Fast amortized multi-point evaluation

Joris van der Hoevenabc, Grégoire Lecerfbd

a. CNRS (UMI 3069, PIMS)

Department of Mathematics

Simon Fraser University

8888 University Drive

Burnaby, British Columbia

V5A 1S6, Canada

b. CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique (LIX, UMR 7161)

1, rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves

Bâtiment Alan Turing, CS35003

91120 Palaiseau, France

c. Email:

d. Email:

Preliminary version of November 3, 2023

. This paper is part of a project that has received funding from the French “Agence de l'innovation de défense”.

. This article has been written using GNU TeXmacs [18].

The efficient evaluation of multivariate polynomials at many points is an important operation for polynomial system solving. Kedlaya and Umans have recently devised a theoretically efficient algorithm for this task when the coefficients are integers or when they lie in a finite field. In this paper, we assume that the set of points where we need to evaluate is fixed and “sufficiently generic”. Under these restrictions, we present a quasi-optimal algorithm for multi-point evaluation over general fields. We also present a quasi-optimal algorithm for the opposite interpolation task.


Let be an effective field, so that we have algorithms for the field operations. Given a polynomial and a tuple of points, the computation of is called the problem of multi-point evaluation. The converse problem is called interpolation and takes a candidate support of as input.

This problem naturally relates to several areas of applied algebra, including polynomial system solving, since we may use it to verify whether all points in a given set are solutions to a system of polynomial equations. In [16], it has even be shown that efficient algorithms for multi-point evaluation lead to efficient algorithms for polynomial system solving. As an other more specific application, bivariate polynomial evaluation intervenes in computing generator matrices of geometric error correcting codes [20].

An important particular case of interpolation concerns polynomials with prescribed supports and that vanish at a given set of points. This happens in list decoding algorithms for Reed–Solomon error correcting codes; see recent complexity bounds in [7]. In the bivariate case, this task also occurs in the Brill–Noether strategy for computing Riemann–Roch spaces; see recent advances in [2]. Further applications can be found in [24].

1.1.Related work

In the univariate case when , it is well known that one may use so-called “remainder trees” to compute multi-point evaluations in quasi-optimal time [3, 9, 23]. More precisely, if stands for the cost to multiply two univariate polynomials of degree (in terms of the number of field operations in ), then the multi-point evaluation of a polynomial of degree at points can be computed in time . A similar complexity bound holds for the opposite operation of interpolation. The constants hidden in the latter “ have been studied in [5]. Recently, and under suitable technical assumptions, it has been shown that the cost of univariate multi-point evaluation (and interpolation) drops to if the set of evaluation points is fixed [13]. In this case, we do not count the cost of certain precomputations that only depend on the evaluation points and not on the polynomials to evaluate. We may also speak about the “amortized cost” of multi-point evaluation.

In the multivariate case when , no quasi-optimal algorithms are currently known for multi-point evaluation. From a theoretical point of view, the best bit-complexity bounds are due to Kedlaya and Umans, in the special cases when the coefficients of our polynomials are modular integers or when they lie in a finite field [19]. They also related the problem to other important operations such as modular composition and power projection. Their results have recently been refined in [17]. Over general fields and for , the best known bound is ; due to Nüsken and Ziegler [26].

The multivariate interpolation problem turns out to be more intricate than evaluation, and fewer efficient algorithms are known. Using naive linear algebra, one may design polynomial time algorithms, but with costs that are higher than quadratic in . To our knowledge no interpolation method has been designed in the vein of the Kedlaya–Umans evaluation algorithms. Several methods are surveyed in [10] for instance, but, here, we will focus on symbolic approaches and their asymptotical complexity bounds.

Concerning the computation of polynomials that vanish at a given set of points, with suitable constraints on the supports, early methods can be found in [1, 22, 24]: Gröbner bases of the ideal made of these polynomials are obtained with cost at least cubic in . After a generic change of coordinates the lexicographic basis satisfies the “shape lemma” and it can be computed in softly linear time by means of univariate interpolations. In other words, our set of points is the solution set of a system and for , where and . From and the , a Gröbner basis for any other monomial ordering can be recovered with field operations thanks to the algorithm designed in [8].

In the bivariate case, with generic coordinates, from the latter univariate parametrization, and given , we may compute a basis of the -module of polynomials of degree in that vanish at . Indeed this reduces to computing a basis of the kernel of the map

This kernel is a free -module of rank . The basis in Popov form can be computed with operations in ; this complexity bound is due to Neiger [25]. Taking , the latter cost rewrites . The bivariate interpolation problem can be solved with the same kind of complexity bound by means of linear algebra algorithms that exploit displacement ranks [4].

In a more general setting, one may consider evaluation at “multisets of points” in the sense that values of polynomials and of certain of its derivatives are involved. The converse problem is usually called Hermite interpolation, so values for the polynomial and its derivative are prescribed. We will not address these extended problems in the present paper.

1.2.Our contributions

In this paper, we turn our attention to the amortized cost of multivariate multi-point evaluation. Given a “sufficiently generic” tuple of evaluation points, we first construct a suitable “evaluation tree” that is similar to the remainder trees from the univariate case. After this precomputation, we next show how to evaluate polynomials at in quasi-optimal time. For instance, for a fixed dimension , a sufficiently large base field , and a polynomial of partial degrees for , we show how to compute in time . We also show how to do the opposite operation of interpolation with a similar complexity. It can be shown that the “constant factors” in the big-Oh hide a factorial dependence in .

Our algorithms rely on suitable genericity hypotheses that ensure the existence of Gröbner bases of a specific shape for the vanishing ideal at the evaluation points. This will be detailed in section 3. Another key ingredient is an algorithm from [14] for the relaxed reduction of polynomials with respect to such Gröbner bases or more general sets of polynomials. In this paper, all reductions will be done with respect to so-called “axial bases”, which provide sufficiently good approximations of the actual Gröbner bases of . This will be detailed in section 4.

Having an efficient algorithm for reducing polynomials with respect to , we may use it as a generalization of Euclidean division. In sections 5 and 6, this allows us to generalize the remainder tree technique to higher dimensions, and establish our complexity bounds for amortized multi-point evaluation and interpolation. It is also noteworthy that the necessary precomputations can be done using linear algebra in time , where is a feasible exponent for matrix multiplication.

When comparing our new amortized bound with the traditional bound in the univariate case, we note that we lose a factor . This is due to the fact that we rely on relaxed computations for our polynomial reductions. With a bit of work, a factor might be removed by exploiting the fact that our polynomials are not really sparse, so that we may take in the proof of Theorem 6 (under our assumption that is fixed and with the notation defined in [14]). It is plausible that the second logarithmic factor can be further reduced using techniques from [12] or a clever Newton iteration.

Our genericity assumptions can also be weakened significantly: with the notations from section 4, it is essentially sufficient to assume that . Another interesting question is whether the cost of the precomputations can be lowered. Under additional genericity assumptions, this is indeed possible when : using the probabilistic algorithm of type Las Vegas from [4], the precomputations take an expected number of field operations.


For complexity analyses, we will only consider algebraic complexity models (such as computation trees). In other words we will simply count numbers of arithmetic operations and zero-tests in .

Throughout this paper, we assume to be a feasible exponent for matrix multiplication with . This means that two matrices in can be multiplied in time . Le Gall has shown in [21] that one may take .

We denote by the time that is needed to compute a product of two polynomials of degree . We make the usual assumption that is non-decreasing as a function of . It is also convenient to assume that for . Using a variant of Schönhage–Strassen's algorithm [6, 28, 29], it is well known that . If we restrict our attention to fields of positive characteristic, then we may take [11].

In order to use the extended multivariate reduction algorithms from [14], sparse polynomial arithmetic is needed. A sparse representation of a polynomial in is a data structure that stores the set of the non-zero terms of . Each such term is a pair made of a coefficient and a degree vector. In an algebraic complexity model the bit size of the exponents counts for free, so the relevant size of such a polynomial is the cardinality of its support.

Consider two polynomials and of in sparse representation. An extensive literature exists on the general problem of multiplying and ; see [27] for a recent survey. For the purposes of this paper, a superset for the support of will always be known. Then we define to be the cost to compute , where is the maximum of the sizes of such a superset and the supports of and . Under suitable assumptions, the following proposition will allow us to take in our multivariate evaluation and interpolation algorithms.

Proposition 1. Let be positive integers and let in be of multiplicative order at least .

  1. The set made of the products for can be computed using operations in .

  2. Let and be in , in sparse representation, and let be a superset of the support of . Assume that for , and that has been precomputed. Then the product can be computed using operations in , where denotes the maximum of the sizes of and the supports of and .

Proof. The first statement is straightforward. The second one is simply adapted from [15, Proposition 6].

Computing an element of sufficiently large multiplicative order depends on the ground field . In characteristic zero, any integer different from and will do. For finite fields of characteristic , working in an algebraic extension yields elements of order up to . In the context of Proposition 1, we may take . In infinite fields of positive charactersitic , elements of arbitrarily large orders exist, but they may be hard to access without prior knowledge. However, this is mostly a theoretical problem: in practice, we usually either know a transcendental element of infinite order or a way to construct arbitrarily large finite fields inside .

3.Gröbner bases for generic sets of points

For variables and exponents , we define , , and . The monoid comes with a natural partial ordering that is defined by

We also assume that we fixed a total admissible ordering on that extends and which turns into a totally ordered monoid. Given a polynomial

we call its support. If , then we define

to be the dominant monomial of .

3.1.Polynomials that vanish on a finite set of points

Let be a finite set of monomials. Given a polynomial and a finite tuple of points , we have

The set of tuples of points for which the matrix

is non-invertible forms a proper Zariski closed subset of . If is algebraically closed, then its open complement is actually non-empty:

Lemma 2. Assume that is algebraically closed. Then there exists a tuple of points for which is invertible.

Proof. Let be a point such that are pairwise distinct; such a point exists since is algebraically closed. Now take for . Then have

whence is an invertible Vandermonde matrix.

The lemma shows that is invertible for a “generic” tuple of points . Assume from now on that this is indeed the case and let us write for the ideal of polynomials such that . For any other monomial and , we have

whence if and only if


This shows that form a basis for the quotient algebra and it provides us with a formula to express in terms of these basis elements.

3.2.Gröbner bases

Let be such that is the set of smallest elements of for each and with respect to the total ordering . We define to be the set of smallest elements of the complement for . By Dickson's lemma, this set is finite and it forms an antichain for . Let be a generic tuple of points in the sense that is invertible.

Proposition 3. For each , let


where satisfy (1) for . Then forms the reduced Gröbner basis of with respect to .

Proof. Let be the set of dominant monomials of non-zero elements of . Given , we have : otherwise, for certain , which is impossible since is invertible. Conversely, (1) implies that for all , whence .

Now it is well known that is a finite segment of for and that each minimal element corresponds to exactly one polynomial in the reduced Gröbner basis with dominant monomial . Now such a reduced polynomial is by definition of the form with . But (2) shows how to compute the unique polynomial of that form.

Example 4. Let be a graded ordering for . For any , we have and for . The -th column of contains the -th coordinates of the points of . If these columns are not linearly independent then is not invertible. If is any invertible matrix over , and if denotes then the columns from to of are linearly dependent, so is not invertible. This example illustrates that the genericity of a tuple of points cannot be necessarily recovered after a linear change of the coordinates.

4.Relaxed reduction with respect to axial bases

Let be as in the previous section, with a total admissible ordering , and let be a generic tuple of points. We need a way to efficiently reduce polynomials with respect to the Gröbner basis . Since the entire Gröbner basis can be voluminous to store, we will only reduce with respect to a special subset of “axial” basis elements. This also requires us to work with respect to a weighted total degree ordering .

4.1.Axial bases

For , we define

so that contains a unique element with dominant monomial . We define to be the axial basis of . Although this set is not a “basis” of , it forms a sufficiently good approximation of for the purposes of this paper. We define

to be the set of monomials that are not divisible by any of the monomials . We also define to be the -vector spaced spanned by the elements of .

4.2.Weighted total degree orderings

In all what follows, we assume that the ordering is graded by a weighted total degree. This means that there exist positive real weights such that for all , we have

Here and “ stands for the dot product: . Let


Geometrically speaking, the exponents with correspond to lattice points inside or on the boundary of the simplex with vertices , , , , . For fixed and large (whence ), it follows that

where stands for the cardinality of . In the remainder of this paper, we assume that and have been fixed once and for all. Our asymptotic complexity estimates hold for large and under this assumption.

Remark 5. If , then one may take to be the usual graded reverse lexicographic ordering. In that case, the are of the same order of magnitude and is approximately a hypercube. Considering general weights gives us more flexibility in the choice of and allows us to deal with more general hyperrectangular supports.

4.3.Relaxed reduction

Given a polynomial , an extended reduction of with respect to is a relation


with and . Extended reductions are computed by reducing with respect to as long as there exists an index for which divides . There are many ways to compute extended reductions of depending on the way we chose the index in case of multiple options. If we always privilege the lowest possible index , then the process is deterministic and we call (3) “the” extended reduction of with respect to . In that case, we define and call it the remainder of with respect to . Using relaxed evaluation, this remainder can be computed efficiently:

Theorem 6. Let be integers, let , and let be such that for . Then an extended reduction (3) can be computed in time

whenever an element of multiplicative order is given in .

Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that

We use the reduction algorithm from [14] with the reduction strategy that always reduces with respect to the axial element for which is minimal. Then we claim that the supports of the successive reductions of are all contained in the set

Indeed, let , let be minimal such that divides , and consider a monimial in the support of . It suffices to show that . Let be such that . For , the relations and imply

Now , whence

For , we directly have

Having shown our claim, we next observe that for all and , whence and . In particular, the size of the support of the and in the extended reduction (3) is bounded by . The theorem now becomes a consequence of [14, Theorem 4] and Proposition 1, by taking .

Remark 7. If is the finite field and if , then we can apply Theorem 6 over an algebraic extension of degree

Constructing this extension can be done using operations in by [30, Theorem 3.2]. The primitive root of can be obtained in negligible expected time using a probabilistic algorithm of Las Vegas type. Then the complexity bound in Theorem 6 becomes

5.Multi-point evaluation

The fast algorithms for multi-point evaluation of univariate polynomials make use of the technique of remainder trees [3, 9, 23]. For instance, the remainder tree for four points is the labeled binary tree given by


Given a polynomial to evaluate at these four points, we compute the remainders of with respect to each of the polynomials at the nodes, in a top-down fashion. For instance, the value at is obtained as

Using Theorem 6, we may use a similar technique for multivariate polynomials and points : we replace each polynomial by the axial basis :


We may then compute the evaluation of at using

We will call (5) an evaluation tree.

5.1.Evaluation trees and multi-point evaluation

In order to specify our general algorithms for multi-point evaluation and the computation of evaluation trees, it is convenient to introduce a few more notations. Given a vector , we will write

where represents the largest integer smaller or equal to . The least integer larger or equal to is written .

Given vectors and , we also write

for their concatenation. Given , we may use the following recursive algorithm to compute the evaluation tree for :

Algorithm EvalTree()

Input: a vector of points .

Output: an evaluation tree for .

Compute the axial basis for .

If , then return a leaf, labeled by .

Let and .

Return the tree with root labeled by and children , .

We regard the computation of an evaluation tree as a precomputation. Given an evaluation tree for , we may efficiently evaluate polynomials at all points using the following algorithm:

Algorithm Eval()

Input: a polynomial and an evaluation tree for .

Output: the vector .

Let be the axial basis attached to the root of .

Let .

If , then return .

Let and be the two children of the root of .

Return .

5.2.Complexity analysis

The algorithms and actually work for arbitrary point vectors : it suffices to use a general purpose algorithm to compute Gröbner bases for the ideals , from which we can then extract the required axial bases. We say that is hereditarily generic if is invertible for all . In that case, each of the required axial bases during recursive calls can be computed using Proposition 3.

Theorem 8. The algorithms and are correct. Let with and for , and . If is hereditarily generic, then the running times of and are respectively bounded by

whenever an element of multiplicative order is given in .

Proof. By induction on , the algorithms and are clearly correct. Using Proposition 3 and linear algebra, we see that the computation of in the first step of can be done in time , for some constant . The running time therefore satisfies

By induction on , this yields , where

Again using induction on , we also note that is increasing. It follows that for . Unrolling the equation

we find

As to the running time of , we recall that , whence for some constant that depends on . Theorem 6 also implies the existence of a constant such that

Modulo a further increase of , the first and third relation may be combined such as to replace the third relation by

By unrolling the latter inequality in a similar way as above for powers of two, we obtain , while using our assumption that is non-decreasing.

Remark 9. If and the first coordinates of the evaluation points are pairwise distinct, then precomputations can be handled more efficiently as follows. The annihilating polynomial takes operations in , using the formula

With a similar cost we can also interpolate the polynomial of degree satisfying for .

Setting for , we note that . Determining the coordinates of in the basis of the quotient ring of reduces to computing polynomials in of respective degree less than and a scalar such that

Assuming that , a non-trivial solution can be computed in expected time using the probabilistic algorithm of Las Vegas type underlying [4, Corollary 1]. Since is invertible, the value found for cannot be zero, and we obtain the solution of (1) in this way.


In the univariate case, the technique of remainder trees can also be used to efficiently reconstruct a polynomial from its values at distinct points . This basically amounts to reversing the evaluation process, while using the Chinese remainder theorem to reconstruct from and for coprime polynomials and . For such reconstructions using the Chinese remainder theorem, it is useful to precompute the “cofactors” with , , , and , after which

These cofactors are typically stored in an upgraded version of the remainder tree.

In our multivariate setting, a similar idea works, modulo some additional precautions when computing the cofactors. The cofactors are most easily constructed via their evaluations. Indeed, consider a tuple of points with and its decomposition . Then the first element of the axial basis of certainly vanishes at and we wish to let it play the same role as above. The corresponding cofactor should satisfy , so we may compute it through interpolation from its evaluation at . However, this requires not to vanish at any of the entries of . Now the set of tuples of points for which one of the entries of vanishes forms a Zariski closed subset of dimension ; for a “generic” tuple of points, both and (where ) are therefore invertible. Given , this allows us to reconstruct from and using

More generally, we define to be super-generic if it is hereditarily generic and, for all and , we have .

6.1.Interpolation trees and interpolation

Let us now detail the interpolation algorithm that was summarized and explained above. Similarly to the case of multi-point evaluation, it relies on the construction of an interpolation tree, which contains the required cofactors. Contrary to before, the construction of this tree recursively involves interpolations (in order to reconstruct the cofactors from their evaluations).

Algorithm IpolTree()

Input: an evaluation tree for a super-generic vector .

Output: an interpolation tree for .

If , then return a leaf.

Let be the axial Gröbner basis attached to the root of .

Recursively apply the algorithm to the children , of , yielding , .

Let , be the first entries of the axial bases associated to the roots of , .

Compute and .

Compute and .

Return the tree with root labeled by and children , .

Algorithm Ipol()

Input: and the interpolation tree for .

Output: with .

If , then return .

Let , be the first entries of the axial bases associated to the roots of , .

Let , be the children of .

Let be the label of the root of .

Let and .

Return .

6.2.Complexity analysis

Theorem 10. The algorithms and are correct. If is super generic, then the running times of and are respectively bounded by

whenever an element of multiplicative order is given in , where .

Proof. By induction on , the algorithms and are clearly correct. Let us start with the complexity bound for . We have , , , and , for , where . Theorem 6 therefore implies the existence of constants and with

By unrolling the latter inequality in a similar way as in the proof of Theorem 8 for powers of two, we obtain , while using our assumption that non-decreasing.

As to the construction of the interpolation tree, Theorem 6, together with the bound for of Theorem 8, and imply the existence of other constants and with

Unrolling the latter inequality yields .



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