. This work has
been supported by the ANR-09-JCJC-0098-01
In this paper, we present several algorithms for certified homotopy continuation. One typical application is to compute the roots of a zero dimensional system of polynomial equations. We both present algorithms for the certification of single and multiple roots. We also present several ideas for improving the underlying numerical path tracking algorithms, especially in the case of multiple roots.
Disclaimer. This paper is a preliminary version,
which is mainly intended as a working program for an ongoing
implementation in the
Besides Gröbner basis computations, homotopy methods are a popular technique for solving systems of polynomial equations. In this paper, we will only consider zero dimensional systems. Given such a system
with and
the idea is to find a suitable starting system
of which all solutions are known, to introduce the homotopy
and to compute the solutions to by following the
solutions of
. Two main approaches exist:
In this setting, the polynomial equations have exact rational or
algebraic coefficients. The homotopy continuation is done exactly
using suitable resultants. At the end of the homotopy, the
solutions of the system are again given
exactly, as the solutions of simpler systems. The theory was
developed in [GHMP95, GHH+97, Lec01,
Dur08] and a concrete implementation is available in
An alternative approach is to follow the solution paths using a numeric path tracking algorithm; see [Mor87, Ver96, SW05] and references therein. This approach is usually faster, partly because most of the operations can be done at a significantly lower precision. However, the end result is only approximate. In particular, it cannot be used for the reliable resolution of overdetermined systems. Several implementations exist for numeric path tracking [Ver99, BHSW06, Ley09].
It is surprising that little effort has been undertaken so far in order
to bring both approaches closer together. Particularly interesting
challenges are how to make numeric homotopy as reliable as possible and
how to reconstruct exact end results from the numeric output. Part of
this situation might be due to the fact that interval analysis [Moo66,
AH83, Neu90, JKDW01, Kul08,
MKC09, Rum10] is not so well-known in the
communities where homotopy methods were developed, with the exception of
one early paper [Kea94]. The main objective paper is to
systematically exploit interval analysis techniques in the context of
homotopy continuation. We will show how to certify homotopy
continuations as well as single and multiple solutions of the polynomial
system .
Section 3 is devoted to preliminaries from the area of reliable computation. In section 3.1, we start by recalling the basic principles of ball arithmetic [Hoe09], which is a more suitable variant of interval arithmetic for our purposes. In section 3.2, we pursue by recalling the concept of a Taylor model [MB96, MB04], which is useful in order to compute with reliable enclosures of multivariate analytic functions on polydisks. We also introduce a variant of Taylors models in section 3.3, which simultaneously encloses an analytic function and a finite number of its derivatives. In sections 3.4 and 3.5, we discuss the well known problem of overestimation which is inherent to ball arithmetic. We will provide some techniques to analyze, quantify and reduce overestimation.
Before attacking the topic of certified path tracking, it is useful to
review the theory of numeric path tracking first. In section 4,
we start with the case of non singular paths, in which case we use a
classical predictor corrector approach based on Euler-Newton's method.
The goal of a numeric path tracker is to advance as fast as possible on
the solution path while minimizing the risk of errors. Clearly, the
working precision has to be sufficiently large in order to ensure that
function evaluations are reasonably accurate. In section 4.4,
we show how to find a suitable working precision using ball arithmetic.
We consider this approach to be simpler, more robust and more general
than the one proposed in [BSHW08]. In order to reduce the
risk of jumping from one path to another path, we also need a criterion
for checking whether our numeric approximations stay reasonably close to
the true solution path. A numerically robust way to do this is to ensure
that the Jacobian of does not change to rapidly
during each step; see section 4.5 and [BSHW08]
for a related approach. Another technique is to detect near collisions
of paths and undertake special action in this case; see section 4.6.
In section 5, we turn our attention to homotopies (3)
such that the end system (1) admits multiple solutions. We
will see that Euler-Newton iterations only admit a linear convergence
near multiple solutions. Therefore, it is useful to search for
alternative iterations which admit a better convergence. Now the
solution path near a multiple solution is given by a convergent Puiseux
series in . When letting
turn around the origin, we thus fall on another
solution path. The collection of paths which are obtained through
repeated rotations of this kind is called a herd. In sections 5.2
and 5.3, we will describe a new path tracking method with
quadratic convergence, which operates simultaneously on all paths in a
herd. The remaining issue of how to detect clusters and herds will be
described in sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6.
In section 6, we turn our attention to the certification of single roots of (1) and single steps of a path tracker. An efficient and robust method for the certification of solutions to systems of non linear equations is Krawczyk's method [Kra69], with several improvements by Rump [Rum80]. In section 6.1, we adapt this classical method to the setting of ball arithmetic. In section 6.2, we will see that an easy generalization of this method provides an algorithm for certified path tracking. An alternative such algorithm was given in [Kea94], but the present algorithm presents similar advantages as Krawczyk's method with respect to other methods for the certification of solutions to systems of non linear equations. However, both methods still suffer from overestimation due to the fact that error bounds are computed on a polydisk which contains the solution path. Using the technique of Taylor models, we will show in section 6.3 that it possible to compute the error bounds in small tubes around the actual solution path, thereby reducing the problem of overestimation.
In section 7, we first consider the more difficult problem of certifying multiple roots in the univariate case. We will describe two methods based on Rouché's theorem and a third method which rather aims at certifying a local factorization. The last method also serves as an important ingredient for making the Weierstrass preparation theorem effective in an analytic context.
Before we turn our attention to the certification of multiple roots in the multivariate case, it will be convenient to have a general toolbox for effective complex analysis in several variables. In sections 8.1 and 8.2, we first propose two ways how to formalize “computable analytic functions” We next propose several basic algorithms for computations with such functions.
In section 9, we consider the more difficult problem of certifying multiple roots in the multivariate setting. Several algorithms have been proposed for this problem [OWM83, Lec02, GLSY05, GLSY07, LVZ06, LVZ08, RG10, MM11]. However, most existing strategies require the computation of a large number of derivatives of the system, which becomes prohibitive for large clusters of solutions. In the simplest case when the Jacobian matrix of the polynomial system has corank at most one at the singularity, our solution is based on the simultaneous consideration of all solution paths in a herd. The general case will essentially be reduced to this case using analytic elimination techniques which are similar to the geometric resolution method of polynomial systems [GHMP95, GHH+97, Dur08]. In section 9.8, we will also outline a bridge between numeric and algebraic solutions which provides an alternative way to certify solutions.
In section 10, we study generalizations to the resolution of systems of analytic equations in a given polydisk. In section 10.2, we first consider a system of analytic equations as a perturbation of a system of polynomial equations. If, for each of the solutions to the system of polynomial equations, we can control the speed with which the solution moves under perturbations, then we can solve the perturbed system. Unfortunately, this forces us to keep track of solutions which are far away from the region of interest. In section 10.3, we present an alternative strategy based on incremental resolution, as in [GHMP95, GHH+97, Dur08]. Although this strategy also may require to work outside the region of interest, it does stay closer.
This norm should not be confused with taking componentwise absolute values
For we also define
If are formal variables, then we write
is a typical dag for the expression .
We will denote by
the size of a dag
. For instance, the size of the above dag is
Let us briefly recall the principles behind ball arithmetic. Given a
normed vector space , we will
denote by
the set of
closed balls with centers in
and radii in
. Given such a ball
, we will denote its center by
and its radius by
Conversely, given
, we will denote by
closed ball with center
and radius
A continuous operation is said to lift
into an operation
on balls, which is usually
also denoted by
, if the
inclusion property
is satisfied for any and
. We also say that
is an
enclosure for the set
whenever (5) holds. For instance, if
is a Banach algebra, then we may take
Similar formulas can be given for division and elementary functions.
Certified upper and lower bounds for will be
denoted by
It is convenient to extend the notion of a ball to more general radius
types, which only carry a partial ordering. This allows us for instance
to regard a vector of balls as a
“vectorial ball” with center
. If
, then we write
if and
only if
for all
A similar remark holds for matrices and power series with ball
In concrete machine computations, numbers are usually approximated by
floating point numbers with a finite precision. Let
be the set of floating point numbers at a given working precision, which
we will assume fixed. It is customary to include the infinities
as well. The IEEE754
standard [ANS08] specifies how to perform basic arithmetic
with floating point numbers in a predictable way, by specifying a
rounding mode
among “down”,
“up” and “nearest”. A multiple precision
implementation of this standard is available in the
, we will denote by
approximation using floating pointing arithmetic with rounding mode
. This notation extends to
the case when
replaced by their complexifications
Let and
. We will
denote by
the set of
closed balls in
with centers in
and radii in
. In this case,
we will also allow for balls with an infinite radius. A continuous
is again said to lift to an
on balls if (5) holds for
The formulas for the ring operations may now be adapted to
where ,
are reliable bounds for the rounding errors
induced by the corresponding floating point operations on the centers;
see [Hoe09] for more details.
In order to ease the remainder of our exposition, we will avoid
technicalities related to rounding problems, and compute with
“idealized” balls with centers in
and radii in
. For those who
are familiar with rounding errors, it should not be difficult though to
adapt our results to more realistic machine computations.
Remark are sometimes required to satisfy the inclusion
monotonicity property
for all , which clearly
implies the usual inclusion property (5). For floating
intervals, it is easy to ensure this stronger property using correct
rounding. In the ball setting, the exact ring operations in
are clearly inclusion
monotonic, but it seems cumbersome to preserve this stronger property
for floating balls. For this reason, we systematically develop our
theory without assuming inclusion monotonicity.
If we are computing with analytic functions on a disk, or multivariate
analytic functions on a polydisk, then Taylor models [MB96,
MB04] provide a suitable functional analogue for ball
arithmetic. We will use a multivariate setup with
as our coordinates and a polydisk
for a fixed
. Taylor models come in
different blends, depending on whether we use a global error bound on
or individual bounds for the coefficients of the
polynomial approximation. Individual bounds are sharper (especially if
we truncate up to an small order such that the remainder is not that
small), but more expensive to compute. Our general setup covers all
possible blends of Taylor models.
We first need some more definitions and notations. Assume that is given the natural partial ordering. Let
denote the
canonical basis vector of
so that
. For every
, recall that
A subset
is called an initial segment,
if for any
, we have
. In that case, we write
. In what follows, we
assume that
fixed initial segments of
. For instance, we may take
Let or
Given a series
, we will
for its support. Given a subset
and a subset
we write
is analytic on
then we denote its sup-norm by
A Taylor model is a tuple ,
are as above,
. We will write
for the set of such Taylor models. Given
, we will also denote
Given an analytic function
, we write
if there exists a decomposition
with and
for all
. In particular, if
, then
for any . Given two Taylor
, we will say that
is included in
, and we write
for any
. This
holds in particular if
for all
, in which case we say that
is strongly included in
and write
. We finally define
so that for all
Addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication are defined in a natural
way on Taylor models. For multiplication, we need a projection with
for all
One way to construct such a mapping is as follows. For
, we must take
, let
be largest such that
. Then
we recursively define
. Given
, we now define their product
Using the observation that ,
this product satisfies the inclusion property that
for any analytic functions
For some applications, it is convenient to use Taylor models for
enclosing both an analytic function and a certain number of its
derivatives. Let us show how to incorporate this in our formalism.
Throughout this section, we assume that and that
is an initial segment with
Given a Taylor model and
, we notice that
can be
regarded as a Taylor model in
. Let
be an analytic
function and
. We define the
Clearly, for all
Let be an operation. Then
is said to
-lift to
, if for all
and all
, we have
. Addition, subtraction and scalar
-lift in the
usual way. As to multiplication, we take
In order to see that satisfies the
-inclusion property, it suffices to check that
for all . This is clear if
. Otherwise,
For any with
there exists a
. Hence,
In the particularly useful case when ,
we notice that
for all
for all
The major problem in the area of ball arithmetic is overestimation. For
example, even though the expression evaluates to
zero for any
, its evaluation
at any ball in
with a non zero radius is not
identically equal to zero. For instance,
Algorithms which rely on ball arithmetic have to be designed with care in order to avoid this kind of overly pessimistic error bounds. In particular, if we evaluate a dag using ball arithmetic, then a symbolically equivalent dag might lead to better error bounds.
Consider a continuous function with
as in section 3.1. We recall that
is said to lift into an operation
if the inclusion property
is satisfied for all and
. Clearly, such a lift is not unique: for any
for all
, the function
is also
a lift of
. If we require
, then the best possible
lift is given by
In general, this lift may be expensive to compute. Nevertheless, its
existence suggest the following definition of the quality of a lift. The
overestimation of
is defined by
![]() |
This quantity is easier to study if we let tend
to zero. Accordingly, we also define the pointwise
overestimation function
![]() |
Here means that
If is computed by evaluating a dag
, then it would be nice to have explicit
formulas for the pointwise overestimation. For
and assuming that the lift
is evaluated using
the default ball implementations of
from section 3.1 , we claim that there
exists a dag
for . Indeed, we may compute
using the rules
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(c∈𝕂) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(k∈{1,…,r}) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
where stands for the
-th coordinate function. Now we also have
for . Consequently,
If , then this formula
simplifies to
Example , let us compare the dags
We have
The example shows that we have an infinite amount of overestimation near
double zeros, except if the dag is explicitly given as a square near the
double zero. More generally, for the dag with an
-fold zero, we obtain
At a distance of the zero, ball arithmetic thus
produces bounds which are
times too pessimistic.
for all polynomial dags and balls
. This inequality seems to hold in all easy
cases that we have looked at, but we do not have a proof that it holds
in general.
The example 2 shows that standard ball arithmetic generally produces an infinite amount of overestimation near double or multiple zeros. This raises the problem how to compute better ball lifts which do not present this drawback.
One possible remedy is to systematically compute the ball lifts using
Taylor models. Indeed, assume that we want to evaluate
at the ball
. Let
be as in section 3.2 and let
be the corresponding domain of Taylor models in
. Let
consider the Taylor model evaluation of
yields an enclosure of .
Although the evaluation of
is usually far more
expensive than the evaluation of
let us now study how much the overestimation has been reduced.
Let and let us introduce the operator
, which generalizes the mapping
. The operator is defined by
induction over the size of
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(c∈𝕂) |
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(k∈{1,…,r}) |
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![]() |
For as above, we then have
Now assume that and let
be the valuation of
. If
then we have
If , then we still have (8), but (9) and (10) become
If , then we generally have
although may occur in lucky cases.
Let be an open subset of
an analytic function. We consider
as a function
and the time
, where
and also call
a homotopy. Assuming that
for some
and that we are
not in a “degenerate” case, there exists a unique analytic
for all
. We are interested in the
value of
More generally, given a vector
of vectors, there
exists a unique function
for all
The goal of a numeric path tracker is to approximate the function as well and as quickly possible and, above all, to
compute its value
at the “end point”
. In what follows, we will
denote by
the set of floating point numbers with
bit mantissas. We also define
and assume that we
have a program for computing a numeric approximation
. Given
, we thus want to
by following the homotopy.
In many cases, we will be interested in homotopies for solving a system
![]() |
(11) |
of polynomial equations. The number of solutions
to a generic system of this kind is given by the Bezout number
, where
the total degree of
for each
. For suitable scaling parameters
, we now define
For any , the point
clearly satisfies , whereas
If the system (11) is zero dimensional and the values are complex and sufficiently random (we also say that
the homotopy is in general position), then the system
is also zero dimensional for every
In what follows we will always assume that the homotopy has been chosen
in such a way.
One classical difficulty with homotopy methods for solving a polynomial
system (11) is that many of the solution paths may tend to infinity in the sense that
for some
Computations which infinities can be avoided by rewriting the equations
in projective coordinates. More precisely, setting
, the projectivation
a polynomial
is defined by
Applying this to the system (11), we obtain a new system
![]() |
(12) |
of homogeneous equations in .
For a random hyperplane
the composite system (12–13) is again zero dimensional, but without solutions at infinity. It is easy to reconstruct solutions to (11) from solutions to (12–13) and vice versa.
Assume that we have a way to approximate the Jacobian
For instance, if
is given by a dag, then a dag
can be computed using forward
differentiation, and
just corresponds to the
approximated evaluation of this dag.
Assume that we are given and
at a certain point where
. We
may write
as the horizontal join of two matrices
close to
we may find a
for which
using Euler-Newton's method
The replacement is called a prediction
step. We may still apply the formula when
in which case
is usually a better approximation
to a genuine zero of
In this situation, the replacement
is called a
correction step.
From the computational point of view, the evaluation of the Jacobian
is usually about
more expensive than the evaluation of the function
itself (except for large
and sparse
). Instead of reevaluating the Jacobian after
the prediction step at
, it
may therefore be worth it to perform a few correction steps using the
Jacobian at
Since the convergence of is only linear, the
is typically chosen quite small (
). One full prediction-correction
cyclus now just consists of the replacement
From the complexity point of view, the evaluation of
is usually far more expensive than the cost
of linear algebra at size
, at least for the examples we will be interested in
here. Therefore, it will not be necessary to device the linear algebra
algorithms with special care (for instance, we may simply compute the
once and for all, instead of using LU
decompositions). On the other hand, we typically want to increase the
step size
as much as possible, while trying to
stay reasonably close to the true solution path.
One obvious source of numeric errors is when the numeric precision being used is insufficient for producing sensible results. In [BSHW08], a strategy has been proposed for selecting a sufficient precision for homotopy methods to be numerically reliable. We will now propose an alternative method for finding such a precision, whose justification is based on a simpler argument.
Let be the current working precision. Our method
is based on the following idea: when evaluating
, the actual precision
the result is usually smaller than
and of the
for some fixed constant. We will call
the effective precision and we may expect
the numeric evaluations to be reliable as long as
is picked sufficiently large such that
above a certain threshold
We still need a more precise definition of the effective precision or a
simple way to compute it. Assuming that admits a
ball lift, we may evaluate
at the ball
. Then
provides an estimate for the relative precision of . If
then this precision is potentially quite low. In that case, we may also
at the next time
. Instead of performing one extra ball evaluation,
we may also use the following approximation of
We now take
for the current effective precision at and
assuming a current step size
Since purely numeric homotopy methods are usually being designed for speed, the main focus is not on being 100% fool proof. Nevertheless, it remains worth it to search for cheap ways in order to detect errors and adapt the stepsize so as to avoid potential errors.
Now assume that we perform one full prediction correction cyclus . We first need a criterion for
when to accept such a step. The main problem with the design of numeric
criteria is there is no way to decide whether a numeric quantity is
small or large; such checks can only be performed with respect to other
quantities. Instead of checking whether we remain close to the genuine
solution path, it is therefore more robust to check that the Jacobian
does not change not change to quickly on the
More precisely, let ,
. Then it is natural to only accept
steps for which
for a fixed threshold (e.g.
). Here we may use any matrix norm
, so it is most convenient to
chose one which is easy to compute:
The condition (14) is not fully satisfactory yet, since it
relies on the expensive computation of a Jacobian . This is acceptable if the step has a good chance
of being accepted (since we will need the Jacobian anyway for the next
step), but annoying if the step is to be rejected. Before checking (14), it is therefore wise to perform a few cheaper checks in
order to increase the probability that (14) will hold
indeed. In particular, if
then we may verify that
for the max-norm on vectors, where
) and
. This simplified check is
linked to (14) by remarking that
. The new check (15) should not be
applied when
are too
close for
to be
computed with sufficient precision. More precisely, it should really be
replaced by the check
where is slightly smaller than one
) and
stands for the “effective working
precision” from section 4.4.
In addition to the above checks, one might wish to ensure that is reasonably small after each step. Unfortunately, there
is no satisfactory reference with respect which smallness can be
checked, except for
. The
best we can do therefore consists of checking whether
tend to
at some indicated rate:
for all , where
Again, we need to insert a safety exemption for the case when the
convergence is exceptionally good.
Once that we have a criterion on whether a step
should be accepted, an algorithm for automatic stepsize control is
easily implemented: assuming that we are walking from
, we start by setting
. Given
, we try a step
. If the
step fails, then we set
), and
retry for the smaller stepsize. Otherwise, we accept the step
and set
for the next step, where
Another way to look at the numerical error problem is to investigate
what can actually go wrong. Theoretically speaking, around each true
solution path , there exists
a small tube
of variable polyradius
, where Newton's method converges to the true
. As long as our
current approximation
at time
remains in this tube
, no
errors will occur. Now the Newton iterations have a strong tendency of
projecting back into the tubes, especially if we use the additional
safeguard (17). Nevertheless, it might happen that we jump
from one tube into another tube, whenever two solution paths come close
If we are considering a homotopy for solving a polynomial system , then various solution paths will
actually meet at
if the system admits multiple
roots. Such multiple roots are an intrinsic difficulty and we will need
dedicated “end game” strategies to ensure good numeric
convergence in this case (see section 5 below).
For , and for suitably
prepared functions
, the
Lebesgue probability that two solutions paths meet at a point is zero.
Nevertheless, we may have near collisions, which usually occur in pairs:
the probability that more than two paths simultaneously pass close to a
same point is extremely low.
So assume that we have a near collision of two solution paths. Then we
have a true collision at for some complex time
near the real axis. Locally around this
collision point, the two paths are then given by
for some vector . If we only
at a few points, then we may try to compute
, and also check whether the
second path
indeed exists.
Now assume that we have approximated and
at two times
. Denote these approximations by
for , whence we may use the
following approximations for
We next perform several safety checks. First of all, we obtained as the division of two vectors; we may use the mean
value of the componentwise divisions and check that the variance remain
small. We next verify that
are reasonably close. We also verify that the Newton iteration starting
converges to a solution close to
. We finally verify that the same thing holds
instead of
We will not go into technical details on the precise numerical checks
here, since section 5.3 below contains a similar discussion
for the case of multiple roots at .
We may also adapt the herd iteration from section 5.2 below
to near collisions, which allows for the simultaneous continuation of
Contrary to the case when
we also need to recompute better estimations of
at every step, which can be done via the simultaneous
computation of
and the two
“conjugate” paths
. Indeed, using the higher order expansion
we get
from which we may deduce high quality approximations of
. As soon as
is small with respect to
then the junction between paths and their conjugates occurs and we know
how to traverse the near collision.
Consider a homotopy induced by a polynomial system (11)
with a zero dimensional set of solutions. It frequently occurs that some
of the solutions are multiple roots, in which case the predictor
corrector algorithm slows down significantly when
. This is due to
the fact that Newton's method only has a linear convergence if we are
approaching a multiple root, whereas the convergence is quadratic for
single roots.
In order to get a better understanding of this phenomenon, it is
instructive to quantify the slow down in the case of an -fold root of a univariate polynomial
, which is more or less
representative for the general case. In the neighbourhood of the root
, we have
with . Hence, the Newton
iteration becomes
In particular, we see that we need roughly
iterations in order to divide
. We also notice that
is roughly divided by
at every iteration. For
complexity measures, it is more reasonable to study the speed of
convergence of
rather than
itself. Indeed, the relative precision of an
-fold root is intrinsically
times smaller than the working precision.
If we are rather considering a homotopy ,
then we usually have
Locally, we may thus write
Assume that we have for small
, so that
Then the Euler-Newton iteration for step size
Following our criterion (14), we should have
Roughly speaking, this means that .
is multiplied by
at every step and
is multiplied by
For high precision computations, it would be nice to have an algorithm
with quadratic convergence in .
Before we give such an algorithm, let us first introduce some
terminology and study the behaviour of the solutions paths when
By assumption, we are given a system (11) with an -fold root
. Consider a solution path
for the homotopy with
. Since
is algebraic in
we may expand
as a Puiseux series in for a certain
ramification index
(which we assume to be taken
minimal). Now letting
turn around
once, we have
where . When turning
repeatedly, we thus obtain
pairwise distinct
solutions paths
. We will call such a family of solution paths a
Contrary to the homotopy methods from section 4, which
operate on individual paths, the iteration that we will present now
simultaneously operates on all paths in a herd. Consider a solution path
as above and the
corresponding herd
. We assume that both
are known for a given
and all
. Let
denote the FFT-transforms of
the vectors
respect to
. Then we have
for all . We now compute
using the formulas
For of the order of
, we now have
for all . We call (18)
the herd prediction. This prediction may be corrected using
conventional Newton iterations at time
, for a fixed constant
. A complete cyclus of this type will be called
a herd iteration.
Several technical details need to be settled in order to obtain a robust
implementation of herd iterations. First of all, we need a numeric
criterion for deciding when the approximations
are of a sufficient quality for starting our
herd iteration. Clearly, the error of the approximation should be in
We may first ensure ourselves that the approximation can not
substantially be improved using Newton iterations: let
be the result of applying one Newton iteration to
at time
. Then we check
for some threshold , such as
(although this check becomes unstable if
, we notice that this situation
cannot arise systematically for
The check (19) for does not yet
guarantee that the
correspond to approximate
evaluations of the Puiseux expansions. In order to check that this is
indeed the case, we first compute the
described in the previous section. Defining
we next evaluate for all
and apply one Newton iteration at time
to the
results, yielding
. We now
check whether
for some threshold , such as
, and all
. Of course, this second check is more
expensive than the first check (19). The thresholds should
therefore be adjusted in such a way that the second check is likely to
succeed whenever the first one does.
The above criteria can also be used for deciding whether a proposed herd
iteration from to
be accepted or not. We still have to decide how to chose
. For a fixed constant
and a positive integer
which may change at every
step, we will take
If a step is accepted, then we increase by one
or a larger integer smaller than
If a step is not accepted, then we decrease
one and repeat the same procedure until acceptance or
. If
then we have either reached the best possible accuracy for the current
working precision, or our
paths did not really
converge to the same point
The first case occurs whenever the effective precision from section 4.4 drops below a given threshold. In the latter case, we
revert to individual homotopies for further continuation.
Let us now go back to the initial polynomial system (11)
and assume that we have computed numerical approximations of all individual homotopies
up till
a certain time
. We need a
way to partition the individual paths into herds. One obvious way is to
follow all solution paths from
and deduce the corresponding permutation of
. However, this computation is quite expensive,
so it would be nice to have something faster.
A first step towards the detection of herds is to find all clusters,
i.e. all groups of paths which tend to the same limit . Here we notice that one cluster
may contain several herds, as in the example
where all four solution paths with
tend to the quadruple root
. This cluster contains two
Now let and
for all
. For each
, we consider the ball
The radii of these balls has been chosen with care, such that, with high
probability, any two paths which belong to the same herd are also in the
same connected component of .
This is best verified on the case of path
Then the next path in the cluster is
An efficient way to separate different connected components of is via projection. Let
be a random
vector of real numbers of length
Then any point
may be projected to the vector
. Applying this
projection to our balls
, we
obtain intervals
. We may
sort the
(and the corresponding
) on their centers in time
and compute the various connected components of
using a linear pass. Whenever
are in different connected components, then so are
Assuming that
is sufficiently small, application
of this procedure for
random vectors
results with probability one in the separation of all
connected components corresponding to different clusters.
Let be a set of indices such that the
form a cluster with limit
. We still need a way to find
the various herds inside the cluster. In a similar way as in section 5.3, we may improve the quality of our approximations
via Newton
iteration until
. From now on, we assume that we have done this.
For each and
we may write
for some and
We obtain a good approximation
If is not too large (so that
has a small numerator and denominator), then we also obtain reasonably
accurate approximations
and check whether
is indeed close to some with
. Doing this for all
, we thus obtain a candidate permutation
for all
. Each cycle in this permutation induces a
candidate herd. Using the criteria from 5.3, we may next
check whether the quality of the candidate herd is sufficient. If not,
then we may always resort to the more expensive computation of the
solution path from
Our algorithms for the previous sections for cluster and herd detection
rely on the availability of approximations on
all paths at the same time
Usually the individual homotopies are launched in parallel and advance
at different speeds. Consequently, the synchronization of all paths at
the same time
is a non trivial matter.
Strictly speaking, we notice that it is not necessary to synchronize all paths, but rather those paths which belong to the same cluster or herd. In particular, we will concentrate on those paths which tend to multiple roots.
So consider a path which tends to a multiple
. As long as
is approximated using an individual continuation, we have
seen that the convergence to
is linear. For a
(such as
the computation of
at all
thus only requires a
constant overhead. At every checkpoint, we may now launch the algorithm
for the detection of clusters. For every candidate cluster
, we next determine the checkpoint
with highest
at which
is available for all
We launch our algorithm for the detection of herds at this checkpoint
In addition, it is a good practice to check that we still have points on
all paths at every checkpoint. For paths
which tend to a single root, we may approximate
for large
using a single step
continuation from
. For the approximation of
using (21), we notice that it important that no paths of
the cluster are missing or counted twice. Indeed, in the contrary case,
we only have
, which is insufficient
for the computation of accurate approximations of
Consider an analytic function on some open
and assume
admits a ball lift. Given an isolated root
it is well known that Newton's method converges to
in a small neighbourhood of
It is a natural question to explicitly compute a ball neighbourhood for
which this is the case (where we notice that a “ball” in
is really a compact polydisk). One method which
is both efficient and quite tight was proposed by Krawczyk [Kra69].
Recall that
denotes the Jacobian of
and let
be an analytic function.
be a ball enclosure of the set
. If
then admits a fixed point
Proof. For any ,
we have
Since is convex, we also have
It follows that is an analytic function from the
compact ball
into itself. By Brouwer's fixed
point theorem, we conclude that there exists a
Proof. We apply the theorem for .
The above method is still a bit unsatisfactory in the sense that it does
not guarantee the uniqueness of the solution. Denoting by the interior of a subset
, the following sharpening of the
method is due to Rump [Rum80].
Proof. Let us first show that the spectral norm
(i.e. the norm of the largest eigenvalue) of any is
. Indeed,
our assumption implies
Now consider the norm on
. Then, for any
, we
whence . This is only
possible if the spectral norm of
Now consider . By what
precedes, any matrix
is invertible. For any two distinct points
we have
Since is convex, there exists a matrix
By what precedes, it follows that .
We conclude that
. The existence of a fixed point follows from
theorem 4.
Proof. Application of theorem 6 for
Assuming that we have computed a numeric approximation
to a root
a second question is how to find a suitable ball
for which the corollaries apply. Starting with
, a simple solution is consider the sequence defined
Whenever , then we are done.
In order to ensure the convergence of this method, we need to tweak the
recurrence (22) and replace it by
for suitable small positive constants and
. We refer to [Rum80]
for more details on this technique, which is called
Assume that the polynomial system (11) admits only simple
roots and that we have obtained numeric approximations
for all these roots using a numeric path tracker. Then theorem 5
suffices for the joint certification of the numeric approximations
. Indeed, using the above
technique, we first compute balls
for which
theorem 5 applies. To conclude, it then suffices to check
that these balls are pairwise disjoint. This can be done using the same
algorithm as for the detection of clusters, which was described in
section 5.4.
In the case when two balls and
do intersect, then we recompute approximations for the paths
using a smaller step size,
that is, by lowering the constant
in (14).
We keep doing so until none of the balls
intersect; even if some of the paths
may have been permuted due to numerical errors, the final set
of all
is correct if none of the balls
intersect. Indeed, each of the balls contains a solution and there can
be no more solutions than the number predicted by the Bezout bound.
If and
intersect then,
instead of recomputing the paths
using smaller and smaller step sizes, we may also search
for a way to certify the entire homotopy computations. This will be the
topic of the remainder of this section. Let us first show how to adapt
the theory from the previous section to certified path tracking. From
now on, we assume that
is an analytic function
which admits a ball lift.
be such that
. Let
and let
be an invertible matrix with
. If
then the equation admits a unique root
for each
Proof. Let and consider
the function
. Then
, and we conclude by
theorem 6.
Clearly, for any , theorem 8 ensures the existence of a unique solution path from
in the tube
. As at the end of the previous section, the
question again arises how to compute balls
for which the conditions of the theorem are
likely to be satisfied. Since the computation of
is expensive, it is important to keep down the number of iterations of
the type (22) or (23) as much as possible (say
at most one iteration).
Now assume that we performed a numeric homotopy computation from to
. Then
a reasonable first guess is to take
for some , say
. Unfortunately, if one of the components of
tends to zero, then this guess turns out to be
inadequate. Therefore, it is recommended to use an additional inflation
proportional to the norm of
for some small , say
. Another idea is to use the radius
of the previous step as a reference (except for the very first step, of
course). For instance, if our previous step went from
, then we may take
for some small , say
One important disadvantage of the method from the previous section for
the certification of one path tracking step is that we use global error
bounds on the tube .
Consequently, the inaccuracy
is proportional to the step size
whence any overestimation in the evaluation of
due to the inaccuracy in
requires a reduction of the step size.
For this reason, it is much better to follow the solution path as
closely as possible instead of enclosing it in a “square
tube”. This can be achieved via the use of Taylor models.
Using -stable Taylor models,
it is possible to simultaneously compute of accurate enclosures for
on the tube.
More precisely, let ,
. For
a fixed
be an initial segment of
of the form
and let . A
-stable Taylor model in
will also be called a tubular model. We will write
for the set of tubular models. Given
, we let
be such that
for all .
be an approximation of the solution to
. For instance, if
then we may take
, with
Let ,
then the equation admits a unique solution
, for every
Proof. For an illustration of the proof, see
figure 1. Let and
. By construction, and using the facts that
we have
for any and
For a fixed
, it follows that
on the disk
. Our hypothesis (24)
also implies that
From theorem 6, we conclude that
admits a unique fixed point
In order to apply the theorem, it remains to be shown how to find a good
tube, i.e. how to choose ,
. For a fixed order
of the
approximation, the idea is to adjust
such that
can be chosen
Let us first consider the first order case .
Assume that we performed a numeric path continuation from
and that both
are approximatively known. Then there exists
a unique curve
of degree three with
be a linear curve which minimizes the
for every
Then we take
. We may also take
some fixed
such as
However, for better performance it is recommended to apply an additional
inflation to
, similar to
what we did in the previous section.
For higher orders , we
proceed in an essentially similar way. We first compute a high order
numeric polynomial approximation
. For orders
this may require the accurate approximation of additional points
on the solution path. We
next find a
-th order
which approximates
as good as possible and choose our tube in a similar way as above. It
should be noticed that the evaluation
in theorem
9 is at least thrice as expensive as the numeric evaluation
. This makes it worth it
to improve the quality of the numeric approximations of points
on the curve using one or more additional Newton
iterations. The use of higher order approximations makes it possible to
very small, thereby avoiding a great deal
of the overestimation due to the use of ball arithmetic.
We insist once more on the importance of performing all certifications as late as possible rather than along with the numeric computations themselves. One should regard the numeric computation (the spearhead) as an educated guess of what is happening and the certification as an independent problem at a second stage. In particular, only the numeric results which interests us (i.e. the solutions of the polynomial system) need to be certified and not the way we obtained them (i.e. the homotopies).
Even in the case when we are interested in certifying the homotopies themselves, it is best to do so once the numeric computations have already been completed. This allows for instance for more parallelism in the computations. Indeed, we may cut the entire homotopy path in several pieces and certify these pieces in parallel. More numeric data may also be available once all numeric computations have been completed, which might be useful for guiding and accelerating the certification stage.
Similar remarks apply more generally for certified integration of dynamical systems. In that setting, one is often interested in the flow in the neighbourhood of some initial condition. The sequential part of such a computation resides in the numeric integration for a particular initial condition. Once the corresponding numeric trajectory is known numerically, we may again cut it in pieces which and compute the corresponding flows and certifications in parallel. Whenever the dependence on the initial conditions is very strong, the actual numeric integration should be done using accurate high order Taylor methods using a multiple working precision.
In section 5.1, we have studied in detail the numeric
determination of a multiple root of a univariate polynomial. It is
instructive to take up this study and examine how we certify such
multiple roots. Since the property of being an -fold root is lost under small perturbations, this
is actually impossible using ball arithmetic. The best we can hope for
is to certify the existence of
roots in a small
ball, or the existence of an
root of a small perturbation of the polynomial (see also [Rum10]).
So consider a polynomial with an approximate
-fold root at
and assume that we wish to certify that
admits exactly
roots in the ball
, for some
One first strategy is to make use of the Taylor series expansion of
. More
precisely, let
be the set of univariate Taylor
models in
for some
we obtain a Taylor model
with the property that
for any
It remains to be shown that any
roots in
. We
claim that this is the case if
Indeed, assume that we have (25) and let . Then
for all with
By Rouché's theorem [Lan76, page 158], it follows
admit the same
number of roots on
. If
becomes large, or if
other roots close to
, then
the bound (25) often does not hold. In that case, one may
use more sophisticated techniques from [Sch82, Hoe11]
in order to certify that
roots in
. From the
complexity point of view, the series expansion method requires
evaluations of
denotes the cost of multiplying two
polynomials of degrees
Another approach is to apply Rouché's theorem in a more direct
way by computing on a path
starting at
and which circles around the origin
once. If the reliable image
of this path avoids
the origin, then the number of roots of
coincides with the number of times that
around the origin. More precisely, let
for a
(see also below) and let
. Then we
and check whether
for all
. If this is the
case, then
yields the exact number of roots of inside
. This method requires
evaluations of
needs to be sufficiently large if we want to
ensure a reasonable chance of success for the method.
Let us investigate the choice of an appropriate
in more detail on the simplest example when
Consider the evaluation of at
. We have
For small , the condition
thus implies
Roughly speaking, for , this
means that
We recall from example 2 that also
corresponds to the punctual overestimation of the ball evaluation of
If we want to reduce
to a quantity which does
not depend on
, then it
follows from the considerations in section 3.5 that we need
to evaluate
using Taylor models of order at
. However, in that
case, we might just as well use the first method based on a direct
series expansion of
Whenever a polynomial admits
in a disk, then the polynomial
is a monic factor of
Instead of trying to determine and certify the roots
individually, another idea is to determine and certify this monic factor
Assuming that admits no other roots near
, we will show in this section that
forms an isolated zero of
, when regarding this equation as a system of
. On one hand, this
approach has the advantage that we may apply Corollary 7 in
order to certify the factorization. On the other hand, we may use fast
polynomial arithmetic for the actual evaluation of
be roots of a polynomial
of multiplicities
. Then
is an isolated zero of the system
when considered as a system of
Proof. Given the euclidean division of
, we have
for small
. Consequently,
Computing in the quotient algebra ,
this equation can be reread as
Since with
the multiplication mapping with
is invertible. By (26), the Jacobian matrix
is precisely the matrix of this multiplication mapping with respect to
the canonical basis .
For the sequel, it will sometimes be convenient to consider the more general context of analytic functions instead of mere polynomials. We provide two formalizations of computable multivariate analytic functions: an abstract one relying on analytic continuation in section 8.1, as well as a more concrete evaluation based one in section 8.2. In the remainder of the section, we will discuss evaluation of analytic functions in zero dimensional algebras, effective Weierstrass preparation, and computable meromorphic functions.
We recall [Wei00] that a real number
is said to be left (resp. right)
computable if there exists an increasing (resp.
decreasing) computable sequence
. We say that
is computable if
is both left and right
computable. We denote the sets of computable, left computable and right
computable real numbers by
We define
to be the set of computable complex
numbers. The definitions also adapt in a straightforward way to extended
real numbers
. The theory of
computable real numbers provides a suitable abstract framework for
studying which analytic problems can be solved.
In [Hoe05, Hoe07], we proposed a similar
concept of computable analytic functions. Given an analytic function
at the origin, we say that
is computable if there exists methods for computing the power
series expansion of
, a lower
bound for its convergence radius, an upper bound for
on any closed disk on which
converges, and a
method for the analytic continuation of
Formally speaking, denoting by
the set of such
functions, this means that we may compute
The computable power series expansion of
(this means that we have an algorithm for
the computation of the coefficients of
A lower bound for the radius of convergence
A computable partial function ,
which yields an upper bound
for every
A computable partial function ,
which yields the analytic continuation
as a function of
Given , we call
its computable radius of convergence. Usually,
is smaller than the genuine radius of
convergence of
This definition admits several variants. In practice, it is usually most
convenient to provide a method for the computation of bounds using ball arithmetic and allow for infinite bounds. In
that case, we automatically obtain an algorithm for the computation of
, by taking
. This definition is also convenient to extend
to the case of multivariate analytic functions
. In this case, we require
algorithms for the computation of:
The computable power series expansion of
A computable partial function ,
which yields a possibly infinite upper bound
A computable partial function ,
which yields the analytic continuation
as a function of
Recall that the function is necessarily upper
continuous (e.g. [Hoe07, Theorem 2.3]). In
particular, for every
there exists an
In practice, multivariate analytic functions such as
are often built up as dags from univariate analytic functions such as
In that case, it would be very expensive to systematically use power
series expansions in several variables in order to compute with such
functions. Instead, it would be better to represent such multivariate
analytic functions as objects which can be evaluated at
analytic functions in an arbitrary number of variables, or even at
points in more general algebras.
More precisely, let be an effective Banach
algebra over
. This means
is the set of computable points in a Banach
and that the operations
and the norm
can be computed by algorithm. Recall that
for all . We do not
necessarily assume
to be commutative. Given a
multivariate analytic function
and pairwise commuting
, the evaluation
is well defined. What is more: if and
, then
. Indeed, we start by computing
such that
For fixed
we then have
By choosing sufficiently large, we may thus make
as small as desired.
Conversely, assume now that, in the definition of computable
multivariate analytic functions, we replace the method
by an evaluation method
for any
effective Banach algebra
. In particular, given
, we may take
to be the
algebra of all formal power series
for which
is finite. Given with
, it follows that the evaluation
is well defined, and this evaluation yields the power series expansion
at the origin. This shows that providing an
evaluation method
is essentially equivalent to
providing a method
for series expansion.
Remark corresponds to the
evaluation at the analytic function
The computation of the bound
can be done by
at the ball
and taking
, where
. Nevertheless, explicit methods
for analytic continuation and bound computations are usually of a better
quality. They may also be needed for the implementation of more general
evaluation methods.
Following the same line of ideas, it may also be useful to consider the
evaluation of analytic functions at broken line paths (or more general
piecewise analytic paths) instead of ordinary points, thereby combining
analytic continuation and ordinary evaluation in a single method. One
might even consider evaluations at “paths”
of successive Banach algebras of a similar type, such as
with the
and the
sufficiently close, and
In order to simplify notations, we will now stop our digression on the
abstract notions of computability and drop the superscripts
“com”. In view of what we have seen in section 9.2,
it is particularly interesting to evaluate multivariate analytic
functions in commutative zero dimensional algebras
. Therefore, we will now
study this special case in more detail.
Let be a finite dimensional
-algebra. Given any basis for
, the elements of
be represented by matrices, so
may be identified
with a commutative subalgebra of the algebra
matrices for some
In particular, any matrix norm on
induces a norm
Given a multivariate analytic function at the
origin which is convergent on a polydisk of polyradius
, we may use (27) in order to
at any points
for all
Since the
commute, it is actually possible to do
a bit better. Indeed, it is classical that there exists an invertible
(corresponding to a base change), such
where , each
is a nilpotent triagonal
matrix, and
. We may thus compute
For any with
we notice that the evaluation
reduces to an
at an ordinary point. If
, then we also notice that
where is minimal with
Let us start with a special case of Weierstrass preparation: the
implicit function theorem. Consider a computable analytic function in
in the neighbourhood of a
. Assume that
. Then the
implicit function theorem states that there exists a unique analytic
such that
in a neighbourhood of
. It is not hard to check
is computable, for instance in the sense of
section 8.1:
The coefficients of can be computed using
the classical formulas for implicit functions or using relaxed power
series evaluation [Hoe02].
Bound computations can be done using Corollary 7.
Given sufficiently small and
, the analytic continuation of
is simply
More generally, given analytic functions
such that the Jacobian matrix
has full rank
then it can be shown in a similar way that the system of
equations in
admits a unique analytic solution at which is
again computable. Notice that this more general case also follows
through a
-fold application
of the case of a single function.
Let us still consider a computable analytic function
in the neighbourhood of a point
. Assume now that
. Then the Weierstrass
preparation theorem states that there exist unique analytic functions
and an invertible
analytic function
such that
We may regard (28) as a local factorization of the analytic
function in
which depends on
as parameters. Now Theorem 10 for the computation of local factorizations readily
generalizes to computable analytic functions. More precisely,
is the solution of the system
, which we consider as a system of
analytic equations
. It can be checked
that this system of equations admits full rank, so that we may compute
by applying the effective implicit function.
Effective Weierstrass preparation as described in the previous section
can only be applied on rare occasions. Indeed, the assumption that we
have an exact multiple cancellation is too
ambitious, and needs to be replaced by the weaker condition that
has a multiplicity
in a small neighbourhood of
. This condition is still enough for the existence
of a unique solution to the system
in a
neighbourhood of
This naturally leads us to the question how to certify that has multiplicity
, in a small neighbourhood of
, and uniformly in
. In fact, paying some care, all methods from
section 7 can be generalized to this setting. First of all,
when using ball arithmetic, the parameters
simply replaced by small balls
, which reduces the problem to a
univariate one. Secondly, when working with Taylor models at any chosen
truncation order
, the tail
of an analytic function near
is replaced by a ball of the form
. This reduction allows us to work
with polynomials instead of series.
We also notice that the above certification methods can actually prove
something slightly stronger than a uniform multiplicity: they can
usually be used to verify that the zero set does
not intersect
. If such is
the case, then we say that the equation
equisolvable in
Given a ball (and where we recall that such a
“ball” is really a polydisk) such that we can certify a
constant multiplicity
the unique (and computable) analytic function
such that
is an analytic unit on
will be called the Weierstrass normalization of
Given two analytic functions and
, assume
that we can certify a constant multiplicity for at least one of them,
say for
, and let
be as above. Then Weierstrass division of
yields unique analytic functions
such that
is polynomial in
. We may obtain (the
residue class of)
as a computable analytic
function through evaluation of
in the quotient
of computable analytic functions in
by the relation
Having computed the remainder of the Weierstrass
division of
we may finally form the resultant
of the
. This resultant is a computable
analytic function in
whose zeros are precisely
the projections of the common zeros of
. We
will also call
the analytic resultant
. Whenever
is also
defined, it can be checked that
for some
analytic unit
Indeed, writing
analytic units
is a unit.
A computable meromorphic function is simply the quotient of two
computable analytic functions such that the denominator is non zero. The
computable meromorphic functions on a given domain form an effective
field (but without a zero test). Using an external argument, we
sometimes know that a computable meromorphic function
is actually analytic on some domain. In this case, we would like to
conclude that
is computably analytic on this
Let us first consider the case when and
are both univariate computable analytic functions in
, in the neighbourhood of a
single isolated zero
. We
start with the subcase when
on a ball
. Let
be the ball evaluation of
. For all
, we then we have
Consequently, . For general
, we obtain in a similar way
. We conclude that
It would be interesting to know whether there exist generalizations of
(29) to higher multiplicities or involving the successive
derivatives of . In this
section we will present a more ad hoc strategy for computing a
reliable Taylor series expansion of
in the case
are all analytic.
Let and
be all small and
a larger ball with the same center
and radii
Assume that
admits exactly
both on
and on
. Let
. Writing
for each
, we have
Let be an upper bound for
. Since
achieves its maximum
at its border, we also have
From Cauchy's formula, it follows that
for all . Plugging this into
(30), we obtain
For the small balls, we may thus use (32) for the
computation of an enclosure for ,
and switch to (31) whenever this enclosure becomes better.
More generally, it is in principle possible to recover any analytic
function on a closed disk
from its values on its boundary using Cauchy's formula. We will now
describe an efficient method to do this effectively. When applied to
computable meromorphic functions as above, this method has the advantage
that we do not need to know the numerator and denominator explicitly; it
is sufficient that we can compute its ball values on the boundary
circle. Without loss of generally, we may assume that
is the unit disk.
For a given number of evaluation points
(preferably a power of two) and with
we evaluate
at the disks
, yielding
. We next compute ball enclosures
for the coefficients of the unique polynomial
for all
using one reliable discrete Fourier
transform. The remainder
is bounded by
on the unit circle, whence on the unit disk. This yields a
Taylor model
sufficiently large, the so computed
Taylor model can be made as accurate as needed.
Let us now consider a meromorphic function in
several variables
which is actually analytic on
some small ball. Modulo a linear change of coordinates and shrinking the
domain to a smaller ball
, we
may first ensure that
has constant multiplicity
We may then use any of the methods from the previous section for
as an analytic function in
, which depends analytically on the
Consider a system (11) and assume that we have numerically
isolated a solution of multiplicity
. Based on numerical computations, assume also
that the Jacobian
is expected to have corank at
most one at
In a small ball around
(and where we recall that
is really a polydisk)
we may certify the corank assumption by computing
using ball arithmetic and then checking that an
submatrix admits a non zero determinant (still using ball arithmetic).
At the next stage, we would like to certify that there exist indeed
exactly solutions in a suitable neighbourhood of
, when counted with
multiplicities. Now using our effective version of the implicit function
theorem from section 8.4.1, we may analytically eliminate
at least
variables from the equations (11),
from the equations
. This yields computable analytic functions
such that
for all . We next compute the
computable analytic function
Using the techniques from section 8.4.3, we finally check
that has multiplicity
a suitable neighbourhood
Let us still consider the system (11) and assume that we
are given a herd of numeric solution paths which
all tend to the same limit
In this section, we will investigate the problem of simultaneously
certifying each of the paths in the herd.
We would like the follow the same strategy as in section 7.3,
where we certified a single factor of order
instead of
separate roots. In the current
setting, instead of viewing the
as distinct
individual paths, this amounts to regarding the whole herd
as a single multivalued path. From the algebraic point of
view, this means that we need to consider the ideal
which annihilates
. There are
several ways to represent this ideal
by a system
of polynomial equations. We will use so called
univariate representations.
Now recall that each can be considered as a
of Puiseux series
of valuations
we notice that is invariant if we turn
once around the origin. This means that
is really an analytic function in
at the origin.
Assuming general position,
is actually the
minimal annihilator of
Furthermore, for
sufficiently small, the roots
are pairwise distinct, so there are unique
interpolating polynomials
of degree
for all . In what follows, we
will represent
by the system of polynomials
where is monomic of degree
for each
Solving the original system for
of this form now amounts to a new system
equations in the unknowns
. This system can also be
considered as a system of
equations in
over the algebra
, augmented with one special
and one special equation
. In analogy with Theorem 10, we
may hope that this new system is non singular near
, so that we can certify the herd using
Corollary 7. It can be checked that this is always so in
the corank one case from the previous section. Unfortunately, Theorem 10 fails to generalize in general. In particular, the new
system remains singular whenever several herds converge to the same
Let us now return to the general case when the corank of the Jacobian matrix at the solution may be larger than one. First of all, it will be useful to generalize the notion of equisolvability from section 8.4.3 to the case of several equations. Consider the system
![]() |
(34) |
on , where
might actually be analytic functions instead of mere polynomials. We say
that (34) is equisolvable in
if the zero set
![]() |
(35) |
does not intersect , where
In particular, this means that the number of solutions
of (34) as a function of
does not
depend on
. Furthermore, the
following lemma shows that there are no exceptional fibers with an
infinite number of solutions.
and that
is the zero
set of a non zero analytic function on
Then none of the components of
can be
contained entirely in the set
Proof. Assume for contradiction that has dimension
, the intersection
has dimension
whence it contains an analytic solution curve
whose image has dimension one. Since (34) is equisolvable
the curve
is entirely contained in
. Consequently, the analytic functions
are all bounded, whence constant. This contradicts
our assumption that
has dimension one.
is equisolvable in on
, since there are always two solutions, but
is not equisolvable, since the equation has one solution for , but no solutions for
. Of course,
equisolvable on
on a
larger disk (or
on a smaller disk). Graphically
speaking, an equation
is equisolvable if and
only if all solution curves
are “nicely
horizontal” in
With the notations from the previous section, consider polynomials
where the coefficients and
are computable analytic functions in
, such that
) and the system (34) is equivalent to
![]() |
(36) |
for all , where
. Then we call (36) the
Kronecker representation for (34) on
admits a finite number of
solutions in
and that the
-coordinates of these solutions are pairwise
distinct. Then there exists a Kronecker representation for
Proof. Let be such that
are pairwise distinct. Then we define the
Kronecker representation for
to be the unique
of univariate polynomials with
, such that
is annihilated
by the system
We may compute such a Kronecker representation as follows. If , then we simply take
for all
. For
we decompose
in terms of
This yields an efficient dichotomic algorithm for the computation of
. The result follows by
applying the method to the solutions of
. For the
of some non zero analytic function on
, assume that for any
, the solutions of (34)
admit pairwise distinct
-coordinates. Then there exists a Kronecker
representation for (34).
Proof. For any ,
the above lemma yields a Kronecker representation
for the system (34) with .
Moreover, the equisolvability assumption implies that the degree
does not depend on
. Furthermore, since
, the way
we compute the functions
depends analytically on
. We thus obtain a
“Kronecker representation” for (34) on the
instead of
Let be such that
, we have
for all
. Consequently,
remains bounded on
is a removable isolated singularity, it
follows that
admits a unique analytic
continuation on
. It also
follows that we may also choose
to be the zero
set of
It remains to be shown that the with
can also extended analytically from
. For this, we consider a
new coordinate
parameters. For
sufficiently close to
, we may apply the above result to
the system
rewritten as equations
. Notice
that this new system is defined on a domain
which is slightly smaller than
We thus obtain a Kronecker representation
which is equivalent to for
, where
. The function
defined on
and analytic both in
. Differentiating the
with respect to
, we obtain
Letting tend to
we obtain that
equisolvable in
. Assume that we are given a Kronecker
representation (36) for (34) such that
is equisolvable in
and such that
vanishes on
. Then (34) is
equisolvable in
Proof. Assume for contradiction that . Since
equisolvable in
we cannot have
. Hence, we
both have
This contradicts the assumption that
equisolvable in
The univariate representation is a variant of the Kronecker representation. It consists of polynomials
such that the coefficients are computable
analytic functions in
, the coefficients
computable meromorphic functions in
which are
analytic on
, where
. Finally,
the system (34) is assumed to be equivalent to
![]() |
(37) |
for all . Given a Kronecker
representation, we may compute a univariate representation as follows.
We first compute the inverse
, whose coefficients
are meromorphic and analytic on
, we may then retrieve
the univariate representation from the Kronecker representation.
Given a Kronecker representation satisfying the hypothesis of
Proposition 17, let us now study the intersection problem
with a new equation . We
first compute a univariate representation for (34), as
detailed in section 9.5. Now consider the resultant
In practice, we may compute by evaluating
in the algebra
is the set of computable
analytic functions on
, and
then take the norm of this evaluation. Let
denote the solutions of (34) in
a function of
, considered as
analytic functions in
on some Riemann surface
. By a classical
property of resultants, we have
on . Whereas the functions
generally admit a non trivial monodromy, the
value of
is uniquely determined as a function on
Moreover, since
, the analytic function
bounded on
. Since the
is isolated, this means that
extends uniquely into an analytic function on
and assuming that
is equisolvable in
, the
vanishes on
Proof. If ,
then (38) directly yields
For general
, let
be a vector such such that
for all
sufficiently small
. Then
is a bounded function, given by a Puiseux series
of valuation
is equisolvable in
, one of the curves
tends to
. Since
it follows that
and therefore
tend to
We conclude that
, using the
analyticity of
We have shown above how to find an analytic relation
which is implied by
. We still need to show
how to express
as a function of
. For this we use a similar technique as in the
proof of Theorem 16. Consider formal variables
for all
and new coordinates
such that
With respect to these new coordinates, the univariate representation for (34) may be rewritten as
In a similar way as above above, we next evaluate the resultant
and prove that are analytic functions in
. The
common zeros of (34) and
to the zeros of this resultant with respect to the new coordinates.
leads to
where . Assuming that
is not the zero function on
, this almost yields a Kronecker representation for
In order to obtain an actual Kronecker representation, we finally
compute the Weierstrass normal form of
with respect to
together with an invertible analytic function
such that
, we then obtain the
Kronecker representation
for on
. If
is equisolvable in
, then Lemma 18 also implies that
vanishes on
We are now in a position to certify the multiplicity of the system (11) on a sufficiently small ball. We first construct a
homotopy for the system (11) which
is in sufficiently general position. For notational reasons, it will be
convenient to use
instead of
for the time parameter. We take
where .
For our main objective is to certify that the
is equisolvable in
on a sufficiently small ball
around a numerical solution. For
, we proceed as in section 8.4.3.
Assume now that we have proved equisolvability in
for the system
that we also have a Kronecker representation
for the same system, where .
Using the algorithms from section 8.4.3, we may again
ensure that
is equisolvable in
. Using the algorithm from
section 9.6, we next compute a Kronecker representation
for the intersection , where
. We will show below that
vanishes on
, by Lemma 18. We conclude that the
is equisolvable in
, by Proposition 17.
By induction, this completes our algorithm to certify (almost) multiple
on a sufficiently small polydisk
We still have to check that is not identical to
zero on
. Assume the
contrary, so that
vanishes everywhere, by
analytic continuation. In other words, for any fixed
, the equation
admits a
multiple solution in
. In
particular, taking
, the
of the ideal
admits a multiple solution. Denoting by
solutions of the system
, we
. Now
was taken sufficiently small so as to ensure that
for all
, contradicting the
assumption that
admits a multiple root.
Even if the coefficients of the system (11) are all rational or algebraic, then the computed solutions are only numeric approximations. For some applications, it is useful to have exact representations of the solutions. This allows for instance to check whether a given other polynomial with rational coefficients vanishes on the solution set or on some points of the solutions set.
The Kronecker representation provides one useful exact representation
for the set of solutions. Modulo a generic linear change of coordinates,
we may assume without loss of generality that for any distinct solutions
of (11), their first coordinates
are also distinct.
Using the algorithm in the proof of Lemma 15, we may then
compute a Kronecker representation for the system (11).
Assume now that (11) has rational coefficients and that we
have computed numeric approximations of
with bit precision
Using the above method, we may thus compute a numeric approximation of
the Kronecker representation with an accuracy of approximately
bits. We apply rational number reconstruction [GG02,
Chapter 5] in order to provide a guess for the Kronecker representation
with rational coefficients. We may check whether this guess is correct
by evaluating
. If the check fails, then we
double the bit precision, use Newton's method to improve the
, and keep
In the case that we suspect our system to admit multiple roots, which
means that we have at least one herd of numerical solutions, the centers
of herds of solutions are still known numerically with a precision of
approximately bits. Consequently, we may use the
above method in order to compute the radical of the zero dimensional
generated by the
. By evaluating the
suitable algebras with nilpotent elements, we may check in a similar way
as above whether the multiplicity of each root matches with the numeric
multiplicity and obtain an exact algebraic representation for
. In the projective setting with no
solutions at infinity, this strategy can be used to provide a full
algebraically certification of all solutions.
It is possible to generalize the techniques of this paper to the local resolution of a system of analytic equations on a polydisk. In this section, we outline some ideas for generalizations of this kind. As a general rule, such generalizations usually work better when the local solutions in the polydisk are well separated from the other solutions outside the polydisk.
Consider the equation
where is an effective analytic function on the
closed unit disk
, without
any roots on the unit circle. Assume that we wish to find all roots of
Using the methods from section 8.4.3, the first step is to
compute and certify the number
of roots in
Having determined the exact number of roots
most standard numerical methods for finding the
roots of a polynomial of degree
can be mimicked.
For instance, we may use the homotopy
for and
In the unlucky case that we only find a subset
of the roots with
, we set
and keep repeating the algorithm using a
homotopy of the form
and for a new random choice of with
. This method will ultimately pick random
sufficiently close to any of the roots, thereby
ensuring the termination of the method. We may also use Aberth's method,
while resetting points that fall outside the unit disk to random points
inside the disk.
Now consider a system
![]() |
(39) |
of equations, where are computable analytic
functions on the closed unit polydisk
From now on, our aim is to determine the solutions of this system in
For any choice of degrees ,
we may consider the truncated polynomials
and consider the truncated system
![]() |
(40) |
Using the homotopy methods from this paper, we may compute the solutions
of this system and keep only those ones which are in . At a second stage, we form the homotopy
and follow the solutions of the truncated systems from
. This yields an
uncertified candidate for the set of solutions to (39).
for suitable and
. While following the
homotopies, we may also decide to drop any paths which lead “too
far” outside
Given , let us now
investigate how to pick
. For
, we define
Typically, we now take to be the degree
for which
is maximal (and in
any case larger than this value). We may determine this degree by first
computing a bound
a polydisk
so that
for all
for all
Starting with
we now repeat the following: if
. Else, if
, then we stop and take
. Otherwise, set
Let us now investigate how to certify that we found all solutions in
. Since (39) is
really a perturbation of (40), one idea would be ensure
that for each solution of (40), the solutions remain either
or outside
small perturbations. More precisely, for each
, we start by computing a bound
(for instance, we
may take
with the above notations, but is
sometimes better to take more explicit coefficients for a sharper
bound). We next consider the system
For each solution to (40), we now
compute a ball enclosure
of this solution such
that any solution
lies in
. This can be done using the ball
version of Newton's method. We next check whether each of the obtained
is either entirely contained in
or in its complement. If this is the case, then we
have obtained the desired certification. Indeed, consider a solution
to (39). Then setting
, we have
, for all
. Hence
for one of the above
for small perturbations of (40). An alternative idea would
be to consider the set
of all solutions to (39) inside
as a generalized point
which is the solution of a suitably deflated system, as in we did in
section 9.2 for the certification of herd homotopies. This
generalized solution is usually unique in a large polydisk,
corresponding to large perturbations of the system of equations for
. With some luck, this
polydisk actually contains all sets of
points in
, thereby certifying that
is the set of all solutions to (39)
Unfortunately, this idea only works in dimension . For instance, in dimension two, the ball of
does not contain a system which admits the set
as its solutions. Nevertheless, it can be checked
that any set of two elements in
is the solution
of a system in either
, where
for any
As noticed in remark 20, one major disadvantage of the
certification method from the previous section is that we need to
consider the behaviour of all solutions to (40)
under small perturbations, and even of those which lie far outside .
The incremental geometric resolution technique from the section 9.7
for the certification of multiple roots can also be used for finding and
certifying an arbitrary set of roots in a polydisk . For this to work, it is necessary that the
system (40) is equisolvable on
, which means in practice that we chose a
sufficiently general position and that the other roots of (40)
are sufficiently far away from
Remark ).
Suppose that we are given a Kronecker representation
for the system , in the fiber
. Let
be an upper bound for the number of roots of
. For each of the roots
the equation
, we continue
our Kronecker representation to a new one in the fiber with
. We finally use the homotopy
and perform the analytic continuation of the
known solutions at
In the case when our method fails to prove equisolvability, we need to decompose the system (39) into simpler systems which are equisolvable. This can be done using the following techniques:
By covering by a finite number of polydisks,
each on which the system is equisolvable. For instance in the case
of the function
from example 14,
we may cover
by the polydisk
, or by the polydisk
and several other polydisks of the form
By applying a permutation of the coordinates. For instance the
function from example 14 is
equisolvable in
with respect to
. We may also consider other linear changes
of coordinates modulo adjustment of the regions. For instance, the
cannot be made equisolvable by one
of the above means. Nevertheless, after setting
, the equation
becomes equisolvable on
By factoring the equation. Especially when an analytic function is
restricted to a small region, it frequently occurs that it can be
factored into simpler functions on this region. For instance, the
equation can be factored as
into two equations
which are equisolvable in
In principle, it is always possible to reduce to the equisolvable case
using these techniques, but the number of required subdivisions may
quickly grow out of hands. Indeed, for each solution (which we assumed
to be single), there exists a sufficiently small neighbourhood where the
are essentially linear functionals. The design
of a good algorithm for keeping the number of subdivisions as small as
possible is beyond the scope of this paper.
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