Amortized multi-point evaluation
of multivariate polynomials

Joris van der Hoevenab, Grégoire Lecerfac

a. CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique (LIX, UMR 7161)

Bâtiment Alan Turing, CS35003

1, rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves

91120 Palaiseau, France

b. Email:

c. Email:

Preliminary version of November 3, 2023

. This paper is part of a project that has received funding from the French “Agence de l'innovation de défense”.

. This article has been written using GNU TeXmacs [10].

The evaluation of a polynomial at several points is called the problem of multi-point evaluation. Sometimes, the set of evaluation points is fixed and several polynomials need to be evaluated at this set of points. Several efficient algorithms for this kind of “amortized” multi-point evaluation have been developed recently for the special cases of bivariate polynomials or when the set of evaluation points is generic. In this paper, we extend these results to the evaluation of polynomials in an arbitrary number of variables at an arbitrary set of points. We prove a softly linear complexity bound when the number of variables is fixed.


Let be an effective field, so that we have algorithms for the field operations. Given a polynomial and a tuple of points, the computation of is called the problem of multi-point evaluation.

This problem naturally occurs in several areas of applied algebra. When solving a polynomial system, multi-point evaluation can for instance be used to check whether all points in a given set are indeed solutions of the system. In [16], we have shown that efficient algorithms for multi-point evaluation actually lead to efficient algorithms for polynomial system solving. Bivariate polynomial evaluation has also been used to compute generator matrices of algebraic geometry error correcting codes [20].

In the univariate case when , it is well known that one may use so-called “remainder trees” to compute multi-point evaluations in quasi-optimal time [1, 2, 4, 8, 22]. More precisely, if stands for the cost to multiply two univariate polynomials of degree (in terms of the number of field operations in ), then the multi-point evaluation of a polynomial of degree at points can be computed in time . Using a variant of the Schönhage–Strassen algorithm [3, 27, 28], it is well known that . If we restrict our attention to fields of positive characteristic, then we may take [5] and conjecturally even [6]. In the remainder of this paper, we make the customary hypothesis that is a non-decreasing function in .

Currently, the fastest general purpose algorithm for multivariate multi-point evaluation is based on the “baby-step giant-step” method; see e.g. [12, section 3]. For a fixed dimension and such that , this method requires operations in (e.g. by taking and in [12, Proposition 3.3]). Here is a common abbreviation for , and is a constant such that two and matrices with coefficients in can be multiplied using operations in . The best known theoretical bound is [21, Table 2, half of the upper bound for ] (combined with the tensor permutation lemma [17, Corollary 7]). In the special case when , , and , Nüsken and Ziegler proved the sharper bound [24, particular case of Result 4].

In 2008, Kedlaya and Umans achieved a major breakthrough [18, 19]. On the one hand, they gave an algorithm of complexity for the case when has positive characteristic. On the other hand, they gave algorithms for multi-point evaluations over with quasi-optimal bit-complexity exponents. Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, these algorithms do not seem suitable for practical purposes, as observed in [13, Conclusion]. Even in the case when the dimension is fixed, we also note that the algorithms by Kedlaya and Umans do not achieve a smoothly linear complexity of the form .

Recently, several algorithms have been proposed for multi-point evaluation in the case when is a fixed tuple of points [15, 23]. These algorithms are amortized in the sense that we allow for potentially expensive precomputations as a function of . The algorithms from [15, 23] are both restricted to the case when is sufficiently generic, whereas [14, 23] focus on the bivariate case . In the present paper, we deal with the general case when both and are arbitrary. Our main result is the following:

Theorem 1.1. Let be a fixed dimension and let be a fixed set of points. Then, given a polynomial with and an element of of multiplicative order at least , we can compute using

operations in .

Remark 1.2. In characteristic zero, any integer different from , , and has infinite order. For finite fields , working in an algebraic extension yields elements of order up to . Replacing by such an extension induces an additional overhead of in our complexity bound.

As in the generic case from [15], our algorithm heavily relies on the relaxed algorithm for polynomial reduction from [9]. Given polynomials , the reduction algorithm computes with


where is reduced with respect to some admissible ordering on monomials. The relaxed algorithm from [9] essentially performs this reduction with the same complexity (up to a logarithmic factor) as checking the relation.

For our application to multi-point evaluation, the idea is to pick the polynomials in the vanishing ideal

of , so . We may next recursively split-up the tuple of points into two halves and adopt a similar strategy as in the univariate case.

However, there are several technical problems with this idea. First of all, it would be too costly to work with a full Gröbner basis of , because the mere storage of such a basis generally requires more than terms. In [15], we solved this issue by working with respect to a so called “axial basis” instead. In the case when is not generic, we have the additional problem that the shape of a Gröbner basis may become very irregular. This again has the consequence that the mere size of all products in (1.1) may exceed .

In this paper, we address these problems by introducing the new technique of quasi-reduction. The idea is to work simultaneously with several orderings on the monomials; in particular, each belongs to a Gröbner basis for with respect to a different admissible ordering. The result of a quasi-reduction (1.1) is usually not reduced with respect to any usual Gröbner basis of , but we will still be able to control the size of . Moreover, during the quasi-reduction process, we will be able to ensure that the ratios


are similar for every , which further allows us to control the size of the products .

The constant factor in our complexity bound of Theorem 1.1 grows exponentially as a function of . For the time being, we therefore expect our methods to be of practical use only in low dimensions like or . Of course, the present paper focuses on worst case bounds for potentially highly non-generic cases. There is hope to drastically lower the constant factors for more common use cases.

One major technical contribution of this paper is the introduction of quasi-reduction and heterogeneous orderings. An interesting question for future work is whether these concepts can be applied to other problems. For instance, consider a zero-dimensional ideal and two Gröbner bases for with respect to different monomial orderings. Each Gröbner basis induces a representation for elements of the quotient algebra . Does there exist a smoothly linear time algorithm to convert between these two representations?

2.Polynomial reduction

In this section we recall and extend some results from [9] to the context of this paper.

2.1.Admissible orderings

Let be the set of monomials with . Any polynomial can uniquely be written as a linear combination

with coefficients in and finite support

Given a total ordering on , the support of any non-zero polynomial admits a unique maximal element that is called the leading monomial of ; the corresponding coefficient is called the leading coefficient of .

A total ordering on is said to be admissible if

for all monomials and . In particular, the lexicographical ordering defined by

is admissible.

2.2.Sparse polynomial products

A sparse representation of a polynomial in is a data structure that stores the set of the non-zero terms of . Each such term is a pair made of a coefficient and a degree vector. In an algebraic complexity model the bit size of the exponents counts for free, so the relevant size of such a polynomial is the cardinality of its support.

Consider two polynomials and of in sparse representation. An extensive literature exists on the general problem of multiplying and ; see [26] for a recent survey. For the purposes of this paper, a superset for the support of will always be known. Then we define to be the cost to compute , where is the maximum of the sizes of and the supports of and . We will assume that is a non-decreasing function in . Under suitable assumptions, the following proposition will allow us to take in our multivariate evaluation algorithm.

Proposition 2.1. Let be positive integers and let in be of multiplicative order at least .

  1. The set of all products for can be computed using operations in .

  2. Let and be in , in sparse representation. Let be a superset of the support of with for all and . Assume that has been precomputed. Then the product can be computed using operations in , where denotes the maximum of the sizes of and the supports of and .

Proof. The first statement is straightforward. The second one is an adapted version of [11, Proposition 6].

2.3.Relaxed multivariate series

We assume that the reader is familiar with the technique of relaxed power series evaluations [7], which is an efficient way to solve so-called recursive power series equations. In [9], this technique was generalized to multivariate Laurent series that are expanded according to some admissible ordering .

Given a general admissible ordering , we know from [25] that there exist real vectors , such that


For clarity we sometimes denote this ordering by . In [9], it is always assumed that and for all .

Example 2.2. The graded lexicographical ordering is obtained by taking , , , , .

Example 2.3. In section 4.1, we will only need orderings for which for certain and . In fact, we note that for any , so modulo the replacement of by , we may assume without loss of generality that , whenever we wish to apply the theory from [9].

In order to analyze the complexity of relaxed products in this multivariate context, we need to introduce the following quantities for finite subsets :

We also define and when we need to emphasize the dependence on .

Theorem 2.4. [9, Theorem 3] Given sparse polynomials and a set with , the relaxed product can be computed in time


Let be a total ordering on and consider a finite family of non-zero polynomials in . Each comes with a distinguished monomial (that will play the role of the leading monomial) and we define . The family is equipped with a selection strategy, that is a function

For each , we also assume that we have fixed the set of monomials that will be selected for reduction with respect to , for . We assume that the are pairwise disjoint and we set

Note that this corresponds to fixing a selection strategy, although we do not require that (which explains the terminology “quasi-reduction” below). For our application later in this paper, the complement will be a “rather relatively small” finite set.

We say that is quasi-reduced if . We say that a total ordering on is quasi-admissible (with respect to our choices of , and the selection strategy ) if for all and if

for any and any .

Polynomials that are not quasi-reduced are said to be quasi-reducible. In order to quasi-reduce with respect to we may use Algorithm 2.1 below. This yields the relation

such that is quasi-reduced with respect to . We call the extended quasi-reduction of with respect to .

Algorithm 2.1

and a finite family with a selection strategy .


The extended quasi-reduction of by .

  1. Initialize and for all .

  2. While do:

    1. Let be the largest monomial of ;

    2. Replace by ;

    3. Replace by .

  3. Return .

By construction, we have


for all .

2.5.Relaxed quasi-reduction

The main contribution of [9] is a relaxed algorithm for the computation of extended reductions. This algorithm generalizes to our setting as follows and provides an alternative for Algorithm 2.1 with a better computational complexity.

For each , let be the -th canonical basis vector

We first define the operator on monomials:

By linearity we next extend to :

Let . By construction, we have

which allows us to regard as a fixed point of the operator

This operator is “recursive” in the sense of [9, section 4.2] with respect to the ordering . Consequently can be computed efficiently using relaxed power series evaluation. The complexity of this relaxed quasi-reduction is stated in Theorem 4.4 below for the specific ordering used by our multi-point evaluation algorithm. This definition and study of this ordering is the purpose of the next section.

3.Heterogeneous orderings

3.1.Weighted degree orderings

An admissible weight is an -tuple with . Given a monomial , we define its -degree by

For a non-zero polynomial , we define its -degree by

We also define the ordering on by

It is easy to check that is an admissible ordering.

3.2.Simplest elements of ideals

Consider a zero-dimensional ideal of and let

Given an admissible weight , there exists a unique non-zero polynomial in the reduced Gröbner basis of whose leading monomial is minimal for and whose leading coefficient is one. We call the -simplest element of . Note that there are at most monomials below the leading monomial of for .

Proposition 3.1. Let

and consider the set of monomials with . Then .

Proof. Let be the set of exponents of , so we have

The set in particular contains the simplex

whose volume is given by

Consequently, .

Corollary 3.2. For each , we have

Proof. We say that is an initial segment for if for all and . By definition, the set is an initial segment for and it contains at least monomials. Consequently, the set of linear combinations of monomials in contains at least one non-zero element of and therefore . Now consider a monomial in . Then for , whence .

3.3.Heterogeneous orderings

Now consider a finite non-empty set of admissible weights. Given a monomial , we define its -degree by

For a non-zero polynomial , we define its -degree by

We define the heterogeneous ordering by

Lemma 3.3. The ordering verifies for all different .

Proof. For all we have , whence .

Example 3.4. Consider , . With and we have

Therefore but , which shows that the ordering is not admissible.

Given , its associated cone is defined by

By construction, we have

but this union is not necessarily disjoint. Given , we note that for any with ; this explains the terminology “cone”.


Let again be a zero-dimensional ideal of and let . Let be a finite non-empty set of weights that will play the role of the index set from section 2.4. For , let be the -simplest element of and let

We also define

We endow with the lexicographical ordering and fix the following selection strategy: for increasing , we set

Now consider the total ordering on that is defined by

for all . We call a shifted heterogeneous ordering. The shift of all exponents by one (through multiplication by ) is motivated by the fact that the product of the partial degrees of a monomial in never vanishes. This will be important in the next section in order to establish certain degree bounds.

Proposition 3.5. The ordering is quasi-admissible.

Proof. Consider and , so that

Given , we need to prove that

Now implies , whence . In particular, and whenever .

If , then it follows that or and , whence and . Otherwise,

for some , whence and .

4.On the complexity of quasi-reduction

In this section we instantiate the weight family considered in the previous section, and analyze the complexity of the corresponding quasi-reduction.

4.1.Selecting the weights

Consider a zero-dimensional ideal of and let . In order to devise an efficient algorithm to quasi-reduce polynomials with respect to , our next task is to specify a suitable set of weights . We take , with

and where depends on the degree of the polynomials that we wish to reduce.

Lemma 4.1. We have

Proof. Consider with and . We have for and is determined uniquely in terms of by . There are at most ways to pick in this manner.

Assume that for some . We associate a selection procedure and a quasi-admissible ordering to as in section 3.4.

Lemma 4.2. Let and with and . Then for all , we have

Proof. Assume the contrary and let be the index for which is maximal. Similarly, let be the index for which is minimal, so that . Since

we have . In particular, since we have .

If , then there must exist at least one index with and

Since , this yields . If then , since . In both cases we consider the weight with , , and for all . By what precedes, we have .

We now verify that

This contradicts our assumption that , i.e. .

Corollary 4.3. Let . With the notations from Lemma 4.2 and

we have

Proof. Lemma 4.2 implies

but also

The result follows by extracting -th roots.

4.2.Complexity of quasi-reduction

We define to be the set of polynomials such that for all . Given , let us now examine the complexity of extended quasi-reduction.

Theorem 4.4. Given with , we may compute its extended quasi-reduction



operations in (for any fixed value of ). In addition, for all , we have

Proof. We solve (4.1) using the relaxed approach from [9], recalled in section 2. However, contrary to the situation in [9], each individual product is computed in a relaxed manner with respect to a different ordering (namely, ). More precisely, for each individual product , we recall from (2.1) that

So we can actually compute using the relaxed product algorithm from Theorem 2.4 with respect to the ordering . Here we note that the supports of and are contained in dense blocks of similar proportions: for , Corollary 3.2 yields

whereas Corollary 4.3 implies

Indeed, for any , we have , whence and . Let be the set of monomials with for , so that and

Using , we deduce that

It particular, as a side remark, we note that the dense multiplication of and can be done using operations in .

As to the relaxed product of and , we first note that , with the notation from Example 2.3, where with and . Consequently,


By Theorem 2.4, we may thus compute the relaxed product of and in time

We need to do such relaxed multiplications. Now by Lemma 4.1, so the complete computation takes operations in .

4.3.A degree bound for reduced polynomials

We finish this section with a bound for the size of reduced polynomials.

Proposition 4.5. Consider a monomial with for . If is reduced with respect to , then

Proof. Assume for contradiction that there exists an with


our assumption can be rewritten as

Let be such that

For , Corollary 4.3 implies

Using Corollary 3.2 and our assumption that , this yields

This shows that divides . In combination with our assumption that , this means that , a contradiction.

5.Reduction of the border

One limitation of Proposition 4.5 is that it does not apply to monomials such that for some index . In this section, we show how to treat such lower dimensional “border” monomials by adapting our reduction process. For any fixed subset , we will use the fact that the reduction process from the previous subsections can be applied to polynomials in the variables from and the ideal . We next combine the reduction processes for all such subsets .

5.1.Generalized weights

Given a finite subset , we write

We note that is an ideal of with . Given , we define

to be the set of active coordinates of . For any two subsets , we define

and note that this defines a total ordering on the set of subsets of .

A generalized weight is a tuple and we call

its set of active coordinates. We say that is admissible if . For any monomial , we define its -degree by

The -degree induces an ordering on by setting

for all . We may naturally extend the notions of -degree, leading monomials, etc. to polynomials in . We also define the -simplest element of to be the unique monic polynomial whose leading monomial is minimal for .

Given a set of generalized weights and , we define

If is non-empty, then we define

for all .

5.2.Quasi-reduction for generalized weights

We next extend the definitions from section 3.4 to the case when is a set of generalized weights with for every subset . For each , we take to be the -simplest element of and let

We will sometimes write instead of when we need to emphasize the dependence on . After declaring that , the set can still be endowed with the lexicographical ordering. For increasing , we now set

Sometimes, we will write instead of when we need to emphasize the dependence on . Finally, we define our total ordering on by

for all .

Proposition 5.1. The ordering is quasi-admissible.

Proof. It is straightforward to check that is indeed a total ordering such that

for all , by extending Lemma 3.3. Now consider and

Given , Proposition 3.5 implies

If , then this yields

Otherwise, we have , so , with the same conclusion.

5.3.Complexity analysis

Given a general weight and a subset such that for all , we define to be the generalized weight with if and if . If is admissible, then we note that is again admissible. Given , we define

Note that Lemma 4.1 directly implies

The complexity bound from Theorem 4.4 also still holds in our new setting:

Theorem 5.2. Let . Given , we may compute an extended quasi-reduction (4.1) using

operations in . In addition, for all , we have


Proof. For each , we have

Using the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.4, we obtain that the relaxed product can be computed in time . Since there are such products to be computed, the complexity bound follows. The inequality (5.1) is also obtained in a similar way as for Theorem 4.4.

This time, we have the following unconditional version of Proposition 4.5.

Proposition 5.3. Let be a reduced monomial with respect to . Then


Proof. The monomial is reduced with respect to if and only if is reduced with respect to . By Proposition 4.5, this implies

where and .

6.Multi-point evaluation

Let be a tuple of pairwise distinct points and consider the problem of fast multi-point evaluation of a polynomial at . For simplicity of the exposition, it is convenient to restrict ourselves to the case when is a power of two (without loss of generality, we may reduce to this case by adding extra points). We define

to be the vanishing ideal of . We assume that we precomputed . For any and , we also assume that we precomputed , where and .

We are now ready to state our main algorithm.

Algorithm 6.1

with and .




We assume the precomputations that are stated above.

  1. If , then return the naive evaluation .

  2. Compute the quasi-reduction of w.r.t. .

  3. Recursively apply the algorithm to and .

  4. Recursively apply the algorithm to and .

  5. Return the concatenations of the results of the recursive evaluations.

Theorem 6.1. Algorithm 6.1 is correct and runs in time

Proof. The algorithm is clearly correct if . For any recursive call of the algorithm with arguments and , Proposition 5.3 ensures that we indeed have with . The correctness of the general case easily follows from this.

As to the complexity bound, let us first assume that . Then the same condition is satisfied for all recursive calls. Now the computation of takes

operations in , by Theorem 5.2. Hence, the total execution time satisfies

By unrolling this recurrence inequality, it follows that . If , then the computation of at the top-level requires operations in and we have just shown that the complexity of all recursive computations is .

Proof of Theorem 1.1. The proof follows from Theorem 6.1 and Proposition 2.1, by analyzing the cardinalities of the supports involved in the quasi-reductions.

Let us revisit the quasi-reduction computed in step 2 of Algorithm 6.1. From (5.1) in Theorem 5.2 and (5.2) in Proposition 5.3, it follows that we may apply Proposition 2.1 for . For the recursive quasi-reductions, we may use even smaller values for . This justifies that we may indeed take in Theorem 6.1.



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