In this survey paper, we outline the proof of a recent
differential intermediate value theorem for transseries. Transseries
are a generalization of power series with real coefficients, in which
one allows the recursive appearance of exponentials and logarithms.
Denoting by the field of transseries, the
intermediate value theorem states that for any differential
with coefficients in
, there exists a
In this survey paper, we will outline the proof of a recent differential
intermediate value theorem for transseries [vdH00] (with a
few corrections in [vdH01]). A transseries is a
generalization of a formal power series, in which one allows the
recursive intrusion of exponentials and logarithms. In this paper we
will only deal with real transseries at infinity (). Some examples of such transseries are
The transseries and
examples of grid-based transseries, the first two being
convergent and the last one divergent. In section 2 we will
construct the field of grid-based transseries
, which will be our main object of study in the
sequel. More exotic, well-ordered transseries are
. Notice
satisfies the functional equation
Historically speaking, transseries appeared independently in at least three different contexts:
The first construction of the field of transseries goes back to Dahn and Göring [DG86], who were interested in non standard models for the theory of real numbers with exponentiation. Much recent progress on this subject has been made through works by Wilkie, van den Dries, Macintyre and others. The theory of transseries also bears many similarities with Conway's theory of surreal numbers.
The main current application of transseries is in the proof of
Dulac's conjecture by Écalle [É92].
More precisely, Écalle proved that a planar real analytic
vector field can only have a finite number of limit cycles.
Essentially, he shows that the Poincaré return map near a
limit cycle can be represented by an analyzable function
. Formally, such a
function is a transseries, but through a complicated process of
accelero-summation, this formal transseries can be given an
analytic meaning. Since the real transseries form a
totally ordered field, one must have
in a small
neighbourhood of the limit cycle. In other words, either all or no
orbits are periodic in this neighbourhood.
Transseries also implicitly appeared during the research of algorithms for doing asymptotic analysis [Sha90, Sal91, GG92]. In the formal context of transseries, we were able to do such effective computations in a more systematic way [vdH97].
There is no doubt that the combination of the techniques from these three different areas will lead to an extremely powerful theory, whose development is far from finished. A nice feature of such a theory will be that it will both have theoretical and practical aspects (we expect effective numerical accelero-summation to have many applications in numerical analysis, for instance).
Before dealing with all these aspects of the theory of transseries, it
is interesting to study which kind of asymptotic problems might a
priori be adequately modelled by transseries (at least from the
formal point of view). For instance, it is well known that linear
differential equations with power series coefficients in always have a full basis of solutions of the form
where is a polynomial,
a power series whose coefficients are
polynomials in
of uniformly bounded degree. It
is tempting to generalize this result to non-linear differential
equations and even to more general functional equations.
When considering non-linear equations, say algebraic ones, the first
difficulty one has to face is that the set of solutions to such
equations is closed under composition. For instance, given an infinitely
large indeterminate , we have
to incorporate iterated exponentials
arbitrarily high orders into our theory. This is problematic if
is complex, because
very differently in the positive and negative halfplanes.
In order to do asymptotics, a reasonable next step is therefore to reduce one's attention to real functions without oscillatory behavior. Of course, this is a very strong restriction, since we will no longer be able to solve simple equations like
![]() |
(1) |
Nevertheless, this restriction does allow us to construct a clean,
totally ordered field of formal grid-based transseries
in an infinitely large real variable
section 2). In this field, we will have asymptotic
(using the
notation of Hardy:
). Furthermore,
is closed
under differentiation, composition and functional inversion. So what
about solving differential equations? Since even simple equations such
as (1) do not always have solutions, we have to search for
existence theorems of solutions which take into account the realness of
the context. In this paper, we outline a proof of the following such
Theorem be
an algebraic differential polynomial with coefficients in
. Given
, such that
there exists a solution
In particular, the theorem implies that an algebraic differential equation of odd degree like
always has a solution in .
Our proof is based on a differential version of the Newton polygon
method, which will be sketched in section 3. Using a
variant of Stevin's dichotomic method to find roots of continuous
functions, we next indicate (section 4) how to find a solution
. For full
proofs, we refer to [vdH97, vdH00, vdH01].
In section 5, we will finally discuss some perspectives for
the resolution of more general algebraic differential equations using
complex transseries.
Let be a constant field and
a totally ordered, multiplicative, commutative group of
monomials. For instance, the monomial group
of real powers of an infinitely large
is a
monomial group with
. The
corresponds to Landau's
-symbol and
to the
-symbol. We write
A generalized power series is a mapping
with well-ordered support. We usually write
and the support
is the set of
. The condition on the support of
means that there does not exist an infinite
of monomials with
for all
. We write
for the set of generalized (or well-ordered) power series.
It is known since long [Hah07] that the well-ordering
condition allows us to define a natural multiplication on by
This multiplication actually gives the structure
of a field. Examples of well-ordered series in
Notice that the order type of is transfinite
) and that
, where
satisfies the functional equation .
The more exotic types of well-ordered series like
usually do not occur when studying
differential equations. We say that a subset
is grid-based if there exists a
and a finite number of infinitesimal
such that
In other words, for each ,
there exist
We say that a series
is grid-based if
its support is grid-based. It can be shown that the set
of grid-based series forms a subfield of
Notice that the support of a grid-based series can still be transfinite
is a non-archimedian monomial group.
Indeed, the order type of
is again
, where
is ordered by
The fields (resp.
) can be given further structure. Given
, we define its dominant
to be the
-maximal element in
The dominant coefficient
is the corresponding coefficient
We extend
(here we assume
we take
for all
Each series
also admits a canonical
decomposition into a purely infinite, a constant,
and an infinitesimal part:
Finally, if is a totally ordered field, like
, then we define a total
ordering on
Another important operation on
) is
strong summation. A family
is said to
be grid-based (or strongly summable), if
is a grid-based subset of
For each , the set
is finite.
Given such a family, we may define its sum by
Given a classical power series and an
, it can for
instance be shown that
is a grid-based family.
is well-defined.
We now want to define a field of grid-based series
with additional functions
, such that
is defined
for all
for all
. Classically [DG86,
É92], one starts with the field
and successively closes it under exponentiation and logarithm. We will
follow the inverse strategy: we start with the field of logarithmic
and close it under exponentiation.
Both constructions turn out to be equivalent in the grid-based setting.
Consider the monomial group
where stands for the
times. The infinitesimal monomials of
are of the form
with ,
. Elements of
are called logarithmic transseries.
We now have to define a logarithm on .
, we may write
where ,
. Then we define
Here we remind that is well defined as the sum
of a grid-based family.
We next have to show how new exponentials can be added to . The main point here is to decide which
exponentials give rise to new monomials. In
, we observe that
is a
monomial if and only if
(in which case we say
is purely infinite). We will use
this observation as a criterion for extensions by exponentials.
So assume that we have constructed the field of
transseries of exponential depth
The case
has been dealt with above. Then we take
In other words, each monomial in is the formal
exponential of an element in
The asymptotic ordering on
is inherited from the
usual ordering on
for all . Finally, the
exponential of an arbitrary element
exists in
and is given by
The logarithm remains totally defined as an inverse function of on
, which
guarantees that
at each step.
Example , but
The field
is called the field of grid-based transseries in . The exponentiation and logarithm are totally
defined on
It can be shown that the usual axioms and
for exponentiation are satisfied in
. The exponentiation also satisfies the
following more interesting properties
in relation to the ordering. These properties imply in particular that
is increasing and that
for all
We will now present some techniques for doing effective computations with transseries. Although these techniques will not essentially be used in the sequel, they will allow the reader to get a better understanding of the nested structure of transseries and the transfinite and non-archimedian nature of their supports.
The transmonomial group can actually be seen as
an ordered
-vector space,
where addition is replaced by multiplication and scalar multiplication
by raising to real powers. As a consequence, we also have
relations on this vector space: we say that
flatter than
, and
, if and only if
for all
otherwise. The flatness relation can be extended to
itself: given
we define
Here we understand that if
otherwise. For instance,
, but
An asymptotic basis is a tuple ,
Such a basis generates an asymptotic scale
. The field of grid-based series
is naturally included in
elements of
may be expanded recursively
Conversely, for any transseries in
there exists an asymptotic basis
. In fact, we may always
to be transmonomials, although this is
not always the most convenient choice. For instance, from a
computational point, it is more efficient to see
as an element of rather than
In the grid-based context, the fact that is
archimedian implies that the types of the supports of the infinite sums
in recursive expansions are at most
Consequently, the type of the support of a series in
is at most
. For instance,
the type of the support of
is . In fact, this
transseries may also be interpreted as a multivariate Laurent series
in which we substituted
. We call this a Cartesian
representation of the transseries. Cartesian representations exist
in general and they are best suited for doing effective computations on
transseries [vdH97].
For computations which involve exponentiation and differentiation,
asymptotic bases do not necessarily carry sufficient structure. A
transbasis is a tuple with
, with
A transbasis is necessarily an asymptotic basis and any transseries may be expanded w.r.t. a suitable transbasis. In fact, the following incomplete transbasis theorem holds.
Theorem be a transbasis and
a transseries.
Then there exists a supertransbasis
such that
is a transbasis and
. The
is not a transbasis.
Differentiation may be defined inductively on all
as follows. We start by defining the differentiation on the monomial
. If
, then we set
for each monomial . If
, then each monomial in
has the form
for some
and we define
where has already been defined by the induction
hypothesis. Having defined the derivative of each monomial in
, we “extend the derivation
by strong linearity”:
In order for this to work, we have to check that for each grid-based
subset of
the set
is again grid-based. Now if
are such that
, then
Here denotes the logarithmic derivative of
For the definition of general composition, we refer to [É92,
vdH97]. In what follows we will only use right compositions
with and
which are defined in a straightforward way using the systematic
substitution of
in a transseries (in
particular, transmonomials map to transmonomials). In the sequel, we
will denote
for the upward shifting of
a transseries
its downward shifting.
In this section, we will show how to generalize the Newton polygon method in order to solve asymptotic algebraic differential equations like
![]() |
(2) |
Here is a differential polynomial with
transseries coefficients and
a transmonomial. We
also allow
to be a formal monomial with
for all
) in order to cover the case
of usual algebraic equations. The fact that we consider
asymptotic differential equations (i.e. with the
asymptotic side condition
enables us to associate invariants to the equation (21),
which prove to be very useful when applying the Newton polygon method.
The differential polynomial is most naturally
decomposed as
![]() |
(3) |
Here we use vector notation for tuples and
of non-negative integers:
The -th homogeneous
part of
is defined by
so that
Another very useful decomposition of is its
decomposition along orders:
![]() |
(4) |
In this notation, runs through tuples
of integers in
of length
, and
all permutations of integers. We again use vector notation for such
We call the weight of
the weight of .
It is convenient to denote the successive logarithmic derivatives of
Then each can be rewritten as a polynomial in
terms of
We define the logarithmic decomposition of
![]() |
(5) |
Now consider the lexicographical ordering on
, defined by
This ordering is total, so there exists a maximal
assuming that
. For this
, we have
![]() |
(6) |
for all , whose dominant
monomial is sufficiently large.
Given a differential polynomial and a
it is useful to define the
additive and multiplicative conjugates
and the upward shifting
as being the unique differential polynomials,
such that for all
, we have
The coefficients of are explicitly given by
![]() |
(7) |
The coefficients of are more easily expressed
using decompositions along orders:
![]() |
(8) |
The coefficients of the upward shifting (or compositional conjugation by
) are given by
![]() |
(9) |
where the are generalized Stirling numbers of
the first kind:
In order to solve (21), the first step is to find all possible dominant monomials of solutions, together with their coefficients. In the classical setting of algebraic equations, such potential dominant monomials can be read off graphically from the slopes of the Newton polygon and the corresponding coefficients are roots of the Newton polynomials associated to these slopes.
In the differential setting, several phenomena make it more difficult to
find the potential dominant terms in such a direct way. First of all, in
the algebraic setting, potential dominant monomials always correspond to
the cancellation of two terms in of different
degrees. In the differential setting, cancellations may also arise in a
single homogeneous component. For instance, the differential equation
has as its general solution. Another difficulty
is that differentiation does not preserve valuation: we usually do not
for transseries
. Consequently, even if we know that the dominant
monomial corresponds to the cancellation of two single terms in
of different degrees, then the potential dominant
monomial can not be read off directly from the dominant monomials of
these terms. For instance, in the equation
the only potential dominant monomial is .
is not the square root
of the quotient of the dominant monomials
of the coefficients of
In order to solve these problems, we use the combination of several
ideas. First of all, we will no longer seek to read off potential
dominant monomials directly from the Newton polygon. Instead, we will
characterize when is a potential dominant
monomial, so we will only have to consider horizontal slopes. Then
will be a potential dominant monomial for the
equation (21) if and only if
is a
potential dominant monomial for the equation
A second important tool is upward shifting. Although we do not always
have , we do have
for all purely exponential transseries
. Here a purely
exponential transseries is a transseries which can be expanded with
respect to transbases
. For instance,
purely exponential, but
are not. Any transseries becomes purely exponential after a sufficient
number of upward shiftings.
In order to decide whether is a potential
dominant monomial for (21), it is interesting to study the
nature of the dominant part of
after a
sufficient number of upward shiftings. Setting
, we define this dominant part of
to be the differential polynomial
with coefficients in .
Denoting by
upward shifting of the differential polynomial
, the following result can be proved [vdH00,
Proposition be a differential polynomial with purely
exponential coefficients. Then there exists a polynomial
and an integer
such that for all
, we have
Example , we have
In particular, we see that for all
; see
The polynomial in proposition 5 is
called the differential Newton polynomial associated to
, and we denote it by
More generally, the differential Newton polynomial associated to a
We say that
is a potential dominant
monomial for (21), if and only if
has a non trivial root
. Given such a root
, we call
a potential
dominant term for (21). It should be noticed that
potential dominant monomials are not always dominant monomials of
solutions in the context of real transseries. Indeed, an
equation like
has no transseries solution, although it does admit
as a potential dominant monomial.
An important invariant of (21) is its Newton
degree, which is by definition the highest possible degree of the
Newton polynomial associated to a transmonomial
. In the algebraic setting,
the Newton degree gives a bound to the number of solutions to (21),
when counting with multiplicities (if the constant field is
algebraically closed, it actually gives the exact number of solutions).
In the differential setting, the Newton degree must be non-zero if we
want the equation to admit solutions.
Now that we know how to define potential dominant monomials, the next
question is how to find them. In fact, there are three types of
potential dominant monomials ,
depending on the form of
. If
, then we say that
is algebraic. If
then we say that
is differential. In
the remaining case, when
, we
say that
is mixed. The algebraic and
mixed potential dominant monomials correspond to the slopes of
“what would have been the differential Newton polygon”.
Differential and mixed potential dominant monomials correspond to the
introduction of integration constants in the general solution to (21).
The algebraic and mixed potential dominant monomials can all be found by
“equalizing” the dominant monomials
of two different homogeneous components of
via a multiplicative conjugation. This is always
possible [vdH97, vdH01]:
Proposition be such that
. Then there exists a unique
, such that
is not homogeneous.
We call an equalizer for
and there are clearly at most a finite number of them. All
algebraic and mixed potential dominant monomials for (21)
are necessarily equalizers, although not all equalizers are potential
dominant monomials. Under the assumption that we made sufficiently many
upward shiftings so that all
can be expanded
with respect to a transbasis
, the equalizers can be computed recursively,
using the fact that
for all purely exponential
Example for
Since , we first shift
We now have to equalize and
via a multiplicative conjugation with
We still do not have , so we
shift upwards once more:
At this point, we both have and
. In other words,
the desired equalizer.
The remaining type of potential dominant monomials, viz.
the differential potential dominant monomials, corresponds to
cancellations inside homogeneous parts of .
Now in order to solve a homogeneous equation
, one usually rewrites
terms of the
differential Riccati polynomial
For instance,
In order to find the differential potential dominant monomials that
correspond to cancellations inside ,
we now need to “solve
up to
”, which is equivalent to “solving
up to
The border
is special in the sense that
. More precisely, we
have [vdH97, vdH01]:
Proposition is a potential dominant monomial of
![]() |
(10) |
if and only if the equation
![]() |
(11) |
has strictly positive Newton degree.
Remark as a
transmonomial. In order to be painstakingly correct, we should replace
is a strict bound for the logarithmic
depths of
and all coefficients of
Assuming that we have found a potential dominant term
for (21), we next have to show how to find the remaining
terms of a solution (or a “solution up to
”). This is done through a finite
process of refinements. A refinement is a change of variables
with an asymptotic constraint
![]() |
(12) |
where is an arbitrary transseries (and not
necessarily a term in
; we
will soon see the importance of this) and
transmonomial. Such a refinement transforms (21) into
![]() |
(13) |
and we call it admissible, if (13) has strictly positive Newton degree. The important property of refinements is that they bring us closer to solutions [vdH97, vdH01]:
Proposition be the dominant term of
and assume that
. Then the
Newton degree of
as a
root of
. In particular,
is bounded by the Newton degree of
In the proposition, the multiplicity of as a
root of
is understood to be the least
, such that there exists an
. Here
In favorable cases, the Newton degree strictly decreases until it
becomes equal to
. At this
point, we call the new equation quasi-linear, and it has at
least one solution [vdH97, vdH01]:
In fact, we proved that there exists a very special,
“distinguished” solution, which has some nice additional
properties. Given such a distinguished transseries solution to a quasi-linear equation, all other solutions can be
seen found by solving the homogeneous quasi-linear equation
. A homogeneous quasi-linear equation should
really be seen as a twisted homogeneous linear differential equation.
For instance, we have [vdH97]:
Proposition be solutions to a quasi-linear differential equation
. Then
A more complicated situation is when the Newton degree does not descend
to one after a finite number of termwise refinements (12)
with . This typically occurs
in presence of almost double solutions, like in the example
![]() |
(14) |
When applying the naive, termwise refinement procedure, we would obtain an infinite chain of refinements:
Now a classical way to find multiple solutions is to differentiate the equation, which yields
![]() |
(15) |
in our example (14). In order to find the almost double solutions, we now replace the above infinite chain of refinements by a single one
where is a solution to the quasi-linear equation
More generally, the objective is to force a strict decrease in the
Newton degree after a finite number of refinements, while solving
partial derivatives of the equation w.r.t. . More precisely, denoting by
the Newton degree of (21), an unravelling is a
such that
The Newton degree of equals
For any , the Newton
degree of
In [vdH01], we proved that we may achieve an unravelling through a finite number of well-understood refinements:
Proposition be a potential dominant term for
). Then there exists a
finite sequence of refinements
such that each is either a term in
or a solution to an equation of the form
where and
is a
transmonomial, and such that
is an unravelling, and has
as its dominant term.
Putting together all techniques described so far, we obtain a theoretic way to compute all solutions to asymptotic algebraic differential equations. In fact, we have shown [vdH97, vdH01] how to compute the generic solution of such an equation (which involves a finite number of integration constants) in a fully effective way. As a side effect, we also obtained bounds for the logarithmic depths of solutions to (21) and the fact that such solutions are necessarily grid-based if the coefficients of (21) are.
Theorem of logarithmic
, and let
denote its Newton degree, order resp. weight. Then any
transseries (whether grid-based or not) solution to
and its
logarithmic depth is bounded by
This theorem has a certain number of remarkable consequences. It proves
for instance that the Riemann -function
does not satisfy any algebraic differential equation over
(nor over
). Similarly, solutions like
to functional equations
do not satisfy any algebraic differential equations over .
Using the methods from the previous section to find all transseries
solutions to asymptotic algebraic differential equations, the
intermediate value theorem should now be a mere application. Indeed, we
will mimic the classical dichotomic method for finding roots of
continuous functions on an interval where a sign change occurs. In our
case, the “transline” is very non
archimedian, so we will have to consider non-standard intervals. The
Newton polygon method will be used to restrict the interval where we
search more and more by maintaining the sign change property.
In section 2.6 of [vdH97], we have shown that
(non-standard) transseries intervals are always of the form ,
are in the
“compactification” of
In the sequel, we will only need to consider intervals
, with non-standard
) of the following
, with
, with
, with
and where
is a transmonomial.
, with
and where
is a transmonomial.
, with
Here and
designate formal infinitely small and large constants
. Similarly,
designate the infinitely small
and large constants
. We may interpret
as a
cut of the transline
into two pieces
. Notice that
For instance, contains all transseries which are
larger than
, like
, but not
Now instead of directly proving the intermediate value theorem, it is
more convenient to prove a generalization of it for non-standard
intervals. Before doing this, we first have to extend the notion of the
sign of to the end-points of non-standard
intervals. After that, we will be able to state the more general
intermediate value theorem and prove it using the Newton polygon method.
We will show that, given a cut of one of the
above types, the function
may be extended by
continuity into
from at least one direction:
If , then
is constant on
for some
If , then
is constant on
for some
If , then
is constant on
for some
If , then
is constant on
for some
If , then
is constant on
for some
(In the cases ,
and so on, one has to interchange left and right
continuity in the above list.) Modulo additive and multiplicative
conjugations, it suffices to deal with the cases when
. We may also assume
without loss of generality that we have made sufficiently many upward
shiftings, so that the coefficients of
purely exponential. The next two lemmas deal with the first two cases.
Lemma be a differential polynomial with coefficients in
. Then
has constant sign
for all sufficiently large
Proof. This follows from (6).
Lemma be a differential polynomial with coefficients in
. Then
has constant sign
for all sufficiently small
Proof. This is proved in a similar way as lemma 16.
In order to deal with the remaining three cases, we may assume without loss of generality that
![]() |
(16) |
with and
(by theorem 5 and modulo at most
shiftings). We will denote the multiplicity of
as a root of
Lemma with
the signs of
independent of
and given by
![]() |
(17) |
Proof. This follows from (16), (17) and the fact that
for some , because the
coefficients of
are pure exponential [vdH01].
Corollary is homogeneous of degree
![]() |
(18) |
for all with
Corollary be constants such that
. Then there exists a constant
Lemma with
the signs of
independent of
and given by
![]() |
(19) |
Proof. This is proved in a similar way as lemma 18.
Corollary is homogeneous of degree
![]() |
(20) |
for all with
Corollary be a constant such that
. Then there exists a constant
We can now state and sketch the proofs of the differential intermediate
value theorem for generalized intervals. In fact, we simultaneously
proved two theorems [vdH01]: the intermediate value theorem
itself and a variant “modulo ”.
Theorem and
be a transseries
resp. a transmonomial in
Assume that
changes sign on an open interval
of one of the following forms:
, for some
Then changes sign at some
Theorem and
be a transseries
resp. a transmonomial in
Assume that
changes sign on an open interval
of one of the following forms:
, for some
Then changes sign on
for some
Proof. Using symmetry considerations and splitting up
the interval in smaller parts, it is first shown that it suffices to
consider case (b). Then we may assume without loss of generality
that (modulo an additive conjugation of
) and
the theorem is proved by a triple induction over the order
, the Newton
of the asymptotic algebraic differential
![]() |
(21) |
and the maximal length of a shortest sequence of
refinements like in proposition 14. If
, it is not hard to improve proposition 12 so that it yields a solution where a sign change occurs. If
, the lemmas and their
corollaries from the previous section may be used in order to reduce the
together with
, so that we may conclude by induction.
In the introduction, we mentioned the question of finding out which
solutions of differential (or more general) equations may be modelled
adequately using transseries. We know for instance (although we still
have to write this down in detail) that the intermediate value theorem
also holds for algebraic differential-difference equations, where the
difference operators are post-compositions with transseries of exponentiality
(this means that
for all sufficiently large
; for instance,
have exponentiality
, but not
Of course, one has to allow well-ordered transseries in this case, but
the exponential and logarithmic depths remain bounded.
It would be interesting to know whether more general intermediate value
theorems would follow from similar theorems for surreal numbers. Indeed,
such theorems might be easier to prove for surreal numbers, because of
the concept of the simplest surreal number which satisfies a certain
property. In order to make this work, one would have to define a
canonical derivation and composition for the surreal numbers,
where plays the role of
. From an effective point of view, proofs using
surreal numbers would be less satisfying though. Also such proofs would
not provide us with a method for finding generic solutions to
differential equations in terms of integration constants.
Yet another interesting setting for proving intermediate value theorems
is model theory. The field of transseries satisfies some interesting
axioms involving the ordered field operations, differentiation and the
asymptotic relation . For
What differential Henselian property would be needed in order to prove intermediate value theorems in more general models of theories that contain axioms like the above one? Is it always possible to embed models of such theories into suitable generalizations of fields of transseries? We recently made some progress on this topic with Aschenbrenner and van den Dries.
Another interesting problem is to prove the analytic counterparts of the intermediate value theorem and its generalizations in Écalle's setting of analyzable functions. We are confident that there should not be any major problems here, although the details still need to be worked out.
So far, we have been working in the real setting, in absence of any oscillation. Another major problem is to generalize the theory to the complex setting. Some progress has been made in [vdH01] on this question: we showed how to construct fields of complex transseries on “non degenerate regions” and proved that any algebraic differential equation over such a field admits a solution. We also proved that linear differential equations admit a full system of solutions. In other words, the Picard-Vessiot extension of a field of complex transseries is isomorphic to the field itself. Unfortunately, the current fields of complex transseries are not differentially algebraically closed, since the only solutions to the elliptic equation
are the solutions to
The question of constructing a differentially algebraically closed field, which reflects the asymptotic behavior of solutions to algebraic differential equations, still remains open…
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