write for its cardinality. Assuming that, apart from the mandatory trailing “#” symbol, the representations of coefficients in do not involve the “ symbol (this can always be achieved through suitable renaming ), we denote the number of “ symbols involved in the representation of by . We notice that .

Lemma 2.5. Let be of partial degree in for . Then , where .

Proof. This follows by an easy induction over : for , we have nothing to do. If and , then we get

which concludes the proof.

If all the equal , then is the constant polynomial and its representation is with symbols “”. If for all , then the number of becomes .

Lemma 2.6. Let be a nonzero polynomial of total degree . Then , where .

Proof. We use a similar induction as in the proof of Lemma 2.5:

If , then we already observed that . If , then . For the remainder of this subsection, we assume that the size of the elements in is bounded by a constant . In particular, the total size of a multivariate polynomial is bounded by .

Lemma 2.7. The partial degree bounds of a nonzero polynomial can be computed in time , where .

Proof. Recall that both and are considered to be the inputs. We use the following recursive algorithm: if , then we have nothing to do. If , then we write and recursively compute partial degree bounds for the coefficients. We next return . The lemma clearly holds for . By induction, the recursive computations can be done in time

The computation of the maxima can be done using one linear pass in time

Determining requires an additional time . Altogether, the computation takes time .

Lemma 2.8. The total degree of a polynomial can be computed in time , under the convention that .

Proof. We use the following recursive algorithm: if , then we have nothing to do. If , then we write and recursively compute total degree bounds for the coefficients. We next return if and otherwise. The complexity bound follows using a similar induction argument as in the previous lemma.

Evaluation and multi-remaindering

In the following paragraphs we recall the costs of integer multi-remaindering and univariate multi-point evaluation together with the inverse problems. The underlying techniques are well known. They are recalled in the context of Turing machines for convenience.

Lemma 2.9. Let be an integer, let be an array of integers in , and let be integers such that . Then may be computed in time .

Proof. We first compute the bidimensional array

in time by using fast multi-remaindering [13, chapter 10]. Then we appeal to Lemma 2.3 to obtain in time .

Lemma 2.10. Let be an integer, let have its coefficients in , and let be integers such that . Then can be computed in time , where .

Proof. We first extract the vector of all the nonzero coefficients of in time . We use the latter lemma on , which incurs time . Then we recover from and , for , in time .

Lemma 2.11. Let be pairwise coprime integers, let , and let . Then the unique vector with entries in such that for can be computed in time .

Proof. First we transpose the bidimensional array of size and then use Chinese remaindering times. By Lemma 2.3 and [13, chapter 10], this can be done in time .

Lemma 2.12. Let be an integer and let be an array of polynomials in . For any set of points we may compute in time .

Proof. We first compute the bidimensional array

in time , using fast univariate multi-point evaluation [13, chapter 12]. We next transpose the array in time , using Lemma 2.3.

Lemma 2.13. Let be an integer, let , and let be elements in . Then can be computed in time

where is the cardinality of the support of in the variables .

Proof. We first extract the vector of all the nonzero coefficients of in time together with of the same support as . We use the latter lemma on , which incurs time

Then for we recover the evaluation of at from and in time .

Lemma 2.14. Let be a prime number, let be distinct elements of and let be vectors in . Then the unique vector of polynomials with for and can be computed in time .

Proof. We first transpose the array made of to obtain

in time by Lemma 2.3. We next obtain the result through interpolations, in time by [13, chapter 12].

Lexicographic orders

We will have to use the lexicographic order on , written , defined by

Notice that in the dense polynomial representation used here, coefficients are stored accordingly to the lexicographic order on the exponent vectors; this corresponds to the usual lexicographic monomial order induced by .

Fixed point numbers

We use fixed point representation to approximate real numbers. The number , with and , is represented by , where “.” is a specific symbol of the machine. A negative number starts with the symbol “-”. The bit size of is . The integer is called the (absolute) precision. Additions, subtractions and reducing the precision take linear time. The product of two fixed point numbers of bit size takes time . We gather well known results from [8].

Lemma 2.15. Let and . An approximation of to precision such that can be computed in time .

Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume . We perform the following long integer division in time :

Then we have

Consequently we may take .

Lemma 2.16. Consider a fixed point number . An approximation of with for can be computed in time .

Proof. We write with and so . By using [8, Theorem 6.1], and may be computed to precisions and respectively in time . Let us write and the respective approximations, which satisfy

and . Then .

Lemma 2.17. Consider a fixed point number . An approximation of to precision such that may be computed in time .

Proof. We write with and , so we have . By using [8, Lemma 2.3], may be approximated to precision in time .

3.Fast multi-point evaluation

In this section is an integer with and is a polynomial in with partial degree in for , and total degree . We assume that is given in recursive dense representation for , as described in the previous section, so the size of its representation is where and represents the number of in the representation of . The upper bounds and for the partial and total degrees are not necessarily sharp. Throughout this section, we assume that and that these bounds satisfy


We wish to evaluate at points in , written .

3.1.Overview of the multi-modular approach

In order to evaluate at a point the initial idea consists in performing the evaluation over , that is to say by discarding the modulus . We write for the natural preimage of with coefficients in , and for the natural preimage of with entries in . In order to compute we construct an ad hoc sequence of primes such that . In this way, may be recovered by Chinese remaindering from .

Minimizing the bit size of is of the utmost importance for efficiency. For this purpose we introduce the following quantity which bounds the cardinality of the support of both in terms of the partial and total degrees:

On the other hand the quantity


is used as a bound for . It satisfies the following inequality to be used several times in the proofs when :


Lemma 3.1. Let have coefficients in and let . Then

Proof. We first prove that


This inequality trivially holds when . Suppose by induction that it holds up to variables. Then again holds for variables.

On the other hand we have


The conclusion simply follows from the assumption .

Given and evaluation points in , the multi-point evaluation algorithm of this section works as follows:

  1. If is “sufficiently small”, then we evaluate at all points in and read off the needed values. This task is detailed in the next subsection.

  2. Otherwise we compute prime numbers such that . This is addressed in sections 3.3 and 3.4.

  3. We evaluate at all modulo for by calling the algorithm recursively.

  4. We reconstruct the values of at all by Chinese remaindering and perform the final divisions by .

We will be able to take all the of the order of . Therefore, the bit size of the modulus when entering the first recursive call is of the order , then at depth , then at depth , etc. The total bit size of all recursive problems to be solved at depth turns out to grow with . In section 3.5 we study the complexity of the algorithm in terms of the depth . Section 3.6 is devoted to finding a suitable value for to end the recursive calls. Roughly speaking, the property “sufficiently small” from step 1 becomes “ is of the order ”, so the time spent in the exhaustive evaluation of step 1 is of the order .

3.2.Exhaustive evaluation

We begin with studying the base case of the multi-modular algorithm, i.e. the exhaustive evaluation at all points of . We recall that this algorithm is used for sufficiently small values of . We regard the evaluation of at all points in as a vector in .

Lemma 3.2. Let be of partial degree in for . All the values of at can be computed in time

Proof. Detecting if is the constant polynomial takes time . If so, then it suffices to copy onto the destination tapes times. This costs . From now we assume that is not a constant, whence , and .

We interpret as a univariate polynomial and recursively evaluate the coefficients at all points in . After one matrix transposition of cost , this yields a vector of univariate polynomials

where ranges over . Using multi-point evaluations of these polynomials at all of cost , we finally obtain the vector of all with . Denoting by the cost of the algorithm, we thus obtain

By induction over , it follows that

which implies the claimed bound.

In order to evaluate at a specific sequence of points in , we next wrap the latter lemma in the following algorithm that simply reads off the requested values once the exhaustive evaluation is done. This task is immediate in the RAM model, but induces a logarithmic overhead on Turing machines.

Algorithm 3.1

; a sequence of points in .



  1. Evaluate at all points of sorted lexicographically.

  2. For from to do

    1. Set and .

    2. Sort the vectors of pairs into accordingly to the second coordinate (where denotes a permutation of ).

    3. Deduce the vector by using the exhaustive evaluation of step 1.

    4. Sort the latter vector according to the first coordinate in order to obtain .

  3. Return .

Proposition 3.3. Algorithm 3.1 is correct and takes time

Proof. The cost of step 1 is given in Lemma 3.2. In the Turing machine model the loop counter and the bounds and do not need to be explicitly computed in step 2. Instead it suffices to allocate an array of bits once on an auxiliary tape and use it to split the sequence of evaluation points into subsequences of elements—except the last one which has cardinality .

With this point of view in mind, each step 2.b and 2.d requires time

so the sum over all the values of is

Each step 2.c takes time . The total cost of all steps 2.c is therefore bounded by .

3.3.The first Chebyshev function

Multi-modular techniques classically involve bounds on the first Chebyshev function

For many applications, crude estimates on suffice. For our refined complexity analysis of the Kedlaya–Umans algorithm, we rely on the somewhat better estimate


More precisely, it was shown by Barkley Rosser and Schoenfeld [2, Theorem 31] that, for all ,

Even sharper bounds may be found in [12], but they will not be necessary here. From now on represents a constant in such that


Lemma 3.4. There exists such that

holds for all .

Proof. For fixed and large , one has

Taking and sufficiently large (say ), it follows that

Then it suffices to further increase so that the implication also holds on the interval .

In the rest of this section the constant of the lemma will be used via the following function:


It is also convenient to introduce the function


that will bound the inflation of the modulus at successive recursive calls of our main algorithm. We will write for the -th iterate of this function.

3.4.Computing prime numbers

Generating prime numbers is a standard task. In the next paragraphs we include the needed results for completeness.

Lemma 3.5. Given a positive integer , we may generate all the primes in time .

Proof. We use the well known Eratosthenes sieve. On the same tape we generate all the integer multiples of not larger than , followed by all the multiples of 3 not larger than , then all the multiples of not larger than , etc. The total number of multiples generated in this way is . These multiples can all be generated in time . Then we sort these integers in increasing order and remove duplicates in time . The integers which are not listed in this way are exactly the requested prime numbers, which can thus be deduced with further bit operations.

The following algorithm computes consecutive prime numbers larger than a given integer , such that their product exceeds a given threshold .

Algorithm 3.2

Positive integers and .


The shortest sequence of consecutive primes with and .

  1. Set .

  2. Compute all the consecutive prime numbers less or equal to .

  3. If , then increase by and go back to step 2.

  4. Compute the first index such that , and set and .

  5. If , then return .

  6. While do

    1. Compute .

    2. If , then , else .

  7. Return .

Proposition 3.6. Algorithm 3.2 is correct and takes time . In addition we have .

Proof. After step 3 we have , so the rest of the algorithm corresponds to a binary search to obtain the minimal index such that . During the “while” loop of step 6 we have and . So when the minimal sequence is actually found. Since at each step of the “while” loop, either increases or decreases strictly. Consequently the algorithm returns the correct result.

We exit step 3 once . Thanks to (3.6), this condition is met for , after time , by Lemma 3.5. The binary search also takes time .

3.5.The main recursion

We are now ready to present the multi-modular evaluation algorithm. The parameter indicates the allowed depth for the recursive calls.

Algorithm 3.3

; a sequence of points in ; a nonnegative integer ; as defined in ( 3.2 ).





  1. If or if is a constant polynomial, then use Algorithm 3.1.

  2. Call Algorithm 3.2 with and to compute the shortest sequence of consecutive prime numbers with and .

  3. Let be the canonical preimage of in , with coefficients in . Let represent the canonical preimage of in , for .

    Compute and , for .

  4. For from to , compute modulo by calling the algorithm recursively with .

  5. Use Chinese remaindering to recover .

  6. Compute the remainders by of these values to obtain and return .

Proposition 3.7. Algorithm 3.3 is correct. Assume , that (3.1) holds, and that has partial degree in for and total degree . When the algorithm takes time

For a fixed value of the algorithm takes time

where is defined in (3.9).

Proof. Lemma 3.1 ensures that the multi-modular approach works well, whence the correctness of the algorithm. From now assume and . Inequality (3.1), combined to the definition of , implies . If is bounded, then so are , , and . Consequently we may freely assume that is sufficiently large in the cost analysis. From (3.7), for all we obtain

Since is increasing for all , we deduce

The condition is therefore satisfied whenever


By Lemma 3.4, there exists such that (3.10) is satisfied when is larger than

It follows that


From , we deduce that

By Proposition 3.6, step 2 takes time . The number of “#” in the representation of is by Lemma 2.5. Consequently the multi-remaindering of in step 3 takes time by Lemma 2.10. By Lemma 2.9 the multi-remaindering of takes time . In total step 3 contributes to

Step 5 costs by Lemma 2.11. The cost of step 6 is also dominated by .

Let denote the cost function of Algorithm 3.3, for being fixed. In other words, the constants hidden in the “ of the rest of the proof do not depend on but on . Since by (3.3), we have . Proposition 3.3 yields the cost of step 1:


By summing the costs of steps 2 to 6, we deduce that


Consequently, if , using the bounds (3.11), (3.12), and

the cost of Algorithm 3.3 simplifies as follows:

Using (3.3) again gives , whence

Now assume by induction that holds for some . Combining (3.11) and (3.13) we deduce that:

We claim that for all which implies and concludes the proof. The latter claim is proved by induction on . It clearly holds for . Assume it holds for . Then, using , we verify that

which concludes the proof of the claim.

3.6.The main complexity bound

In order to complete Algorithm 3.3, we still have to specify how to set the parameter in terms of . It is natural to let increase as a function of . Yet we cannot take arbitrarily large because the complexity in Proposition 3.7 involves a factor . The key idea here is to observe that, if is very large, namely when , then we may use the naive algorithm to evaluate independently at each . This leads to the following complexity bound.

Lemma 3.8. We may evaluate at a point in in time .

Proof. If , then is constant and we just copy the input. If , then we expand as a univariate polynomial in and recursively evaluate at the point . This yields a univariate polynomial in that we evaluate at using Horner's method. Using induction over , it is not hard to show that the algorithm essentially performs ring operations in , which can be done in time . We finally recall that , by Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6.

We are now ready to present the top level multi-point evaluation procedure. Recall that the bit size of an integer is given by .

Algorithm 3.4

; a sequence of points in .



  1. If , then compute the output using the univariate multi-point evaluation algorithm.

  2. Compute .

  3. Compute the bit size of and then the bit size of .

    If , then compute the output using the naive algorithm.

  4. Compute the bit size of .

    If or , then compute the output using Algorithm 3.1.

  5. Compute the output using Algorithm 3.3 with parameter .

Proposition 3.9. Algorithm 3.4 is correct and takes time

where is a function which tends to when tends to infinity.

Proof. When we arrive at step 5 with and , the inequality holds, whence . Consequently the assumption of Algorithm 3.3 is satisfied. This proves the correctness of the algorithm thanks to Propositions 3.3 and 3.7.

If , then multi-point evaluation costs

which is below the bound of the proposition. From now on we assume that . Recall that by (3.3).

The quantities may be obtained in time

by combining Lemmas 2.5, 2.7 and 2.8.

By the subproduct tree technique, we may compute in time , and in time . The cost for summing is . We may also compute in time and then easily deduce as the bit size of . Overall the cost of step 2 is negligible.

Let denote the logarithm function in base . The bit size of and then may be obtained in time . We have and , whence


The naive evaluation in step 3 costs by Lemma 3.8. So when this cost drops to .

From now we may assume that . If is bounded, then so are all other parameters by (3.3) and , whence the execution takes time . If and , then we have

so we may use Proposition 3.3 to bound the time of step 4 by

Let us now consider step 5, where we have and , whence , as previously mentioned. For our complexity analysis, we may freely assume that is sufficiently large. In particular, by using (3.14), inequality implies

On the one hand implies . On the other hand implies . Consequently we have and deduce:

Therefore the cost of Algorithm 3.3 with parameter is

by Proposition 3.7 and equation (3.8).

By gathering costs of each step we thus obtain that Algorithm 3.4 takes time

for some universal constant . Finally we set


to conclude the proof.

Theorem 3.10. There exists a function which tends to when tends to infinity, such that the following assertion holds. Let be of partial degree in for and of total degree , and let be a sequence of points in . Then, we may compute in time

Proof. We may compute with and in time thanks to the lemmas from the end of section 2. If , then and the result directly follows from Proposition 3.9. Otherwise we apply the evaluation algorithm several times with sets of evaluation points of cardinality at most .

4.Extension rings

In this section and represent integers and we study multi-point multivariate evaluation over , where is a monic polynomial in of degree . The approach developed in the next paragraphs lifts this problem to an evaluation problem over , so that fast univariate evaluation/interpolation in may be used.

4.1.Reduction to prime fields

We endow with the usual norm :

Lemma 4.1. For all we have .

Proof. The proof is done by induction on . The inequality is an equality for . Then we verify that holds for .

Lemma 4.2. Consider of partial degree in for and total degree in , and let . Assume that and have their coefficients in and degrees in . Then we have and , where

Proof. The degree bound is clear. Now consider the polynomials

From Lemma 4.1 we obtain

The conclusion follows by applying (3.4) and (3.5) to the polynomial .

Algorithm 4.1

; ; a sequence of points in .




is monic of degree .

  1. Compute , the bit size of , and the bit size .

  2. If , then use the naive evaluation algorithm to compute and return .

  3. Call Algorithm 3.2 with and to compute the minimal sequence of the smallest prime numbers such that and .

  4. Let be the canonical preimage of in with degrees in and with integer coefficients in .

    Let represent the similar preimage of in , for .

    Compute and , for .

  5. For from to do

    1. Specialize for .

    2. Specialize for .

    3. For , evaluate at by using the algorithm from Theorem 3.10.

    4. Interpolate .

  6. Use Chinese remaindering to recover .

  7. Compute the remainders by and of these values to obtain and return .

Proposition 4.3. Algorithm 4.1 is correct. Assume and that has partial degree in for and total degree . Then there exists a function which tends to when tends to infinity, such that the cost of Algorithm 4.1 is

Proof. The correctness follows from Lemma 4.2. The quantities may be obtained in time

by Lemmas 2.5, 2.7 and 2.8. As in the beginning of the proof of Proposition 3.9, the cost for deducing and is negligible. The degree of may be obtained in time . Then, computing requires time . To obtain we first evaluate in time and then in time . Overall step 1 takes negligible time


If , then the naive algorithm in step 2 runs in time


by adapting Lemma 3.8. Proposition 3.6 implies that step 3 takes time


and we have whence , for a universal constant .

The cost of step 4 is obtained by adapting Lemmas 2.9 and 2.10 to :


Let us now examine the cost of step 5. For fixed , the specializations of and the for in steps 5.a and 5.b require time

by Lemmas 2.12 and 2.13. By Theorem 3.10, the evaluations in step 5.c take time

where (3.15) implies . The cost of step 5.d is by Lemma 2.14. It follows that the total cost of step 5 is


The cost of step 6 is provided by Lemma 2.11, that is


Finally the cost of step 7 is


Summing all costs from (4.1)–(4.7), we obtain the total cost of the algorithm

We conclude that the function

satisfies the requirement of the proposition.

Theorem 4.4. There exists a function which tends to when tends to infinity, such that the following holds. Let with monic of degree , let be of partial degree in for and of total degree , and let be a sequence of points in . Then, we may compute in time

Proof. If , then we use fast univariate multi-point evaluation. Otherwise we use Proposition 4.3 in combination with .

4.2.Corollaries in terms of partial and total degrees

The first corollary is a complexity bound in terms of the partial degrees, while the second one concerns the total degree.

Corollary 4.5. Let be a fixed real value. Let with monic of degree , let be of partial degree in for , and let be a sequence of points in . Then we may compute in time

Proof. We apply Theorem 4.4 with .

Corollary 4.6. Let be a fixed real value. Let with monic of degree , let be of total degree , and let be a sequence of points in . Then we may compute in time

Proof. We apply Theorem 4.4 with and make use of the well known inequality . If , then


In both cases we thus have .

5.Kronecker segmentation

If the partial degrees are large with respect to the number of the variables, then we may use Kronecker segmentation on in order to decrease the dependency in in the complexity bounds from the two previous sections. We first analyze the cost of Kronecker segmentation on Turing machines and then show how to reduce the complexity of multi-point evaluation. Throughout this section, is an effective ring whose elements occupy at most cells on tapes and whose arithmetic operations take softly linear time.

5.1.Univariate case

Let be integers . The Kronecker substitution map is the unique -algebra morphism determined by

When restricted to the space of polynomials of partial degree in , it becomes an -linear isomorphism onto the space of polynomials in of degree . The Kronecker segmentation associated to transforms the univariate polynomial of degree into the multivariate polynomial , so that

Algorithm 5.1

; a sequence of integers .





  1. If , then return .

  2. For , call the algorithm recursively on and integers to obtain .

  3. Return .

Proposition 5.1. Algorithm 5.1 is correct and takes time .

Proof. The correctness is clear. Let represent the cost function of the algorithm. Step 1 takes linear time in the size of , that is . Step 2 requires one linear traversal and recursive calls, whence

By induction over , it follows that .

The cost of the Kronecker substitution, stated in the next proposition, will be needed in section 7 only.

Proposition 5.2. Let be of partial degree in for . The Kronecker substitution of may be computed in time .

Proof. The proof is done by induction on . We will require in addition that is zero padded up to degree (at the end, we may clearly remove trailing zeros in linear time). The case corresponds to a simple zero padding up to degree , which takes time . If , then we write , we recursively compute for , and concatenate the results onto the output tape. The complexity bound is straightforward.

Only the univariate Kronecker segmentation is actually needed for the modular composition algorithm of the next section. In the rest of this section we introduce the multivariate segmentation and make use of it in order to speed up multi-point evaluation.

5.2.Multivariate case

Now consider a multivariate polynomial of partial degree in for . For , let be integers such that


We introduce the multivariate Kronecker substitution map


This map restricts to an -linear isomorphism between polynomials of partial degree in and polynomials in of partial degree in . In this context, the Kronecker segmentation of is defined as .

Proposition 5.3. Let be of partial degree in for , and let be integers satisfying (5.1). The Kronecker segmentation of may be computed in time

where and .

Proof. If , then we may use Proposition 5.1. Otherwise we consider in the form . Let represent the cost of the segmentation of . By Lemma 2.5 the representation size of each is . If , then Proposition 5.1 gives

Otherwise, we simply have . It follows that .

5.3.Application to multi-point evaluation

In the rest of this section we explain how to decrease the cost of multi-point evaluation using Kronecker segmentation of .

Recall that . Let be an integer. For with , let

We thus have

which implies



If , then we set so that inequality (5.3) still holds. In addition, if , then , whence , and


Notice that we have . For all we introduce

so and hold. From


for , and


we deduce that


In a dual manner to the Kronecker substitution map (5.2) associated to the we introduce the map

where . Letting we thus have

In this way we reduce the multi-point evaluation in variables and partial degree bounds to evaluation in variables and partial degree bounds . Notice that this segmentation generically builds a polynomial of total degree close to the sum of its partial degrees. The cardinality of the support of is the same as of the support of , but its number of “#” symbols in the representation is larger. From (5.7) we deduce that


The latter may be replaced by a smaller value with arbitrarily close to whenever is sufficiently large. The reduction process is summarized in the following algorithm.

Algorithm 5.2

; a sequence of points in ; an integer .


; .

  1. Compute and then and for and .

  2. Build .

  3. For all compute .

  4. Return and .

Proposition 5.4. Algorithm 5.2 is correct and takes time

Proof. The correctness is clear from the definitions. The quantities may be obtained in time by Lemmas 2.5 and 2.7. Then we use a binary search to determine as the first integer such that in time . By Proposition 5.3 the segmentation in step 2 takes time . Using binary powering, step 3 involves operations in for each point .

Theorem 5.5. Let be a fixed real value and let be a fixed integer. Let with monic of degree , let be of partial degree in for , and let be a sequence of points in . Then, we may compute in time

where .

Proof. We may freely assume that is sufficiently large, so that the cost of multi-modular evaluation is

by Theorem 4.4. If , then we deduce the complexity bound

so we are done.

From now we assume that . If is bounded, then so is , and we may appeal to the naive evaluation algorithm; the conclusion follows by adapting Lemma 3.8 to . We may thus further assume that is sufficiently large to satisfy

If , then . Otherwise, (5.3), (5.4), (5.5), and (5.6) imply


For all we thus have . It follows that


Using Proposition 5.4, we compute and the by Algorithm 5.2 in time

Then Theorem 4.4 ensures that the evaluation of at all the takes time


where . Now we further assume that is sufficiently large such that

Then the cost (5.9) rewrites into

5.4.Consequence in terms of total degree

In the univariate case it is well known that a polynomial of degree may be evaluated at points in softly linear time. In the multivariate setting we wish to reach softly linear time for the evaluation in degree , with variables, at points. Although such a complexity bound seems out of reach for the present techniques, the aim of this section is to prove a slightly weaker bound. We start with a simple lemma.

Lemma 5.6. For all positive integers and we have

Proof. The bound is proved as follows:

Proposition 5.7. Let be a fixed rational value. Let with monic of degree , let be of total degree and let be in with . Then we may compute in time .

Proof. If , then Lemma 3.8 ensures evaluation time . From now on we may assume .

First we examine the case when for a constant to be fixed. Lemma 5.6 combined to the fact that the function is nondecreasing yields

We fix the constant sufficiently small such that . By Lemma 3.8, the evaluations can be achieved in time .

From now we may assume that holds. If is bounded, then so is and Lemma 3.8 again leads to an evaluation time . Consequently we may further assume that is sufficiently large to satisfy


Setting , Theorem 5.5 provides us with the time complexity bound

For a universal constant , this bound simplifies to

Whenever the latter cost further simplifies to

We now consider the other case when , so we have , hence . In this case, Corollary 4.6 gives the cost

which is bounded from above by

by (5.10).

In all cases with , we have thus proved the complexity bound

Since , we have , so the total running time is bounded by . We conclude by applying this for instead of .

6.Modular composition

In this section, is an effective field, is a monic polynomial in of degree , and are two polynomials in . We want to compute . We first describe and analyze the algorithm in the algebraic complexity model and then return to Turing machines in the case when is a finite field.

Let . This precise choice of will be motivated below. We let be an integer such that


In particular, we have


so that


tends to for large values of . Now we define


so that . If is sufficiently large, then for all . In addition, from


we deduce


We are now ready to state the modular composition algorithm.

Algorithm 6.1

; distinct points in .




, , , , and , where is as in (6.1).

  1. Compute .

    If one of the is less than , then use the naive modular composition algorithm.

  2. Build .

  3. Compute , ,…, .

  4. Compute for .

  5. Evaluate at for .

  6. Interpolate such that for .

  7. Return .

The following proposition summarizes the cost in terms of arithmetic operations in .

Proposition 6.1. Algorithm 6.1 is correct and takes operations in plus the multi-point evaluation of step 5.

Proof. If is sufficiently large, then for all . Step 3 performs

operations in in view of (6.3). Steps 4 and 6 respectively take time and . Step 7 takes additional operations in .

From now we return to the Turing machine model.

Theorem 6.2. Let be polynomials in such that is monic of degree and have degrees . We assume that is given as with prime and monic of degree . Then may be computed in time

Proof. The integer can be computed in time . Without loss of generality we may suppose , so that . Since , Lemmas 2.15, 2.16 and 2.17 allow us to routinely compute in time . We compute as the largest integer such that , in time , and deduce with additional cost .

The sum may be bounded from above as follows:

From (6.2) we obtain

Since we deduce that

It follows that




We then obtain


which imply that . Combined with (6.5), this yields

On the other hand, thanks to (6.4), we have


First we handle the case when . We may generate pairwise distinct in time and use Algorithm 6.1. Step 5 takes time

by Theorem 4.4. This bound simplifies into

for some constant . Notice that

so minimizes . Now

so step 5 takes

Step 2 of Algorithm 6.1 takes time by Proposition 5.1 and (6.3). The cost for other steps, as analyzed by Proposition 6.1, amounts to

operations in , which simplifies into . We are done with the case .

It remains to deal with the case . Basically we construct a suitable algebraic extension of and run Algorithm 6.1 over instead of . In fact we need to hold. We compute the first integer such that , in time , so we have . We next compute the smallest integer that its coprime with . Since , this takes time . We proceed with the construction of an irreducible polynomial of degree . Using [43, Theorem 3.2], this can be done in time

This includes the computation of the irreducible factorization of : the primes can be computed in time by Lemma 3.5, so the prime factors of may be deduced in time .

We let represent the monic part of the resultant in and we write for the corresponding subresultant of degree in . It is well known that is irreducible and that is invertible modulo (see for instance [43, Lemma 2.4]). Setting , we then have the following isomorphism:


We identify to . We may obtain and in time (see [35, Corollary 31] for fast algorithms, but it would be sufficient here to appeal to naive methods). An element of represented by may be sent into in time . For the backward conversion we simply replace by and reduce modulo and , which takes time . Consequently applying Algorithm 6.1 over instead of only involves and additional overhead of in the total complexity.

Remark 6.3. Instead of relying on Theorem 4.4 in step 5, one might wonder whether it is interesting to consider Theorem 5.5. It turns out that the same complexity analysis applies with , with a similar complexity result.

Remark 6.4. In practice, the case when at the end of the proof can be handled more efficiently by constructing irreducible polynomials by means of a faster, although probabilistic Las Vegas algorithm; see [13, chapter 14] and [43] for instance. It is also worth it to build an extension of of smooth degree with , which allows the isomorphism (6.7) to be computed more efficiently [27].

7.Fields of small positive characteristic

For the case when is a field of small characteristic , Kedlaya and Umans also designed an algebraic algorithm for fast multi-point evaluation [34, Theorem 6.3]. This algorithm turns out to be somewhat more efficient than those from the previous sections. In the present section, we adapt their techniques and prove a complexity bound in terms of the total degree instead of the partial degrees. We also refine their complexity estimates for multi-point evaluation and modular composition.

The base field is written with and prime; we assume it is explicitly given as with monic and irreducible of degree . We let represent a constant such that two matrices can be multiplied with ring operations.

7.1.Multi-point evaluation

We begin with -th root extractions in . It is well known that such root extractions reduce to linear algebra via the so-called Pietr-Berlekamp matrix of the isomorphism of in the canonical basis . Once the inverse of this matrix is known, each root extraction takes ring operations in , and root extractions take ring operations in . We could use this strategy in this section but it would involve an extra factor in our complexity estimates. Instead, since we focus on the case when remains small, it is worth using the following algorithm, borrowed from [34, Theorem 6.1] and originating from [37].

Algorithm 7.1

, monic and irreducible of degree .


such that .

  1. Expand into , where .

  2. Expand into , where .

  3. Select such that , compute , and return .

Proposition 7.1. Algorithm 7.1 is correct and takes ring operations in plus inversions in .

Proof. The identity is equivalent to . For all we have and thus . Since is irreducible, is invertible modulo . We are done with the correctness.

The computations in steps and 2 take ring operations in . Step 3 requires ring operations in plus inversions in by using fast extended gcds.

The next algorithm, borrowed from [34, section 6], performs multivariate multi-point evaluations by reduction to the univariate case.

Algorithm 7.2

explicitly given as , where is a monic irreducible polynomial of degree in ; of total degree ; a sequence of points in .



  1. Compute the total degree of .

  2. Let be minimal such that and .

  3. Build a monic irreducible polynomial of degree , and find a primitive root of unity of maximal order in .

  4. Reinterpret as an element of , let , and reinterpret as an element of .

  5. For from to do

    1. Compute .

    2. Interpolate such that for .

  6. Let , compute modulo for .

  7. Return .

Proposition 7.2. Algorithm 7.2 is correct. If , then it takes time

Proof. For and we write . Let represent the endomorphism of that rises coefficients to the -th power. Then

In particular has degree whence , by the assumption . Now

Since has degree , we deduce that it coincides with , whence . We are done with the correctness.

Step 1 takes time

By Lemmas 2.6 and 2.8. Steps 2 and 4 take negligible time.

By construction, we have


In step 3, the construction of may be done deterministically in time

by means of [43, Theorem 3.2] (this includes the computation of the irreducible factorization of ).

Now [44, Theorem 1.1] provides us with a universal constant such that there exists a monic polynomial of degree with , for which is a primitive element. It thus suffices to enumerate all the monic polynomials of increasing degrees and to stop as soon as one discovers a primitive one. The loop terminates after testing candidates.

Verifying that a candidate polynomial is a primitive element for the multiplicative group of can be done as follows. We first compute the irreducible factorization of in time (see for instance [11, Theorem 1.1]). We next verify that

for each prime divisor of in time . Altogether, this allows us to compute deterministically in time

Now each step 5.a requires extractions of -th roots in . In total, they take time

by Proposition 7.1. The total cost of step 5.b is .

Since the partial degrees of are and since , the polynomial is the Kronecker substitution , following the notation of section 5.1. The univariate polynomial in step 6 may be obtained in time

by Proposition 5.2, thanks to (7.1) and the assumption that .

Then the simultaneous evaluation of at points in takes

operations in which corresponds to time

(since deg f⩽d*hn-1)
by (7.1).

The final evaluations in step 7 take time .

Remark 7.3. Notice that is not necessarily a field. As an optimization, it is worth taking and build the extension of degree of . Then we compute a primitive root in of order . In practice, it is also worth using faster probabilistic algorithms in step 3.

7.2.Modular composition

Let us now reanalyze the complexity of Algorithm 6.1 when using Algorithm 7.2 for multi-point evaluations. For simplicity we assume that is a fixed prime number, so the constant hidden in the “ below actually depends on . This time, we let be an integer such that


Theorem 7.4. Let be a fixed prime number. Let be polynomials in such that is monic of degree and have degrees . We assume that is given as with monic irreducible of degree . Then may be computed in time

Proof. We adapt the proof of Theorem 6.2 and use (7.2) for the value of instead of (6.1). Here, it is important for to be fixed, in order to benefit from the same kind of asymptotic expansions as in the case of Theorem 6.2:


In particular still tends to for large values of .

The main change is the use of Proposition 7.2 to obtain the following cost for step 5 of Algorithm 6.1:

By using (6.4), (6.5), (6.6), and the fact that , the latter cost is bounded by

We then need to upper bound the term

Now for sufficiently large , we have

It follows that

On the other hand, we have

which concludes the proof.

For small fixed values of , Theorem 7.4 therefore improves upon Theorem 6.2. This happens roughly whenever , which rewrites into . A more precise complexity analysis in terms of the parameter could be developed under the latter condition.


An important application of the present results concerns polynomial system solving, for which we prove new complexity bounds in [28]: the key algorithms are the Kronecker solver [14] and fast multivariate modular composition. For the latter problem, we mostly follow the strategy deployed in the proof of Proposition 5.7.

Besides technical adaptations to Turing machines and various refinements within the asymptotic complexity bounds, our main improvements upon Kedlaya and Umans' algorithms concern complexity analyses in terms of the total degree, and the way we appeal to the naive evaluation algorithm as a fallback in Theorem 3.10. In particular, our complexity bounds are quasi-optimal with respect to the bit size of the elements in the ground ring.

Another major motivation behind our work is to understand how relevant the new complexity bounds are for practical implementations. Unfortunately, the input sizes for which our optimized variants of Kedlaya and Umans' algorithms become faster than previous approaches still seem to be extremely large. It is instructive to discuss, even in very informal terms, the orders of magnitude of the cross-over points.

In the univariate case over , fast algorithms for multi-point evaluation allow for an average evaluation cost per point of , by means of the classical subproduct tree technique [13, chapter 10], and as soon as the number of points is of the order of the degree. In the same spirit, in order to minimize the average cost per evaluation point, Theorem 3.10 indicates that it is favorable to take of the order of (that is larger than the cardinality of the support of ).

To simplify the discussion, we discard the factor occurring in Theorem 3.10 , and we focus on the case when and . So when , the average cost per point roughly becomes . Recall that this average cost is with the naive approach. The ratio between both bounds is therefore of the order . In Table 8.1

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 21 26

Table 8.1. Efficiency threshold orders for the complexity bound of Theorem 3.10.

we report on the first values of such that , namely , along with the closest integer to . Whenever the same value of is encountered for different values of , we only display the case with smallest . We observe that the sizes of the corresponding input polynomials are not realistic for a common workstation.

The above factor corresponds to the value in Algorithm 3.3. In practice it turns out to be more interesting to use smaller values for . In fact, it is worth using Algorithm 3.3 with whenever , since

and the cost given in Proposition 3.7 drops to . Table 8.2

7 8 9 10 11 12 16

Table 8.2. Efficiency threshold orders for the complexity bound of Proposition 3.7 with .

displays the first resulting values of for which . Considering for instance that is a 64 bit integer, we may thus use Algorithm 3.3 with whenever . Consequently, for input polynomial sizes of about 100 MB, the fast algorithm might start to be of interest. Yet, the orders of magnitude considered here are quite optimistic and we expect the actual thresholds to be larger.

In small positive characteristic , Proposition 7.2 seems more promising for practical purposes. For , the average cost per evaluation point drops to . The efficiency ratio with respect to the naive algorithm is thus of the order . For instance, with and , this ratio rewrites into . Consequently, Algorithm 7.2 might be relevant in practice for input data of a few kilobytes. However we are not aware of such an efficient implementation.

For the above reasons, faster software implementations of multivariate multi-point evaluation and modular composition remain major challenges. At least, we hope that our new detailed complexity bounds will stimulate more theoretical and practical research in this area. For example, is it possible to decrease the contribution of in Theorem 3.10? Or, still in Theorem 3.10, could one decrease the exponent of ? Is it possible to improve upon the constant in Theorem 6.2?

. We thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments.



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