In this paper, we present a truncated version of the classical Fast Fourier Transform. When applied to polynomial multiplication, this algorithm has the nice property of eliminating the “jumps” in the complexity at powers of two. When applied to the multiplication of multivariate polynomials or truncated multivariate power series, we gain a logarithmic factor with respect to the best previously known algorithms.
Let be an effective ring of constants
(i.e. the usual arithmetic operations
can be carried out by algorithm). If
has a
-th root of unity
, then the product of
two polynomials
be computed in time
using the Fast Fourier
Transform or FFT [CT65]. If
does not admit a primitive
root of unity, then one needs an additional overhead of
in order to carry out the multiplication, by artificially adding new
root of unity [SS71, CK91].
Besides the fact that the asymptotic complexity of the
FFT involves a large constant factor, another
classical drawback is that the complexity function admits important
jumps at each power of two. These jumps can be reduced by using -th roots of unity for small
. They can also be smoothened by
- and
However, these tricks are not very elegant, cumbersome to implement, and
they do not allow to completely eliminate the jump problem.
In section 3, we present a new kind of “Truncated
Fourier Transform” or TFT, which allows for the
fast evaluation of a polynomial in any number
of well-chosen roots of unity. This algorithm
coincides with the usual FFT if
is a power of two, but it behaves smoothly for intermediate values. In
section 4, we also show that the inverse operation of
interpolation can be carried out with the same complexity (modulo a few
additional shifts).
The TFT permits to speed up the multiplication of
univariate polynomials with a constant factor between
. In the case of
multivariate polynomials, the repeated gain of such a constant factor
leads to the gain of a non-trivial asymptotic factor. More precisely,
assuming that
admits sufficiently
-th roots of unity, we will show in section 5 that the product of two multivariate polynomials
can be computed in time
The best previously known algorithm [CKL89], based on
sparse polynomial multiplication, has time complexity
In section 6 we finally give an algorithm for the
multiplication of truncated multivariate power series. This algorithm,
which has time complexity ,
again improves the best previously known algorithm [LS03]
by a factor of
. Moreover,
both in the cases of multivariate polynomials and power series, we
expect the corresponding constant factor to be better.
Let be an effective ring of constants,
-th root of unity
). The
discrete Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of an
(with respect to
) is the
In other words, , where
denotes the polynomial
The F.F.T can be computed efficiently using binary splitting: writing
we recursively compute the Fourier transforms of
Then we have
This algorithm requires multiplications with
powers of
(or subtractions).
In practice, it is most efficient to implement an in-place variant of
the above algorithm. We will denote by the
bitwise mirror of
at length
(for instance,
At step
, we start with the
At step , we set
![]() |
(1) |
for all and
. Using induction over
, it can easily be seen that
for all and
In particular,
for all . This algorithm of
“repeated crossings” is illustrated in figure 1.
![]() |
A classical application of the FFT is the
multiplication of polynomials and
. Assuming that
we first evaluate
using the FFT:
We next compute the evaluations of
. We finally
have to recover
from these values using the
inverse FFT. But the inverse FFT
with respect to
is nothing else as
times the direct FFT with respect to
. Indeed, for all
and all
, we
![]() |
(2) |
whenever . This yields a
multiplication algorithm of time complexity
, when assuming that
admits enough primitive
roots of unity. In the case that
does not, then
new roots of unity can be added artificially [SS71, CK91, vdH02] so as to yield an algorithm of time
The algorithm from the previous section has the disadvantage that needs to be a power of two. If we want to multiply
two polynomials
such that
, then we need to carry out the
FFT at precision
thereby losing a factor of
This factor can be reduced using several tricks. For instance, one may
decompose the
-product into
product, an
and an
-product. This is
efficient for small
, but not
very good if
. In the latter
case, one may also use an FFT at precision
, by using
-matrices at one step of the FFT
computation. However, all these tricks of the trade require a large
amount of hacking and one always continues to lose a non-trivial factor
The idea behind the Truncated Fourier Transform is to provide an efficient algorithm for the evaluation of polynomials in any number of distinct points. Moreover, the inverse operation of interpolation can be carried out with the same complexity (modulo a few additional shifts). This technique will eliminate the “jumps” in the complexity of FFT multiplication.
So let ,
) and let
be a primitive
root of unity. Given an
, we will evaluate the
corresponding polynomial
. We call
Truncated Fourier Transform (TFT) of
. Now consider the completion of
into an
. When using the in-place algorithm from the
previous section in order to compute
we claim that many of the computations of the
can actually be skipped (see figure 2). Indeed, at stage
, it suffices to compute the
. Besides
, we therefore compute at most
additional values. In total, we therefore compute at most
. This
proves the following result:
and let
be a primitive
-th root of unity in
Then the Truncated Fourier Transform of an
can be computed using at most
additions (or subtractions) and
multiplications with powers of
Remark admits a privileged primitive
-th root of unity
, such that
for all
. Then
the TFT
of an
does not depend on the choice of
We call
the TFT of
w.r.t. the privileged sequence
of roots of unity.
Remark , the algorithm naturally combines with
Schönhage-Strassen's algorithm when
is a
symbolically added root of unity.
Remark , then the
TFT of
can be computed using
ring operations using a similar algorithm as
above. More generally, this allows the rapid transformation of
“unions of segments”.
Inverting the Truncated Fourier Transform
Unfortunately, the inverse TFT cannot be
computed using a similar formula as (2). Indeed, starting
with the , we need to compute
an increasing number of
decreases. Therefore we will rather invert the algorithm which computes
the TFT, but with this difference that we will
sometimes need
order to compute
. We will
use the fact that whenever one value among
and one value among
are known in the cross
relation (1), then we can deduce the others from them using
one multiplication by a power of
and two
“shifted” additions or subtractions (i.e. the
results may have to be divided by
More precisely, let us denote and
at each stage
We use a recursive algorithm which takes the values
on input, and which computes
. If
then we have nothing to do. Otherwise, we distinguish two cases:
If , then we first
repeated crossings. We next deduce
for all
. Invoking our
algorithm recursively, we now obtain
We finally compute
If , then we first
Invoking our algorithm recursively, we next compute
. We finally deduce
for all
The two cases are illustrated in figures 3
resp. 4. Since ,
the application of our algorithm for
the inverse TFT. We notice that the values
are computed in decreasing
order (for
) and the values
in increasing
order. In other words, the algorithm may be designed in such a way to
remain in place. We have proved:
and let
be a primitive
-th root of unity in
Then the
can be recovered from its Truncated Fourier Transform
using at most
shifted additions (or subtractions) and
multiplications with powers of
Remark shifted additions, subtractions or multiplications by
powers of
, the algorithm
essentially computes inverse FFT-transforms of sizes
. Using (2),
it is therefore possible to replace all but
shifted additions and subtractions by normal additions and subtractions.
Let be a ring with a privileged sequence
of roots of unity (see remark 2). Given
a non-zero multivariate polynomial
in variables, we define the total
degree of
We let . Now let
be such that
In this section we present an algorithm to compute
, which has a good complexity in terms of the
of expected coefficients of .
When computing
using the classical
FFT with respect to each of the variables
, we need a time
which is much bigger than
in general. When using multiplication of sparse polynomials [CKL89],
we need a time
with a non-trivial constant
factor. Our algorithm is based on the TFT
w.r.t. all variables and we will show that it has a
Given with
the TFT of
with respect to
one variable
at order
defined by
where . We recall that the
result does not depend on the choice of
The TFT with respect to all variables
at order
is defined by
where (see figure 5). We have
Given with
we will use the formula
in order to compute the product .
In order to compute , say for
, we compute the
TFT of
for all
, then the TFT
is given by itself, so we have nothing to
do). One such computation takes a time
for some
universal constant
, by using
the TFT w.r.t.
with minimal
vary as a function of
, but
). The computation of
therefore takes a time
Dividing by , we obtain
If , then the summand rapidly
deceases when
, so that
Consequently, and even
for fixed
. If
, then for
, Stirling's formula yields
It follows that only the first terms in (3) contribute to the asymptotic behaviour of
, so that
Again, we find that . We have
be a ring with a privileged
of roots of unity. Let
be polynomials with
and let
. Then the product
can be computed using
operations in
Since power series have infinitely many terms, implementing an operation
on power series really corresponds to implementing the operation for
polynomial approximations at all degrees. As usual, multiplication is a
particularly important operation. Given with
we will show how to compute the truncated product
The first idea [LS03] is to use homogeneous coordinates instead of the usual ones:
This transformation takes no time since it corresponds to some
re-indexing. We next compute the TFTs and
We next compute the truncated products
of the obtained polynomials
. After transforming the
results of these multiplication back using
we obtain the truncated product of
The total computation time is bounded by .
Using the fact that
, we have
proved the following theorem:
be a ring with a privileged sequence
of roots of unity. Let
polynomials of degrees
and let
. Then the truncated product of
at degree
can be computed using
ring operations in
Remark have different growths in
, then it may be useful to consider
truncations along more general degrees of the form
The “slicing technique” from section 6.3.5 in [vdH02] may then be used in order to obtain complexity bounds of the same type.
Remark . A recent
technique [vdH03a] allows to reduce this overhead even
further and it would be interesting to study more precisely what happens
in the multivariate case.
The author would like to thank the first referee for his enthusiastic and helpful comments. This referee also implemented the algorithms from sections 3 and 4 and he reports a behaviour which is close to the expected one. In response to some other comments and suggestions, we conclude with the following remarks:
The results of the paper may be generalized to characteristic 2 and
general rings along similar lines as in [CK91]. The crucial remark is that, if
then, for all , we may
in terms of
by using only additions, subtractions, multiplications by
and divisions by
Theorem 1 in [CKL89] implies theorem 7
with replaced by
. The technique from [CKL89] is
actually more general: let
and assume that
we know
If and
are not
“extraordinarily sparse”, then
may be computed in time
It would be interesting to prove something similar in our context,
so as to examine to which extent we need the density hypothesis.
Using remark 4 in a recursive way, we expect that there
exists an algorithm of complexity
for a suitable definition of
The terminology of privileged sequences may seem to be an overkill.
Indeed, in practice, we rather need a sufficiently large root of
unity in order to carry out a given computation. Nevertheless, from
a theoretical point of view, this paper suggests that it may be
interesting to study “fractal FFT-transforms” of power
series with convergence radius with respect
to a privileged sequence
Two referees pointed us to the recent on-line paper [Ber]
which also contains the idea of evaluating in
powers of
in order to multiply polynomials
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