. This work has
partially been supported by the ANR Gecko project.
Consider two polynomials
Let be the set of floating point numbers with an
-bit mantissa and an
-bit exponent. Each non-zero number
of this kind can be written as
, with
In what follows, is assumed to be fixed once and
for all. For the sake of simplicity, we will not study overflows and
underflows in detail and instead make the assumption that
has been chosen large enough with respect to the input
data. Consider two polynomials
with coefficients in . For
definiteness, we will assume
. In this paper, we study the
problem of multiplying
Using FFT-multiplication [CT65], the polynomials and
can in principle be multiplied
in time
. Here
is the complexity of
integer multiplication [SS71] and it can be assumed that
increases with
Alternatively, one may rewrite
as “floating point polynomials”, with an
-bit integer exponent and
polynomials with
-bit integer
coefficients as mantissas. Using Kronecker's method, we may then
in time
, where
. If
then this complexity can be improved a bit further into
by using
multiplications of degrees
In the case when the coefficients of are all of
the same order of magnitude, and similarly for
, the above algorithms are very efficient and
numerically stable. In section 2, we will give a more
detailed uniform error analysis. Unfortunately, the algorithms are very
unstable if the coefficients of
are not of the same order of magnitude. For instance,
the transformation of
into floating point polynomials
amounts to neglecting the coefficients
. In particular, when
, only the
leading coefficient
of the product will be
computed with a satisfactory accuracy.
A situation which arises often in practice is that the above fast multiplication algorithms can be made numerically stable using a suitable scaling
For instance, in the above example when ,
we may multiply
This scaling method is particularly useful in the case when and
are truncations of formal
power series. In section 3, we will briefly explain why and
we refer to [vdH02a, Section 6.2] for a more detailed
However, fast multiplication with scaling only works in the case when
the coefficients of have similar orders of
magnitude for a suitable
Geometrically speaking, this means that the roots of
all lie in a “not so large” annulus around the circle of
. In practice, this
condition is not always satisfied, which leaves us with the question of
designing a more general multiplication algorithm which is both
asymptotically fast and numerically stable.
In its full generality, this problem is ill-posed. For instance, in
cases when cancellation occurs, it is impossible to design an algorithm
which computes all coefficients with a relative
error bounded by
. A simple
example of this situation is the computation of
. Nevertheless, such cancellations can only occur
“below” the “numerical Newton polygon” of
: when using the naive
multiplication algorithm, based on the convolution sums
the coefficients which correspond to vertices of
this Newton polygon are computed accurately, with a relative error
bounded by
. Numerical Newton
polygons will be defined and discussed in section 4. They
are the natural numeric counterpart of Newton polygons for polynomials
with power series coefficients, based on the analogy between floating
point numbers and (Laurent) series, which goes back to Newton himself.
A reasonable problem is therefore to compute
with a similar kind of accuracy as the naive
multiplication algorithm does, but faster. This also leads to the
question of formalizing what can be meant by “similar kind of
accuracy”. In section 5, we define the notion of
“relative Newton error”
for the
computation of
. We regard
this notion as the natural generalization of the notion of
“relative error”, when numbers are replaced by numerical
polynomials. In section 9, we will state a few interesting
properties of this concept, which provide further evidence for its
The central part of the paper is devoted to the description of an asymptotically fast multiplication algorithm which has a good numerical stability in terms of the relative Newton error. The main ideas behind the algorithm are the following:
The product is modeled by a rectangle
in which each pair
corresponds to the computation of
Only a subregion , which
can be determined precisely (section 5), contributes
substantially to the product
The complement can be neglected.
The region can be covered by a suitable
disjoint union of rectangles
(see sections
6 and 7).
The contribution of each such rectangle to
can be computed efficiently using a fast
multiplication algorithm with scaling (section 8).
The main result of the paper is the following:
with relative Newton error
in time
provided that
Let us describe in more detail the second classical multiplication
algorithm mentioned in the introduction, when the coefficients of are of the same order of magnitude, and similarly for
. We start with the
determination of the maximum exponents
and the approximation of and
by integer polynomials
whose coefficients have bit-sizes bounded by
. At the second step, we use Kronecker's method for
the multiplication of
. Taking
the product
can be reconstructed [Kro82,
Sch82] from the product of the integers
. Assuming that
, these integers have sizes
whence can be multiplied in time
We finally obtain an approximation
of the
by fitting the coefficients of
into the nearest available floating point numbers in
Let us now analyze the errors induced by the above scheme, where we
recall our assumption that no overflows or underflows occur during our
computations. When computing and
by rounding to the nearest, we obtain the uniform absolute
error bounds
denotes the sup-norm of if we consider
as a vector of coefficients. Consequently,
On the other hand, we also have the bounds
The second bound follows by considering the FFT transforms of ,
with respect to a
root of unity
. Indeed, the
sup-norms of these transforms satisfy
When , the combination of (1) and (2) yields the (rough) bound
In the case when , the
combination of (1) and (3) leads to the same
bound. In all cases, we thus obtain a uniform relative error
![]() |
(4) |
Remark , and
rely on FFT multiplication of these polynomials. At the price of
. In general, this yields only a
constant speed-up, but in the somewhat exotic case when
, this method still admits a complexity
instead of
In the case when the polynomials and
are truncations of formal power series
, the asymptotic
behaviour of the coefficients is usually of the form
![]() |
(5) |
for some suitable slowly increasing function . It is natural to rescale
by considering the polynomial
with , since its coefficients
are comparable in magnitude:
If has a similar asymptotic behaviour
![]() |
(6) |
we may then compute using the formula
and the algorithm from the previous section for the multiplication of
Now assume that we also have an asymptotic formula
Then it can be shown that the relative error of each individual
coefficient is bounded by
![]() |
(7) |
for all sufficiently large .
In other words, the multiplication method with scaling amounts to a loss
bits of precision. Under the assumption that
for a sufficiently large constant
, we are thus left with at least
correct leading bits in the mantissa of each coefficient.
The asymptotic behaviour of
is closely related
to the dominant singularities of
and for many interesting applications in combinatorics or
physics, one has
. For more
details, and the application of this technique to the relaxed
computation of formal power series, we refer to [vdH02a,
Section 6.2].
It sometimes happens that only “limsup versions”
of (5) and (6) are verified. In that case, the individual relative error estimates (7) cease to hold, but we still have the scaled uniform bound
![]() |
(8) |
which is a direct consequence of the corresponding bound (4) in the previous section.
It also frequently occurs that does not have the
same radius of convergence as
in which case we rather have an asymptotic form
Without loss of generality, we may assume that . When considering the convolution product
![]() |
(9) |
we observe that the summands approximately form
a geometric progression. In first approximation, only the last
terms therefore contribute to the leading
bits of the result (see figure 1). The computation of
can thus be reduced to the computation of the
using the notation
When computing each of these products using the scaling
and a doubled precision
, the
individual coefficients
are again obtained with a relative precision of the form
. The total cost of this algorithm is
, which reduces to
for large
and fixed
. A generalization of this idea will be analyzed in
more detail in section 7.
![]() |
Roughly speaking, the algorithms from sections 2 and 3 are numerically stable when the roots of
lie in an annulus around the unit circle
resp. the circle of radius
When this is no longer the case, one may still try to apply the
algorithm from section 3 for partial products
, using scales
vary as a function of
A central concept for doing this is the numeric Newton polygon
which is the convex hull of the half-lines
, with the convention
(see figure 2 for two
examples). The numeric Newton polygon
characterized by its exponent polynomial
with coefficients
Equivalently, we may characterize by the first
and the slopes
. Notice that
It is easy to compute the vertices ,
of the Newton polynomial of
by induction over
: at each
step, we add
at the right of the sequence and
repeatedly remove the before last pair
as long
as it lies below the edge from
. Using this method, the vertices of
, as well as the numbers
, can be
computed in linear time.
The scaling operation has a simple impact on
exponent polynomials:
The norms of and
their exponent polynomials are related by
since the maximum -value of a
convex hull of a set of pairs
coincides with the
-values of the points
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Recall that the Minkowski sum of the convex sets and
is defined by
An example of a Minkowski sum is shown in figure 2. It is
convenient to regard and
as “max-plus polynomials” over the semi-algebra
in which multiplication and addition are replaced by
addition and the operator
These polynomials are convex in the sense that its sequences of
coefficients are convex. The exponent polynomial of
may then be reinterpreted as a “product” of polynomials:
Clearly, , and it is easily
shown that the slopes of
are obtained by merging
the ordered lists
. This provides us with a linear-time algorithm for
the computation of
as a function of
. The
crucial property of
is that it approximates
Proof. Let .
Applying (2) and (3), we have
Using (11) and the fact that ,
we obtain
Given arbitrary convex max-plus polynomials and
it therefore suffices to show that
Indeed, for , let
be such that
The relation is proved similarly.
It is classical that the numeric properties of a polynomial can be greatly effected by slightly modifying one of its
coefficients. For instance, if
then its root can move from
, when modifying its coefficient
by an amount as small as
Nevertheless, as we will detail in section 9, one may
expect that many of the numeric properties of
not sensibly change if we modify a coefficient
by less than
If the coefficients of
are known with absolute errors
this motivates us to introduce the relative Newton error of
For instance, if is an approximation of the
, then its relative
Newton error would typically be given by
Alternatively, we may regard as the minimal
uniform error of the approximations
for all
possible scales
In this section and the subsequent sections, we propose an efficient
algorithm for computing an approximation ,
which is numerically stable in the sense that
The first main idea behind Newton multiplication is that only part of
the products substantially contribute to
: the pair
and the corresponding product
are said to be
negligible if
Indeed, when neglecting the sum of all such products in the computation
of , the corresponding
increase of the relative Newton error is bounded by
. This follows from proposition 3
and the fact that there are at most
which contribute to a fixed coefficient
. The left-hand picture in figure 3
illustrates a typical zone of non-negligible contributions
. The lower and upper limits
of this zone are increasing functions in
and can therefore be determined in linear time
as a function of
A set of pairs
is said
to be negligible if each of its elements is negligible. A partial
is said to be negligible if
is negligible and admissible if there
exists no proper subrectangle
such that
is negligible. Clearly,
any non-negligible partial product
gives rise to
a unique admissible partial product
by taking
to be the smallest subrectangle whose complement
is negligible. Any subdivision
![]() |
(12) |
therefore gives rise to a new disjoint union
![]() |
(13) |
of admissible subrectangles, whose complement in
is negligible. The second disjoint union will be called the
admissible part of the first one. The right-hand side of figure
3 illustrates the admissible part of a so-called product
subdivision (see section 7 below).
Our next task is to find a suitable subdivision (12) with
admissible part (13), such that can
be computed both efficiently and in a numerically stable way. The second
main idea behind Newton multiplication is to search for a subdivision
such that the products
can be performed using
suitable scalings and such that the rectangles
are yet reasonably large. As a first step in this construction, we will
approximate the Newton polygons of
by simpler ones, merging those edges whose slopes differ
only by a small amount.
Given a slope and a convex max-plus polynomial
, we define the
Then the individual exponents of
lie in a strip of height
![]() |
(14) |
In the particular case when equals the main
slope of
we call the discrepancy of
and also denote it by
For any
and any second convex max-plus
, the convexity of
More generally, one defines the -discrepancy
on a range
and similarly
. We have
for any subdivision of the range into
Let us now return to the approximation of the Newton polygon by a new one with fewer edges. Let
be an arbitrary but fixed constant, such as
, and denote
We now construct the sequence
by taking each
maximal such that
figure 4 below). Using the convexity of
, it is not hard to check that this
construction can be done in linear time using a single traversal of
. The edges of
are well-approximated by a single edge from
. A similar sequence
is constructed for
A first candidate for the subdivision (12) is the product subdivision:
![]() |
(18) |
where the and
are as in
the previous section. Figure 3 shows an example of a
product subdivision.
, there exist at most
rectangles in the product subdivision, for which
the admissible part contains a pair
Proof. Assume the contrary and let and
be the top left and bottom
right rectangles in the product subdivision, for which the admissible
parts contribute to
. We have
By symmetry, we may assume
. Now consider the
convex max-plus polynomials
Using (17), we have .
From (15) and (16), we thus get
Now coincides with
whence there exists an index
which means that the pair is negligible. But
this is only possible if either
is also negligible. This, in its turn, implies that either
the rectangle
or the rectangle
is negligible, in contradiction with our hypothesis.
rectangles in the product subdivision, and they can be computed in
linear time.
Proof. The first assertion follows from the
facts that each diagonal with
intersects at most
rectangles and that there are
less than
such diagonals. The rectangles can be
computed in time
, by
following the lower and upper limits
of the zone of non-negligible pairs.
The subdivision we are really after refines (18). More
precisely, consider a non-negligible rectangle
of the form
. Let
be the slope of on
necessary, we may assume without loss of generality that
. We now construct the sequence
, by choosing each
minimal such that
, and
![]() |
(19) |
We may re-interpret figure 1 as an illustration of the
non-negligible pairs inside the rectangle ,
together with the subdivision (19) and its corresponding
admissible part. Performing the replacement (19) for all
non-negligible rectangles
in (18),
while leaving the negligible rectangles untouched, we obtain a finer
subdivision of
, which we
call the Newton subdivision.
, there exist at most
rectangles in the Newton subdivision, for which the
admissible part contains a pair
Proof. Consider a non-negligible rectangle in the product subdivision. In view of lemma (4), it suffices to show that there exists at most
rectangles in the admissible part of its subdivision (19) which contribute to
Now assume that and
and assume that
. Setting
, we then have
This shows that the pair is negligible. We
conclude that the diagonal
intersects at most
admissible rectangles.
rectangles in the Newton subdivision, and they can be computed in
linear time.
We can now describe our algorithm for computing the product . We start by the computation of the admissible
part of the Newton subdivision. For each rectangle
in this admissible part, we compute its contribution to
as follows. By construction, we have
. Setting
we compute the contribution
using the multiplication method with scaling
from section 3,
![]() |
(20) |
using a precision of instead of
bits. The final result
is obtained by summing
all partial products
using straightforward
floating point arithmetic. This algorithm leads to the following
refinement of theorem 1.
, which computes
relative Newton error
![]() |
(21) |
Proof. We claim that the computation of the
product (20) using a precision of
bits contributes to the relative Newton error of the global product
by an amount which is bounded by
. This clearly implies (21), since
for a fixed coefficient
in the product, at most
partial products of the form
contribute to
Setting ,
, the bound (8)
For any , the bounds (2), (14) and proposition 3 also
Combining both estimates, we obtain
This completes the proof of our claim.
The proof of the complexity bound relies on lemma 6. Let
be the admissible part of the Newton subdivision and let . Consider the total length
of the left borders and the lower borders of all rectangles . Since every diagonal hits the union of these
borders in at most
points, we have
. The total cost of all multiplications
is therefore bounded by
This completes the proof of our theorem.
Remark .
Now that we have an efficient multiplication which is numerically stable in terms of the relative Newton error, it is interesting to investigate this concept a bit closer. First of all, its name is justified by the property
which follows from proposition 3. Some natural numeric
quantities associated to a numeric polynomial
are its coefficients, its roots and its evaluations at points. For our
notion of relative Newton error to be satisfactory, a small relative
Newton error should therefore imply small relative errors for the
coefficients, the roots and evaluations at points.
Now the example from the introduction shows that
it is impossible to obtain good relative errors for all coefficients.
Nevertheless, given a polynomial
with a small
relative Newton error
, we
can at least guarantee small relative errors
those coefficients
which correspond to vertices
of the Newton polygon. For most practical
purposes, we expect this to be sufficient. However, theoretically
speaking, the naive multiplication algorithm of polynomials sometimes
provides better relative errors for other coefficients. This is for
instance the case when squaring a polynomial of the form
, where
is very small
compared to
For what follows, it will be convenient to redefine . Let
denote the set of
roots of
, ordered by
increasing magnitudes
. By
analogy with the power series setting, the norms
roughly correspond to the slopes
of the Newton
polygon. We expect the existence of a bound
although we have not yet proved this. The worst case arises when admits a single root of multiplicity
We define the relative distance between
(not both zero) by
and the relative distance between
, counted
with multiplicities, by
Clearly, the relative error of the evaluation of
increases when
. The following
proposition shows that the relative error of
be kept small as long as
is sufficiently large.
Proof. Modulo a suitable scaling and
multiplication of by a constant, we may assume
without loss of generality that
. We claim that
so, considering FFT transforms with respect to a -th root of unity
we get
Since , its coefficients are
known with absolute errors
We can therefore evaluate
with absolute error
and relative error
Let us finally consider the computation of the roots
in the case when
is known with relative Newton
. The worst case again
arises when
has a single root of multiplicity
. Indeed, a relative error
gives rise to a
relative error
so that we cannot expect anything better than
for each
. Nevertheless,
given an isolated root
, we have
Using a similar argument as in the proof of proposition 10, it follows that
Indeed, after reduction to the case when and
, we combine the facts that
In this paper, we have presented a fast multiplication algorithm for
polynomials over , which is
numerically stable in a wide variety of cases. In order to capture the
increased stability in a precise theorem, we have shown the usefulness
of numeric Newton polygons and the relative Newton error. Even though
our algorithm was presented in the case of real coefficients, it is
straightforward to generalize it to the complex case.
Multiplication being the most fundamental operation on polynomials, it can be hoped that fast and numerically stable algorithms for other operations (division, g.c.d., multi-point evaluation, etc.) can be developed along similar lines. This might for instance have applications to polynomial root finding [Pan96]. Indeed, an operation such as the Graeffe transform can be done both efficiently and accurately using our algorithm.
The multiplication algorithm with scaling from [vdH02a,
Section 6.2] and section 3 has been implemented inside the
with a
precision typically takes about one minute. One reason behind this
efficiency stems from the reduction to Kronecker multiplication. Indeed,
multiple precision libraries for floating point numbers, such as
Only a preliminary version of Newton multiplication has been implemented
so far inside
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