It is known that an adaptation of Newton's method allows for the computation of functional inverses of formal power series. We show that it is possible to successfully use a similar algorithm in a fairly general analytical framework. This is well suited for functions that are highly tangent to identity and that can be expanded with respect to asymptotic scales of “exp-log functions”. We next apply our algorithm to various well-known functions coming from the world of quantitative finance. In particular, we deduce asymptotic expansions for the inverses of the Gaussian and the Black–Scholes pricing functions.
Keywords: Asymptotic expansion, algorithm, pricing, Hardy field, exp-log function, Black–Scholes formula
One notoriously complex problem in finance is the pricing of derivative products that are frequently traded on financial markets. Practitioners have proposed various sophisticated models for the dynamics of financial assets. In particular, it has been necessary to account for the existence of U-shaped “volatility smiles” which play a central role in the pricing of so-called vanilla options. Some models seem more reasonable than others because they explain not only the volatility smile, but also have properties that are directly exploitable in practice, notably the existence of easily implementable pricing formulas involving mathematical parameters that are easy to calibrate.
Subsequently, the volatility smile has been studied in a fairly general way, with a minimum of hypotheses on the probabilistic distribution of the assets [3, 4, 8, 16, 25]. This has made it possible to isolate intrinsic behaviours that are shared by a large number of models in the study of volatility smiles.
The next step has been to study the volatility smile in a model-free setting. This ultimately leads to focusing not on the Black–Scholes formula itself but on its inverse [10, 14, 30, 36]. A notable advantage of this approach is that it simplifies pricing problems. Indeed, in the case of vanilla options, such problems usually do not admit closed form solutions (except in the Black–Scholes model), so we need to resort to approximate solutions. Different techniques have been proposed to this purpose: perturbation methods with partial or stochastic differential equations, Lie symmetry theory, Watanabe theory, heat kernel expansion theory and Minakshisundaran–Pleijel's formula, large deviation theory, etc. [7, 12, 17, 20, 26, 27]. Most of these techniques give the asymptotics of price for large or small values of certain parameters involved in the computation of option prices. The study of the inverse function of the Black–Scholes formula then transforms vanilla option price asymptotics into implicit volatility asymptotics, which is the quantity of interest.
The problem of inverting Black–Scholes formula is challenging because of its non-analytic boundary behaviour. In fact, since the Black–Scholes model (as any other stochastic model) uses Brownian motion, it is not surprising that the asymptotics of the Black-Scholes formula involves logarithms. More precisely, after a suitable change of variables, the relation between vanilla option price and volatility can be expressed via an asymptotic expansion
where are polynomials in
[10, 14]. In particular, this means that
for every . We are interested
in computing a similar expansion for
in terms of
In computer algebra, various techniques have been developed for
asymptotic expansions in general asymptotic scales. For instance,
several algorithms exist for the asymptotic expansion of
“exp-log” functions [15, 22, 29, 34, 35]. Such functions are
built up from the rationals and an infinitely large variable using the field operations, exponentiation and logarithm.
An example of an exp-log function is
The theory of transseries [9, 21, 23]
makes it possible to cover asymptotic expansions of an even wider class
of functions comprising many formal solutions to non-linear differential
Several algorithms also exist for the functional inversion of exp-log
functions [32, 33]. However, the right-hand
side of (1) is usually not an
exp-log function, so these algorithms cannot be applied directly. When
as a formal transseries, there are
also methods for computing the formal inverse
[21, 23]. However,
a priori, the analytic meaning (2) is lost during
such formal computations. In this paper, we will show how to invert
asymptotic expansions of the form (1) from the analytic
point of view.
For each , let
be the ring of
continuously differentiable functions at infinity (
). Then
is a
differential ring. We recall that a Hardy field is a
differential subfield
. It is well-known that Hardy fields [5,
18, 19] provide a suitable setting for
asymptotic analysis. In section 2, we will introduce the
abstract notion of an “effective Hardy field”, which
formalizes what we need in order to make this asymptotic calculus fully
effective. Typical examples of effective Hardy fields are generated by
exp-log functions. For instance, in Sections 2.3 and 2.4, we will show that
is effective
Hardy field. Using the aforementioned work on expansions of exp-log
functions, it is possible to construct various other effective Hardy
Let be a Hardy field. We say that
is steep if for any
, there exists a
. An
is said to be highly tangent to
identity if there exists a
. For instance, if
, then
is steep and
is highly tangent to identity, contrary to
. Now assume that
is an effective Hardy field. We say that a germ
admits an effective asymptotic expansion over
for every
we can compute an element
. If
is highly tangent to identity and
, then we will prove in Section 3
admits a functional inverse that also
admits an effective asymptotic expansion over
. Applied to the case when
, this gives an algorithm for inverting asymptotic
expansions of the form (1). Our algorithm relies on two
main ingredients: Taylor's formula for right composition with functions
that are highly tangent to identity, and Newton's method for reducing
functional inversion to functional composition.
For our application to mathematical finance, it would have sufficed to
work with the particular effective Hardy field . There are several reasons why we have chosen to
prove our main result for general effective Hardy fields. First of all,
the more general result may be useful in other areas such as
combinatorics [31]. Indeed, functional inverses frequently
occur when analyzing asymptotic behavior using the saddle point method.
Secondly, our general setup only requires a moderate
“investment” in the terminology from Section 2.
Finally, it is natural to prove the results from Section 3
in this setup; the proofs would not become substantially shorter in the
special case when
This paper contains three main contributions. As far as we are aware, the application of modern asymptotic expansion algorithms to mathematical finance is new. Secondly, we introduce the framework of effective Hardy fields which we believe to be of general interest for effective asymptotic analysis. One major advantage of this framework is that it separates the potentially difficult question of constructing a suitable effective Hardy field from its actual use. The existing literature on exp-log functions and transseries can be put to use for such constructions. But for various other problems, it suffices to assume the effective Hardy field to be given as a blackbox. The third contribution of this paper is to show that this is particularly the case for the inversion of asymptotic expansions that are “highly tangent to identity”.
Acknowledgment. We are very grateful to Martino Grasselli for his encouragement and for the careful reading of our work.
Consider the differential ring ,
denotes the ring of
-fold continuously differentiable functions at
infinity (
) for each
. We recall that a Hardy
field is a differential subfield
. Since any non zero element
of Hardy fields is invertible, the sign of
is ultimately constant for
We define
ultimately positive. It can be shown that this gives
the structure of an ordered field.
The well-known asymptotic relations ,
can be defined in terms of the ordering on
: given
, we write
The quasi-ordering is total on
: given
we have
Example of exp-log germs at infinity is the smallest
subset of
that contains
and the identity function, and which is closed under
. For instance,
In his founding work [18, 19], Hardy showed
forms a Hardy field.
Example , its Liouville
is the smallest subset of
that contains
and that is stable
and integration. It is
well known that
is again a Hardy field [5].
Let be a Hardy field. Given
, let us show that
Let us first assume that ,
, and let
be such that
for all
. Modulo a further
increase of
, we may assume
without loss of generality that the signs of
are constant for
Then, for all
, we have
![]() |
(5) |
Consequently, for suitable integration constants
. If
, then this yields
then we may take
in (5), so that
, and we again obtain
. If
, then we clearly have
. This proves that
, which implies (4). One proves
and (3) in a similar way.
Let be a Hardy field. We say that
is effective if its elements can be represented
by instances of a concrete data structure and if we have algorithms for
carrying out the basic operations
as well as effective tests for the relations
In particular, the effective inequality test for
yields an equality test. Inversely, if we have an algorithm to compute
signs of elements in
, then
this yields effective inequality tests for both
. Similarly, if, given
, we have a way to test
then this yields effective tests for the relations
. Indeed, given
, we have
Example is an effective Hardy field. The basic
can clearly be
carried out by algorithm, and it is also clear how to do the equality
test. Now consider
. Then
Example is an effective Hardy field. As above, the
basic operations
the equality test are straightforward. Now any non zero element
can be written as a fraction
. Similarly, we may write
. Consequently,
). Here we used the lexicographical
ordering on pairs:
if and only if
Example be an effective Hardy field and let
be such that
, whence
is ultimately strictly increasing and invertible for
composition. Let
be the inverse of
and assume that
is again an effective Hardy field. Indeed,
since right composition preserves the field operations and the ordering,
is effectively isomorphic to
as an ordered field. The derivation on
is given
Let and let
be such that
. We define the flatness relations
Let denote the logarithmic derivative of a
. Taking logarithms,
and using (3) and (4), we observe that
for all and
An element is said to be steep if
for all
. If
, then this allows us to define a valuation
with respect to
: we set
. Notice that the corresponding valuation group
is a subgroup of
In particular,
is Archimedean. For
, we notice
Indeed, since and
it suffices to show this for
Now assume that
. Then
, whence
for some constant
. It
follows that
. If
, then we also notice that
. Indeed,
, whence
Two examples of steep elements are in
. The aim of the remainder of this section is to
generalize Example 4 and prove in particular that
is indeed an effective Hardy field.
Let be an effective Hardy field and let
be such that
for all
. By what precedes, this implies
for all
We claim that
is again an effective Hardy field.
Modulo the replacement of
we may assume without loss of generality that
. We clearly have
algorithms for the field operations of
Using the rule
, it is also
straightforward to compute derivatives of elements of
Now consider a polynomial .
, then for each
, we have
, so that
This also shows that
, which
provides us with an effective zero test for
, as well as for
Given a rational function
, we also have
. Consequently,
if and only if
if and only if
Example as in Example 4, applying the above
argument twice shows that both
are effective Hardy fields. Applying Example 5
, we also obtain that
is an effective Hardy field.
Remark ,
one also needs to show that fields such as
effective Hardy fields. One even more difficult problem is to provide an
effective zero test for exp-log constants, i.e. constants
formed from the rationals, using
Provided that Schanuel's conjecture holds, such an algorithm was given
by Richardson [28]. His algorithm always returns correct
results, but might not terminate if one explicitly hits a counterexample
to the conjecture. Given a zero-test for exp-log constants, it can be
shown that
forms an effective Hardy field [22].
Let be a Hardy field. Given
, there exists a unique
, which is called the
limit of
, and
denoted by
. We say that
is closed under limits if
for all
. If
is effective and
is computable, then we say that
admits an effective limit map.
An asymptotic scale for is a
multiplicative subgroup
such that
is totally ordered for
and such
that there exists a mapping
for all
. We
the dominant monomial of
and notice that
is necessarily a
group homomorphism. If
is effective and
is computable, then we call
an effective asymptotic scale.
Assume that is closed under limits and that
also admits an asymptotic scale
. Given
we call
the dominant term of
, and notice that
. If
are both computable, then the same clearly holds for
Example for any
This both shows that
admits an effective limit
map and that it admits
as an effective
asymptotic scale. Similarly, Example 4 shows that the same
holds for
, in which case the
asymptotic scale becomes
More generally, let be an effective Hardy field
and let
be as in Section 2.4.
Assume that
admits an effective limit map and
is an effective asymptotic scale. For each
, we have shown how to
compute an equivalent
. Since
for any
the group
is totally ordered for
. This shows that
admits both an effective limit map and an effective asymptotic scale
be an effective Hardy field and let
be as in
Example 5. If
admits an effective
limit map, then so does
for all
admits an effective asymptotic scale
, then
as an effective asymptotic scale, with
for all
Let be a Hardy field which contains the identity
, as well as a steep
. If
, then also assume that
An element is said to be highly tangent to
identity if there exists a
. Equivalently, this means that
is of the form
. If
, then this is the case when
for some
. If
, then we rather should have
for some
. In particular, in
both cases we have
and even
. We will denote by
subset of
of all elements that are highly
tangent to identity.
Since Hardy fields are not necessarily closed under composition and
functional inversion, the set does not
necessarily form a group. The main aim of this section is to show that a
suitable completion of
does form a group
(Theorem 20 below). Moreover, under suitable hypothesis,
there are algorithms for computing asymptotic expansions of compositions
and functional inverses.
Lemma . Then for any germ
, we have
Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that
. For any
, we claim that
Indeed, given
, let
be such that
has constant sign and
Assume also that
is defined for
. Then
for all . We conclude that
, by letting
tend to zero.
The assumption that implies that
, whence
is strictly
increasing for sufficiently large
This shows that
indeed admits an inverse
at infinity. Let
be such that
for sufficiently large
. Setting
, our claim implies
for sufficiently large .
is strictly increasing, it follows that
. In other words,
for sufficiently large
Lemma and
. Then
for any germs
, we have
Proof. Since is a steep
element, there exists a constant
. We also notice that
. Indeed, this is immediate if
. If
for some
, since
Let us first show that ,
the function
is ultimately decreasing. For
sufficiently large
, it
follows that
Since , this shows that
Let us next show that we also have in the case
(so that
). Then Lemma 10
, whence
for some
. Let
. By what precedes, there
exists an
for all
. Modulo a further increase
, we may also arrange that
is monotonic for
It follows that
, whence
. Post-composing with
, we again obtain
Let us finally assume that .
Then the above arguments prove that
The above arguments conclude the proof in the case when
. Let us next consider
the case when we still have
is general. Let
such that
. For sufficiently
, it follows that
is comprised between
, which are both equivalent
. This shows that
As to the general case, let be such that
. By what precedes, we have
for all sufficiently large
. This shows that
Lemma and
. Let
be such that
. Then
for any
, we have
Proof. Let us first consider the case when and consider
For sufficiently large ,
Taylor's formula with integral remainder yields
For sufficiently large , the
is also monotonic, whence
By Lemma 11, we have ,
. This completes the
proof in the case when
As to the general case, we have
for all sufficiently large .
Now Lemmas 10 and 11 imply
and similarly
. Consequently,
This concludes the proof in the general case.
Lemma ,
, there exists an
Proof. Let us first consider the case when , so that
For any
, we have
, whence
. Consequently,
It thus suffices to take in order to ensure that
and therefore
Assume next that , so that
. We again have
for all
, but
this time, we rather obtain
. Therefore,
Taking , we again obtain the
desired result.
If is an effective Hardy field, then the above
lemmas lead to the following algorithm for approximate composition:
Algorithm compose
Moreover, for all with
, we have
Let be minimal with
Proof. The existence of is
ensured by Lemma 13. Since
effective, we have an algorithm for doing the test
, which enables us to compute
. Setting
our assumption that
ensures that
. The result now follows from Lemma 12.
Remark and
, it can be verified that
, that
, and that
A well-known way to solve functional equations of the form is Newton's method [6]. We will now show that
this method indeed yields a quadratic convergence in our setting.
Lemma and
be such that
. Let
be such that
Then .
Proof. Since ,
we notice that
. For all sufficiently
, we have
whence, using the ultimate monotonicity of on
Using Lemma 11, we also have and
, whence
Now implies
. Consequently,
This completes the proof.
If is an effective Hardy field, then this lemma
leads to the following algorithm for the computation of approximate
functional inverses:
Algorithm invert
Moreover, for any with
, we have
If then return
Theorem . The algorithm
iterations of the main loop.
Proof. Let us first show that
throughout the algorithm. This is clear at the start. At each iteration
, Remark 15
, so that
On termination, we have and
, whence
Applying Lemma 10 with
in the roles of
, we obtain
. Consequently,
As to the termination, consider the quantity
At the very start, we have .
At every iteration
, we have
. Lemma 16
therefore ensures that
doubles at least, whereas
the algorithm terminates as soon as
This happens after at most
We now extend the definition of high tangency to identity to all germs.
We say that a germ is highly tangent to
identity if there exists a
. We denote
the set of such germs. We say that
admits an asymptotic expansion over
if for every
there exists an element
. If we have an algorithm for computing
as a function of
then we say that
admits an effective
asymptotic expansion over
Proposition and
admit effective
asymptotic expansions over
Then so does
. If
, then
Proof. Given ,
we may compute
Assume that there exists an
. Then for all
we must have
Consequently, we may compute
. If
for all
, then we also have
for all
If , then we also get
, whence
. Moreover,
Proposition admits an effective asymptotic expansion over
. Then so does
Proof. Given ,
we may compute
. Let
. Moreover,
, whence
Combining these two propositions, we have shown the following:
The Lambert function is defined to be the
inverse function of
. Using
our algorithm, we can compute the asymptotic expansion of the inverse
This also yields the asymptotic expansion of
Let be defined formally by
and let be the Gaussian function:
For any , we have the
well-known relation
where we used the notation
The relation (6) shows that
with ,
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(i>0) |
Our algorithm now allows us to compute the asymptotic expansion of the
inverse function of Gaussian law at .
This is potentially of great interest in finance when it comes to
calculate risk measures. The formula (7) gives itself an
asymptotic expansion of a Gaussian Value-at-Risk
in terms of its confidence level
The expected shortfall of a portfolio with confidence level is the expected loss conditional that the loss is greater
than the
-th percentile of
the loss distribution. When the return of the portfolio is Gaussian with
and volatility
, the expected shortfall is
With , the relation (6)
So, for some constants , we
By inverting (7), we get an asymptotic expansion of in terms of
Let be defined by
. A well-known relation for
tells that for
Taking logarithms, we get
with . Considering the CEV
where is a Brownian motion and
denotes for instance a forward rate, the probability of absorption at
zero before
-time is given by
Inverting (9) gives a confidence interval where the
probability of absorption of is lower than
, asymptotically, for
By definition, a call option is a contract which gives to the owner the
value at a future
(known today) called maturity of the contract, where
denotes the value at
(unknown today) of an asset (like a stock) whose initial value is
today, and
is a constant
called strike (known today). The initial price of this contract is
denoted by
. In general, by
no-arbitrage arguments, the option price
always greater than the “intrinsic value”
and lower than the spot value
In the Black–Scholes model, the dynamics of
is assumed to be log-normal:
where is a Brownian motion and
is a constant parameter called volatility. In this framework, the well
known Black–Scholes formula gives the price of any call option. It
can be shown that
For simplicity, we have assumed that the interest rate is . If
are fixed, then it
is easy to see that the function
is non-decreasing and one to one from to
. Therefore, in an a
priori non Black–Scholes world and for a given call option
observed on the market, there is a unique
(or simply
) of the equation
We call the Black–Scholes implied
volatility associated to
. For different reasons [10, 30], it is interesting to invert the
Black–Scholes function
in (10).
For instance, using techniques from perturbation theory, sophisticated
stochastic models (in a non Black–Scholes world) give only
asymptotic expansions of an option price
terms of the maturity
whereas we really need a formula for the implied volatility [4,
20]. Indeed, call option prices are generally quoted in
term of implied volatilities (and not as prices). This can be achieved
in the following manner. In the Black–Scholes model and under the
conditions that
, it can be proved [14] that the
asymptotic expansion of the “time value”
of the call price
, defined
is given by
with arbitrarily large,
Therefore, setting
we have
for any integer , where
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(i>0) |
Formula (12) is nothing but another expression for
Black-Scholes formula. Hence we get an asymptotic expansion for in terms of
Note that (12) is an asymptotic expansion of a call price
in terms of
for large
. So, it gives also an asymptotic expansion of a
call price when
is large i.e. small strike or
large strike.
Notice also that there is another direct formula
, which gives an
asymptotic expansion of
in terms of
At the limit when , the first
author previously obtained a similar result [14]. Setting
this time
we have
Therefore, we get
![]() |
(i>0) |
In the Bachelier model, the dynamics of is
assumed to be normal:
where is a Brownian motion and
is a constant parameter called normal volatility. In this framework, the
of a call option with strike
and expiry
is given by Bachelier's
Denoting as before by
the time-value of the call option, we have
for . So, using (8),
we deduce an asymptotic expansion of
in terms of
for large strike or small maturity in the
Bachelier model. By inverting the Gamma function as before, this gives
an asymptotic expansion of the normal volatility in terms of the
. Therefore, by
comparing with (11), we obtain an equivalence between
normal volatility and lognormal volatility in the cases when
. For
example, when
, the first
terms of the expansion are given by
where denotes the “moneyness”
. Note
that at the money (
), we have
a closed form formula [13]:
In particular, taking the derivative in (14) and then
letting gives
where and
are the slopes
of the smiles of volatility at the money:
In particular when the volatility smile is flat
at the money (
), we have:
This is a refinement of a classical result .
In general, (15) shows that if
, then the slope of the volatility smile for the
lognormal volatility is negative and this condition holds up to order 1
By inverting (12), we get the implied lognormal volatility
from the time-value
the call-option in a model-free setting. In general, thanks to Tanaka's
theorem, this time-value can be calculated by integrating the density
function of the stochastic process between
the maturity
of the option. On the other hand,
this density function can be obtained using
Minakshisundaram–Pleijel expansion - modulo conditions of
regularity [2]. So, in general this allows to translate an
asymptotic expansion of
in an asymptotic expansion of
As an example, let us consider a local volatility model . Then Tanaka's formula reads:
In this particular case, the Minakshisundaram–Pleijel expansion gives
with and
is explictly
given by induction [11, 37]. The asymptotic
expansion (17) can be integrated by part and thus give an
asymptotic expansion for
thanks to (16).
Finally, by inverting (12), we get asymptotic expansion of
the lognormal implied volatility.
The stochastic differential equation for the CEV diffusion model is
Let be the probability density function to get
starting from
at time
. There is a closed form formula for
in terms of the modified Bessel function
with (in the most popular cases we have
) and
![]() |
The following well known asymptotic expansion for
is due to Hankel:
On the other hand, Tanaka's formula shows that the time-value
of the call-price with strike
and maturity
is given by
![]() |
For short maturities , the
combination of (18) and (20) yields an
asymptotic expansion of
that can be integrated
by parts to any order with respect to
This leads to an asymptotic expansion of the time-value
of a call price. Using an asymptotic expansion of the inverse function
of the Black-Scholes function seen in section 4.5, we
deduce an asymptotic expansion of the implied lognormal volatility of
the CEV model at any order in
We did an experimental implementation of our algorithm in the with an asymptotic expansion of the
For , our algorithm yields:
In this paper, we have presented an algorithm for calculating asymptotic expansions of functional inverses of functions that are highly tangent to identity. In particular, we obtained asymptotic expansions of the implied volatility of an option call price at any order in a model-free setting. hen, we have shown how this can be applied to the CEV model. It is envisaged to apply these techniques to more sophisticated models such as the SABR model [17]. More generally, it would be interesting to combine our approach with other algorithms for the calculation of heat kernel coefficients such as [1] to get automatic asymptotic expansion at any order of the implied volatility of option call prices for a large class of financial models [2].
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